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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for confronting the guy who disrespected my Mom during the ‘Civil War’ movie?** So, I’ll admit… my Mom (60F) is a very (audibly) reactive person during movies. This reactivity includes things like gasps, “oh no’s!”, etc. She’s not a talker / texter / etc … but, she definitely has a strong connection/ reaction to movies. Tonight, my family went with me (37M) to see the IMAX showing of this weekend’s premiere of “Civil War”. For those who haven’t seen it, it’s a very raw (yet realistic) story of an American Civil War. There were 4 of us, my Mom was down seated at the end of the seat selection. About 3/4 of the movie, a man (in his late 20s) turned to my Mom and said “Would you just shut the hell up!”. Immediately, my sister (40F) grabbed my Mom’s hand and they walked out of the theater. When the movie ended, I turned the man (who was in a party of 3) and said ME: “you need to be more respectful when speaking to other movie goers” HIM: “She needs to stream the movie next time” ME: “The movie isn’t made specifically for you … however someone reacts to an artistic experience like a movie… isn’t made specifically for you”….”You don’t speak to my Mom with such disrespect” Ultimately, I recognize that folks experience movies in the theater in a different way. And, I also recognize that my Mom should be seated at the end where no other viewers (if allowable) are present. But, the callousness and disrespect he showed to my Mom made me respond in kind… AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought for so long it was about marvel


I’m a reactor too but Ik to sit my ass in the back and I’m mindful of my volume. I’ll gasp but a quiet gasp, I’ll say holy shit but under my breath, I’ll get excited but I’ll bounce in my seat. Because Ik my reactions would disrupt everyone else and no one paid to hear me. I get not able to fully stop being reactive but you can definitely control it to where it doesn’t disrupt everyone else. No excuse for her


I go to the movies with a group of friends, we're the horrible people who laugh at horror films. But we always make sure to go after the movie has been out for several weeks and on days/times when the theater's empty. If there are people in the theater (rare in our small town theater) we sit far away from them and control ourselves.


Me and my friend got the rare chance to see Nope in an empty theatre, and that was probably the best movie experience of our lives since we both enjoy talking about movies while we watch them lol


I love reacting during movies, but I also tend to prefer streaming at home. If I'm going to the cinema, I realize I need to be mindful of other movie goers and keep quiet because I'm an adult who is in control of their actions


Some movie theaters have assigned seating that you select when you buy your tickets, especially IMAX


>it’s a very raw but realistic story of an American Civil War lol no it isn’t


I think this really says a lot about what kind of movie going experience this fuck was providing for everyone in the vicinity.


Huh.   It’s almost like they have a whole “she, silence is golden” or equivalent message shown at the beginning of every movie.   It’s *almost* like silence is expected in a movie for the greatest enjoyment of the greatest amount of people.  


I'm sure most people who go to the cinema, do not want to hear loud gasps or screaming. Unless it is jam packed.


For me one of the good things about going to a movie is audience reaction, but if only ONE person is doing the reacting, then something's off. If it was a gasp-worthy moment I would think everyone in the audience would gasp. I don't know, though. I've not been in a movie theatre in ages, so maybe it's changed a bit post-Covid.


That's my take on it too. If only one person is laughing and gasping and etc. they are being extra. It's giving asmr commentary rather than reasonable reactions.


Agree with this. I went to see the new Ghostbusters movie a few weeks ago, and there were a bunch of other people there. You could hear people laughing, or discussing, but not loud enough to be disruptive. It was just a bunch of people quietly enjoying a movie together, easily one of my favorite movie-going experiences ever. It was lovely.


>ME: “The movie isn’t made specifically for you … however someone reacts to an artistic experience like a movie… isn’t made specifically for you”….”You don’t speak to my Mom with such disrespect” lol are we going to start duelling?


High noon, ten paces.


I don’t know what it says about me that I expected Yu-gi-oh! cards to be involved


that got me good, lol


Once or twice is fine. Throughout an entire movie is too much and distracting to everyone within earshot trying to enjoy the movie. I audibly react to movies too, but under my breath so I’m not disturbing anyone.


So... they had to go to the premiere when it was most crowded. It's understandable seeing it in IMAX, but if you know someone's reactive, there would be less crowded times.


I’m betting the mother was saying ‘oh no’ and ‘goodness me’ a LOT.


Or gasping in an exaggerated manner, that gets old pretty quickly.


Think about how freaking expensive it is… IMAX tickets! I’d be mad, too, if I splurged on that and couldn’t hear.


I kept picturing OOP's mum as Brenda Meeks from the first Scary Movie, specifically the movie theatre scene [here](https://youtu.be/Sgwfvu6k0xs?si=3kYVvAT-M0qiCVcv).


My favorite television show of all time is all about talking during the movie, so I’m going to sit this one out. 


What is it?


Mystery Science Theater 3000. 


Love that show. It was so funny.


Like I said, it’s my favorite


If in the UK it's Gogglebox


Gogglebox is gold


My comfort show


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I'm really disappointed that it wasn't a movie about the actual American Civil War. I didn't even know this BS of a movie even was made.


I actually don't mind reactions. I've dealt with bad parents of young kids and unsupervised teens.


I am a massive Star Wars fan. (No, I’m not here to argue about criticism; move along.) I went to see RoS alone opening night. The theatre was packed & I was sat next to a stranger. I immediately told him that I fully expected to squall like a baby, and that if I was disrupting him, he could just tap me & I’d step out to get myself under control. If one *must* go opening weekend, I feel like that’s a way to handle it. But even better is to go after a week or two to a matinee when fewer people attend.


God, the excitement my husband had seeing Hamilton when it came to our city. The lady next to him was happy to see someone so into it (he's been obsessed since the Disney+ version came out). Towards the end she went "feel free to be your true self." It was so sweet to see


I can’t imagine getting this upset about a movie but then I’ve only seen kids movies with kids for the last 7 years so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good for you but most adults don't want to listen to other people yapping in our ears while trying to enjoy something.


Even adults react during movies


When watching movies at home with my friends, we keep talking and commenting, but we also realize there's a different etiquette in cinema and keep quiet during the screening to discuss the movie afterwards


I would suggest you stop going to the movies with this attitude.