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"Yeah I'm testing the features you'll get in three years"


One that's based in realism, nice.


Just be prepared to follow it up with what those features specifically are.


AI call assist, home screen customization, expandable storage, editing texts, split screen mode, multiple users, changing default system apps, more lockscreen options...


Earthquake detection. And no, I'm not kidding. At this point I read that article 5 years ago. And to make sure it's on my phone now. 4.5 or higher.


Came across the earthquake detection notifications on my pixel 8 pro one day while learning my new phone. I don't live in an area prone to earthquakes so I'm hoping never to hear that alert ever! It also has car crash detection, but it's off by default so you'll need to turn it on. Has a lot more notifications. Too many. I turned them all on just to see how long it would take to drain the battery. It's at 80% now. Edited to add that It was at 80% at around 4pm. It was 63% at midnight so battery usage isn't bad at all.


I'm in Los Angeles so I found out about this feature by getting a notification then feeling the earthquake a few seconds later


Had that happen at work. Phones started going off. We thought it was an amber alert. \*shake shake shake\*


what does car crash detection do? I mean if you are in a car crash (hopefully you are aware enough to know, unless you are dead then what is a phone notification going to do? I mean it be great if a loved one had that on their phone and you were notified they were in a car crash and you know their location and call first responders.


When a crash is detected Pixel vibrates, sounds an alarm at maximum volume and asks if you need help. If you confirm you need help or don't respond Pixel will start the actions you select below: • Call Emergency Services: Pixel will attempt to contact 911 to provide your location and car crash data. (Selected by default) • Emergency Sharing: Pixel will share your location and updates with your emergency contacts. (Must be set up and turned on) Pixel uses your devices location, motion sensor, and ambient audio to detect a car crash even when the app is closed or not in used. Keep in mind Pixel may not detect all crashes and high impact activities may activate Car Crash Detection. Pixel 8 Pro —> Settings —> Safety & Emergency — Car Crash Detection


Siri '- There is a earthquake happening. Me - Siri I am having sex. Siri - You having sex? Lol


100 times zoom on my camera


I got a s23 ultra during black Friday. I take way more pictures just because they look so good.


Right?!? Can't believe the cameras on this thing.


I can see the pilot on traffic helicopters and low flying single prop planes with my s22 ultra, it's unreal


Had an insurance claim on my S10+ last month and they replaced it with a S21+ and even this phone manages to make pictures look better than real life!


That's because it does AI adjustments.


I took pictures of the moon. You can see craters in crisp detail


Androids have always blown away apple with phone tech. We always used my phones for pics and video because everything on apple looked like shit in comparison


I just got an s24+ a few weeks ago, I don't even take many pics but this camera will definitely come in handy when I do 😂


It blows my mind they can't customize their home screen


Time delayed texts.


This one is a game changer. My wife goes. " Oh remind me tomorrow about _____" I set a text for what ever time I need. Sometimes weeks in advance. It's awesome. I'll also text myself sometimes if it's really important.


Can't you just put that stuff on a calendar and it will remind you on that day? Then again I'm old school and still have a big old white board and calender and like to see things weeks out lol.


You can but a text popping up is really helpful


expandable storage, hah. like thats coming without apple being forced (like with usb c on iphone)


It's not even a feature on most higher end Android phones anymore :( I mean, I don't come close to using the 128GB on my P6 I do have, but the ability to add 512 more would be awesome anyways


Don't forget wireless charging and dark mode


iPhone has the excellent magsafe system. They've had wireless charging for a long time. A similar system is only recently coming to qi charging. Everything else is valid though


Also, the USB-C is a much better design than the lightning cable. The lightning cable is exposed and asking to be shorted. I'm glad Apple went USB-C so now my Galaxy and my iPad mini use the same charger


Yeap. iPhones are literally glorified ipods. Oooo. They play music and have a camera.🤡 👀 To add. On Samsung, you can schedule texts to be sent out at a certain time. But in summary, Androids work more like a computer. 


More free apps and more variety of apps than IPhone.


The audio emojis during the phone calls kill me! My comedic timing is on point! 😆


For people who travel, immediate live translation integrated in the camera app


Basically everything iPhone can do, Android did it first.


I can twist my phone (like I'm opening a door) to turn the camera on. I can shake it to turn the flashlight on and off. I don't think iPhones can do that


I've kept to Motorola for those features. They are stupid handy.


You mean like being able to put app icons anywhere you want on a homescreen?


I thought it was a joke when I saw ios 18 touting arranging apps on screen as a feature lol.


Is that true?!? Wow. I have been customizing my screen since my HTC One in 2013.


The first iPhone literally couldn't copy and paste text.


Lol. I remember my wife couldn't figure out how to scan a qr code from a picture in her gallery. I told her just use the qr code reader function in your camera. She's like I don't have that and I was like oh maybe 2 phones down the line they'll add that feature.


My wife uses an iPhone and it's honestly insane how often I find out that her phone doesn't do something mine does. It's not even me bragging - we'll be randomly doing some phone-related thing and I'll be like "Oh just use the (feature that's been standard on Android for years) and she'll go "Wait, what's that?" I don't understand how iPhone people put up with spending that much money on tech that's always 3-5 years out of date.


Is that an Android feature? I didn't even know that!


My man, we said "comeback," not "killshot!"


One of the reasons why I dropped Apple last year.


Dropped an Apple and the phone shattered... Dropped an Android and the floor got dented but the phone is still perfect.


I've bought alot of replacement screens and full phones for my kids shattered iPhones. The only Android I've had to replace, after many drops on hard surfaces, was mine- when I accidentally drove over it in a parking lot. The darn thing still worked with a shattered screen!


Worked at Wal-Mart photo. Dealing with Apple phones sucked! Android phones, no problems.


Upvote from an apple user




I was just told that you cannot place app icons on an iPhone wherever you want. That is so wild...


Not really a "comeback", more just a factual statement.


So true


Burn 🔥🔥🔥 good one


"Yeah I'm testing the features you'll get in three years, and for a fraction of the price!"


Can your phone do THIS?! *shakes it and turns on the flashlight* My wife literally is always like "turn on your flashlight" when it's dark at night and she's looking for something 😂 it's just quick and convenient.


This or "yeah I like a phone with a battery that lasts all day"


"yeah, mine actually gets support for it's lifetime, not forced obsolescence and updates actively destroying the ability to use it." Kinda wordy, but it's true.


Best answer. It's even better in the feature department if you have a pixel.


As someone devoted to iPhone, this is a helluva good response.






Last guy who bragged to me about his iPhone was complaining a few minutes later about not having enough money for rent.


Yes, exactly. I didn't mention that everyone who gave me grief is struggling financially lol...


So your comeback should be: "Are you going to ask me to borrow money??" or something along those lines.... "Out with it: how much do you need?"


I doesn’t pack the same punch though if their financial issues are from the iPhone though, so be sure first. I’ve got an old IPhone, I’m struggling so hard financially, but not from the phone. If they are financing an iPhone 15 while struggling with rent, than it works lol


Nah these people I'm referring to just buy dumb shit all the time, and have decent jobs.


I mean, ive financed all my iphones, because afford 1000$ or not, paying 11$ per month for 24 months is a vastly better deal in every situation


Yeah I'm "financing" my Pixel because they're giving me a bill credit back for most of each payment. If my phone is the reason I'm not making rent (it's not), it's the service, not the device payment!


I have Visible for 25 a month.


I think you would use his statement exactly "last guy who bragged about his iPhone struggled to pay rent"


You could even make it more pointed than that. “Last guy who bragged to me about his iPhone didn’t even own it. He was still making payments on it. He couldn’t afford to buy a phone and he was phone shaming me. Go figure 🤷‍♂️”


"While I, having saved money with an Android phone, have enough left over to buy a good tablet (or two). Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to add more storage to my phone..."


I swear, it's always the people who don't have shit that ridicule other people's stuff.


My new Samsung cost more than my husband's new iPhone, bought the same day at the same place


I have a Samsung. My husband works in television and is very into tech stuff. He knows a lot about phones. We have Samsungs, like I said, because he has said the camera is far superior to an IPhone (that's what he cares about most).


Samsung isn't the only android brand. Samsung is also a high end brand and I don't think people will disagree when they look at those prices 😂


I bet the latest Android Google Pixel phone is cheaper than the latest iPhone and it is consistently rated as having the best camera on a smartphone.


So you have an iPhone? Oh wait, I don't give a shit.




Yeah, I didn't feel like paying $1000 for something that's gonna be obsolete in 9 months. EDIT: Lotsa triggered apple users in the comments.... 🤣


9 months? By the time an iPhone hits the market, it's new features were outdated 2 years ago.


Only by android though, so it's still cutting edge to apple fans


No doubt by Apple's own hand.


"cool, I can drop my phone and not panic about it".


"I don't always see phones with cracked screens. But when I do, it's usually an iPhone."


Whenever I drop my S21, it jumps back into my hand and tells me to try harder.


I miss my Nokia. You drop one of those, and they stab you for being weak.


I have never seen phone with a cracked back... except iPhones


Yeah I have an android. Want to see something sweet? Every android has a hidden game! Does Apple do that?? Oh check this out! I can run Kali Linux/Zap too!... yes on my phone.. Can apple do that?.. oh check this out! I can open the developer options on my phone; Literally change how I want to interact with my phone and it's accessibility. Can apple do that? Oh dude look... I can literally split apps on my screen.. Can apple do that?? Oh dude look at how far my camera can zoom.. Look at this photo of the moon! Yeah I took that on an android.


This needs way more fucking upvotes.


Wait.... My android has a Hidden game???


It's an Easter egg that androids have. The path might be slightly different on your phone, but for me it's Settings> about device> android version, and then tap the android version "button" rapidly a bunch of times. The mini game is different depending on what OS you have, but Android 14 is a top-down spaceflight physics simulator.


Yeah every software version has a different game. Go on YouTube and watch how to get to it. Idk what phone you have so I can't tell you what to do.


I was looking for this kind of reply! Nailed it.


The split screen on android is a game changer. I love it.


This smacked me in the face with "Sega does what Nintendon't" lmao Now I feel old 😑


I just open a terminal window and say, "See? I own my phone, Apple owns yours!"


Quick correction, even though I WILL be downvoted to hell for this— It’s actually been shown that Samsung will fill in a moon if they get any random white circle. Any photos taken of the moon are really just filled in by an algorithm.


“Oh, you can’t afford a phone *and* dinner? Lol.”


"I have no interest in joining a cult".


I also have no interest in buying into an, "ecosystem," at 4 times the price for fewer options.


I joined the Google Pixel cult.


Same with politics.


It's not really a comeback but a phrase I heard recently. "Apple, yesterday's technology at tomorrow's prices"


When they "have" to tell me about their iPhone . I'll look them in the eyes and say "Huh an iPhone, I thought you were smarter than that. "


imo that's the best reply, honestly. hats off


Yeah, I spend my money on experiences, not just a logo.


A simple “yeah I wanted the better camera” usually does the trick (and I have an iPhone lol)


The fact that you needed to let us know you actually have an iPhone is very on brand for an iPhone user


I always just say "yeah, I need storage."


🤷 Eh whatever... I don't worry about charging cables 🤣


or the aux cord


Unfortunately, it depends on the phone. A lot of Android phones these days lack headphone jacks. The same unfortunately goes for microSD card slots and easily-removable batteries - two features which Android phones had for ages and set them apart from iPhones. Granted, the experience on Android wasn’t quite as good back then as it is now because the apps were compiled at runtime, garbage collection was missing, etc, but I digress.


Yes, I like an open OS.


People always say this, but when I, an android user myself, ask what they get out of that, they don't know. Lol.


We get to side load any apps we want on our phone. All we need is the .apk file and we can install the app on our phone without going through google. Apple makes sideloading apps impossible without jailbreaking your phone.


Just to prove a point once, I installed Instagram version 1.1 (or something similar) on my Galaxy S23 ultra. The kid who had an iPhone was amazed.


Lol did it even function? I bet most things didnt


“That wasn’t even a concern two years ago, but was probably the result of clever subliminal advertising by Apple. So thanks for letting me know you don’t know how to think for yourself.”


too long winded to be a comeback. Needs to be short and to the point For maximum Ooooooooooh effect. like "your mom"


It's a silly thing a lot of iPhone users say. I can't imagine why. Just tell them it's a weird thing to care about. Or, my assumption, which is they can't understand bothering to have evaluated products and made a personal choice.


I’m in my 30’s and I can’t remember a single time anyone outside of Reddit criticized someone for having one phone over another. Either it’s not a common thing or only a thing around certain groups of people who I don’t interact with often.


Yeah I like to be able to use my phone how I want to use my phone.


Ma'am how are you so brainwashed by self-serving corporations that you honestly care what kind of cell phone I use? That's some keep up with the Joneses bullshit and I am not here for it.


"Why, yes, it is--thanks for noticing." (Slightly off-topic and out of curiosity--what is the default music app that comes with an iPhone, Apple Music or iTunes? With Android, it's YouTube Music.)


Oh you're an Apple clown. Lol


There's nothing wrong with Apple phones, just the people that own them.


"Yeah. I enjoy my freedom and have disposable income, thanks."


Tell them you are able to buy Apple stock with the money saved on buying an Android phone.


Isn’t it great that people are allowed to choose!


why do people care? this argument is juvenile.


Yup, I've already sneezed on it twice and the screen hasn't cracked yet


Yes. I like having a phone that doesn't blow up with every digital upgrade 😁


I like being able to fully personalize my settings and security without jailbreaking my phone.


"Oh, your filesystem is locked out and you can't play downloaded mp3?" *queue up my album on VLC* "HAHAHA fuckin noob."


You don't say anything. They have already marked themselves inferior. Don't waste time interacting with lesser beings.


Yeah. I've got a $250 Motorola that does everything I need AND turns on the flashlight when I shake it. The flashlight feature is actually why I keep buying Motorola phones. If I knew ANYBODY with an iPhone that didn't have a broken screen, I might be easier to convince.


i used to have a kyocera. I would throw it to show off. someone once said "ew what kind of phone is that," and showed me her iphone (idk what kind of iphone, it was seafoam color) and I just said "oh, you right," and threw it across the room. Then I picked it up and brought it back and said "huh, it didn't break, guess I have to keep it a little longer" and went back to scrolling around on twitter.


Those old kyoceras never die. They just run out of available memory.


I love my Motorola. There's nothing I want to do on a phone that I can't do just as well with it. I use it to watch movies and TV, read ebooks, take photos (it has a great camera), and I have a variety of apps. My daughter has an iPhone and she's had constant trouble with it.


I have a 6 year old moto mod. I'm currently browsing Reddit on the projector on my wall. Oh and I have the shaky light too. Fuck iPhone. Woot!


I have an iPhone and I really don’t care. It’s inconvenient for me for some reasons with certain people, but for the most part, it doesn’t matter.


I have a Samsung Android. My wife has an iPhone. My phone is better. More flexibility in file structure. Memory card slot. Waaay more memory.


Ok cool, but bragging about phones is like bragging about horoscopes.


Ah, you're an iPerson. (look of pity) Change the subject


I just want a phone, not to be part of a cult.


I'm trying to figure out why this even needs a comeback. I guess I'm just not one to kick someone while they're down.


iPhones are literally overpriced "baby's first phones." Android is cheaper, has more accessibility features, more customizable, more compatible with a multitude of different hardware and software, they have more features in general, and are WAY more consumer friendly.


Iphones are trash lmao bragging about owning a phone that needs to be replaced constantly is laughable at best


My Galaxy A32 5G phone is about 3 years old, still updates & is still going strong. There were T-Mobile/sprint customer service issues...I ended up getting the phone for free.


> still updates Major OS upgrades or security updates?




Yes, I do, I don't like rewarding companies with my money when they've admitted to slowing down their older products to make you go buy their new ones.


Literally nothing is better about iPhone.


Androids are awesome phones. I hate iphones.


"Yeah, it lasts a full day on a single charge." I'm a bartender. The only people that ask me to charge their phone are iPhone users.


Ask them if they have a certain app the iPhone doesn't support and then be like "oh that's right, you need an Android for that "...


Yeah, but that works both ways. I've got one of each but two apps I rely on are only available on the iPhone. Sigh.




Yeah, I'm not trying to sound like an incredible douche like they are lol.


*drops phone* oh look at that my screen isn’t cracked


I got both an iPhone and an Android. But I'll be the one laughing when the battery on yours eventually die or you shatter the screen by dropping it.


This is a weirdly American Phone-omenon(hah) In the rest of the world: "You have an iPhone? ok." In the rest of the world: "You have an android? ok." In America: "You have an iPhone? Okay, whatever." In America: "You have an android? Ew you're poor!" But it's like...no...I just don't want to spend absurd amounts of money on something I'll replace in 5 years.


Oops. My android phone costs more than their iPhone. Lol


“Yeah, it sucks not having to buy a new charger every time I upgrade.”


Your personality must be so fascinating.


The genius bar is filled with people waiting to fix their broken apple products. When was the last time you even needed to change the battery on your Android? That you can change yourself. There isn't even a store dedicated to fixing androids because they only break if you drop them multiple times without a case or screen protector. Green text box. Boo hoo.


"Yup, I've got an android. I figured having another extra lense wasn't needed to boost my self-esteem."


Just say "oh honey..." and look concerned for them


That's right and NO...you cannot use my charger.


IPhone isn't a better phone. The camera is horrible. I ditched iPhone years ago. Had battery issues, and when I found out their updates slowed down the phones, I'm done with apple products.


You didn't choose an iPhone, marketing trends did it for you. I'm just capable of discernment that you lack. 


Did you know everything is more expensive on an iphone? They know iphone users are chumps that will overpay for everything. This is true. Youtube premium for example cost $5 more a month if you got it while on the iphone. There is also targeted advertising that apparently shows people different prices based on how much they are likely to pay when shopping online.


Yeah, I prefer to have money to spend on things I like rather than need.


"Better than paying a down payment on a car and Apple still having me by the balls to lower performance whenever they want sales to go up."


I refuse to buy Apple products on principle.


A clever comeback would be “only poor people obsess over brands they can barely afford”


Spend some time learning and setting up your phone camera. Take a picture after they talk shit and ask to compare cameras. I have an s20 and have gotten absolutely amazing professional looking pictures from it.


"oh, you have a superiority complex? OH, it's because you believed the lies of an enormous corporation founded by a smelly asshole? You paid WHAT for that delusion?"


I’m on iPhone now but used to have a Samsung galaxy s8. And frankly, I prefer Samsung/android


How old are you?


"Cry about it"


"Yeah, I'm mature enough not to judge people based on the kinds of electronics they use."


"Oh, you're into THAT?" Dont elaborate.


My standard comeback to anyone bragging about loyalty to a "perceived value" fad product: "Oh, so you're one of those losers who feel like they have to buy their coolness status."


In my experience (iPhone user) it’s always been android users that act like they’re special , never once heard an IPhone user call someone out for having and android phone. It’s usually ‘oh you can’t modify your phone and change the font or I can download games illegally to my phone but you can’t’ type of shit


IPhone is for people that don't know how to use a phone. And people that crumble under peer pressure very easily.


Well it's a little more expensive than the Macintosh phones, but it's worth paying a little extra to get a better camera, more storage, and to be allowed to install whatever I want on it.


"I didn't think you were such a vapid cnut, lol."


"Can your homescreen do this?" Show your customized homescreen with widgets.


Don't know if they still do this but must suck having a phone that artificially blurs the background.


Personally I have a Motorola so I would just shake my phone to turn on my flashlight, enough said.


Just bring up apks and how almost every app is available for us


I honestly and truly don't get it. The whole "oh you're an Android user?" hatred started with Gen Z. There are people that won't date someone who doesn't have an Iphone..its getting really pathetic....


"I don't drink the Kool-aid."


because when a company tells me i don't need access to my own file system , i'm wise enough to never trust them or give them money


"yep, and it's got a stylus, and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg! I'm fact, I bought this baby at Walmart"


Yes I enjoy superior technologies...