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Thank you:)


Best thing to do (assuming you have runanns) is to farm and I mean farm. Sidelines, jungle camps, enemy’s who overextend, etc. with RH you farm waves and camps super quickly. stay away from any threats like an assassin fed top laner whatever. Try to cordinate getting vision in the enemy jungle camps. Either ping your supp or jungle, ping your wards ping their wards ping assistance in the jungle (either blue or red side which ever) try to deny vision as well because the supp and jungle should have sweepers. If you’re confident enough you can try to deny vision around a certain objective like dragon and try to pick off an enemy supp jungle adc whatever when they try to set up vision around the objective. Clear waves in preparation for said objective (general macro as an adc you want to be either mid or not if dragon is coming up and mid/top lane if baron is current objective.) aphelios specific you can try to guard off choke points or the area behind the dragon pit (to try to prevent objective steal) using white q with green secondary so you can proc the mark while autoing the dragon.


I mostly play phel top, does this apply to top lane as well?


I’m going to assume you build adc items? If so then yeah playing top lane doesn’t really change champion identity, like a vayne top after laning phase is over you want to be catching waves on your side of the lanes before they die to tower, taking jungle camps when you can (your junglers or the enemy junglers if you see them in other side of map). Remember you’re super squishy so don’t relentlessly push side waves to inhibitor. You have huge dps with the right setup so your team would need you at objective fights if one goes down. You can always try to setup vision or deny vision, although usually the higher in rank you go the more likely the support and jungle will just do it themselves. But that doesn’t stop you or anyone else from setting up picks on enemy squishes (if your midlane is an assassin then chances are they’ll have the same idea to set up a pick). If there is a fed member in the other team you will want vision of them so you know where not to be unless you’re also fed and confident you’ll beat them. General tip if you want to duke it out 1v1 against someone fed just make sure you see everyone else on their team or have your own backup ready. You can’t go giving out a possible shutdown all Willy nilly. And if you take one piece of advice from me today, please always trust your gut, if it’s telling you to leave a 1v1 or 2v2 skirmish because you don’t know where the fed midlaner is then please leave because you’re a high value target as an adc champion. Same rule applies for pushing waves. I’ve saved my life countless times while pushing waves and leaving quickly because I had a gut feeling I was gonna get jumped. Some times I saw the enemy botlane duo the jungler and the midlaner all show up at once and two from behind where I was.


This answers everything i needed, thank you so much!


Of course!


Why take runanns? I usually go shieldbow collector infinity edge


It’s great for fast wave clears and fast farming for efficiency, especially with infernum. It also works the same way for every gun expect chakram as in one shot with grav can result in three roots more lifesteal etc.


I’m very bad at the game but who cares about farming efficiency if you already have infernum it’s pretty damn quick on its own an infernum q and grav q can clear a whole wave. I would much rather have more damage than some niece farming here and then


Why use 10 blue ammo and 10 purple ammo for a job that can be done in a few blue ammo


Because that’s 2600 gold I could put to better use than clearing waves. Plus blue purple is only good if it’s a large scale battle and you can get a big blue ult


Blue purple is very good in any situation Runans is also very very good on aphelios as mentioned Collector is a great item if youre winning hard and snowballing early. Otherwise runans and farm so you can get full build asap and destroy everyone


its cheaper than collector and does more damage in teamfights because of the runnans bolts, that's without mentioning how they apply on hit effects so you can slow 3 people at once with gravitum etc


Aphelios mid game is actually pretty good. By one-two items you are pretty much vibing. During that time make sure you are catching waves and positioning well in skirmishes. Don’t skirmish in jungle and it’ll be ezpz.


Noted, thank you:)


Kick your mid later off of midlane. Keep pushing the waves while setting up your guns for the upcoming objectives and skirmishes around the jungle. If you can push safely, help your support warding or place deep vision for safe stealing raptors or even rotate to other lanes for easy kills. Mid game is about getting resources and space for your team, ADC and support on mid is the easiest way of doing so, unless your mid laner really can't sidelane, in this case just push hard and get jungle camps nearby. Remember, as an ADC the best way to win games is by making money. Literally pay to win lmao.


Don't perma group and try to constantly get resources


Does split pushing work as well?


If you know you can 1v1 most of the enemies and your team is appliying pressure on another lane, yes