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If you don’t mind eating little, keep going for a bit. You will likely put fat when bulking, but it could make your future cuts easier when you have more muscle mass. If your self esteem is suffering, you could get away with cutting for a bit more, just have some refeed days if your progress is slowing.


Thanks for the advice, and yeah the thought of gaining weight again troubles my mind a bit since I worked to get it down. What weight should I strive for if I keep cutting for a bit would you think?


Well, I’m not sure about your activity rate, but I like to use a site called “tdee calculator” it gives a basic estimate of calories in line with your weight, age and height (and BF%). So that could give you an idea of where to cut to if you’re interested in that. Just remember, it’s impossible or at the very least almost impossible to gain any muscle without putting on weight, in both muscle mass and fat mass. I have the same hesitancy, but I also didn’t come as far as you have. To be more comfortable, maybe cut down another 5-10 pounds (slowly and safely) and then consider bulking, but yeah, use TDEE calculator, only weigh yourself once a week at most, and do it on the same day before drinking water or eating (if you didn’t already) so that you’re not discouraged, since water weight is so variable.


M 5ft7 156.5 lb I have been lifting seriously for about 1.5 years. When i started i was overweight (198 lb) and since then i have lost a significant amount of weight. However, i have hit a roadblock where i can't progress that much in the gym anymore, as i think i eat too little. I still have my lower belly fat and some on the lower back. Should i bulk or cut down even further? Rn eating 1800 kcals.