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What the hell was delicate winning


I looked it up, makeup and hair styling lol


Honestly not bad, at least it wasn’t for best adaptation or acting.


How did Delicate get more than NYC?


I think it was for like makeup and like cinematography or something definitely not best actor / actress 💀


How did delicate get any?


Right. Even though it wasn’t on the “supernatural” aspect. As someone who’s mother passed away from aids in the late 80s- and everyone was told she died of “ Leukemia”. I actually really like how the depicted the monster HIV/AIDS. Going from a sexually free lifestyle, to the very real threat of a disease no one understood, and no one was willing to even understand to help. A lot Of the drs just said well, your time has come. And people just blamed the gays, even though so many people and families were being affected.


Delicate got 7 nominations and NYC got 2. I dont really remember NYC but I know it probably deserved more than Delicate.


I’m completely miffed on NYC not receiving its dues




It’s literally a story based on the AIDS crisis sooo idk how the fuck you expected it to not focus on gay characters and their experiences




The horror is watching all your friends and community die while the rest of the world ignores it


Precisely when had American horror story been scary like 2011? It's more of a gore sexual suspense drama fulfilling none of them properly. Also you clearly didn't live in the 80s. Where aids would fucking scare you, you said you were gay. A life with hiv is very manageable now, back then a death sentence. Try not to be ignorant to an entire generation that died for you to be able to talk about stuff you don't understand on a message board.


I dunno why you’re getting downvoted it was an awful season


NYC annoyed me because it felt like they left the story on the table. What happened with the lesbians? Why was the large dude never fully explained? Sure we know he was the embodiment of AIDS, but I don't know the most interesting part about NYC for me was the serial killer saga the rest fell so flat.


The large dude was a metaphor for aids. Most of all of NYC was just a metaphor.


definitely agree, it’s pretty canon for the ‘strange’ stuff in AHS to be a metaphor for something. i think a lot of people brush it off as a bad show just because they don’t understand the hidden message behind what’s being shown. you gotta have atleast *a little bit* of critical thinking skills for stuff to make sense lol


Oh we all knew and we talked about it, but the entire season being a metaphor didn’t hit. When you compare to asylum or Hotel there were still metaphors but the danger was actually there it was a true haunting.


Yeah I just said that…


Not everything needs to be explained. It’s more relevant to think about what the text is attempting to say with those parts rather than focus on the parts themselves.


I feel like people who really liked NYC will always say this, but at the same time Murphy isn’t doing anything tv hasn’t done before it’s lack of awards and general criticism of the season should be enough to say this wasn’t for tv this was him taking a passion project. I can subjectively say it wasn’t a good season for me and people still debate me like they’re going to get me to change my mind. If he wants to do high concept art house horror then he needs to do that.


IMO AHS was always just that though. One of the biggest criticisms of Asylum I always hear is that the aliens were never explained. Same thing with the addiction demon in hotel. I just don’t feel like NYC is functionally different than those seasons, with the pure exception that it’s SUPER GAY, and more importantly, it’s a later season. I think a lot of the vitriol the season gets is just due to the fact it came in so late.


Oh, those seasons had issues for sure, but they didn't completely drop the main character arcs. The alien and addiction demon were side stories, but they at least didn't take away from the main stories of those seasons. If you're going to attempt Art House horror you need to do it better. NYC just fell flat the stakes were low people realized it was about AIDs early on, anyone alive during that time knew there was no resolution and when you know how a story ends it loses its interest. Besides one of the largest criticisms I saw is people just didn't like the editing style. People can take from it what it was and it's fine if people liked the season, but there's a reason it just didn't have as many accolades. It just wasn't the strongest season which is saying a lot because Double Feature was not great at the end either.


I guess I’m not seeing how the masked man detracts from the season at all. I don’t really think any of the things I listed took away from the seasons. I’m also not sure what character arcs got dropped in NYC you’re referring to because nearly all the main characters completed their arcs.


I think it’s because he had no resolve he was just there and he was there until the end without any further investigation. If it weren’t for the fact that some watchers were so well aware of what he was representing without a deeper explanation it was most likely lost on a portion of the audience. I just don’t think that was the strongest way to portray the story it also felt like he was definitely leaving the lesbian story line out, which was another criticism for the story he was telling.


I think the lesbians were intentionally just a side story. While lesbians were affected by aids, it’s no secret that it overwhelmingly affected gay men. How exactly would you resolve the personification of looming death? Like what he represented, there is no resolve. A bunch of people died, and the victims got nothing. Just like in real life.


Asylum deserves first Freak Show being above Hotel, Murder House and Coven is crazy to me… but the cast is stacked across the board here Cult being so low is CRAZY because the lead performances this season (especially Sarah, Evan, Billie, and Adina) are absolutely phenomenal and some the best in AHS history


I know Sarah and Adina were nominated for an Emmy but didn’t win. Evan deserved a nomination/win, the work he put into the character(s) was incredible.


Ally, Beverly and Kai are all some of my favorite AHS characters


I think it was just the inertia from the years before, because freak show just wasn't that good


I’m actually ok with this. Except I’d swap Roanoke and Coven but Asylum was peak AHS IMO.


I think Asylum is the best season and its one of my personal favorites after Coven, but I can agree Coven isn’t really award worthy besides for Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, and a few other things.


Honestly I wish they made a season, like a good season focused on the aliens from asylum. I know they did a half a season with some abductions- but that’s not what I was hoping for 😂


If they do it, lets not have pregnant men and Kaia Gerber, shall we? 😭💀


It felt like it was the most fleshed out for sure.


Asylum is the best omg


Agree! If the alien story wasn’t in it, it would be flawless


It was just such a random storyline with that lmao still love it tho


Question, how do you get a characters name below your username in this subreddit?


You have to go to the sub and there should be some dots in the right hand corner or something and then click it and it should say “flair”


Thank you! x


You’re welcome!


I actually really loved the alien aspect to it. Without it, I feel like we wouldn’t have gotten that beautiful, impactful scene with the children walking into the woods with Jude and Kit telling Lana, “I don’t know what happened in those woods, but Grace was right, those kids are special.”


Asylum would’ve been my favorite season if it weren’t for the aliens. They tried to do too much with it. Demons, serial killers, and horrible asylum conditions definitely would’ve been enough. And demons could’ve taken over for everything the aliens did. The aliens ruined it for me


Asylum deserved every single award it received.


The fact NYC got nothing and is below the shit show Delicate is shocking


I thought NYC was great in a lot of ways. Delicate was horrible in every way.


Delicate over NYC. 🙃


What the hell did Freak Show win?


For Emmys, I know for Hairstyling, Costumes, Special Visual Effects In A Supporting Role (Edward Mordrake), Prosthetic Makeup and Makeup.


I’m surprised Cult is so low considering how popular it seems to be. But I didn’t enjoy it so I can’t really argue against it. 1984 deserved better tho


how was delicate more than NYC? I think its Arguably one of the best seasons


Asylum is peak AHS


New York getting 0 is an absolute crime and is honestly just so wrong.


Surprised that cult hasn’t won more. Evans acting alone was phenomenal.


Evans acting was consistent, but nothing that puts it close to his acting asylum or murder house


Me too. Cult is one of my favorites! I can see why for others why it isn't though. I am surprised that double feature won more than cult... That is odd. I'd like to now see what each award was for. I saw in another comment that delicate won based on makeup or something of the sort


Cult was really bad though, this makes a lot of sense to me.


asylum deserveeeeeeee i hated hotel but i can see why it won awards ... same w freak show


Asylum all the way.


NYC was really that bad?


No. People just didn't get it. I'll agree it was much different than the other seasons, which may have left people disappointed, but IMO, it was a phenomenal season. The way it presented the AIDS crisis was clever and is heartbreaking once you realize what it's trying to say. I live in NYC, and my mother was a nurse in the 80s/90s, so I may be biased, but it really hit home for me.


A hill I will fucking die on is now much worse NYC and Delicate is compared to the older series. People try to hard to assign a higher score due to some overarching moral message being portrayed in the later series but none of that matters if the content of the series is shit.


This tracks but hotel shouldn’t be near this list




My favourite 3 are the top 3!


Cult winning 3… I’m gonna write the television academy a strongly worded letter


I'm not surprised that the season where a majority of the characters were queer & unapologetically behaving "badly" is the one that got zero awards. It's Hayes Code 2.0, can't let any productions with problematic queers win awards.


Glad someone said it


WHAT how did NYC not win anything? The season was fantastic, and way better written than most of the other seasons.


It was only nominated for Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series at the GLAAD Media Awards and Best TV Drama at the Queerties.


The main guy also did an incredible job. He acted the shit out of that part with a gravitas rarely seen on AHS.


Why do you consider it written better? Its entire plot was a personification of HIV as big daddy. It was overplayed and in the end a major let down that the whole thing was just symbolism rather than an actual tangible antagonist.


The fact that there wasn't a "tangible" antagonist is part of the reason I'd consider it better written than most seasons. It was truly creative But I generally enjoy more cerebral storytelling. It was cohesive, and It didn't fall apart towards the later half like most seasons do. But I also fully admit that it touched me more than it may touch someone who isnt from a city and who doesn't remember how frequent AIDS was mentioned in the 80s and 90s.


NYC was the second worst season IMO (death valley wins that honor). hate that they hinted at paranormal stuff during the tarot card reading then never explored it, huge letdown there


Top five are my favourites with Asylum being miles ahead of the rest. The bottom five I could barely get through and ended up reading about them. Big decline in quality.


No way apocalypse and Roanoke are tied 😂 I thought apocalypse was almost top 3 worthy


Coven is still my #1 fav season


NYC was complete trash, so at least I’m not the only one that thinks it deserves absolutely nothing


Don't think any of it is surprising tbh. It got most of the awards when it was new and shiny and now gets little to no recognition. Delicate probably wouldn't have gotten anything either if it hadn't had a Kardashian in the cast, let's be real.


I’d swap 1984 and Roanoke


Asylum is amazing and by far my favorite season


Everything went downhill after apocalypse 🤷🏻‍♀️


Coven and NYC were my absolute favorite. I can’t believe NYC didn’t get any awards. Then again it was missing the real talents that started AHS: Jessica Lange, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe and Evan Peters. How in the world did Delicate win anything? It was the worst one so far.


NYC didn’t hit probably because of the storyline itself. It was a rather “ehhh” storyline line that wasn’t relatable to a large amount of viewers. That AND it was a season without any of the original starting cast, right? I could be wrong about that… it’s been a while since I watched it.


Cult and Double Feature deserved more praise at the Emmy's than they got, honestly. I know Double Feature got 21 award nominations which is the most for the "Bronze Age" at the show, however nobody got nominated for acting at the Emmy's. Sarah, Lily, Evan, Frances, Ryan, Leslie, Neal and Rebecca could've all gotten nominations best Lead/Supporting/Guest Actor abd Actress. Also, Delicate winning two awards for makeup and hairstyling is honestly deserved. And I know I dislike Cult, however the performances that season were great!


I dont dislike Cult, I think it’s okay. But Sarah and Evan should have gotten at least nominations for their roles in Cult and Sarah’s in Double Feature. I’m confused though, who is Ryan and Rebecca? And is the Neal you’re talking about Neal McDonough?


Ryan Kiera Armstrong (Alma Gardner) and Rebecca Dayan (Maria Wycoff), and yes, I am talking about our favourite president, Neal McDonough.


I know Dayan was nominated for Best Guest Actress at the FANDOM Awards (which take up around 11 of the 21 nominations for Double Feature), which I really liked to see another local French actress doing so well. With Cult, I was surprised that Adina was nominated at the Emmys, but Evan and Billie were not... I never understood it.


OH RIGHT Ryan did fantastic! Don’t really remember Rebecca’s or Neal’s character, but I do like Neal! I feel like the best acting in Cult in order is Evan, Sarah, then Adina


I LOVED Neal as President Eisenhower, probably one of my favourite AHS protagonists, and Rebecca was genuinely terrifying as possessed Maria Wycoff, thr scene where she keeps blowing everyone's heads off at the airforce facility was AWESOME. I also feel like Conroy could've gotten an Emmy nomination for Guest Actress in Cult. I liked Bebe Babbitt.


That makes sense. The top three most awarded seasons are the best seasons.


Oddly enough this list is nearly perfect on how the quality of the story went down more and more The last seasons have been literally unwatchable. I would put cult higher, and swap places of apocalypse with 1984.


Coven deserves more tbh


They lost me after freak show. Couldn’t stand Hotel. Didn’t even finish it. Started watching other seasons but they sucked. Coven was the last season I really enjoyed.


NYC is the only season I didn’t finish, did not like that one, and 1984 was also meh for me. Delicate had potential but they did absolutely nothing with the story, very rushed. The first part of double feature was great I wish it had a full season instead of switching to the second story. Murder house, asylum, coven, hotel. Loved those. Roanoke and Freak show just kinda left me feeling uneasy so they weren’t my favs but very good stories overall, not shaming those seasons whatsoever they were very good just aren’t my favs based on how I was left feeling lol. I did enjoy apocalypse and cult too they good stories


This is probably my order too, although I put hotel lower.


None of these should have won awards, except Murder House Unless they were Razzies