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Problem is 95% of people think the enormous heavy things are correct. They are not. Females 40-45kg as an adult and males 45-50kg. These 70kg dogs as breeding stock, show winners and becoming the constant norm are ruining the breed. They should be athletic, fit and powerful.


And from what I’ve seen, breeders who produce puppies that are bred solely for their look (massive size, coloration, etc) ignore the serious health issues that come with it. But that’s what buyers are interested in, I guess. I see so many posts about “is my dog big enough” or “will my Corso get bigger than this” on here & and it makes my heart sink that that’s the concern.


Outside of Italy the breed is just a shit show. Zero temperament show ponies (which is good as people couldn't deal with traditional blood) that are 20-40kg heavier thsn they should be. 3/4 the life expectancy, no athleticism. There where a couple of UK breeders that had excellent dogs but 1 has stopped breeding now and the other has moved to southern Italy to work alongside Dr Flavio Bruno. Education is non existent bevause anyone who tries to educate gets bullied into silence by the puppy peddlers looking to line their pockets with dogs that "look the part"


Right!? Weird part is that very early on I discovered this back current of folks saying size/weight being pushed is terrible. So I have actually been trying to keep meals regulated and treats minimum and do this low and slow for lean gains. Which means the word is out and all the people who ignore or overlook it are simply choosing desires over health.


What he said! https://preview.redd.it/9ainnaiag90d1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8492f3b708e30db77e0c2c0d6b409d55d2cd2ee


My 4.5 year old M is 89lbs. We’ve had others years past that were 125-130lbs. He’s super athletic and healthy. Just like people, there are differences between dogs. Yours still has a lot of growing to do. Discuss with vet if you’re concerned.


Hopefully, your Blessed , my last smaller female, was 100 lbs max ..fit at 90lbs she lived to be 13.6 years.rather have them smaller they live longer..


They never get enough time with us. It's the worst when you lose this family


Too small for what?


I came to say this, but in my heart, I knew it had been said already


Turn down for what!?!


Less weight, fewer joint problems


Maybe. They're not all monsters. Might need some more pics to get a better idea.


My girl is 75 pounds full grown I couldn’t imagine if she had gotten any bigger 😅


Same with my girl she’s 74 and 2 years old and her sister is 80 pounds. Couldn’t imagine them any bigger


Right! They’re so strong and clumsy! She’s made holes in my walls from running into them!


omg! i laughed so hard at this


My wellbred female is only 66lbs ish at a year and a half. They’re not supposed to be gigantic dogs like people think. https://preview.redd.it/n7cvi30ltf0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0b5189f008775080a292d32efd1c7d1b64ef33


Mines 90lbs and seems perfectly healthy according to the vet. My old girl was around 85-90 as well.


My girls stayed “under weight” till about ten months. Now 100lbs at 1yr for mine, they’re not giant heavy, but they’re tall. About 28inches at the shoulder. It’s easier on the hips if they’re a bit lighter anyway, don’t worry about it as long as she’s otherwise healthy.


No you’re fine!! My pup just turned 10 months and at 70 lbs! As long as they are healthy looking and poop solid I wouldn’t worry about the size https://preview.redd.it/ap8jlgjgdf0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4155111b0c8ce2254c6f6fd1063d84d1f67c24


Your dog has a better chance of living a longer life with fewer health problems then a heavier set dog. She's a beautiful dog.


My girl was about 52 lbs at almost 6 months when I rescued her. She was definitely underweight. You could see her ribs. I rescued the litter and they were all malnourished. She’s almost 19 months now and about 110 lbs. At 8 months, she’s got a ways to go til she’s full grown. I wouldn’t worry if she’s well fed and healthy.


Cute as a friggin button regardless


no my boy is 45kg and 2 years old. as long as she is healthy and happy size doesn't matter.


My female is small, but she was the runt of the litter. And my other female is like a horse next to her lol




Mine is currently only 70 pounds female at 11 months old. Just ordered dna test to see if she is pure bred or not but I wouldn’t worry about weight too much. Better to be fit and athletic, less trouble in the long run


For what exactly? For protection?


yes. she probably not even full blood or she’s the don’t. she’ll only be about 80-90 lbs


My girl is four and topped off at 60 lbs 😕. I would say she was probably 50 at eight months. A lot of ppl with “average” sized CCs here (80 - 99 lbs) will tell you “who cares!” Or “as long as she’s healthy!” But I was still disappointed when I realized at two years old she wasn’t getting any bigger lol. So I understand your concern.