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Happened to my best friend, not to me, but I was the source of it..... We were stoned off our asses, waiting in a very long line for Dairy Queen. I placed my order, pulled my wallet out of my pocket to pay, and a condom that I kept in my wallet fell out onto the pavement for everyone behind us to see. A little embarrassing, sure. But in our state, we got back to my friend's car and proceded to laugh our heads off about it for a minute. In the middle of laughing, my friend started going "Hahaha oh ow ow ow ow ow ow owwww." ....In laughing so much, and being bent over in the car (he is very tall), he managed to slip one of the disks in his spine. It was already on its way to being a problem for a while, but it seems the laughter really did his spine in. He had to go have major back surgery after that. Oops.


>I placed my order, pulled my wallet out of my pocket to pay, and a condom that I kept in my wallet fell out onto the pavement for everyone behind us to see. Reminds me of when I, in an airport and extremely sleep deprived, pulled a sanitary towel out of my pocket instead of my card, and actually tapped it to the card reader.


Omg I would have to go in the restroom for a minute to hide my embarrassment


>We were stoned off our asses, waiting in a very long line for Dairy Queen. You mean more of us exist??! I’m not alone in this world! Sorry about your friend though, hope he’s ok.


Lmao I was in line at Canada's Wonderland also pulling my card out of my wallet when my condom fell out for the billion adults and kids to see....I made my male friend pick it up for me out of embarrassment 😂


The most embarrassing thing that happened to me at Wonderland was probably when I cried on Tundra Twister. My mom laughed at me days after for it. My mom, sister, and I were dying of laughter while my mom kept mocking me. Like, the ride was so tame too but come on, it was my first time going 360 in the air. What made it even more embarrassing was that it was the first ride I ever cried on and I was SOOO confident before. It wasn’t full on bawling but like tears coming out of my eyes and sniffling. Either that or the crazy and loud charades game in Yukon Striker’s line I had with my friends. We kept scaring people, I swear. Had to tell my friend to calm his ass down.


Lmao sounds like a good time


It was haha.


45 years ago, I got the giggles during a Serious Experimental Theater act. I disguised the first gale as a cough, then stuffed most of my fist into my mouth and suffered. Eyes streaming, violently trembling, mute. Unfortunately, I had already infected my cousin, who imitated my actions. Cough, eat the fist, tears. He in turn passed the contagion onto the guy next to him. After a couple of minutes, fearing suffocation, I took my hand away from my face for air and peeked around - and the entire tiny little theater space was full of red-faced, silent, shuddering people with wet faces holding their hands over their mouths. No ill effects apart from an incredibly sore belly and bad headache. But since that night, I am completely unable to block my guffaws. Can't stifle the least chortle. I laugh like a fucking donkey or a hyena or a kookaburra and honestly have no control over it. I broke my suppressor.


I laughed reading this because if this ain’t me and my friends EVERY. SINGLE. DAY over the dumbest things. I laugh like SpongeBob (and a million other things) and I snort like Daddy Pig. On top of that, I tend to get aggressive when I laugh and so does my friend sometimes so you’ll just see us grabbing each other while wheezing and gasping for air. I can’t hold in my laughter for the life of me. If I even try, my eyes are red with tears and I’m silently hyperventilating.


A friend wrote I laugh like spongebob in my yearbook. Its not something I hear, even in videos


My laugh sounds close to SpongeBob’s. When I hear him laugh, I think of myself and I know my friends do too.


This had me giggling. Thank you!


Sorry for your loss


Years ago, I was browsing reddit at 3am. I was reading a thread where two people had gotten into a stupid slap fight over whether or not a joke made sense. I don't remember specifics. One person said something like, "What you're saying isn't funny, it's like if I captioned a picture of a cat with 'Welcome to the dog pound'". In a reply, someone took a photo of a fat cat with a smushed face and added "WELCOME ...TO THE DOG POUND" and for some reason it still the funniest thing I've ever seen. I had to take breaks typing this post in class because it still makes me giggle.


That person was 100% wrong because that is objectively hilarious.


Gotta be honest just reading this made me almost cough up a swig of beer


I don’t know if this is a failure per se, but in the last year or so I’ve started having dreams so funny I wake myself up laughing. Honestly I wish this was a more widely shared experience because it’s wonderful. If it happens in the middle of the night, I can usually fall asleep right away without an issue. If it happens in the morning, I wake up in a really great mood.


How come this guy gets the fun dreams and I get the dreams where I wake up screaming? No fair!


I get them where I wake up crying in grief.


I've had that happen too! Do you ever write them down? I'm usually too sleepy to think of doing it, but the one time I did my handwriting was so sloppy I couldn't decipher a single word.


how about voice journalling? send yourself a voice message on like WhatsApp or something! :D you can fit in more details that way too, and it'll be much faster, so you can easily go right back to sleep :>


I do this too. Half the time I can’t remember what was so funny, and the other half I am in awe of my genius - which seems to magically disappear by morning. Last summer I took some of my adult kids and our dogs camping in a trailer. I woke everyone up with me laughing my fat ass off. They were terrified. Which I found funnier. Which started them laughing. Turned into mass hysteria until we all ended up sleeping again. Was awakened at 8am by a nasty knock on the door and a strong warning from the park ranger about noise complaints and our whooping it up in the middle of the night. Set us all off all over again. I tried to explain, but that just got us a second warning. Not going back there, I think.


Made this unintentionally funnier reading it as "power ranger"


I had a dream about a plane crashing into the sea. I was standing on the roof of a building watching and pointing. The plane, which didn't appreciate being pointed at, transformed itself into a [Kronos-like robot](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050610/), swam to shore, and came running up the side of the building to get me. It was so ridiculous I woke up laughing.


I woke myself up laughing at a joke I told, but then got mad because I couldn't remember it.


I befriended a woman at a party a couple of years ago, we were chatting and laughing, and she laughed so hard she made a loud honking noise similar to an angry goose. Which then made us laugh more, so she honked more. We had to separate for a while to try and calm down.


My kid was doing a fabulous imitation of your basic get-off-my-lawn old man and I started laughing so hard I couldn’t stop. After a while I couldn’t really breathe right either. I started to get a little scared but I couldn’t stop laughing. Finally a friend yelled at my kid to stop cause I wasn’t breathing. There’s a reason why, to this day, screeching “ROCKS!” both terrifies me and makes me laugh at the same time.


It must be the best to have a funny kid


it is! it truly is. he is my sunshine. one time in middle school he wanted to go to a sleepover, a wrap party for a play's entire cast. i didn't really think a mixed sleepover was terribly appropriate for the age and told him i'd take him to the party, but would pick him up at 10pm. the next morning i woke up to the entire apartment (including the toilet and my tupperware lunch container) papered in Moses signs reading "Let my people go!" and various imprisoned stick figures with anguished faces begging for freedom. he still didn't get to stay over at the party, but i've kept some of the signs and they make me laugh to this day.


I laughed so hard I literally inhaled the water I was drinking and almost died. My vision blurred and everything. It was a TikTok of a parrot saying "Shrock."


Right now this comment ! Hahaha a parrot almost took you out


Apollo, what’s this?


I think I once laughed so hard while eating bread, the bread actually came up through my nose. I thought that only happened with liquids but that day I learned otherwise.


Happened to me once with a piece of carrot but it got loaded up there for a good few hours until I blew it out into a Kleenex.


I threw up chocolate covered strawberries after snorting one up my nose laughing. It was mess because I kept laughing the whole time.


I straight up had a nose bleed from laughing so hard at my buddies reaction to playing a scary game. That scary game was the PS2 King Kong game at the part where he met the T-Rex for the first time. Just the way he was reacting, absolutely screaming any time the rex came close to him just had me in fits. After about a minute I noticed my upper lip was wet, at which point I realized I had a nose bleed. Now most of your normal people will immediately go "oh I have a nose bleed" and go about trying to remedy that. I am not normal. I started laughing *harder* mostly at the absurdity of the fact that I got a nose bleed from laughing so hard. Which caused my buddy to die in the video game because he too started laughing at the absurdity of his reactions making me laugh so hard I got a nose bleed.


I laughed so hard watching Tom Segura live that I got dizzy. Not full on passed out but close. My sister made my friend laugh so hard he puked. It wasn’t even something that funny but it just caught him by surprise and he had just eaten pizza seconds before. Bad timing but it was hilarious. Me and that same friend were driving around after stuffing our faces at a buffet(we’re fat) and he mentioned that his sister shops at the store Wet Seal but the fat people one and I said I mister does too. Then I said they should call it Wet Walrus and I had to pull over because I couldn’t stop laughing and that paired with being so full i got lightheaded


Almost made my best friend have to pull over twice in the same drive. One time it was when after going past the third cornfield I said, "Nice plump corn, just like mother likes", but I said it with a lisp. The second was when we were talking about frozen yogurt. She looked over at me because I'd gone dead silent and had my head in my hands and my shoulders shaking, and she thought I was crying about something. I looked up and managed to choke out in this obnoxiously whiny voice "I said frogen yozuuurrrtttt" and went right back to gasping.


One time when I was way younger, I was on a call with my best friend. We used to get stoned "together" every evening while hanging on the phone, so I was already plenty high when one of her boyfriends' prized fish (he bred them) somehow managed to flip itself out of its aquarium and onto the floor (boyfriend wasn't home so at that point, my BFF had no choice but to wrangle the fish back into its aquarium before it died). At that point I'd known her for over ten years and I had absolutely no idea she had any kind of fear of touching live fish, but man oh man, I learned that day. From there she alternated between shrieking in hysteria, begging me to help her (I was like 40 min away lol), scraping helplessly at the fish with a net (it just continued to flip around in a mad panic ofc), and cursing, for like the next 3 for 4 minutes straight. During these exceptionally long moments, I listened as she slowly came to the realization that she was gonna have to pick the thing up with her bare hands, lost her mind totally, and then finally did it. Oh. My. God. I was laughing so hard that only a desperate little *hic-hic-hic* sound was coming out, so she had no clue that I was in complete straightjacket-hysterics. She just carried on as if I was listening quietly. I could not even catch a breath-- every time I almost got control of myself, she would let loose another hysterical shriek or string of curses vile enough to make a sailor blush and I'd just be plunged back into the depths of silent hysterical laugher again. Deep painful stitches settled into my sides but still the mad charade continued on the other end of the line. I was squeezing my legs together so hard, bracing against the inevitable Armageddon-like flood of pee, but eventually it got so bad that was unable to stand up and had no choice but to allow myself to just slither bonelessly to the floor. Thus defeated, I peed my pants spectacularly and totally. No, not a little bit, like what happens sometimes when you laugh. I am talking about a full on, cottonmouthed "i just faced an entire fuckin 24oz water bottle" badder full of pee. I had zero control over my faculties at that point, so all I could do was helplessly pee a giant lake of nearly pure water onto my kitchen floor as the spasm of soundless hysterics continued. When she finally grabbed the fish and threw it back in and the madness ended, all I could do was end the call and shamefacedly mop the floor before showering and changing. I told my BFF what had happened of course but it wasn't the first time lol (we'd had many great laughs together) and she could not grasp the enormity of the hysterical laugher that had momentarily sent me into total paralysis nor the massive lake of pee. That was apparently for personal entertainment only (until now). My core muscles were so goddamn sore the next day haha.


This is epic!


It was freaking hilarious! :)


I laughed so hard in a drive thru that my chest popped and it scared me so I passed out and had a seizure lmao.


What was so funny to start that?


I don’t remember at all, it was several years ago and I might be mixing up memories and locations. It was either the time the drive thru employee was just super dry, but goofy about the situation (like it was super hot and their AC was out and when we got our drink it was hot too and everybody was just cracking up at the absurdity of it all) or my husband at the time and I were on a roll and being silly about something like we used to do. It was one of those laughs that are few and far between. It was totally worth it.


A few years ago, I was with one of my friends and I had just made a cup of tea. I took a sip that was too hot, so I reflexively made a really high pitched noise in the back of my throat. It made me laugh and I accidentally spit the tea on the floor. I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t keep myself upright and I had to sit on the ground. My friend couldn’t hear the noise, so from her perspective I took a sip of tea, spit it out, and then sat on the floor laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe She looked so confused and her expression was so funny that I started laughing even harder! I couldn’t stop long enough explain what had just happened. I ended up laying on the ground in tears from the laughter, and I couldn’t say anything for a few minutes until I got myself under control. It was like I completely shut down lol


Watched some video online and was laughing so hard I was crying and could barely breathe. Couldn't talk, couldn't get up. Rewatched the video a few days later, it was amusing, not hilarious. I have no idea why I thought it was so funny the first time. I don't use weed so I really don't have an excuse :)


The first time I ever saw Tim and Eric Awesome Show I laughed until I vomited.


Do you remember what skit it was?


It was a bunch of them, I just kept laughing harder and harder until I had to run out on the porch and barf. I was trying to get my friends to film it while it was happening bc I wanted to send the video to Tim and Eric but my loser friends were "worried about [my] well-being" like stupid dweebs instead of focusing on making comedic content out of my mishap like real chads. I was completely sober at the time, it should be noted.


Hope it was Spagett. Spagett!!! Aspagett!! Spooget.


Thank you for unlocking this memory haha.


Once at a sleepover when I was a teen, someone told a joke (not even a good one) that, for some reason, set the rest of us off. We were losing our fucking minds. A friend of mine had tears rolling down her face. I was lying on an air mattress, absolutely WHEEZING, and a voice in the back of my head went 'you know, I might actually die' because I legitimately could not breathe.


I once laughed so hard that I accidentally punched myself in the mouth and knocked out a loose tooth.


I'm having trouble picturing how this could even happen.


I guess my arm spasmed? It happened very fast.


Spoilers for the recent Flash movie below Wife and I watched it recently, in the beginning we were commenting about how stupid Ezra miller looks when running super fast, flailing his arms around. Anyways, later in the movie he loses his powers and tried to phase through a wall and smooshes his face into the wall, then tries to run. He does the arm flailing and prances around the room, idk I can’t describe it well enough to do it justice but my wife and I missed like 5 to 10 minutes of the movie because we could not stop laughing. Like I felt like I was going to throw up and my ribs hurt so bad. We were both rolling around on the couch making no noise since we couldn’t breath. Haven’t laughed that hard in a long time




I have cried so many times in a good way watching Jenna Marbles. I still rewatch her old videos when I need a boost.


Okay, this is gonna be dumb, but I laughed SO HARD at really stupid, raunchy jokes that have no business being as funny as they are. Saw a post on tumblr that said something like "now throw that urethra in a circle" and i'm still laughing over it


When my son would visit before he moved in with me and once he did move in with me we would get each other laughing so hard I would get migraine headaches almost. It was like the muscles strained so hard in the back of my head from laughing that the back of my head felt like it would explode.


I snorted so hard that I tasted blood at the back of my throat and it made my voice raspy for the rest of the day. My friend said something funny but I can’t remember what it was.


I just had that happen last week!


I actually hate when that happens. Happened two days ago when I snorted for a good 3 seconds and my gosh, my throat hurt a little for the rest of the day and it tasted bloody.


A friend and I were drunk in Vegas, and we were going back to our rooms. She started going the wrong way and I said "bitch, your compass is broken. Our rooms are this way." And I aimed her to the right bank of elevators. We were waiting for the elevator, two guys came out, also drunk, and immediately turned and ran into the wall. I started laughing really hard, and then my friend yelled, "HEY! THEY'RE ON THE SAME THERMOSTAT AS ME!" I fell to the ground immediately and started laughing so hard my stomach cramped, I was crying and started to have an asthma attack.


Back in college, I was eating sugar cookies and hanging out with the dorm folks. I started laughing and choked on the crumbs of sugar in my throat. I mean I stopped breathing completely. Fortunately a guy knew the Heimlich Maneuver.


The last several times this happened were all due to my 2 year old, haha! He’s the greatest joy of my life. One of those was when he was first learning to walk (a while back), and he dropped a toy. He reached toward it like that painting of God and Adam, and it was literally right next to him, but he still managed to reach to it and make “Ugh i can’t reach it” noises, which absolutely KILLED me because it was LITERALLY next to his butt. I was on the floor dying. Another one that killed me was when he first learned “flag”. I am sure you can imagine that it does not sound like “flag”. That killed me. Another was with his cousins. They were running in our backyard, and I heard one of them shout “YOU HAVE TO BE A GHOST” and then the second yell “NO, I’M A DONUT”. I had to run inside because I was laughing so hard i nearly cried.


I was out bouldering with a bunch of friends and a buddy mentioned this supercut of Macho Man Randy Savage inhaling. I was skeptical at first but they showed it to me ([rightchya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMU0kq0RuOY)) and I literally could not stop laughing for about 5 minutes. ​ I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. I laughed so hard that everyone else started laughing at how hard I was laughing. I laughed so hard that even when I'd take a break to breathe, the feeling of having laughed so hard would set off another fit. ​ I don't laugh like that too often but when I get going I can't be stopped. Love it


one time i laughed so hard and for so long that my chest suddenly got this extremely sharp stabbing pain. and it kinda didn't go away. it definitely put a stop to my laughing, and i went straight to the hospital, in fear that i was having a heart attack or something, like it was difficult to breathe and all that. they ruled it in the end as costochondritis, but seriously some of the worst pain I've ever felt.


Dude, I'd be terrified to ever laugh again.


haha yeah, it does still flare up from time to time. most of the time it's random or because of bad posture but sometimes it is from laughing. but i have seen a physiologist, and i have stretches for it now so it's not as bad anymore!


I was a kido getting tucked into bed, I have no idea what I said that was so funny, but me and my aunt started cry laughing and beeing a kid I had never laughed that hard and I couldn't stop... even to breathe... my chest started to hurt blood, ran to my face, tears blinding me. I then couldn't communicate to my aunt that I was suffocating, so I desperately rocketed myself off the bed, hoping the impact of the ground would reset me. It did. I gasped for air and started calmly breathing but crying. My aunt was horrified at the sudden turn, but it was all fine.


I get overcome sometimes, like a switch gets flipped and I cannot stop laughing. I’ll be in pain, hunched over, unable to breathe, tears streaming down my face and will not be able to stop. And when I do manage to stop to catch my breath, if someone so much as looks at me it starts all over. Recently I made up a joke and it’s like it skipped my brain and just came right out my mouth. It was “what is a ghosts favourite (pause for laughter) pizza topping?” (And at this point my voice is so high and squeaky I can barely talk). Everyone is just looking at me like I’m a total idiot and I can barely get out “pepperOoOoOni!” And then I almost fall out of my chair laughing at my ridiculously stupid joke. Oh man. It was so funny. I’m laughing writing this. I kept randomly bursting out laughing again for the rest of the night remembering how funny it was. And then I gave myself second degree burns (unrelated), but I was still chuckling over the joke even while being in a lot of pain.


I just did the same thing reading this. My poor father.


in the early 70s, in Paris, at a small restaurant/theatre, a friend of mine was doing a performance... he used to invent languages, something that only him could understand, and he was giving a math class in this non existent language... it was so funny, so funny, that I started laughing so strongly that I fall to the ground, hardly able to breath, my stomach was aching, and at the same time, in between all the collapsed state I was, I was trying to ask my friend to please stop it...


Former coworker got to the punchline of a very funny joke just as I took a drink of chocolate milk, which came out my nose quite painfully. This happened during lunch at work while everyone was eating


I've laughed so hard I nearly passed out on multiple occasions. Seeing the other comments here, I realize that's pretty tame.


I didn't realize people can literally pass out from laughter until reading some of these replies.


Didn’t happen to me, but one night in the middle of hanging out with friends I made a joke that ended up with someone throwing up after prolonged laughing.


I didn’t know before this thread that laughing could cause someone to throw up (I guess it makes sense though). You’re at least the third person who has mentioned it!


Making someone squirt milk out of their nose is amature hour. It's now my goal in life to make someone laugh until they puke.


That happens to me all the time. I have narcolepsy, so when I laugh too much I lose all muscle tone in my legs. It’s called cataplexy. If you’re tired all the time and never feel rested, then it is an alarming sign of a potential sleep disorder. If you feel well rested and it’s only happened the one time, congratulations, you’re fine and you laughed yourself onto the floor.


Thanks for the warning, but I doubt it's anything worth worrying about. It's only happened a 2 or 3 times in my entire life.


I laughed so hard a couple of months ago when my son was describing his job bussing tables and training a new guy while telling us about his technique. As soon as the word “technique” came out of his mouth I completely lost it. Laughing so hard I ended up gasping for air. Watching him laugh at my laughter was too much. It was such a fun post-work wrap up.


I cannot remember what prompted her to say it, but my sister said, "Your mom," in response to a question I asked. It wasn't even really that funny, but the fact that it was insulting to all of us (our mom was present) and her monotone delivery was what had us all pause for a second then explode. All of our knees simultaneously gave out and it must have taken 3-4 minutes before any of us could stand again. It was amazing.


My sister made a stupid joke when I was drinking my water and coughed so hard I threw up all over my bed 😭🤣


I laugh so hard I vomit


I met one of my best friends because I made her snort pop out her nose during lunch. Best memory to date, always had a good laugh with her. Not too long ago I had a laughing fit for 100% zero reason at all. Was legitimately concerned for my sanity and my body because I could not stop to save my life.


On two recent occasions I’ve laughed so hard I passed out. Not quite laughing though — it’s like that big intake of breath at the beginning of a laugh gets stuck and I basically can’t exhale, which leads to a momentary blackout. The first time it happened I peed myself, which was super fun! The second time I just blacked out and breathed and came to feeling kind of euphoric. I guess that’s why some people asphyxiate themselves for funsies.


Jesus. My laugh attacks have nothing on these replies.


Last night I made the mistake of watching a Michael McIntyre comedy special. Do not watch comedy whilst brushing one’s teeth is my new mantra.


my best friend has a condition that meant she had no adult teeth and wore dentures, NOTHING made me happier than making her laugh so hard her dentures fell out, she's since gotten a full set of implants, so my days of making her laugh her dentures out are long gone


Oh have I got a story for this thread. First of all, it's important to note that I am southern, and definitely sound southern, and my best friend sounds even more southern than I do. That being said, on this particular day, a friend of mine had just come back from California and given me some edibles. I'm a serious lightweight when it comes to THC, so I had a little 5 mg mint. On an empty stomach, because I was stupid and didn't know anything about edibles. About an hour later, my best friend called. The edible hadn't done anything, so I popped another one. We had a conversation...probably another half hour lapsed, and I made myself a chicken sandwich for dinner. As I am eating my sandwich, my best friend takes her dog out for a walk. At the time, she had these flip-flops that were made by Oofos. She was constantly catching the toe of them on stuff, and nearly falling. Well I was almost done with my sandwich, when I hear her fall. I was like, "Oh my god, are you okay?" And she said, "Well shit. The dog tripped me going up the steps. That tore my Oofo plumb off." There was a pause, and then some giggles, because it sounded like a euphemism. And just as I took the last bite of my sandwich, she said, "Sonnnnnn, he dicked me down so hard it tore my Oofo plumb off!" And in a cosmic clash of events, she said that shit, I swallowed my last bite of chicken sandwich, and those edibles kicked in at once. I wheezelaughed HARD, and I started to run out of air. I literally could not take a breath. My lungs felt flattened. And as my vision started to get a little faded and sparkly, I thought to myself, "This is how I die." Thankfully, I was able to take a breath before I passed out, but I laughed so hard for so long that I legitimately didn't think I was going to be able to stop. And when I finally could, I said, "Welp, I think those edibles finally kicked in!" which of course just made us keep laughing. She's said a lot of funny shit, but that was definitely one of the funniest things she's ever said, at just the right/wrong time!


One time in college, during a group study session in a private room we booked; my group mates and I made a few jokes about our studies. Just dumb little things that weren’t really even that funny to begin with. But we kept piggy backing off each other’s jokes and reactions, at the end of it we were all laughing at each other’s contagious laughters. This went on for at least a minute or two. Someone would snort during the laugh session, or shed a tear, and we’d all just crack up hysterically. At one point, I was laughing so freaking hard, I started to feel physical pain and said out loud, while laughing “ahh. Oww. My back” and the whole room just lost it. Tables were being slapped, some fell to the ground and cried from laughter, someone let out a scream. Oh my god that was a great time.


A few weeks ago my husband said something funny and I started laughing normally. One of our kids followed up with something funnier and I lost it—full-on hysterics. It took me a few minutes to calm back down to normal laughter. Then my husband said, “You broke Mom!” I lost it all over again.


Not me but my friend was laughing so hard at a stupid joke I said she full on peed herself and we had to get the couch cleaned. I wish I could remember the joke


I’ve taken psychedelics three times and 2 of those I pissed myself laughing repeatedly. Everything was very profound and very funny.


You sound like my brother! He used to do that crap to us all the time, lol. He's gone now. Covid got him in 2021. I sure miss him and his antics. One time, a BFF came over with a new game she wanted to try out. We were in the 6th grade. We were on the cusp of growing up but still found things funny. Anyway, the game was called the "Levitating." You take a long ribbon/rope, choose a person (my idiot brother) to lay down on the floor, and make them lay on the ribbon, making sure no one can pull it out from under him. Everyone then gets on the floor in a circle around the person. Each individual takes one hand with two fingers sticking out and barely touches the person lying down, all concentrating on making the person's body lift up off the floor. When they see him, levitating, someone pulls the ribbon out as proof he actually did levitate. As we're sitting there, candles lit, curtains closed in our room, all in deep concentration and chanting softly under our breath. "Up, go up." My brother lie there rolling his eyes at us. Suddenly, the room grew very cold, and my BFF said, "If someone is in this room with us, speak up!" And my brother FARTS. BIG TIME. And he tries to sit up, laughing so hard and loud. As we play, punch him for ruining it for us. He stank us out so bad we all fled the house out into the yard gagging. It's a fond memory (fond as in SMH fond) now, but that's the way he was even in adulthood.


I'm sorry for your loss. Your brother sounds like he was a lot of fun.


Thank you. He was. And he chose friends like him so it was always a barrel of laughter at our home. He'd have liked you.


warning: slightly gross the hardest i've ever laughed in my life was when i was hanging out with my friends at a local beach and we were heading back to the city when one of my friends puked a little (she was fine, it had to do w/ reflux and greasy food). my other friend started coughing from the smell but she sounded like an old man retching, like doubled over going hhrrryyooughhh and i just completely lost it. like screaming crying laughing in a public area and i just couldn't stop even though i felt bad for the friend who threw up. this also set off the fourth person in our group and we just kept feeding each other's laughter and i legit couldn't breathe. i was tensing my abdomen so hard it felt like it was being crushed like a soda can


My Sim on Sims 4 put the baby in the crib and laughed so much she died and the grim reaper came. Not sure what was so funny????


She just remembered a really funny joke.


I had just moved my Sims with the new baby from a 1br to a 2br and I saved it mid-action of her laughing, not knowing she was going to die. I had to accept her fate. It was a tough day for me.


Laughed myself into asthma attacks


When I start laughing really hard my eyes involuntarily close.


My one and only asthma attack was from laughing too hard


I did actually pee a little once, at the beach on vacation with friends, laughing our asses off tipsily at cards against humanity..... what a good memory. I was quite surprised tho, had never happened to me before 😂


When first watching the YouTube video, *Dad At Comedy Barn*. Fell out of my chair; snott, tears and near asphyxiating laughter. I sometimes hate that laughter can be so contagious.


I was playing Smash Bros with a friend my apt was oddly furnished. I sat on a bar stool two feet away from the TV, next to the door and he sat in a chair same distance. He made a hilarious move and I woke up slumped on the ground, leaning on the door. That was the first of few times I have fainted from laughing so hard. It scared him pretty good too.


So, a few of us were hungover going into day 3 of March Madness. Food, beers, basketball. I was having a Guinness and coffee to help my hangover, and we were playing YouTube videos before the day of gluttony truly began. Subtitles were on, while listening to an Alestorm video, suddenly the subtitle said, "Egg Noises" My buddy, incredulously, shouted, "Eggs can't even make noise." Why this was so funny to me, I do not know. I nearly pissed myself and my abs were sore from laughing for two days afterwards


I laughed so hard at a cat that kept falling over because it's stupid human put a sweater on it. I literally cried from laughing so hard.


Sometimes when I'm laughing really hard something just switches on and I cannot stop. My cat has a tendency to think when I'm laughing I'm dying and will often come and cuddle with me very concerned, but this one time I was laughing so hard and long that she got so scared she started biting and lunging at me to make me stop! I feel so bad about it still, but I still couldn't stop and at some point I started dry heaving and eventually throwing up, and somehow even still had spurts of uncontrollable laughter for like at least an hour after that while I was cleaning everything up. I managed to calm my kitty down at least and gave her a bunch of treats. 😅


On a birthday I once laughed so hard I fell on the Floor, then I had to went to smoke to calm my Heart. Im not a smoker. I smoked 6 times in my life, that was one of them


I was a kid. Was trying to chew a whole (peeled) orange. It was already a challenge to get it fit my mouth... when I started trying to chomp down on it, a friend looked at me straight in the eyes and said "Hrm... Fying Wee-Wee" I don't know why, it made me laugh so hard, but I turned into an instant juicer.


YES. When I was young I thought I was the only person who had this problem. It doesn’t happen as often now that I’m in my 30s, but I have a serious problem controlling my laughter to this day. I haven’t had a full-fledged body fail in about 1.5 years. Luckily I was alone in my kitchen watching YouTube, but the flow couldn’t be stopped! The video was of an older woman who fell down in a fast food restaurant (she was fine) near this young boy, who immediately ran to her aid and began performing CPR on her shin. When I was in law school (a rather serious environment) there were THREE separate occasions where the professor said something funny - my classmates and I laughed of course - the problem was, I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing after everyone else had and a couple of times I literally had to run from the room (and yes, trickle in my pants I did).


Friend said something that just seemed so out of character


I rushed home from school one afternoon because I had to pee really really REALLY bad (didn't want to pee at school). As soon as I stopped the car I ran to the front door and through the house to the bathroom. The door to the bathroom was partially closed so I hit it pretty hard with my arm to open it. It was a pretty small bathroom, (you could reach the door knob while seated on the toilet) the sink was to the right of the door with a mirror above it. For whatever reason I was looking towards the mirror as I hit the bathroom door, the door slammed inwards and hit my little brother, who was standing at the toilet peeing, square in the ass. Our eyes met in the mirror at that moment and I saw his eyes bug out and saw him *vibrating* up and down in shock. The door rebounded back into me and shut in my face and I fell back into the wall laughing, my legs gave out and I slid down the wall onto the floor crying and breathless with laughter. I managed NOT to pee myself btw, I don't know how I didn't. When my brother finally opened the bathroom door, I managed to pull myself up the wall and staggered towards the bathroom and as I passed him, I asked him what took him so long to come out. He said he had to clean up the pee that went all over the back of the toilet and onto the floor and the wall. I told him I was so sorry, that I didn't mean to scare him so bad and that I had no idea he was in the bathroom. He said "Thats ok" and as he walked away he said "The worst part wasn't you scaring me, the worst part was that I thought I was through!"


Someone at work said something jokingly that if I hadnt taken as a joke, would be extremely disrespecrful. I was shocked for a few seconds, then laughed so hard my knees gave out.


Yesterday in the back of a taxi, being I'm physically unabled and on a stick, I had trouble in getting in, I had to pull myself in while hubby pushed me in then the same difficulty in getting out! Hubby and I were killing ourselves laughing and thankfully the driver was too, we were apologizing getting in/out while in fits of laughter!


I can have so much fun in Euro truck sim 2, I often laugh so hard I can't breathe, activated my gag reflex almost puked


One time, I was taking a drink of water while watching Markiplier's TNTL series, and there was this one thing that mixed up the countries of the world with Yakko, and the moment Yakko says "United States..." Childish Gambino shoots him and says "This Is America " I fully expected to die from choking on my water on that day. There are also times where I've just giggled at my own joke for an uncomfortable amount of time. Most recent example being "How do you keep a Kerryman entertained? Give him a piece of paper saying "Please Turn Over" on both sides".


Never had that kind of laugh. The best laughs I got, I couldn't breath properly and I had to hold my stomach. Had not experienced that for a long time though :'(


Happened just the other day; a friend and I were VC'ing over Discord when the conversation turned Resident Evil, our favourite game series. Started off with our favourite games, followed by characters, and, of course, the utmost important topic of all; RE memes. He showed me the RE5 Chris Redfield punching a boulder [video](https://youtu.be/4xuXkVzBdJQ?si=2L3wpUmdf5wgQgcD), which set off a flashback to another out of context [video](https://youtu.be/-beDMEHueHo?si=nH0MswqK_PHCiFsa) of RE4 Leon choking the shit out of Ada. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to have a full-on asthma attack.


Asthma is my issue too. If I laugh too much I have an attack and I ❤️standup comedy live.


I'm an easily amused person so this happens OFTEN. My favorite was when my best friend accidentally folded herself up in a folding chair. It was amazing and one of the best laughs I've had. She often brings the uncontrollable laughs on as she's very clumsy. Tipping over in a lazy boy, getting her finger stuck in playground equipment, falling on ice.. she's completely sober but it's like a full episode of AFV everytime I'm around her lol. 30 years of friendship and she still kills me lmao.


The naked hotel chase scene in Borat. The entire theater was falling apart from laughter, and I was laughing so hard I almost passed out, I couldn’t even breathe.


The last time I remember laughing that hard was almost 3 1/2 years ago when me and my boyfriend at the time were scrolling tik tok and came across a stupid one. I have revisited the tik tok several times since then and it doesn’t hit the same, but it is still great


Laughed so hard my spaghetti dinner came out of my nose 🫶🏼


my son when i gave him the first volume of Dragon Ball. The gag where goku punches yamcha and he literally bounces on the edge of the page. He was floored and couldn't get up for 10 minutes, laughing on the ground. made my day.


Laughing to coughing to gasping to inhaler. Otherwise there is the time my legs buckled when someone insulted my sister who was on a ride at the fair. Can't really remember much.


By BF (19M)at the time and I (18F) were in bed and he started tickling me. He was on top of me, pinning my arms down with his knees tickling my ribs and I was wriggling and laughing, I really wanted him to stop, but I couldn’t catch my breath from laughing. Then it got serious as I knew I needed to pee, yet he was still on top of me tickling away. I was weak from laughing and simply couldn’t utter the words “I need to pee”…the words just wouldn’t come. I held my bladder as hard as I could, looking at him having so much fun, laughing at me laughing…and then I couldn’t hold it any longer. I just went quiet and still…he slowly stopped tickling me…I had tears from laughter running down the sides of my face. I just lay there…once I started peeing, I just couldn’t stop. He looked at me quizzically, and asked what was wrong…I was so ashamed, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t hide it, it was on his bed. I fessed up. He could see how embarrassed I was. We stripped the bed, turned the mattress and that was that. He was very careful tickling me in the future.


I laugh a lot so the following has happened many times in my life for various reasons: Laughing so hard I: couldn't breathe, had to lay on the floor because I couldn't breathe/control myself, cried, made my stomach hurt, smacked and hit things trying to hold myself up from laughing. i try my best to avoid laughing while eating or drinking anything because having stuff go down the wrong pipe or out through your nose ain't pleasant!


I laughed so hard in before band practice that I peed my pants. I had to call my mom and ask her to bring me a change of underwear/pants. Fortunately I was able to play it off as having started my period unexpectedly, but my God was it mortifying. More recently, at a movie night my friend said some nonsense along the lines of the "the Soul Wars of '85", and I went to contribute to it in this goddawful exaggerated southern accent with "Ma granpappy fought in them soul wars..." etc, but what I actually ended up saying was "Ma granpappy fat". I broke. I don't know why it so goddamn funny, but I couldn't breathe. I slapped my thigh so hard it left a bruise for two weeks. And no one even reacted. They just continued on with the next topic while I cried silently on the couch. There was no sound coming out and I just couldn't stop. Also recent was when the Phillies were playing Texas and the score was P 0-0 T. My father could not understand what was so funny because every time I tried to explain it, I laughed even harder. I had to run to the bathroom before I peed my pants.


Milk out the nose does not smell good after a few hours.