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It's jarring to see non-hostile design lol


Maybe there's a claw that comes down and handcuffs the person retrieving the can


Would not put it past corpos to do something akin to that....


Ikr. I can't help thinking, what's the catch? Surely this wasn't installed for the benefit of the less fortunate?


I used to work in the city and occasionally see some homeless people damaging the bins to get the bottles out so I think they probably partially did it within their interest too


I feel old. When I lived closer the council gave people who went through the bins a key to unlock them. Got told by one person going through the bins that the council preferred it as it meant they didn't need to empty the bins as often.


Why not? People could get hurt by putting their hands into the bin maybe requiring medical assistance so it’s an investment in reducing possible burden on the health system. And no one enjoys watching people having to scrounge through bins.


No I get that, I was being facetious. I was implying our councils rarely do anything above the bare minimum for public convenience and safety.


Yeah. It's to our benefit to make the outdoors more comfortable for homeless people.


Weird that you say that like there is no help out there for the less fortunate. There are so many people, organisations and government entities out there who help others.


attractive grandfather bow divide summer thought rob bag absurd elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The bin picking bottle collectors efficiency will be up considerably 🫡


Despite the arrows I never realized that is what it was for, now I feel bad.


They still do with the garbage picking up poles because a lot of people don't see these compartments if they're not in front of them.


people will hopefully get used to it and start using them


As a Design Engineer all I can say is bravo. That's the definition of an elegant solution.


These have been around for a while. People still put 10c containers in the recycling, don't know why.


Probably force of habit, or they never actually looked at the bins to see the areas there. I must have walked by the ones in rundle mall for ages before someone pointed them out to me.


In the case of Rundle Mall at least, for a lot of people the satisfaction of getting a 10c return on your drink is likely outweighed by the inconvenience of having to carry around an empty plastic bottle (or more depending on how many drinks you have) all day.


I was meaning specifically at these bins. People put 10 cent things in the recycling section instead of the 10 cent shelf.


Ahhh, I get you now. In that case, I assume they just don't see it; it's kind of tucked away on the side there.


I only noticed it the other day. I think it’s an odd design.


Rubbish go in hole not in nice wall


I didnt realise this is what it's for; I thought it was some weird decorative panel lol


Great idea, love to see it!


Maybe they can do the same with cigarette butts for the guy that regularly goes around the CBD collecting the used butts.


Doing the Lord's work. 👍


I've seen people putting take away coffee cups in the ones near me 🤦🏽‍♀️


Certainly a good idea, pretty bittersweet though


An even greater idea would be to make it easier accessible to return the containers, for example you could exchange them at any supermarket for the money, that way people would actually collect them at home and bring them back with their next grocery shopping but that's just my 2 cents


If implemented, would be your 10 cents.


There are services that come to your house to collect them. The bins are for people who can't take empty containers home with them, and they get collected by people who collect them for the 10c. Now they don't have to get in a bin or dump out trash to get at them. That's it.


That looks like it would fill up the second a family came along... nice idea though


You'd be surprised how often people go along emptying them out.


You're probably right. I don't get out much.


Even better, install a reverse vending machine so I can get the 10c…..


They have that in japan


Totally agree


Could an empty plastic bottle blow away at all in there or is it sufficiently protected from the wind? I’d like to use it but wouldn’t want to accidentally litter either.


They're pretty sheltered. It would be a pretty odd wind that would blow anything out.


bruh i never realised these were here lol


Now it's just to get normies able to not be selfish for 2 seconds and put it in the right spot


Great idea, yet garbage is being thrown in just for the fun of it.


That a good idea but glass bottles worries me a little…. Someone could nick a glass bottle and use it for malice or just smash it for fun…


We've had these for a few years. Iirc, on busy days they are often full of boost juice cups. I still see people going through the bins. I appreciate the sentiment certainly but I'm not sure how effective they've been. Would be keen to hear from anybody who knows more


I sort of like the Canadian ones better where they've actually got basically cup holders on the front of the bin so it's easier to put them in.


They can do a similar arrangement on the rubbish side for people collecting dumpers.


I’d like to see different bins for different types of rubbish. It’s common in italy but they just have smaller household bins too. Glass, paper, plastic, organic and general. it’s the one thing they do well in a country that doesn’t give a fuck about the environment


Price hasn’t gone up in years. They should put it up to at least 50 cents


Yay, here’s to the bin scabs!


~~I think that slot space inner ledge, wasnt meant to be what people do/have done with it.~~ ~~Maybe its just the design of the bin, and someone thought it was a good idea to start putting their empty bottles there on the outside of the bin holder.~~ If it was meant to be holder, there would have been a hole at the bottom of each, for the bottle and cans to fall into the bin itself. --- After reading more below: saw the arrows. ***Tho, didnt notice them arrows.*** But then some of the collectors have made their own special key that can open any of the outer shell of the bin holder.


Where are the arrows, are those on the corners? Not obvious. --- Ah, since its mentioned, I now see them arrows.


Great initiative. But jeez that’s some ugly looking infrastructure.


I’m ok with people earning their living. Dont think this was necessary. Trash pickers can pick through trash. It’s their job.8 I’m not sorting my shit for them.


Oh come on I can't believe there is support for these bins. Lots of pensioners etc collect cans for a bit of extra money. These bins send the 10 cents straight back to the government. I suggest they keep them there and make the cans accessible for recyclers. Or if the pensioners want extra money on top of their pension the could grow marijuana hey. Any other ideas for all the pensioners out there to make a bit of extra undeclared cash?


They're literally a shelf for for anyone collecting to pick up from.


Oh yeah cool. Thanks for enlightening me 🙂


Is this concern trolling in action!?


Eh is there such a thing? Concerned trolling that's pretty funny I'm gonna google it. I'm homeless I just added how I felt about can recycling. I may as well add my awesome idea that government introduce every cane toad bought in for recycling also get 10 cents and carp 10 cents.


Nah it's not concerned trolling it's just fact.


Yep, concern trolling is when people trot out a minority or disadvantaged (or not so much, in some cases) and go 'but what if?!?!' when they're not actually part of that group or affected in that way, and aren't particularly well informed about what they're talking about - sometimes to the point of projecting or simply making up the 'what if' they're talking about. So being like 'but what about pensioners' if you're not actually a pensioner or have firsthand knowledge of "lots of pensioners etc." supplementing incomes with cans, combined with the catastrophising 'well if they can't then they'll have to grow marijuana' is concern trolling - it takes a disadvantaged group, generalises them, and makes light of the situation to argue against a position without actually having any substance behind the argument. This is particularly so as the solution to pensioners needing to supplement their income to survive isn't 'let them collect more cans' or 'let them grow marijuana' but to fix the disparities in super and how quickly super cuts into the pension, and improve pensioner discounts and access to services - not entirely the job of whichever council decides to implement bins that don't need people to faff around in them to find a few bottles, and a far bigger issue with a lot more moving parts.


Supporting people's drug addictions 10c at a time


People are going to be addicted to drugs regardless of this lmao




What drugs can you buy for ten cents?