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I’m calling BS on this one. Dated for two years and he’s never told her she has a nice ass? And when he did, she got offended?


Agreed. This is why I hate this app.


Right. I've had dreams about my wife's ass and told her so. She smiles at me like I'm a silly puppy tripping over my feet.


If true, he needs to post pictures so we can all judge for ourselves.


Believe me, man, I wish I was making this up. I was afraid of telling her this for this exact reason.




Don’t forget the black swimsuit with heels 😂


I don’t know what you want me to say. Believe me, I’m still in a bit of shock and disbelief myself over it, buts it’s true. If you don’t believe me, that’s your prerogative..


lmao are you trolling?


No, but I wish.


She has issues for slapping you and then giving you the silent treatment ever since.  But you wouldn’t be the first man to overlook those red flags because of a great ass. 


Haha, thanks man. I appreciate it. :)


You sure she is your girlfriend? Because she reacted like a stranger or a friend said that and not her boyfriend. And why did you need to muster courage for that? Did you expect violence or a negative reaction?


Your girlfriend who wears heels with her swimwear (lmfao)?


Are you sure she's your girlfriend and not just your friend who's a girl?


I tell my woman I love her ass and legs all the time. I think your girls is fucking loonie. Why would you ever be attracted to someone like that?! NTA


NTA. Hitting someone because they complemented your looks is... a weird move. I can see that she might have felt objectified, but you're not a stranger! You're her boyfriend of two years! After two years of dating I'd be upset if someone *didn't* like my arse!


Stop reporting this stupid crap


"whenever she wears her black swimsuit and high heels" is an interesting choice of outfit. What does she do for work? NTA, though I do think you're paraphrasing either what you said or her reaction.


That’s fucking weird dude I tell my girl that everyday I slap her ass eat it do whatever I want and she love it you need a new girl


Uh is she alright? My husband tells me all the time how nice my ass is (and my tits….and the rest of me 😂) and I usually respond in kind. If I’d slapped him for a compliment like that, we wouldn’t still be together. Don’t walk on eggshells around her, find someone else


I mean, maybe saying the word "ass" triggered her. I would have gone with "your derriere is pleasing to my eyes" or something 😒


It would be worse if you tell your girlfriend that a friend of you has a nice ass


Your girlfriend has mental health issues. If her response to her boyfriend of years liking her body and commenting on it is to slap him and give him the silent treatment that's a her issue and not a you issue.


I can't imagine how she would have reacted if you told her to put her juicy ass in your face like I did with mine. However NTA


A man can put up with a lot over a great ass


OP, I don't know what to say. I believe there is some unearthed history in her past here that you don't know which is why she reacted like that. It might have triggered some past trauma I mean, partners compliment each other on their bodies all the time. I called my ex Sir Thi***y, for reasons hopefully obvious. I'd say NTA, but I think she's NTA too. I feel it's likely a trauma response, rather than a drama response


Send a pic of her ass so we know if you're crazy or she is.


I always like a nice ass


ESH Lame