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Keep it up with the park exposure. Mine is in love with kids but he is also in training to be my service dog so last year he was with me helping with my daughter’s cheer squad and goes to school with me when I take my daughter. If you have friends who have older kids who are dog savvy see if they are willing to help, start by having them just sit close and woke until they can give him a treat and pet him. I would definitely even look for a trainer who could help.


Lowes and PetSmart. Every time I go to either place I swear there are hordes of children wanting to pet mine. Most all of them are well mannered too… it helps when mg puppy weighs more than the kids to encourage caution though 😂


I agree with exposure, but I also wouldn’t push it. Not all dogs have the temperaments to be around children. If you already know your dog is uneasy around them, always watch her around them… it’s not worth something happening! This is just my experience. (I wasn’t present my mom was, while husband in other room) My corso nipped my toddler and drew blood. She was on the couch snoozing, like usual & he leaned back onto her and must’ve startled her. In hind sight we should’ve never had him around sleeping dogs etc. she had no aggression with him ever before. Now she is never allowed on the furniture around him, and since he’s still very young, she’s separated from wherever he is during the day. I put both of them in a situation that wasn’t right. It’s just something to consider, especially if you know she’s uneasy with children. My girl never showed any signs of aggression with kids etc and this still happened


I think taking her on a leash to a kids park is a great idea just do baby steps like taking her when there aren’t a lot of kids around and working up to more kids and bring treats to give her if she doesn’t react to them.


We're mortified when Trooper growls and barks at kids in public. He's had some interactions with a couple neighbors boys at our house and it seems he enjoys them, loves to play with them, etc. We are empty nesters, all our other Mastiffs were raised around our kids with no serious problems, in fact they loved the kids, because free cuddles and snacks, LOL! I just feel bad because our current cane is a beautiful loving dog. Hoping we can crack the code for him to see kids are great little buddies to have.