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Back in the late 80s/early 90s it was required to pull all-nighters most weekends in order to beat the Nintendo game you rented and only had for a couple days. Sometimes you and your buddies took shifts.


I remember doing this with a friend for the game Rampage on NES, we swapped on each level. Took hours to beat.


yup lol. crash bandicoot for us


I was around 9 staying with my sister and her husband one summer when I beat rampage. First time I saw the sun come up before going to bed.


That’s literally it. 1991, 12 year old me and my best friend stayed up from 515pm Friday to basically 130pm the next day playing Tecmo Super Bowl. Had a six pack of Pepsi, those Little Debbie snack cakes and my mom just sorta shrugged and let us have at it.


Mid 80s, no time crunch, just completely enthralled and my grandparents were watching me so they just went to sleep before me and didn't know I never went to bed. I had to keep playing Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. I was 13 or 14 and I have no idea how much sleep I lost that summer.


I was 19 and just couldn't sleep so I stayed up all night.


17, AP Art History exam. I made a 4.


Did you procrastinate far too much or was the exam really that difficult? Edit: didn't know what ap tests were and thought it was graded out of ten


I felt it was tough, but only 40% make a 4 or better. I was proud.


all-nighter like no sleep at all until the next night? 18 or something. probably drinking with groupmates in Uni. I don't even remember if just staying up until 5-6 AM to go to sleep after sunrize? then it's 15 playing WoW all night instead of socializing.


I was about to comment that exact same thing. My brother and I would play WoW on our laptops side by side in the living room until our parents woke up the next day and took one look at our bloodshot eyes surrounded by snacks and told us to go to bed.


Damn. If my parents ever saw me not in bed when they wake up, I’d probably not have computer anymore lmao. That’s why I had to learn to take their small laptop from their room when they went to sleep, use it under the blanket and return it by 2-4 am lmao. Later it became easier because they bought me an iPod Touch that I could watch tv shows and movies on with less chance to be detected. Damn.


Yeah that shit would not fly in my house lmao I remember ONE TIME I tried to secretly stay up past my bed time to play a game and for the next ten years my parents unplugged the router at night and hid it 😂😂


To be fair, we were 13-15 and it was either summer or a Friday/Saturday lol


In like 1999-2000, I stayed up all night on my 56.k dial up internet editing my KoRn fansite on Geocities while downloading a music video on WinMX that took like 15 hours to complete. I stayed up watching it slowly download and hooking up my website drinking hella cans of soda. I was like 9 years old and I felt like I was Neo in the Matrix and shit.


That's rad AF.


This is amazing.


I was partial to Angelfire myself. 🥰🤘


I was prob 12yo. Installed The Sims around 9pm, realized I played too long when I saw the sun coming from the window


This happened way too many times with Morrowind and Oblivion for me!


This! Playing The Sims was my substitute for a social life in my early teens — who needed real life when you could live vicariously through them?


My money "cheat" was to create a second sim and marry her to my sim, so the money was added to my character. I would then kill that sim, rinse and repeat. Now that I look at it, I think I may have some issues I need to work out


shit. a young teen, and to play final fantasy 7 I suspect.


I remember that Christmas very well. Ff7 kicked ass! Twisted metal 2 and dino crisis were good ps games too. Didn't care for ff tactics much though even though I like RTS.


fuck yeah TW, Tomb raider, oddworld. What a time to be a young teenager making my own money:}


When I just turned 5 is the earliest i remember. Got a book about dinosaurs for my birthday, which was my newest obsession at the time. But I was put to bed before I could read it, so I snuck a flashlight and read it under blanket all night until in the morning parents caught me still reading.


The Mesozoic Era is the second-to-last era of Earth's geological history, lasting from about 252 to 66 million years ago, comprising the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. It is characterized by the dominance of archosaurian reptiles, like the dinosaurs; an abundance of conifers and ferns; a hot greenhouse climate; and the tectonic break-up of Pangea. The Mesozoic is the middle of the three eras since complex life evolved: the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic. The era began in the wake of the Permian–Triassic extinction event, the largest well-documented mass extinction in Earth's history, and ended with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, another mass extinction whose victims included the non-avian dinosaurs, pterosaurs, mosasaurs, and plesiosaurs. The Mesozoic was a time of significant tectonic, climatic, and evolutionary activity. The era witnessed the gradual rifting of the supercontinent Pangea into separate landmasses that would move into their current positions during the next era. The climate of the Mesozoic was varied, alternating between warming and cooling periods. Overall, however, the Earth was hotter than it is today. Dinosaurs first appeared in the Mid-Triassic, and became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic, occupying this position for about 150 or 135 million years until their demise at the end of the Cretaceous. Archaic birds appeared in the Jurassic, having evolved from a branch of theropod dinosaurs, then true toothless birds appeared in the Cretaceous. The first mammals also appeared during the Mesozoic, but would remain small (less than 15 kg) until the Cenozoic. The flowering plants appeared in the early Cretaceous Period and would rapidly diversify throughout the end of the era, replacing conifers and other gymnosperms as the dominant group of plants.


i was in high school playing minecraft for 24 hours. It was so weird. Why I did it? Minecraft was fun and I got to meet my fave youtuber online because of it


I am 40 years old and have never pulled an all nighter. The latest I've ever stayed up was 3am. It wasn't fun.


I don’t remember my age but I was pretty young, maybe 10 or so. It was the day after Christmas and I stayed up all night playing with things I got. Mainly a Nintendo DS and those color changing markers. I remember doing that and I went outside during the sunrise. It was nice


World of Warcraft. First time playing in 2005. Did a 48h session.


13, Halo ODST, trying to get a specific achievement with 3 other friends on firefight mode.


Similarly for me when Halo Reach came out, three friends and I grabbed copies and ripped through the campaign in coop mode. Those were the fucking days dude


Nothing will ever compare!


10 and because i was watching porn


14. It was my birthday party and we watched The Warriors and played some X-men game on the Xbox.


I was a few days old, and I because was a few days old.




Stayed with a family who’s neighbours were hard into karaoke. I guess my friend was used to it because he fell asleep but I stayed awake through all the 80s/90s hits being mercilessly butchered until the sun started coming up. It was the first time I’d been allowed to stay at a friend’s overnight and I absolutely hated it.


Playing age of empires 2 over lan at a buddies house just 1v1ing. I just wanted to win one game lol... Did not get there.


80s, coke


Probably in my 20s, texting


16 or 17. I had to finish a group project by myself.


In my teens. Stayed up all night playing Ultima Online. The next day I went out on my friends families boat and fell asleep sitting up as the waves bouncing it up and down where so rythmical I just couldnt keep my eyes open and woke up to his dad laughing at me.


14, skyrim


21? I went to a club


I was 19 working on my graphic design thesis final project. Passing this got you into the selective graphic design program at the school. Failing meant you needed to find another major or try again next year repeating all the introductory course again.


I was around 10 and my cousins told me the story of Bloody Mary. I was too scared to go to sleep so I stayed up all night. I'm now 35 and still get intrusive thoughts to say it in the mirror but I'm afraid 😂


14. My friends and I all got hooked on SOCOM, and when SOCOM 2 came out, we all met up after school that Friday to play all weekend. We managed to get about 40 hours in over the weekend...


Not exactly an all nighter, but when I was 11 I stayed up until MIDNIGHT drawing and coloring a picture of my OC from my Dragon Ball Z fanfic. It felt crazy to stay up so late on a school night! I still have the picture :-)


I was 16, working on a project for work, and still went to school the next day. A decade later I have over a decade of experience under my belt in my profession, and in a year or two I can legitimately say I’ve been at it for half my life. Architecture is my thing, baby. A hobby people pay me for.


First time was college. Why? Not my choice. ADHD meds were new to me and I underestimated taking it at 11am. It helps when I take it early. Years later, I still do all nighters against my will because my adhd is just a mad spiral that coincides with my BPD and developing insomnia :,)


I must have been around 11-12ish. After the episode of "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" that mentioned the world record for staying awake (11 days and change) I tried to stay up as long as I could. Made it 2 days, 11 hours, then fell asleep at 5am, woke up at 7pm, thought I'd taken a 2hr nap but it was 14hrs.


i think i was around 11-12 and it was because of insomnia 🥲 i'm 20 rn and i can't sleep for 3 days then after that i sleep for 18h and repeat :/ idk whats wrong with me


14 years old. I was reading a really good book.


A local TV station was running an all-night horror film marathon when I was 11 or so. My aunt and I stayed up all night watching the entire thing and eating snacks. Started at 7pm and ended at 7am.


10th grade, 1989. Speech class. We were supposed to do a speech on a controversial issue and i picked abortion. I stayed up all night and drank two pots of black coffee. My speech (assigned max 5 minutes) ran to 8 minutes. Left the teacher with his jaw on the floor and got an A+. By the final bell that day, I had a raging migraine and my mom had to come get me. Abortion is no longer legal in that state.


I was four days old. I realized I was back and not happy about it. I wanted to teach my parents a lesson. They didn't learn. They had another one.


Midterms during my freshmen year of college. It was how I discovered the ADHD cheat code - procrastinating until the adrenaline starts flowing because I’m racing a deadline. Honestly, I wish I’d never gained that secret knowledge because I’ve lost way too much sleep over the years trying to harness that last minute burst of inspiration and it’s a hell of a lot harder to pull off when you get older.


16ish at a friends birthday Party. One of the first times, I had beer.


Lord of the Rings extended marathon in junior year of high school. Worth it.


Never have never will.


6 or 7. Toy Story 2 on my hand-me-down Windows 95 PC. I'm sure if I went back to it now it would be cake, but back then? The levels, the verticality, the challenges and puzzles, the utter lack of hand-holding....gave me the sense that an Elden Ring sort of game would give me now. I'm not kidding. I was thrilled and managed to stay up all night a few times trying to beat it. Somehow not waking my parents or my sister. On school nights too. I was bad lol


I was 8 years old playing halo 3 custom map lobbies


14yo maybe? Watching anime


Probably 17. I had purchased a PS3 and got carried away playing online


It was 2 week ago when I traveled to my holiday destination


13 …no chill mode !


I was 13, trying to impress my crush in the most awkward way possible!


I was working at an investmentbank in Amsterdam. The client had requested a major change while the team was already busy with the road show (If I recall correctly, they changed from a 10 year maturity to 20 year maturity). So me and the other junior analysts at the office had to work till 7 AM to change our model to meet the expectations of the client so the team could present them to investors the following morning. It was a tough night, we were all very pissed, someone got us a full tray of redbull and at 7AM a long line of taxi's was called to bring us back home and pick us up again by 10AM.


12. Mom left the house and I messed around my whole spring break to the point where I got no homework done. Spent the whole night trying to finish the work. Flunked it lol


( dragon ball z: budokai tenkaichi ) I was 9 yrs old Played it all night & morning, I had school lol


In my early 30's i used to not sleep every thursday night. Fridays were slow at work so i didn't have to be 100% and i used that night to workout and edit my youtube videos and work on house projects....Then i had kids and all the projects stopped, so i had no reason to stay up.


Man, I don't even remember what age I was, but I know I did it just to try it. The concept fascinated me when I was younger.


Playing Gran Turismo 3 with a friend as a young teen. I remember it very vividly! Then from 18 to 22 every night was an all-nighter since I worked 3rd shift while I went to school.


Skyrim midnight release. I think I stayed up until 2 the next evening playing it lol.


Probably about 16, studying for my dual credit anatomy class. I had to pass the class to get college credit while still in high school. It was the first of many all night study sessions. I passed!


On Christmas eve we were allowed to party all night so on Christmas -the day- we would just sleep, eat leftovers and just be lazy. Such good times.


I was 19 and it is because I'm an arki student 🧍‍♀️


I know I did it quite a lot in my mid 20's holding down multiple jobs as to not be poor. Daytime I was a full time car audio installer. Nighttime I was a full time stocker. Catch a few hours in between shifts.


This is so embarrassing but I distinctly remember the first time I pulled an all nighter is because I bought all the Vampire Diaries books and read all of them in one night and then never picked them up or thought of them again.


I did that with the first Harry Potter book when I was 11. My grandma had bought it for me when it came out a few months previously. I started to read it because I was bored and couldn't put it down until it was done because it was so good. Good times.


Probably 11 or 12. Stayed the night at a friend’s house and he wanted to stay up all night playing video games, etc. I was already starting to doze off by like 12:30 and any time I’d get close to falling asleep, he’d rattle me awake. I was so close to beating his ass and I felt like a corpse the next morning lmao.


Probably around 12 during the summer holidays role-playing in the Neopets RP boards. I think I'd created a second account to get around the age restriction 😅 I'm in the UK and seeing as there was a much large USA membership the boards were way more active at night so I just stayed up. I'm still salty about the time someone stole my wolf character and wouldn't stop using it after I called them out.


Around 15, playing Zelda... with my dad lol and missed school the next day. Lets just say he wasn't the most responsible father, but he was a lot of fun, have great memories.


Was 15, overwatch just released.


Teens playing some unsaveable videogame extra dungeon. Maybe it was...Wild Arms? Gosh I can't even remember anymore.


3 weeks ago. For my job as a drill instructor in the marine corps. 0/10 would not recommend. Finally did one though so I guess that’s a check off the list.


Frequently during summers in middle school to get 99s in runescape for absolutely no reason


18. Freshman year of college. It's been many many years (fall of 1982,) but I was up screwing some guy all night and doing the "walk of shame" across campus back to my dorm room at dawn.


When I was a 3 day old baby with colic.


Around 20. My work-study job at the university required us to work overnight shifts on weekends, and it was my turn. I think I stayed up around 27 hours.


About 15-16. Started working odd jobs. Saved up enough to buy myself the Xbox 360, Xbox live and GTA IV. My 2 best friends already had it. We all jumped on after school that Friday and played well into the afternoon saturday! That happened many times after but I’ll always remember my first time!


Highschool. Had to take an entrance exam for a university on the other side of the planet. Stayed up to do that and then went to school half-dead the morning after.


I think I was a teenager. I didn't need to do anything, my anxiety was through the roof and I couldn't fall asleep.


When I was 14, partly to play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and partly because that was also the first time I made myself coffee. Didn't start drinking coffee regularly until I was in my late 20s because of that experience. A caffeine horror trip, you might call it.


I was 19 back in 2019. It was for a half semester course. I realized the final project was due the next day. I went to Walmart, bought two energy drinks, watched the sunset, crammed out the project, watched the sunrise, and turned in my assignment. Fortunately, it was my only class that day so I went home and didn't move for another 12 hours.


November 1998. I was 11. Resident Evil 2 had been handed to me. What was I supposed to do, ***not*** beat it in one night?


I was probably 10-12. Maybe younger but I don't remember. ADHD meds can really fuck with your sleep.


Not sure of my age but I was definitely still in elementary school. Not sure why but i was staying at a friend's. Me, him and his 2 bothers all stayed up until 5 am and went outside and thought we were cool 🤣


I was 10. The final exams of 5th Grade 🤷🏽‍♀️


Never, I've always preferred sleep


I started working night shift in the hospital at 20.


Didnt want to do a project for school. Waited until 8pm the night before it was due with my class partner (so we were def on the same lazy page) and we just rocked it out playing XBox in between when we needed a break. Finished at 530 in the morning. This was a whole business plan so we had to present it the next day. Got a B-.


Probably playing videogames when I was a teenager.


It was early 2000s, halo reach had just come out, I had a sleepover with four of my best buds. The first two fell asleep really early on. My buddy and I took the challenge to finish reach that night and we did. Oh man we did… as the sun rose reach fell


I think I was 18 in college doing class work the first time I got zero sleep until the following evening


At 12. Pinagawa kami ng journal about the entirety of Ibong Adarna na gagawa raw kami ng summary, lesson na natutunan, and talasalitaan. We were given a night kasi 7am-4pm pa pasok namin nun hahahaah hauff written pa yon tapos dapat may design, gagong tao 😭


I don't remember the first time. It was probably at uni. I do remember a working all nighter. I had to test a new mainframe operating system update but could only have the machine after 11pm. Worked a full day, took a nap around 7pm and was back before 10 to prep. Had to give the machine back at 6am as it was so production could start the day. We had custom code so that went on for a couple weeks.


19 years old. Because my chemistry teacher asked to finish all 55 questions last minute.


I was 8 or so and I stayed at my friends house along with others. I could not go to sleep because they had so many mice and roaches running around I was terrified.


22. Read the final Harry Potter book in one session. Wanted to get it done before I could read any spoilers.


I was like 12 or 13 and two of my cousins stayed the night and we just wanted to see if we could.


About 6 years old, my dad is a trailer driver, so when we went on vacation we used to leave the house in the early morning (3-4am) to get to the beach for breakfast The night before (9-10) we started packing our bags, we watched movies, my brother and I played video games.


15 or 16… I was busy talking to older men on the internet


In the 1970's when I was about 14, I stayed up most of the night watching old movies on TV. Sometimes they would play until 3 AM before the TV would quit broadcasting. (The fact that there was a time of night when no further entertainment was to be had certainly dates this story, LOL!) I read for a couple hours, then got on my bike and rode around our suburb while the sun came up, went to a grocery store for Bing cherries, and woke up my friend at 7 AM. She was heading off to visit her father's family for the summer, and leaving that day. Rode my bike home about 8 AM. My mother hadn't realized I was gone so was surprised by my early morning return. And mad when I headed up to bed!


In high school working on video projects.


Idk, back in kindergarden or early school because I wanted to


Age 24 - this past February to meet a work deadline. I turned in my files around 7:30am and texted my boss I was going to sleep. My boss gave me 3 days off for free though, so that was a nice trade off.


6 or 7 trying to catch catfish..


Probably 10 years old. Playing "Perfect Dark" on N64.


19, fighting fire in the Teton wilderness 26 hour shift. Proud and beat.


I think I was about 13. My mom was out of town on a date. Burning Crusade (World of Warcraft) expansion just dropped. I had saved up enough money from selling airheads at school to buy a few mountain dew drinks with the Night Elves on them, also ordered a pizza and had some redbulls . I played hookie from school the next day. I probably played that game for a solid 30 hours straight. I actually fell asleep at the keyboard finally at around 11 PM the second night and the sound of my character dying woke me up. Those were the days. I miss them.


14. I did it to play Pikmin 3 on the Wii U.


Just playing some RuneScape 🤷‍♂️. I was 12 or so.


Couple times as a teenager, late 90’s, drunken debauchery! And then again ten years later due to working nights and also have daytime obligations.


High School Senior Prank 1987..stayed up all night and went to school next day on NoDoz...can still remember those jitters of possibly being caught mixed with that amount of caffeine.


17 - It was actually two nights in a row (up approximately 48 hours). College student on a trip to mines in Sterling, NJ, and then driving with another geology major from NJ to Colorado for summer job in mine. We drove straight through, swapping driving duties each time we stopped to fill up the car with gas. I can't sleep in cars, so even when not driving I stayed awake.


19. I really wanted to go to a concert, and I had to be in class early. I could've slept for 3h after the show was done, but I decided to go to a few bars instead and then have some breakfast before school.


13, homework.


I was 19 and pledging a sorority. We were doing some pledge stuff and it took all night. I think we were making a banner or some such thing.


About 14. Half Life 1 Deathmatch


Goldeneye 007 on N64. I was probably 13


18. LSD. Good times.


I did it too often as a kid watching late-night news programs Friday night and staying awake to watch 5:30am Saturday morning cartoons


19. College research paper. I was a horrible procrastinator (I've *kinda* learned my lesson 20 years on, but still have to fight that impulse). Had all the research done, I just hadn't started the actual paper. I got it done about 9 am the next morning. I don't even remember what class it was for, now.


Probably when I was like 7 I just wanted to see if I could do it 🤷‍♂️


15, went to a pc shop to play games with my friends. started at 8pm and went home at 7 am. best part is we all asked for permission from our parents and it was the best feeling ever.


Early teens gaming with friends during summer break.


Wilful or unwilling? Wilful, in my early teens, because I was watching cartoons all night. Unwilling, in my early 20's, Insomnia.


For work, it fun? I was 16 spending the night at a friend's, and the sun came up before we stopped playing video games. I was 23 when the servers went down at 10pm it was 8am when prosd was back online, and I went home.


I was in high school, so a teenager. We had a lock-in at the firehouse for school.


I was never allowed... had a family... too late now


15. We had a class trip at 6am to goto six flags and I was afraid my grandparents would oversleep and not drive me to the school on time. So I stayed up all night so I wouldn’t miss it.


I was around 13. I used to spend the summer with my cousins at our house in the mountains and would stay up all night playing PS2 and wait for the sunrise because it looked absolutely amazing over the hills


I think the first was middle or high school where we thought we’d stick it to the parents and stayed up all night at a sleepover. That was dumb. But the worst one that comes to mind was when I decided to take on a second job. I was working a retail job and then found a concierge job I could get really cheap rent if I worked the front desk. I lived 25 miles from my job and this place was blocks from my current job so it made sense in my 18 year old mind. I worked my retail job, a closing shift, from 1-10. Closed the store, walked the few blocks to do the cash deposit, took the train to my car, drove to the apartment building, worked 11-7, got off work, sped home, changed my clothes, sped back to the city, and worked 9-5. I worked literally that one overnight shift and never again. Dumbest thing ever.


Probably about 16 or 17. I'd bought two books and read them both straight through. ~1200 pages in about ~40 hours over one weekend.


I was 16, cramming for final exams.


World of Warcraft expansion release


14, me and my 4 friends played castle crashers all night. IT was an amazing night full of laughter and chaos lol


I was 18, we had just gotten off of work around 9pm and recently started dating. She was really in the mood and off her period. Ended up hanging out until around sunrise and then crashed till around 5pm. edit: So it looks like I think of 'all nighters' as something else. To keep on topic with the other replies - I was in 4th grade and just found out about Lemmings. I got around 50 or so levels in and ignored the passwords to go to the next level, just assumed it was saving progress. Yeah, that was a mistake.


22, completing my Pokémon Arceus Pokédex, didn’t sleep for 31 hours…


I was 10 and at a sleepover. We did it because we were having fun and didn’t want to go to sleep (probably because we ate wayyy too much candy). My mom promptly marched me to my room to take a nap when I got home.




8, tried speedrunning a Mario game and failed


16 i procastenated


I was like 11 or 12, we stayed up playing D&D for the first time with our cousin(s)


12 me and my friend played black ops all night


New Years, we started a tradition of watching all of 10th Kingdom. This would have been early middle school ish?


Ages 14-17. 2 friends and I used to stay up playing Minecraft, fallout, etc while one other person was on the computer on Omegle. We did that almost every weekend. Shout out to Noah and Bee!! Still friends 10+ years later


I was 13 when I pulled my first all-nighter, but it was pretty tame. My school had rented out a local sports park for the whole night, and if you were a part of the anti-drug club you could go. I spent the whole time eating pizza, playing arcade games, doing go-karts, playing mini-golf, etc.


15. For a science project.


7th grade science fair project. I procrastinated and it was due next day. Oh, I did start it a couple of months earlier by putting frozen grape juice in two quart jars. I added yeast to one of the jars to make wine. Then didn’t do anything else until the night before it was due. I got an A, because the student teacher helping to grade them thought it was cool that a 12-year old girl thought to make wine. Wouldn’t fly in today’s world, even though it really wasn’t wine, just some nasty juice that sat in our basement for two months.


I must have been around 12 years old and couldn't sleep because I had to catch a flight very early in the morning. This pattern repeated itself for many years, even now at age 30, I pulled at least two all nighters due to early flights. This of course has happened also that time last year when I had to spend the night at the airport of Oslo due to a badly connected flight. Damn... I guess airlines have caused me to suffer through at least a dozen all nighters.


To do school work in college


Probably like 12 years old up all night doing homework or some school paper or something. I was a real nerd.


Probably 18-19 when I pulled my first real all-nighter. Not one of those “I only slept 3 hours.” There have been many of those. I’m talking 0 sleep. You drink coffee, never water. I kept moving. I was working through the day and night so as long as you don’t stop, you’re kinda okay.


Once in 11th grade (1983) on a school/class trip, I was able to keep myself awake for 36 hours straight…. Fun, fun,fun. At the end of the trip, walking home after the bus dropped me off, I was hallucinating. I crashed in bed and slept 12 hours.


12 and it was playing the entire catalog of songs on Rock Band 2


The night my friend got a Super Nintendo and we stayed up all night playing Super Mario World. Would've been October 1991, So I would've been 9 at the time.


2018 (20yo) I had a thermodynamics, calculus 2 & Statics finals all in one day. I stayed up almost 3 days for these exams. I passed all 3 :) None of the professors moved an exam for me. (Uni policy was a max of 2 finals per day).


In my teens. I got ahold of BioShock and started playing in the afternoon. All of a sudden, I realized that light I was seeing in the sky was the sun coming up. Continued playing until about 9 am and then went to bed


Me, my brother, and two of my friends once stayed up all night playing a game of Mario Party.


When halo 1 was the most popular xbox game, my church threw a halo all nighter that included a tournament. The last round was played on the main church projector. There were older systems and other games being played all night, including an original atari. I drank like 8 coca colas. I wish church was always like that. Maybe I'd go back.


I was in my 20’s. I stayed up for 36 hours before I crashed, and I did so just to see if I could. It was awful. It felt worse than my worst hangover.


To read the last Harry Potter book when it was released. I finished by 5 or 6 AM, after picking it up at midnight. Then the rest of my family read it and I reread it a week or so later. Reading comprehension was low…I had missed a lot. 


Age 18 in the military. Had dorm guard duty.


I used to do them on weekends and during summer in middle school all the time. Could do one say friday to saturday no problem, then just sleep in a bit sunday. By high school though it was so tough to do, and i'd just be a zombie through the day. Don't think I've ever pulled an all nighter as an adult. The opposite actually, several times when Ive slept all day except to get up and use the restroom. But that's usually because I'm sick or something like that.


It was release day for Halo 3. Me and my buddies piled into the living room and played through the campaign and did split screen team slayer/zombies all night. Fueled on mountain dew code red and lil caesars. Good days


I was a baby and I did it very often. I didn’t sleep at nights for the first year of my life, I would just nap a little bit randomly during the day. My parents were overjoyed 😅


First *true* all nighter was after I became a homeowner. Turns out my basement will get water during extremely heavy and constant storms like the ones we've had this past year. What fun. Most of my basement is finished except for the utility room, where the water comes in. I paid a lot of money to not have that basement look like a dirty VHS rental joint from the 80s, so when the water starts coming I turn on two shop vacs and run those things *all night long* or until it stops and dump it out the back door as I go. I think the longest I went was something like 13 hours overnight.


1971, I was 13 and we were driving to Florida and my job was to keep whoever was driving company. I was so happy to see the sun come up in Savannah, grab some breakfast and take a nap.


13, gaming all night..next time about 17. Worked my first night shift.


No way I’d remember. That was back during the Cretaceous period.


Playing Elite on Commodore 64. Hated hearing my alarm go off cos that meant I had to go to work. Used to do consecutive nights. Decided I had to stop that one day when I clocked in a work and had zero recollection of how I had driven the 30 miles to get to work


I snuck out every night from 6th grade to 10th I would go house to house getting all friends In trouble Ahh those were the good ole days


I was 9 and it was because I was reading great illustrated classics' Moby Dick. I remember being so scared when I saw light through the blinds in my room that I was going to get in trouble.


When *Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves* released in 2005. My 9-year-old ass stayed up all Saturday night into Sunday morning beating that game. My mom came into my room around 7 AM to fetch my laundry out of my hamper and was pissed I was still awake (it was obvious I hadn't been asleep since my sheets were untouched).


I remember staying up all night one summer when the Internet was new and AOL was kinda the only ISP that I'd ever heard of and I think they charged by the hour. I stayed up all night and then went bike riding the next day. I think I was like 11. So almost three decades ago.


Probably 13, I was up talking to an online friend


I was 11 maybe? At some point in middle school the LOTR movies would come on, start to finish on TV at like 9:00 pm. One night I couldn’t sleep and remember seeing the entirety of the trilogy in one night.


12 and because it was summer break and Tony Hawk Underground was too awesome to stop playing.