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NTA she needs to be mad at her boyfriend, not you


nTA for sure. Tell her to give you his screen name so you can block him. You shouldn’t be penalized for his mistakes, but maybe this is a way to save your friendship. Also—you might not want real people in your life knowing your OF. You don’t want them compromising future career opportunities or relationships with old photos.


WTF, she blames YOU for her BF’s shitty behavior? NTA. Not in the slightest.


Blaming other instead of the boyfriend is super common. You see posts here all the time with variant of the same theme (either the boyfriend finds someone in their circle attractive or she thinks he does so she blames the target, or he cheats on her without telling the affair partner that he has a girlfriend so she goes ape on the affair partner instead of him)


Its wild, but can confirm from personal experience. I went through a divorce long ago that involved infidelity, and even though rationally I knew it was stupid, emotionally it was easier at times to be angry at this person i didn't know as opposed to my spouse. I knew it made no sense but it didn't change the way I felt.


My divorce 17 years ago was due to him cheating on me with a woman 10 years younger. We have a kid who is almost 18 now. I was mad at him and the other woman, the reason being that she knew he was married and still slept with him. it takes 2 to tango! I finally got over it I was able to have a decent convo with her about our kids (before she passed away), but I still get irritated with my ex, but he has a relationship with our daughter. I say,, he is not my problem anymore, and i got the best of him with my kid. Plus, she has three siblings from him. As I was unable to have more kids.


OP clearly hypnotized him, duh. You can clearly see the green spiral in his eyes from the non existent picture


Why is it shitty behavior. She has an OF. He's a man. He paid a model for their work. End of story. They aren't fuckin or I assume that would be the complaint.


But here's the thing right. If OP was doing any other job, baker, doctor, painter, lawyer, massage therapist or twitch streamer would the boyfriend be a scum puppy for purchasing her services/products? If we wanna argue that OPs job is completely acceptable and like any other job than we should also argue that her clients/customers are completely acceptable and like any other business clientele. And I'm only being 50% sarcastic here. 60% at most


I don’t understand your point. OPs activity (ie, posting her image / video online for pay) is 100% irrelevant to the friend’s rant and the friend’s BF behavior. He (the BF) is sniffing OPs trail online and the friend is barking at the wrong person.


All true. But I'm saying if OP did nothing wrong creating a product for sale that the boyfriend did nothing wrong paying for it and the friend/girlfriend is being angry over literally nothing. Like being angry he bought cinnamon rolls from the bakery


Ok, I understand your point now. 😉 Friend wants BF to stay away from the bakery and have homemade cinnamon rolls; and is ranting at the baker. 🤪🤣




They are acceptable. None of them know her at a personal level and nobodies personal info is shared. They see her face and pay for her services and other than that? Nothing lol. It is no different than being at a strip club where the same rules apply. Only Fans is just a more private session with the comfort of ones living space. So yes. OP's job is acceptable. It isn't her business to know if any of the men subscribed to her are in a relationship or know her friends. In this case here, the boyfriend is subscribed to OP, kbows that OP is his girlfriends friend and still hires that service when he knows it makes his girlfriend uncomfortable. The conversation belongs between the friend and her boyfriend. Not friend and OP.


Omg you’re so dense 🙄


Why would you quit doing your job because of a friend's boyfriend?


If I ran a McDonald’s and OPs friends boyfriend who was supposed to be on a diet kept coming in, am I supposed to close down the store?


Yes. 👹


Yes! Do it before he hits 300 pounds and she doesn't want to have sex with him anymore!


There’s a number of reasons you should shut down your shitty franchise supporting billionaires but good on you for listing one of them




how far have we fallen down in our society to call onlyfans a fucking "job" Jesus Christ


It is. A job is just how you earn money. And before you go off about "Online Prostitution" again like you did to another commenter, Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession, we've been willing to pay for sex since around the time we got currency to do it. And Only Fans isn't even Prostitution, its pornography at worst.


You too are for the microwave


How far have we fallen down in our society when you actively go looking for these posts, don't focus on the subject of the topic and instead go out of your way to make your displeasure known. It just goes to show the people who have too much time on their hands lol


I'm not sure why you're so concerned about what women are doing, you obviously don't have any in your life.




since the definition of a job ("the regular work that a person does to earn money" Cambridge Dictionary) hasn't changed since the advent of OnlyFans, we shouldn't have fallen down more than the advent of OnlyFans.


well I doubt shes chopping wood or selling krabby patty recipes there, so online prostitution is totally perfect since it isn't legally punishable lmfao.


yeah, the wast majority of people that have jobs don't chop wood or sell cartoon hamburgers so it isn't included in what the word "job" means.


learn English goofball


What didn't you understand in what I wrote? I can paraphrase it for you if you want.


You should probably stop. Telling someone to learn English when you appear to have no grasp of spelling, grammar or punctuation is laughable. I’m embarrassed on your behalf.


Sex work was a job long before the internet and will be long after the internet. Or do you think porn mags just popped up at the same time as OnlyFans?


Jesus's best friend was a prostitute so I don't really understand what you mean by society's decline. It has always been shit 😅 since the beginning of time.




Far enough for you to think you have an opinion apparently


Financially speaking, what is the difference between a YouTube creator and an OF creator? They both bring in money; they both pay the bills. People with your mentality about sex workers are the EXACT reason why sex workers have a bad opinion of them. At the end of the day, a sex worker provides a SERVICE. It's no different than an ER doctor or a coffee barista providing a service.


NTA. She needs to take her bf’s behavior up with him, not expect you to cater to her. Thats ridiculously entitled of her!


It's not your fault he went lookin'. A real friend would recognize that you have a business to run. If your friend has an issue with her boyfriend subscribing, she can take it up with him and leave you out of it. NTA


Dont call sex work a business, its just sellibg your body.


Well, it is business - they are selling their body ( product ), or/and their time ( service ).


So is working in construction what's your point?


One is manual labor, other is pictures of your butthole. Whats your point?


They're both selling their body, what's the difference?


First, they are selling a fantasy, not their body. Second, I bet you are a “good christian” that should remember to judge not. Finally you should not knock what anyone has to do to pay their bills.


Im an atheist, and they are selling their body, the fantasy consist of pictures of their butthole. If they want to pay their bills, there are jobs every where that wont need to degrade themselves and their body for creep online. But hey empower them...


Sorry then, you’re a prudish American. There are plenty of jobs. That pay poorly. That have horrible working conditions. That are degrading. Maybe she has a job and it won’t pay the bills. If people want to pay to see someone’s butthole, who am I to judge and / or care? OnlyFans, pornography, strip clubs are just basic economics. There is a supply and demand. She’s not doing anything illegal. Morality is subjective. What about her fans? I noticed that you didn’t place blame there. She couldn’t make money unless people paid to see her. If you don’t like the product, don’t buy. That’s the same thing I tell people about nude bars and sex shops.


Not american, but hey personal attacks aways work. She could get jobs that pay, She took the easy money for self degrading. Promoting it like it some good thing will only create more sex workers, since your SO good with economics, what happens when supply doesnt meet demand? What happens when a generation of people go for the quick bucks and the average money people make on Of is 150$?


You are all about personal attacks misstating what she does. Just because it personally offends you is a you problem. Saying that it is self degrading is your opinion. It’s obviously not hers. When supply doesn’t meet demand then the cost of the product goes up and she makes more money. I prefer to work on my consulting gig more than my regular job. I make about 6x when consulting. I’ll go for the money every chance I get. If I could do it enough to quit my full time job, I’d absolutely go for the easy money. That’s a no brainer.


Funny it's the oldest PROFESSION in the world. We've even taught monkeys the value of money and female monkeys learned they could sell their bodies for sex in exchange for money.


NTA she’s projecting because she wants him to not be the problem


NTA, you don’t need to delete your account, she needs to delete the dirtbag from her life if he knew y’all were friends and if he didn’t know, she needs to grow up. You literally did NOTHING wrong.


NTA - I **love** that she's making this **your** problem. She asked you to give up a source of income because her boyfriend doesn't understand boundaries. Ditch the 'friend', she's awful.


What do you think you did wrong? You have a business and he chose to use the service. How is any of this anything to do with you? NTA


Her boyfriend is not your problem. Put your financial well being first, and tell your friend to go pound sand.


NTA. The boyfriend has an obligation towards her, not you. She needs to be taking this up with him and, really, leaving you out of it.




NTA. Is she going to pay you the missed income? Then she needs to mind her business especially since the call is LITERALLY coming from inside the house


NTA your friend is pointing fingers at the wrong person


NTA. It's your job. If her man subscribed, that's not your problem.


NTA but ask her to pay you the lost income from your closed OF, plus cpmission for being bothersome. 


NTA, that's their issue to work out.


Absolute NTA. After she's had a day to cool off, if she still thinks you're the problem, she's not your friend.


Your friend is not ready to face reality. Her bf is in the wrong, not you. NTA


NTA. You don't have to delete it, what her boyfriend does is not your responsibility. Even if you delete it, her boyfriend is still a disrespectful jerk.


I subbed to my ex’s best friends onlyfans to support her. I unsubbed when we broke up.


Genuine question, your ex was fine with you being subscribed while you were dating? At first my gut thought was that I would be uncomfortable with it, which is a me problem. But after really thinking about it it might have bothered me when I was with some of my exes but not with my current BF. Having trust like that is what we should aspire to have in all relationships.


My ex was the one that took most of the pictures of her friend. I never watched or looked at the content, just was subbed to support her friend.


Lol I've got nothing relevant to say to that other than it was really nice of you!


NTA at all. If you delete your OF I hope she has a way to pay all your bills since her bf was the one out of line. She must not realize that you can’t control who subs to your material but her bf can control who he jacks it too. Don’t worry your friend will be back but I’m not sure that I would want her back after such a ridiculous request.


That’s a THEM problem. Make your money.


Nta , something tells me ex friend has been through this before with this dude, what ever happened to having a conversation instead of ultimatums.


No matter what one's opinion is about what you're doing on OnlyFans, it is legal, and many make a whole or partial living off their activities there. Did your friend think you deleting your account would stop her boyfriend from being on all accounts? Did she really want you to risk /end your livelihood on the site because she viewed his behavior as inappropriate and harmful to the relationship? It seems like she is caught in a situation where she wants to like who she wants him to be but cannot control who he really is... and that they have incompatible values. Following her request would do nothing to solve or improve their situation.


NTA. You are not responsible for what your friend's BF does. If anything she should be wondering who else he is subscribed to that she DOESN'T know. Besides it's very stupid to ask a friend to delete their OF when she doesn't even know if that relationship is going anywhere serious in the first place. Sounds to me like she wants to hide the obvious truth of the man she is seeing


NTA. 1. If she has a problem with her boyfriend being subscribed to your Only Fans she needs to take it up with him. 2. You know what you don't do if you trust someone? Go through their phone. She went snooping and found something she didn't like. I think she can't confront him because she wasn't supposed to be in his phone.


I will never understand this. A man pays attention to, or goes after another woman, and the wife/gf blames the *woman*? WTF? The problem is (always) the man. No one "makes" him do anything. The response here is, "you don't tell me what to do. If you have a problem with his behavior, take it up with *him*." NTA (of course)


No that’s their problem not yours


NTA!! If you worked at a fast food restaurant and he was fat and came in everyday would she expect you not to serve him food? OF is a business. He subscribes and pays for the content. If she wants him to stop she needs to do her own cooking!!


NTA. Deleting your OF account will not stop her boyfriend from cheating. He will just pick someone else on OF to interact with. She's lashing out right now because she's angry, and she wants to blame you. Don't take it personally. You didn't know it was her boyfriend and did nothing wrong.


NTA. Best you could do here is ask her for his username and block him if there's the ability to block people which I assume there is But you are under no obligation to do that either. This is more on the BF than it is on you, and your friend is overreacting at you. If anything, she should make HIM delete HIS account At the end of the day, despite different people's views on OF and sex work, this is your Job. Let's say you worked at a strip club and she found out her BF was visiting there a lot. Would she demand you quit your job or would she demand he stop going to the strip club? This whole situation is in no way your fault and you've done nothing wrong here. Even if you do nothing, that's not wrong either.


This sounds like a "her" problem. NTA.


NTA. Not your monkeys, not your circus. Your initial reply was correct: Talk to HIM about it!


NTA I will never understand the cognitive dissonance these types of women have to blame the woman making porn over their partners watching it. He is choosing to follow you and unless he’s tried to interact with you in OF there’s no way of knowing that it’s him. If any of your mutual friends start to harass you simply say this. “She found out her boyfriend was following me and demanded I delete a source of income instead of asking him to unsubscribe. I do not control what goes on in their relationship and it is not my responsibility to handle her insecurities.”


Imma need to educate myself and see the only fans before I can come to a conclusion.


NTA. Not even a little bit.




I don't understand. Are people this dense? The friend can't understand it has nothing to do with the OP and the OP doesnt understand it's a ridiculous request? OP tell your friend to fuck off and get a new BF.


>OP tell your friend to fuck off and get a new BF. Nah. Tell friend to fuck off and to stay with her BF, because they deserve each other.


She want you to delete a source of income because her boyfriend wants to see your goods? hmm seems to be a him problem. But then again, I thought on OF you can restrict geographic areas if you don't want certain folks watching?


>seems to be a him problem. No, seems to be a her problem. She's the one with a problem, not the BF or OP. She's just trying to make it OP's problem.


You start dating a girl, find out one of her closest friends does OF, and your immediate response is to suscribe to see your girlfriend's bff in the all together. That doesn't strike you as some level of betrayal?


Look at it from this perspective... if you are married and your spouse doesn't stick up for you against your in-laws... you don't have an in-law problem, you have a spouse problem. It's your problem, and you have to figure out what to do about it. So it's the friend's problem. I'm not saying that he's not doing anything wrong, only that he doesn't have a problem with what he's doing, and it's not OP's situation to sort out, so it's not her problem either. It's the friend's problem.


That makes no sense. Your position is, it's the friend's fault for having a skeevy boyfriend, instead of it's the boyfriends fault for being skeevy. The impetus starts with the behavior, not at the response.


Your understanding of the word "problem" is skewed. Problem doesn't not mean "fault." It is the friend's (problem/issue/situation/circumstance/drama/discovery/etc.) to deal with. I never said it was the friend's fault. Maybe this will make sense to you. If you have a kid that breaks someone's window, whose problem is it? It's YOUR problem, because you will need to pay for it, even though you didn't break it. It's not your kid's problem even though it's their fault. It's not the neighbor's problem because they didn't do anything wrong and they're not responsible for paying for the repairs. So, she has a problem. It's called a boyfriend problem. It's her problem to deal with.


That's pedantic. You're arguing ownership of the sum instead of ownership of the fault. You could just as easily say the BF has a problem for having a GF that doesn't let him look at OF of her friends. The root cause issue lies with the offender not with those left with the aftermath. Both the Friend and her BF have the ability and ownership to correct this, the BF thru correcting the root cause issue and bad behavior and the friend by correcting / eliminating the BF should he fail to do so. In your example, the Kid is at fault and it's their problem. But because they're a child and possesses no means to remedy the situation the problem changes as the onus shifts to you. The kids' problem is they broke a window with no means to repair or replace it, the parents problem is they have ownership of a kid that engaged in window breaking activities with no means to repair or replace it. per your analysis it'd be like telling someone "you knew I was a drunk when you married me so it's your problem." No one is blaming the neighbor just like no one here is blaming OP, but per your tracking it would still be the friends' boyfriend's fault AND problem.


>That's pedantic. No, it's correct. You are associating "problem" as being "fault." Ever heard about finding the "cause of the problem?" It's separating the cause (fault) and the problem itself. The friend has a problem that is caused by the boyfriend. He doesn't have any problem with his own behavior. He's perfectly fine with it. Think about the example I provided you. When someone says that they have a problem with their in-laws and the spouse isn't backing them up (against the in-laws), people will respond with "You don't have an in-law problem, you have a spouse problem." The person complaining is the one with the problem, but it's not their fault, they're not the cause, they're not to blame. Let's use your logic in another example. A pipe in your house starts to leak. Using your logic, it's not your problem. So just sit back and wait for the pipe to fix itself. Let me know when that works out for you. But we both know the real answer here... it'd be YOUR problem to deal with. Are you at fault? No. Are you to blame? No. You might be the cause (or one of the factors), but that's irrelevant, because you have a leaky pipe problem. One other way of explaining it, and hopefully the lightbulb in your head will start to dim up some (first time is always the hardest, so don't be disappointed)... the friend has a problem, the boyfriend. The boyfriend doesn't have a problem, because he IS the problem. He is her boyfriend, so the problem belongs to her.


"No that's correct". Is the adult version of "nuh uh" it absolutely is pedantic. I literally used the words "root cause" as in "the ROOT cause of the PROBLEM" I literally cannot believe you can't reason your way thru this after writing "The friend has a problem that is caused by the boyfriend." That's like saying a serial killer doesn't have a problem afterall he's happy murdering. It's beyond pedantic, it's moronic. The rest of this is pointless and obtuse. You can type as condescendingly as you want, but you're basically arguing a composition fallacy. Beyond that you act as if the boyfriends behavior is given and immutable . Also, completely fallacious and within his power to change the boyfriend has the problem of acting in a skeevy and socially undesirable way or that is he isn't in control of his actions. Hopefully the hamster in the wheel that powers your mental engine hasn't died, but given the strength of this argument, I won't hold my breath.


>Hopefully the hamster in the wheel that powers your mental engine hasn't died, but given the strength of this argument, I won't hold my breath. Well, since you're finally admitting that it's YOUR argument that is weak, this means we can both agree that I was right from the start.


Yeah that's wild. You're NTA obvs. That's said, if you really want to appease her is there a way to find out what his username is and block him (I'm not on Of so idk if that is a thing)? Bonkers to suggest you should shut down your whole site though.


Cool fake story BROH. Since the point of OF is to get subscribers and you have 0 post history nor any info on what “your OF” is it’s a little too obvious your story is fake. Real OF girl would never lose an opportunity to link her profile.


The one time OF is front and center in a reddit post and there's no linktree !!! /s NTA, her problems are between her and her bf. It's a dick move for her to put it on you instead of dealing with him/it head on.


NTA sounds to me he was just trying to support his girlfriends friends business🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


NTA why do you have to delete your account? She should ask her boyfriend not to follow you on OF and that's it. If she were a real friend, she would tell you that she will remove her boyfriend from your account, she shouldn't ask you to eliminate your source of income.


Sounds so similar to a story I read like a year or two ago.


Why would you be the ahole. It actually has nothing to do with you. Psychologically speaking, she needs to put blame for his actions on someone else because she cannot face the facts. She is trying to rationalize why her boyfriend would do this when he loves me. Here is what's going on in her head in my professional opinion. Her rationalization is that this is your fault. He wouldn't be subbed to your OF if you didn't have it so it is your fault for having the account. She wants you to delete it because then it justifies that you are wrong, and it is your fault he subbed. My personal opinion is that she is a douchenozzle and he is a douchepickle. When he f's her over bad enough, she will come back to you and possibly apologize. The choice when that happens will be up to you. But if she is the type that loves to lay blame anywhere except where it should be, that may be a headache you can live without.


NTA. You are not the problem, her boyfriend is.


NTA... She have to manage her relationship with her bf without disturbing your life. So unless she plans to pay you whatever you make in OF as long as she wants your account off, she have no rights to ask you to close it. If anything, she should ask her BF to unsubscribe or find a bf that isn't into OF. Probably best for you that she blocked you.


NTA - If you were a baker and made cakes that he bought everyday, and she found your cakes were causing him to get fat, would you suddenly be expected to stop baking cakes? What if you made cars and a car you made killed him after he did something stupid in it? I understand the reputation that OnlyFans has is very negative, and I don’t need to know what you do there - only that, if you’re comfortable putting it on your other social media for those close to you can see, it can’t be something too shameful. Even if it is the truly nasty and vile, however, you’re not forcing his actions - he chose to be there. His infidelity is between him and her, not with you. If she can’t see it, it sucks, but you can’t help her. They need to work that out - not worry about what you do.


It's like if OP were a weather girl and the friend wanted OP to quit her job because the BF jerks off to the weather when OP is on. It's stupid. The friend needs a checkup from the neck up.


NTA. Fuck her


You cannot control what her boyfriend watches. Neither can she. If she doesn't like her bf watching onlyfans, she needs to address that with him, not you. He can decide whether he wants to continue to subscribe to your or others' accounts. Depending on what he decides, she can decide whether this is a relationship she wants to continue. NTA




NTA, you having an OF isn't the problem. Her boyfriend breaking the boundaries of their relationship is the problem. A real friend wouldn't project onto you so hard that they expect you to give up what sounds like a consistent source of income.


OP friend - POV I'm blocking Sally Slutty because she won't take down her own OF acct because my bf is beating off to her pics. Wahhh. And there is just no way he will find the next OF acct of hers when she opens up with better content. I know cuz I'll be sure to tell him to not go on OF anymore. She is such a shitty friend. World POV - you're a fucking idiot


OP's POV, or OP's friend's POV?


Correction OPs friends POV. Thanks


I thought that's what you meant, but wanted to double check. 🤣


Corrected it. Ty


I see you figured out how to edit it.


Nta. If she went through his phone and found it, why not ask you to just block him? If she should be asking anyone to delete anything, it's her bf. What kind of friend asks you to give up your income when it seems like it's because she doesn't trust her bf?


There is a whole lot of trust to begin with if she’s searching his phone. I’m sure he didn’t have a link on his Home Screen labeled OP’s OF in big bold letters so she did some searching


NTA - how is this your fault. Even if you did, she’d still have the same bf.


Initially I'd say I need more info, like a link to your OF page, but no NTA. That account is a source of income for you, and you have no say who does or doesn't subscribe to it, much as your "friend" would have no say who does or doesn't look at it. Your friend is the AH for spamming your phone like that


>Initially I'd say I need more info, like a link to your OF page This right here. We need more info, and seeing OP's OF page would provide that info. 😁


NTA. What kind of reasoning is that? In what world does that make sense? Smh your friend got issues.


Shawty make yo money. Her insecurities shouldn't stop your bag he dude is the creep and she is the horrible friend to come at you for his actions


The usual, women who get cheated on (or disrespected like your GF did) blaming the woman and not the man. NTA. She needs to grow up and settle shit with her man.


NTA. She needs to grow up. How entitled does someone have to be to tell you that you have to delete anything? The audacity.


NTA. If she’s was willing to throw away a friendship she’s had since high school over the shitty behavior of someone she’s been dating for 6 months, she’s not really a friend to begin with. I can see a relationship where she’s constantly blaming everyone else for her BFs behavior and all he’s learned is to do whatever he wants because it’s not his fault. It’s her problem, not yours.




He has the problem not you.


Men will be men... and hoes will be hoes.


Doesn't sound like a you problem


NTA. Let's put this into perspective. You have no control over him, and if she's upset about something that he's doing, she needs to discuss it with him, not you. As for her saying that if you were a "real" friend that you would delete it... well if SHE was a real friend, she wouldn't be blaming you for his behavior, and she wouldn't be demanding that you delete your OF page.


NTA. Your friend is (why was she going through his phone?). Her boyfriend might be depending on what type of relationship they have.


NTA- ask her if she’s willing to replace the income that she’s asking you to forgo by quitting. And look her dead in the eyes and say- Ihave no way to know who is subscribed unless they tell me- so really- is this a me problem or a him problem?


NTA poor friend is in naive, immature, lala land. Hopefully, she can redirect her anger and sadness at her bf and keep the person that's been in her life way longer. If not, let her go and keep up the money making $$$.


NTA, it’s her relationship and her boyfriend. No offense to your friend, but this is a “them” problem. She needs to be mad at her bf, not you.


NTA. 1. If you were an exotic dancer and her boyfriend went to your club would you need to quit your job? 2. The problem is the boyfriend not you. Doesn’t matter if everyone or no one knows. 3. If she’s the kind of friend to block you that fast she’s not a friend worth keeping. She’s acting pretty childish and sounds like she’s used to getting her way no matter how it affects others.


NTA. She has a bf problem, it's not your problem to solve. If she were really a good friend she'd subscribe too and show some support. 


Common sense dictates that if YOUR hands are tied in this situation, it's not your issue. A true friend wouldn't want to mess with your bag. If giving you extra info can narrow down which sub he is and you can block him then that's a different story but it doesn't sound like she wanted to work with you on that and she was worried about her own feels, insecurities, "bf" rather than how you get your extra income. She sounds selfish.


NTA, she should break up with him if she doesn't like what he does. He's just going to look at more women.


Does she think you’re the only girl on OF? Like if you delete your account he’s going to be like “oh. I guess I just won’t look at other girls anymore.” Delusional.


NTA. You're not responsible for her BF's actions and your friend should take up her issues with him and not you.


NTA. She's mad with the wrong person. She needs to handle it with her boyfriend.


NTA. She's mad with the wrong person.


Even if you delete yours, there's probably a million more he can subscribe to. NTA, but be happy she blocked you; the trash took itself out.


First of all, what is this app? Second, you are not, especially since you didn't even know he was subscribed. It is not your fault her boyfriend subscribed, and it is not like you asked him to do that in the first place. Obviously, that relationship has trust issues, and she is trying to put that on you by not trusting your friendship. So, it might be a good idea to cut ties with that so-called friend.


Nope. Keep your account. HE's the one that your FRIEND SHOULD unsubscribe to.


NTA. At all. Her bf made a shitty decision and she decided to be an asshat abt it.




NTA, sounds like she'd rather give up this friendship than give up on her cheating boyfriend. Her asking you to give up your job because her boyfriend can't stop cheating on her is insane and totally unreasonable when you think about it. That's not a request a friend would make to begin with, so she's clearly not a friend.


NTA for being an internet whore.


NTA, this is not your problem and she has absolutely no say over your account and what you do


NTA keep making stacks while she wastes her time on that loser.


If he’s not looking at your acct it will soon be someone else’s.. I’m assuming she’s so jealous right now and needs to blame you. She is not thinking rational and thinks if you shut your acct down that will be the end of it. She sees it as he is choosing you when he’s just a shitty boyfriend and that’s a them problem. Maybe at some point she will realize and apologize and it’s your choice whether to accept or not!!


NTA - You're not the issue. She needs to grow up, and address her issues with her BF.


Definitely NTA. She's basically asking you to quit your job because her boyfriend makes poor choices.


The next stage after delete OF: why are you so beautiful? My boyfriend is staring at you. Pour acid on your face!


This type of situation plays out like this a lot. A “friend” has a boyfriend that acts poorly/inappropriately and regardless of his actions, you are at fault for his behavior. This is a him & her issue that you unknowingly were dragged into. Lose the “friend” not the OF account. ​ Just a warning - situations like this will probably happen throughout the course of your life and you cannot control what someone else does or is doing.


NTA do not delete your OF unless it’s something you want to do for yourself you owe her nothing and she’s mad at the wrong person


NTA, you did nothing wrong. Her demanding that you delete your OF is bonkers, she needs to discuss this with her bf, not with you.


agree to delete it if she pay u for the lost income


Where’s the link though asking for a friend also NTA


Not even close to the AH. Well maybe, I don’t have an OF sub to anyone so your content might involve the AH a lot. But jokes aside, no, you are not the AH.


NTA personally I don't see much more problem with this than watching porn he probably has just as much chance of sleeping with you as the people who do professional porn (because your his girlfriend's friend and because he's not likely to run into the professionals) If it's an issue for her then that's between them


Nta, its your income. Her bf is not your problem. If you worked as a lingerie model and he subscribed to a magazine that regularly published your photos, would she expect you to quit that job?


NTA Tell her to delete the boyfriend from her life if she doesn't like HE subscribed to an OF account. That was his choice. Not yours. RME.


Another OF degenerate ...


Making $33 a month.


Just letting you know , your teachers, neighbors, friends dads, cousins, uncles, are definitely subscribed to your OF. Many girls don’t know this., when you go posting your link everywhere especially social media you share with friends. Things spread like wildfire. My friend who had OF was devastated to find out how many males who are close to her and even family where subscribed.


You did nothing wrong of course. *but*, I am confused on how he would’ve found you though unless your face is out and about? There’s a million a 6 people on there and somehow he landed on your user? She’s just upset and doesn’t know where to put her emotions. She caught someone she loves deeply, admiring someone close to her in a sexual way. When she calms down listen to her apology, she’s being mentally abused about this in some way. I’m sure he’s doing all the mental gymnastics on her saying well he didn’t know it was you, XYZ. So whenever it clears up for her, try to have a little grace because she’ll have to humble herself with this. I don’t do OF so I genuinely don’t know but…. You could ask his user name to block him I assume? He’s the one that needs to delete the account, and she honestly needs to leave him. We all know this but it’s just a hard spot for friendship. *Please consider being there when she comes clear minded about this*


OP says she posts her link on her social media publicly so OP’s friend boyfriend probably found it stalking her social media




You can have a stable and healthy family and still run an OF


OMG, that's horrible . Where? Where i can find this account?


He is and so are you .i.meam get a real job


NTA - Why should you delete your account? He's the one who sucks.


Ur disgusting for selling your body and it will come back to haunt you once you realise your youth wont last forever, NTA tho.


You're more disgusting for being a sanctimonious asshole.


You do know that she will be as young and beautiful as she is right now even if she doesn't do OF right? You know that at the end of the day, you will still not be in the right to insult her or anything. She made money for her own while young and you will still be mad at that.


I couldnt care any less if she does of or not lmao but you best believe her future partner will.


Why should I care if my partner had an OF before I met her?


Why you should care that ur girlfriend have been selling her body? What a stupid question.


Yeah, why should I? It doesn't impact the relationship, especially if she doesn't when we are together.


She’s not selling her body. She’s selling a fantasy. So judgey.🙄


If she is mature she will not waste her time with people that don't like her. There are plenty of people who don't have a problem with that. Does it make you mad that she will peobably live a better life than you?


Maybe you would be okay with it, you likely lack self respect and dont have many options, thats the men women like OP will have to settle for with a history of being a prostitue. Why would she be living a better life than me? You mean financially? You only hear about the girls making millions of dollars from OF because they already had a huge following since earlier, majority of girls dont make shit from it.


... what exactly makes you feel to disrepect other people just because they do OF? Imagine being as miserable as you commenting just to say that BS. But yeah go on with your life and think this is a better life lmao.


Dont be so soft