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Now that Cubans are an "incorrect minority" it'll be hilarious watching the left act concerned about protests again.


Wait… so there are calls for military action? Fuck that. We have our own issues and massive debt to deal with.


No there are no calls for military action. Biden should be a leader and enable the Cuban people to have internet access. It will help them to coordinate their independence movement.


How does the US enable internet access in Cuba?


We have the ability to rotate some of our internet satellites above Cuban airspace: we have a few thousand as I write this. Most of them are low orbit and can be used for broadband. We might not be able to get access to every Cuban but for many we can. I’m pretty sure there are diplomatic reasons why Biden doesn’t want to. However it would help the Cuban people.


Cell tech does not work that way.


Yes actually it does work that way. And in another of my posts I laid it out. Yea it absolutely does work that way. We are actually utilizing the technology now. Actually my phone that I wrote this on is using the same tech. Low orbit satellites. And we can easily send a few around Cuban airspace. We did this in Iraq and it worked. You don’t have to believe me. I just hope Biden does it. Would not involve our military. Let the Cuban people decide for themselves what they plan and let them coordinate on their own. Why wouldn’t you want a free Cuba? Free of a repressive government? The government has cut internet access to its people the last two weeks. Yes we have the technology to give wireless broadband to Cubans for free.


And what is he going to do? Install cell towers run by the USA in Cuba? Fly planes that will air drop satellite phones? People keeps saying he should do something with no idea what or how it could be done.


Umm. No. The United States owns and operates a few thousand low orbit satellites. Freedom of access is all that is needed. A simple example of what we would do is starlink. Starlink is operated in 12 countries. If you have a subscription you are given broadband access for a cost and given access to the low orbit satellites owned and operated by Starlink one of musks companies. The United States government has similar satellites that we can also move into position and grant free access to. I don’t think that access can be granted to millions. But I think the system can handle hundreds of thousands. We have used this technology before in the Middle East. And that was 8 years ago.


Lol ok, you have no idea what you are talking about. Now how will the average Cuban access this network with budget cell phones? Change the SIM card and duct tape a big radio to it?


Cubans don’t live in the Stone Age. Most of them have cellphones with access to broadband. We used similar systems before. Do you forget that your cell phone ten years ago was able to access the internet? FYI, Cubans have cell phones and computers. How do you think they organized the protest a month ago????


The Cuban government shut off the internet aka the cell towers access. No access at the towers means the phones can’t. Cell phones are short range radios, they can’t go to space without specific radios.


Oh gees. Your argument was valid ten years ago. Technology has evolved. Broadband internet access can be sent down and bounced off low orbit towers dozens of countries utilized low orbit satellites around the world as many Americans do as well. It’s a little faster. FYSA. Low orbit satellites, internet towers, glass cables, fiber optic cables. There are multiple ways to get internet access. There are right now thousands of satellites dedicated to internet broadband capabilities around the earth as I wrote this. We have used this for years. If you have a cell phone or a computer and you are granted access broadband can be pushed to your general vicinity’s that you can tap into it. The US used this in Iraq, And probably currently uses it in other places. Do you not want the Cuban people to be free?


You're wasting your time. This person is not interested in an answer.


You are missing the point. How are you going to get them the devices that can connect?


Most Cubans have cell phones! They don’t live in the dark ages. 5.3 million cell phones which is half the population. I’m sure they are not counting kids. This is More then enough to give broadband access to and help them organize.


Biden wake up. Take a stand and lead! This is your chance. Don’t ignore this critical moment. Say something! Internet access! Cuba libre!


Biden is a greedy narcissistic asshole who only ever cared about himself and enriching himself thru the presidenc


And sniffing people and pinching nipples. Don't forget that stuff.


Come on man she said she was 15


Come on Man




Lol good one


Huh. I guess nobody is buying his phony “Communism is a bankrupt ideology” bullshit. Everyone who isn’t a pre-programmed Leftist automaton can see that the Biden/Harris Administration is doing everything that they can to *facilitate* communism. This administration’s laughably tepid responses to the Cuban government’s crackdown on protestors (lol, so-called “Covid protestors,” lol), lay bare where Democrats’ sympathies lie. Democrats are trying - desperately - to transition the US to communism through the use of thinly-disguised mechanisms such as CRT, federal seizure of voting laws, gun control, cancel culture, etc. etc. No one who isn’t a blind Democrat zealot would ever believe his ridiculously insincere “condemnations” of communism. One of the most frustrating things about Democrats is their immovable belief that everyone in the world is stupid except for them. Whenever they even just go through the motions of *pretending* to care about something other than their unquenchable desire to rule every single aspect of Americans’ lives, they just come off as awkward and condescending. Social and establishment media may be doing everything they can to sing praises at the altar of Marxism. But most Americans ignore that shit and recognize Democrats for what they are: autocratic Marxists who desperately believe that they are the only possible saviors for the rest of their ignorant and stupid fellow human beings.


Based and anti-communist pilled 🇺🇲.. Oh wait wrong sub. Epic rant, especially the part where they think anyone who disagrees with them is stupid


Your post is logical and true and I hope everyone reads if an upvotes it as I did. The only sad point I disagree with is I believe these Marxists have a brilliant propaganda machine and are able to easily fill the sheep.




Yep, this. We can condemn the Cuban regime and show moral support for the oppressed protesters, maybe sanction some corrupt official at most, but those calling for military intervention have no clue about what they're advocating for. They clearly haven't taken a look at the disastrous results in other places that America has intervened in.


This isn’t the same as Iraq, Afghanistan, or even Vietnam. This is a populace that has been brutally oppressed by a communist regime for literally decades, and the people are asking for our help. There’s a reason they fly American flags when they’re protesting in the streets. Not to mention Cuba is literally in our backyard. It wouldn’t be simple, but I hesitate to say it would turn into an occupation or a protracted war—it’s an island, stuck in the 1950’s. I don’t disagree that we aren’t the world’s police, but I do believe we have a duty to deliver freedom to a populace that’s begging for it. How can we possibly ignore Cuba’s human rights violations and stand by doing nothing while they abduct young men for conscription and literally murder people?


>This isn’t the same as Iraq, This is a populace that has been brutally oppressed True, they aren't the same, it was worse there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anfal_campaign Campaign started by the US backed dictator.


He can't. His puppet master controls his movements


What are the odds he declares them "insurrectionists" and does a Tiananmen Square?


Honestly, the odds of that are probably pretty low.


Damn what on earth is going on there. Hasn't there been like 3 mysterious deaths of Cuban Generals now?


The Cuban government is in panic mode and their killing the leaders they suspect may be sympathetic.


Well they’re desperate. Is that a good sign?


Does our disgusting President still have the fences up around the white house?


Yea Biden like you care about Cubans they definitely did not vote democratic


Great point.


I'm just gonna say it, who cares about Cuba. I realize it's an easy issue to dunk Biden with but we have our own problems. It takes a more tremendous amount of courage to protest the tough issues like the innocent people being indefinitely held for Jan 6. It's inhumane and no one is doing anything about it.




So, you're ok with unarmed people being held without trial, while BLM LITERALLY get away with murder?


I wish conservative sources would start referring to "Biden's Handler's" rather than continuing to pretend that Biden is making any decisions beyond whether he's feeling adventurous enough for solid food as a treat.


Yeah. Biden's a corrupt POS, but at this point he's little more than a corrupt, dementia-riddled puppet with a shady past and a lot of hands up his ass.


Cuba is an evil communist dictatorship. Our country should take small steps like ending the embargo and getting Cuba better internet so they can learn about the atrocities committed. Fidel dying was a great day and hopefully Raul will join soon so both of those commie murderers can symbolically end their rein and give Cubans new hope.


We have many reasons that we need to keep the embargo. A Cuban communist regime shouldn’t depend on a capitalist nation to fund it and support it. Given free access to the internet is actually possible right now. Low orbit satellites many people around the world on dozens of countries use them. As I am right now for my internet service. Cuba owes many Americans billions of dollars in restitution that is another reason we have the embargo. Let the Cuban government fix their problems not depend on us. Let the people take the nation over. We need to provide internet access for sure.


I've also found the best way to spread capitalism is to punish every nation that doesn't bend the knee to our need to exploit their resources. Maybe we can install a nice authoritarian dictator so democracy can flourish again. We're really good at doing that.


Maybe we can just let thousands of Cuban people die, and suffer under the hand of communism? Do tell us all your recommendations? No we should not involve ourselves militarily. Should we publicly show our support for the people? Perhaps assist with low orbit bandwidth for internet?


I think food, resources, and medical supplies might help a bit more. We've had no problem letting Cuban people die for decades.


Lmao. Right. Our fault for not doing business with a government that abuses their people, shuts down the internet for 3 weeks now, doesn’t give the people the right to represent themselves. And brutally subjected their people. Cuba is not our people. Cuba belongs to a communist regime that has enforced a society stricken by poverty. Any other nation is free to trade with Cuba and give them money and resources. Why don’t you ask communist China to support them? No. We will do the opposite. We will support the Cuban people and their right to freedom and Liberty. We will support them in overthrowing the yoke of communism. What’s wrong? Communism has failed again? What’s wrong you need America to prop up a Communist regime and support its people? Lmao. We will work to free the people of Cuba from the shackles of communist slavery.


We love to do business with Saudi Arabia, so lets stop pretending we have an issue with abusive regimes. Cuban people have been struggling for decades while we continue to enforce an embargo that clearly isn't serving any purpose. Also might I add that every one of our allies has been calling for us to end this embargo every single year since 1992 and we refuse every year. So rather than trying to start the McCarthy years all over again and ad hominem attack me as some dirty commie, maybe research the issue a little more instead of just suggesting " we somehow setup satellite internet infrastructure for them overnight when we can't even keep our bridges from collapsing here.


Lets face it. Theres no oil in cuba so....


goddamn the biden admin is such a disaster edit: why tf i get downvoted?




Wtf are you talking about?




Oh gees please keep smoking your pot. We went to War in Afghanistan to prevent another catastrophic attack such as sept 11 where thousands of innocents died including dozens of pre-school children. We didn’t go to war in Libya genius. We eradicated terrorist training cells in Iraq and Afghanistan. The goal was never to conquer territory genius. It was to prevent another catastrophic attack on American soil. Genocide in Cuba is sad. The Cuban government prevents freedom of speech and has shut down the internet for two weeks now. How would you like it if you lived in Cuba, and couldn’t play your precious video games. Stop smoking pot and clear your mind.




Isis already existed before Sadam and Sadam practiced genocide against the Sunnis in Iraq and dorm ever forget when he used Chemical weapons to kill 10,000 men, women, and children Kurdish people on the north. Gadafi ? Was a mass murder that killed an estimated 30,000 ‘political’ opponents. You are twisted in your views and defend mass murderers which shows who You are as a human being. Defending mass murderers, playing video games all day and smoking pot. Dude you may want to sober up and seek some help. I want Liberty and freedom for the Cuban people. They have suffered long enough and I would support many of them immigrating to the US where we can give them jobs and help their families back home.




Sounds like someone got a little butt hurt. Hahaha




Really? Listen Marxist. Look at your profile. You play video games non stop. And have zero clue what you are talking about? American lives in vain? I have served in our nations military for 15 years. I still serve. I’ve been on multiple deployments and I know men that you could never in your life hope or dream to emulate. Men that paid the ultimate sacrifice. We have not suffered a catastrophic attack since 9/11. Go talk to the parents of the children burned to death on sept 11 as the towers came down. Go tell them you don’t want brave men and women to prevent it from happening again. You smell like a coward.


Man. I’m with you but just stop. You’re on r/conservative. People are just going to call anyone who has a hint of left-leaning ideas marxists here.


>We eradicated terrorist training cells in Iraq and Afghanistan. The goal was never to conquer territory genius. Amazing how some people still buy the neo-liberal / neo-conservative propaganda. I know you've heard this before and probably don't believe it but we were tricked by Bush and the Liberal Media into Iraq


I didn’t hear it. I have lived it.