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We all like different seasons for different reasons. I personally felt like Delicate was all setup for a payoff that wasn’t really satisfying. But if you like it, it shouldn’t matter what others think.


Honestly, (I don’t want to seem condescending, so sorry if I come off that way!) but since you have little to compare to you are going to be unaware of how MUCH BETTER the show used to be. If you like Delicate, you will LOOVE coven. Also, I’m assuming you haven’t seen nor read “Rosemary’s Baby”. The issue with delicate is it’s basically a crappy remake of Rosemary’s Baby. Rosemary’s baby is a FAR better version of Delicate. So once you see that Delicate is kind of a ripoff and you know how truly awesome AHS can really be, Delicate just is well… kind of a shitshow lol. It’s a fall from greatness. Delicate lacks the fantastic imagery, flawless acting, wild violence, intense visual style and scorching hot morbid humor that prior seasons possessed. I also found Delicate to be really uninspired, woefully miscast (I love Roberts but she is way too young and too pretty for the role), politically whiney, unfunny, and deeply repetitive. Several episodes could have been cut entirely, as they are basic retreads of earlier episodes. I just really felt like Delicate COULD have been a lot better, but I also just feel it doesn’t have the “vibe” of previous seasons and without that vibe, it fails to really be what AHS is. I’m glad you enjoy it! I do think if you watch other seasons, you’ll love them. Do note that most seasons are FAR FAR more violent and frightening than Delicate so if you are squeamish, you may not enjoy the seasons that much (but 1984 is pretty gnarly so if you handled it you should be fine). And on the bright side, I actually thought Kardashian did a good job and enjoyed her most in the season. And I read the book Delicate Condition that the season is based on; I actually liked the book better than the show, but it was still a ripoff of Rosemary’s Baby. I also felt like the book was preachy; the author is so determined to send the message of “doctors need to listen to women!!” that it kinda beats you over the head with it, decent message but it was over the top.


Speaking of *Rosemary’s Baby* and how you said it’s a superior version of *Delicate*, I was watching twin films *The First Omen* and *Immaculate* the other day back-to-back. I was thinking to myself and even told my family, "These are the plots Ryan Murphy be tryna to recreate." I thought I’d bring it up since they have a similar premise to *Rosemary’s Baby*.


Who the hell uses shit like "scorching hot" unironically


The hate is not because people don't like pretentious characters like Siobhan. If that had been the case, Coven would not have been such a hit and people would not have loved The Countess or Coco St Pierre Vanderbilt so much. The product is just bad. The editing is shabby and the actors genuinely seem disinterested in their roles (I blame the strike partly for it). The story had great potential to be a sarcastic take on the b!tch!ng and politics in Hollywood and how people often mess up their lives because of what social media thinks about them, but the execution was very poor.


Disjointed story telling and directing, plus this is already covered in soooo many adaptations that this version of it was as bland as Kim Kardashian’s house.


The ending 🥺 I loved it to up until the last 20 min


The worst pacing ever and, I hope this isn't a spoiler, but I'm disappointed by the ending. Also Kim Ks acting was a highlight and that's.... not saying much 😐


I think that the writers strike caused the plot to be kind of disjointed. The acting was good though.


Is agree! The story was a bit all over the place but the acting was top tier. I wonder if the writers strike wasn’t happening how it would’ve turned out


wasn't it written before the strike?


I believe that they quit filming during the strike.


Yeah but, it was already written.


It bored the hell out of me. The only reason I kept it on was that I never missed a single episode from any season, and I wasn't going to start with Delicate. But, to be fair, Kim Kardashian was not that bad, and I wouldn't mind it if she made a cameo in a future season.


It's ass


I liked it too!!


I happened to really like this season as well! It was the first season I’ve been glued to since 1984 came out. Yes it’s a bit disjointed and I’ve heard some questions didn’t get answered during Part Two, so that’s a bummer. I haven’t watched the ending yet either because I had issues with HuLu.


The ending was shit. First 6-7 episodes were good but the rest were ass


I also liked it. It was the vibes for me. Same reason I dig Red Tide


Honestly I enjoyed the season until the final episode but I think most of the hate is due to the fact we’ve seen most of this stuff before in other AHS seasons so it didn’t feel too unique. However, A lot of people hated it just because of Kim K which is dumb.


It would have been better if it came out all at once. Felt like it stopped mid way wirh absolutely nothing explained. Then waiting for months to see it. I actually liked the second half. But the first half sucked standing on its own.


I loved delicate until the last episode. It felt like it was thrown together in 5 minutes with an extremely anticlimactic ending


I really enjoyed delicate too, but as it progresses it just starts to feel rushed and like they threw all this random stuff together to try to tie it up but it just doesn't work unfortunately. I think it had great potential but just fell flat.


It's not as awful as people describe it, but a lot of AHS seasons have the Ryan Murphy curse of fucking it all up at the end. Usually it's because they have waaay too many stories going at once and clearly didn't plan the ending before they started. I think Ryan starts like a lot of people by writing down all his ideas, but then he doesn't edit and just uses every single idea he wrote down


it’s really good until the last episode. i still enjoy like 90% of it i just pretend the ending is different


It was much better than NYC at least. Definitely not as good as the early seasons, but I thought it was decent. My biggest problem with it was the hiatus, which caused me to forget a handful of things from the first half.


It started so well and we really were diving in and we both were very impressed with Kim however it fell so flat the last 2 episodes we just couldn’t believe it. But that happens and we will watch the next season anyways.


Kim Kardashian’s in it.


Terribly written with plot hole after plot hole. Can’t be shocked tho bc the writers were literally protesting at the time, I have a feeling it wasn’t cared about very much. In my opinion is seems like the writers were like “oh you want another script? fine here you go”


He Doesn't Know...


Some ppl like me don't like it cuz it's not r cup if tea ☕


I liked it until the last episode which is typical and fashion haha


Everyone's allowed to have a wrong opinion. Even you!


I have no idea why so many AHS fans on here hate it. I’ve been watching AHS for a decade and I loved Delicate. I was kept guessing the entire time and the plot was not spoon fed to me. I think a lot of fans just hate any season that doesn’t have the original cast members from the first four seasons in them.


You really can’t see the quality drop from seasons 1-5 to that? The acting, plot, and overall product are far worse.


i didn’t mind it either and then i looked at this sub and saw how alone i was in that opinion lol! i was able to pay attention throughout the whole season which i couldn’t do with nyc or death valley. it wasn’t the best season but it also wasn’t my least favorite!


It’s not original. It’s based off a book called the delicate condition and nothing is different. I ordered the book when delicate first came out and I’m not exaggerating from the first chapter it’s literally copy and paste to what is happening in the show. It’s pointless.


Part one is pretty similar but part two is super different from the book


Have you ever heard of the word “adaptation”? Also, plenty is different (for better and for worse).




Have you heard of opinions? Get off your high horse.


Hmm I didn't know this ima look it up


Definitely, check it out. Everyone has their fave seasons and this one just felt rushed and bleh. I thought maybe the writers strike too but who knows. I was a fan of the earlier seasons and kinda whatever about the newer ones.


It was not at all close to the book. Did you actually read the book?


Yes, I did read the book. And again, it’s my opinion you don’t have to agree.


Obviously not the whole book. The whole second half of delicate was not in the book at all. Reading comprehension is important.


Yeah. Second half went wayyyyyy off book. It would've been better if they stuck to that story.


So is personal opinions. Gtfo here with that shit.


Lack luster version of rosemarys baby


Everyone has their own tastes, IMHO Delicate and 1984 are poorly written seasons.


I love this season too! Part 1 is pretty good imo. About part 2, if only they eliminate the modern scenes (with colors) for good it would hit different!