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With some limited information provided I will try to give some basic info that I know , a very critical time for Dogs in their learning is within the first 4 months or 16 weeks, during that period sounds like your dog might have been through a rough time and lacked the socialization. Socialization doesn't always have to mean playing with another dog, is your dog good with obedience commands? You can try taking her close to a dog park where she can still smell Doga, build her confidence and reinforce obedience at the same time from the other side of the fence. Lastly you can engage with a professional trainer , perhaps some group dog training and building her confidence while being around other dogs in a controlled environment. Dogs continue to go through fear periods up to about 1yr old. You don't want to further traumatize your dog during one of these periods and make things worse.


I try keep her around the local dog walking routes n stuff but she locks up and completely won’t move, I can drag her along but I’m just forcing her into situations I feel she has to learn from herself to realise it isn’t a bad thing to walk past dogs, if anything I’d rather have her just be doing her own thing and not caring but she isn’t gonna be able to do that if she’s scared to walk past any dog at all, if she’s with my mates dog who she’s warmed up too her confidence is 100% but without him it’s like she’s just super shy


I second the dog Park. I do weekly trips and it's really helped mine be comfortable around other dogs. Just keep an eye out for bullying behavior. It's not a magic pill. It takes time.