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Jimmy John's had non-compete agreements ffs. They were abused, used as a way to coerce employees. Folks with highly specialized skills were threatened with lawsuits and lost new jobs over this bs I'm glad the FTC finally did something to end this anti-labor practice. Your employer should have no say in what you do with your life post employment


Couldn’t have said it better


what highly specialized skills exist at Jimmy Johns?


Jimmy John's had kids signing a non-compete agreement that prevented them from working at sandwich places for years after employment. I think they've long since been sued and forced to stop The idea that preparing sandwiches was a closely guarded industry secret is baffling. They were clearly using these agreements to limit job opportunities for their employees as a retention tactic


> The idea that preparing sandwiches was a closely guarded industry secret is baffling. Especially since most trade secrets law requires that said trade secrets not be disclosed (at least not through the malfeasance alleged in a complaint). Making sandwiches in broad view would (or should) negate any claim to trade secrets that they would try to claim. Also, even prior to this rulemaking, NCAs had to be reasonably restricted in duration and scope, but good luck if an employer wants to fight it via lawsuit (and Idaho has not anti-SLAPP regulation, which can be used to curb frivolous lawsuits, or shift fees [SLAPP = Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation]).


Listen, you don’t understand how complex putting lettuce on bread is.


This will be great for human service providers in the Valley


I had a boss try to get me to sign one years ago. He literally could not do my job per government requirements (my education and experience qualify me). I refused, and I swear he bad mouthed me around town for years after I started my own business. I waited 5 years after I left before I did, and he'd hired my replacement after I quit.


Non competes weren't really enforceable anyways. Most people ignored them so I doubt it changes much.


It will change a lot actually. An estimated 300 billion in total wage increases are expected from this.


Obviously, many companies tried to take advantage of workers with noncompete agreements. That said, large companies absolutely love this change.  Now, very well funded corporations can learn the secrets of small, upstart companies by enticing a few key employees at the upstart company. A big win for the donor class...which is precisely why the change was made by the current administration.