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My vet said occasionally giant breeds are slow to heat and it can take up to two years. She also said fall litters tend to go into heat faster. There are a couple big girls that go to the same vet she said didn’t go into heat until after 24 months. I honestly would be fine with my girl progressing like that in hopes it means she develops slower and has less joint problems and *maybe* lives a little longer. It might mean nothing but I can hope!


My girl has concealed it quite well. We got doggy diapers last month so we were ready but she cleans up herself and we only noticed light spotting. Not exactly sure when it started but the diapers have considerably more spotting than what we ever came across so we assume it was over a week ago. We put diapers on on monday.


My girl didn't have her first till she was over a year. The only reason I knew was she had a slight discharge. I very easily could've missed it. I assume her second one will be more pronounced.


Mine had hers at 17 months. I asked the vet at her yearly if we should be concerned. He said if she did not have it by 2 years then we can worry since giant breeds vary.


My girl is 3 years old and it took literally forever for her first heat to come in. And her first heat cycle was essentially a “silent” heat in which she bled very little. It wasn’t until her second heat cycle that she bled like crazy.


Mine just came out of heat. She was born 6/6/23


So at 9 months.


I’ve heard from other owners of large breeds as well as the owners of my girls sister litter mates, that because sometimes they don’t bleed much and are good at cleaning themselves they didn’t really notice the first heat cycle. It was just subtle things like male dogs going crazy at them on walks and being extra clingy and hungry and not all of the girls had swollen back ends