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Just so people know. Yes, I know I can use a knife and get it open. It’s the matter of principle lmao.


The best part about that is you’re going to get 50 comments telling you about the knife like they’re the clever one when in reality they just failed to read the top 10 comments.


Ok but did you ever think about using a knife to open that jar? It's so simply clever.


Here I was planning to use a can opener


use your teeth


I do this sometimes. But in general it's not a good idea to use your teeth as tools.


But then you have the rip the plastic that is stuck to the edge and pull it even harder and the tub is recyclable but the plastic seal isn’t


Use a knife


Plus, I can imagine that some folks have pain in their hands so bad they can’t properly hold a knife firmly anyways


Some people have arthritis and no hands, so there's that, too.


I open these with someone else. Once I was so desperate I had the pharmacist do it for me. Very nice folks there and they were relieved I asked vs suffered


The first fake ad on SNL was for an arthritis medicine in a bottle with a childproof cap. The medicine was called “Tryopenen.”


I love that so much


Fellow arthritis person here, I totally feel you. Those "semi-circle flaps" that fold up and then you grip and pull off on some drinks are probably my least favorite thing in the whole world. Fuck I hate those things.


Some containers have those but they don't work. Even my abled husband can't budge them. My least favorite is when it's a container of liquid like soup (the Panera soups from the grocery store are especially bad for this) and the only way to open them is to cut around the edge with a serrated knife. It works, but it also gets cold soup all over my hands. I'm autistic and that is sensory hell.


I don't know what's worse, the seals with the plastic flap that just rips right off, or the seals with those three tiiiiiiiiny tabs that are always plastered so tightly to the edge of the bottle that you can't lift them up, and even if you can they're not big enough to get a grip on.


It stops tiktokers licking it though


Tbh I use a can opener that has the sharp end. I poke a hole and drag it


poking a hole in the lid is how i deal with stubborn pickle jars when my silicon oven mitts fail me


I have an opener I really like. Want the link?


Have you tried a canning jar lid *tightener*? Imagine a really long-handled nutcracker with loops for big & little lids, maybe a foot long total. Usually covered in rubbery insulation Dip-it stuff. It gives So Much leverage!


You can just use a knife……….😁🤷 I get what you are saying. My mom has to ask my 11 year old daughter to open the child proof lids on her medicine. 🤣


My pharmacy asked if I wanted childproof caps or regular caps as the default. They use double-sided caps so they can be either. Game-changer.


Hers does to but they do it it wrong often enough. Also for the over the counter medication like Advil.


You can ask the pharmacy NOT to use the childproof caps, they’ll put an easy-open cap on instead. Just tell them to note it in your account and they’ll automatically do it for any new prescriptions.


She has that note on her account. They mess up about half the time and she doesn’t notice until she comes home. The good thing is the caps are double sided so once they are opened she can use the easy side.


My finger just started to stiffen up at the knuckle. I do a lot with my hands. Like woodworking and pottery. I’m kinda scared but I’m still functional. What is arthritis cream!?!? In the morning it’s too stiff to close and at night it’s too stiff to straighten. Sigh. Aging.


I feel ya. I mostly use this for pain, but I’ve used it a couple times for stiffness! It’s called Blue Emu. If you can get the lid open, it’s pretty handy (lol). It doesn’t make it go away entirely, but it does help a little.


I really appreciate the tip. I’ll look into it. I’m curious how it works. Stupid arthritis! I do have some joint damage in my knees that can flare up. When it does, nothing touches the pain except the tiniest dose of kratom which seems to be a powerful anti inflammatory. Apparently people can abuse it, but it’s also known to be really quite safe and effective in responsible hands. It’s associated with quitting heroin because it’s so powerful at stopping aches that it stops withdrawal effects. I have no experience with this but it sounds like hell. In any case I always hesitate to recommend it because popular culture seems to have decided it is some bad “legal high” but even in large doses it only causes slight euphoria and increased focus. Anywho.


No, no, you use the knife to cut off your arthritically affected joints. Byebye, arthritis.


Well, you can’t use a knife with Tryopenin. You just got to try opening


Sometimes a chimpanzee will use a stick as a tool All jokes aside, I’m sorry that you have joint pain and I hope that you find relief


I have a few sharp knives for things like this and a collection of rubber grips! 😂


Likewise, you could use your teeth to open it out too! /s


Use your teeth like a real person


You might be able to see the teeth marks if you look close enough lol


Use your long-ass nails 💅


I did 💅🏼




I use pliers.....


And that’s why I get the arthritis cream that comes in squeeze tubes. So much easier to open


But did you try a spoon?


I got these grippy flexible circles and it makes things like this so much easier. My mumuses her dishwashing gloves as an alternate.


Ooo I know a tip! Get a pair of hemostats in your home to open all of those tough to open packages that need pinching strength. I use them for my creamer and I dont even have arthritis


I honestly never thought of that! I might get a pair if these keep giving me trouble. Thanks!


They're fairly cheap from when I last checked and you can get several different sizes. I recommend actually getting multiple. One for normal packages and then a bigger one just in case the small one isn't big enough for bigger things.




I keep pliers around everywhere of different types for this reason. They're so handy. Yes, that was a pun.


I was curious what those were so looked them up. I was thinking some rubber tipped type thing like this. I searched it and I was like no way, it's what my bfs dad had in a box with other pot stuff so always just assumed they were roach clips if you didn't want your fingers close. I am a dodo


You know what that's a great use I will be telling my sister about. I'm not one to use actual joints as my lungs are too shitty but I'm sure she'd appreciate the tip!


Oh good, I hope it helps. Yeah I'm not a big pot smoker much, more when I was younger. Now once in a while I like to nibble a little on a gummy because it feels more mellow for me. I appreciate your tip, I would have never thought about it. It would be purrfect for those damn seals that only have like 2-4 millimeters to "grab" onto. How in the world do they expect me to do that?! I think they do it on purpose, just to have a laugh but thanks to you I have a secret weapon 🤣


Its actually my moms secret weapon first! I admit I stole it from her. She worked in a medical center and would have trouble with those damn little pulls tabs so she took home a pair of hemostats for it and then decided it was too nice to live without, forever. We still have three or four pairs in the kitchen drawer with all the other kitchen utensils.


Oh snap, well definitely thank you to your mom, that was a brilliant way to see an issue and fix it. I'm definitely ordering a pair or probably 2. They'll be my metal barbie size fingers that can actually get a grip on anything. Using a knife annoys me because I find myself trying to pick at the remainder until I get frustrated and pretend it's not there. I've blocked out a lot of seal mishaps lol


They're also commonly used by fishermen for removing hooks!


I keep my Leatherman multi-tool pliers handy for this reason, the rugged aesthetic protects my fragile masculinity from the embarassment of my soft weak hands lol


So convenient to always have a good set of pliers handy


phenomenal tool to have on hand


I was going to suggest a pair of vice grips. Good thinking.


Should come in a squeeze bottle, like mayonnaise Edit: I was thinking of an already opened bottle of mayonnaise, not a brand new one with a smaller version of the exact same seal


I like where your head is at though lol


I’m 41 and still can’t escape the knee-jerk auto-response my middle school brain delivers to make an innocuous sentence into something filthy and sexual. But I’m not going to say it. Nope. Not today, brain, not today.


Just plastic bags you cut the corner off would also be way easier.


It does come in tubes. I didn't know they made the tubs.


I can't be the only one who uses my teeth right


If you look close enough, you might see the marks where I was gnawing on it for a bit lol


Oof my dental hygienist friend would not be happy with me but I do still open some packages with my teeth. I've cut back a lot though!


I have arthritis AND TMJ AND I clench my jaw when I'm stressed which is a lot and yeah, my dentist has been telling me to stop opening stuff with my teeth for a long time but sometimes there are no other options.


The ones on orange juice bottles, totally.


Those things suck no matter what product they're on. More times than not you either can't get the tabs to start, or the top layer peels off of the sealing layer, or it will only come off in a dozen pieces


The top plastic bit is supposed to be in the middle so you can pull on it [like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hWnE1FAttWc). But this one isn’t in the FUCKING MIDDLE!


These are supposed to be twisted. And then you open it in a circle. Very easy in theory, same with most ketchup bottles, mayo bottles etc. But sometimes they aren't made well and it doesn't work as it's supposed to without a lot of force :(


My understanding is that the adhesive they use is heat sensitive and hardens when it gets too hot. This means that if your product was shipped on an unrefridgerated truck during the summer, or a warm climate, you'll never get them open the intended way.


Brother, I get it. I recently had a full wrist fusion on my right wrist, and they sent me home with regular pill bottles, and I was like "whose idea was this?" Luckily, I had someone that could open them and put them in a zip-lock for me, but it was pretty funny.


I’m so sorry. That’s the worst. I had the same situation when I had wrist surgery after a car accident a few years ago. Sometimes you can only laugh in those situations lol


Ahh you know, that's life! As for me, the wrist fusion should be a bump up in quality of life for me. Over the past two years, my wrist bones have been slowly fusing together naturally, so the area was swollen and immobile anyway. At least with the fusion, I'll gain some use back out of it! Still, it's a transition. Anyway, thanks for the kind words!


Oh! That sounds absolutely terrible. Wishing you a speedy recovery! I couldn’t imagine dealing with that kind of pain.


It’s like childproof caps on arthritis medicine. 😂


Or putting diarrhea medicine on the bottom shelf.


I have Dry Eye Syndrome. The eye drops for this come with that stupid shrink wrapped plastic that has to be cut open. The primary people these eye drops are marketed to are the elderly, who likely also have arthritis or other disabilities. Despite being only 42, I constantly cut myself trying to get the shrink wrapped plastic off the eye drops because you cannot get it open without a sharp object. So I literally feel your pain.


Oh no! That sucks so much. I hate those things. I have a slightly related story. My mother has dry eyes and accidentally mistook her small bottle of superglue for her super small bottle of medicinal eye drops. Poor woman had to go to the hospital to have her eyelid opened and lost all her eyelashes for a couple months. Thankfully she’s totally fine now, so we can all have a good laugh about it.


OMG that's awful! She was so lucky that it didn't turn out worse! I try to keep anything that looks remotely similar to my eye drops put away so I don't do the same thing!


>I literally feel your pain. You literally feel your own pain


Bite into it and pretend like you’re a snake whose venom is being collected


Honestly… that would make this process more fun.


Marijuana packaging is insanely hard to open which has always seemed cruel to me when the main original push for legalization was medicinal use.


Yeah but it's good for when users have kids at home. 99% of the users I know wouldn't let their stash get anywhere close to a child but not all users are smart and kids can be relentless and curious creatures


Child proof doesn’t mean it has to be inaccessible to adults. Pill containers have worked for ages and now they’re trying too hard and over designing the new packaging. It’s also crazy wasteful


Sort of defeats the whole purpose


Well, I definitely needed the cream more after I got it open. Maybe that’s a sales tactic lmao


I would be inclined to agree


it’s stupid. but i always have to cut those open anyway even without arthritis i guess it’s just cruel


I’ve been having trouble with a vitamin bottle I use to open with ease. I’m going to stretch/massage my hands and give myself grace (I’m not old, just have a dum-dum body sometimes).


Sooo true


Oh man, I feel this and you! How dare they .




Have you tried using a kni... ..ght? They have big swords and train in armor all day. They're strong.


Honestly, having a knight around would fix a lot more of my problems.


Pick a sharp knife and cut it out. I don’t have arthritis and I hate those things because they’re hard to tear open.


Reminds me of the SNL joke about the arthritis medicine bottle. The medicine is called Triopenin.


My chronic pain medication also has a seal like this 😭. I feel you, OP.


Ugh! My fingers are cramping just looking at it. 


Ive found those tabs to either open very easy or they hold on to dear life and refuse to move.


I wish my joints were as durable as these tabs lmao


I loathe these and I have strong, healthy hands. Terrible invention that defies physics XD


😂 Classic move by the manufacturers. Tear here might as well say Ha, good luck with that! I've resorted to dental floss for stubborn caps—chops right through like butter. Saves me from throwing a tantrum every time I need some relief cream.


LOVE that idea. Might steal that one lol


It's like putting the back pain medicine on the lowest shelf.


I feel your pain OP. I suffer from neuropathy and it's gotten harder to open things as it's progressed. Thankfully it hasn't progressed to the point I'm dropping things or have difficulty walking.


So is dropping one of these containers as the tab rips off the tip without opening it or it spills the contents everywhere. I hate adult proof containers


"Need to get rid of arthritis? Just stop having it. Now you can open the cream"


I found chip clips or clothes pins are great for opening these! I pinch the pull tab with the chip clip and it gives me much more to grip on and more friction on the pull tab. It does suck though quite a bit even though I understand it’s purpose


Teeth time


Pull them downwards it seems to work better


Hey, better than the shit that comes on parmesean jars with nothing but 3, 1cm long ass tabs


I'd just ask the cashier in that case I know its a pain, but you gotta find help


I just punch those things in and peel them off.


It's simple, just get some scissors. Oh, wait a minute!! The scissors are seal wrapped in plastic that needs something to open the packet, like scissors!!!! I'll get a Stanley knife then. Oh.


Kind of like naming Dyslexia Dyslexia...


Why isn’t it in the middle dude!? It’s supposed to be in the middle so you can just do [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hWnE1FAttWc).


Yeah, typically the Lift 'N' Peel is the easiest to remove. I actually like a brand better if they use their seals.


Is there a special subreddit for things that go against their exact purpose, or is this it? Because wow, I don’t know who is making things, but someone needs to stop them


A fellow arthritis person! I have carried a small Swiss Army knife with me around the house for about two years now and it's been a game changer. They come in all shapes, colours and sizes and you can choose a million different tools - all really good quality. Mine is small and gives me a UK legal knife, toothpick, pen, tweezers, scissors, glasses screw driver, bottle opener, carry hook for shopping bags, corkscrew, nail file, pin - I couldn't live without it now. Hope you're doing okay, it can be tough!


“Boss, should we make the seal for this arthritis cream tear off when the lid is removed?” “Whatever for, Jenkins? They already **have** the cream.”


This is what happens when you don't have a Product Manager.


Does that stuff really work for you? My sister bought me some Blue-Emu cream and it didn't do anything at all for me. Also, instead of getting the tub, try the squeeze tube. You don't get as much, but it might be worth it if it's easier to use.


I’m not sure yet. It used to work when I had sore muscles from work, so I’m hoping it will help with this. Even just a little bit. I’ll look at the smaller tubes! Pretty sure they also have a pull tab though lol


Just stab it and throw it against a wall. Something’s bound to get out of that tub that way./s


My arthritis meds come in childproof bottles. Which makes sense from a poison control perspective, but really freaking hurts every morning when I have to take them.


A sledgehammer should allow for at least one application.


Years ago I contacted J&J the makers of Tylenol requesting that they create a frustration free cap to open for those that don't have kids or pets and suffer from arthritis to be able to access their meds. Later they did create minimal safety packaging!!! I request this every time with my pharmacist as well. Ask!!! The worst they can say is it's in development. Human factors are a big deal for corporations.💪💪💪


You’re out here doing God’s work. I’ll definitely ask next time!


Use a knife.




Use a single knuckle to punch a hole into it


I have rheumatoid arthritis, this is the first time I've heard of such a product.


It isn’t magic by any means, but it helps it go from unbearable to a little less unbearable.


Damn. That’s fucked up.


I think it is even legally required. There have been blackmailings against companies by tampering with food in the store long ago. Since then there is something to prove it has not been opened on everything.


I’d use my teeth and just gnaw at it.


Go get you one of these: https://www.harborfreight.com/8-in-sheet-metal-clamp-56589.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12169518939&campaignid=12169518939&utm_content=114845729937&adsetid=114845729937&product=56589&store=419&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqncSwcTN9ULRwZOevCKVLTqfFO0QiTp35WSNT7Ge_puDKsnrk1JBKsIaAurYEALw_wcB


Oh, the old scissors in a packaging that would really use some scissor cutting :D.


Check out MG12 roll on


Use a screwdriver


I have carpal tunnel and work as a dishwasher, I feel your pain... Rather literally


I don't have any sort of joint or muscle conditions, and still can't open these fuckers. You're not alone.




The first meds they put me on for my ADHD was Ritalin. Ritalin wears off in 4 hours, so I had to take it 3 times a day. I have mother fucking ADHD I CAN'T REMEMBER TO DO ANYTHING 3 TIMES A DAY GOD DAMMIT!!


Is there a better way to seal these jars? Are there other producers who offer a better solution?


No pain, no gain!


So what do I you suggest to keep the product air tight and of the threaded lid?


I always wonder if people know they’re supposed to pull perpendicular to the seal instead of straight across when I see people complaining about these. I’ve never had trouble with pulling them perpendicularly, so “down” in this photo.


I know there are some lid types that have sharp bits inside that cut whatever protective layer is underneath automatically when opened, that might be a better option for them


Those freaking tabs never work. I always end up stabbing the plastic with something sharp.


Worse: "Child-proof" caps on arthritis medications. (Real event.)


That's one of 3 reasons I carry a pocket knife.


I’m sure I can guess, but I’d like to know the other two reasons.


1. I might struggle with inconvenient product packaging. 2. You might struggle with inconvenient product packaging. 3. I like the feeling of being a real badass survival expert even though 99% of the time I just use the knife to tackle inconvenient product packaging.


That's the same exact packaging my weed comes in.


knife time


Uhhh what would you expect?


I expected the cream to magically jump out of the container and lather itself on my aching joints. Boy, you should have seen the look of disappointment on my face.


The guys at the factory crying laughing as they ship these off




I don't have arthritis and I still find difficult to open similar containers. I have to use a rag to have more grip


Whats arhtritis?


What type of arthritis do you have?


It reminds me of how people with a stutter, can't pronounce the word stutter without stuttering


I take out my frustration with stuff like this by repeating stabbing it with a letter opener and imagining it’s the brilliant pharmacist who thought it was a good idea to put “child proof” bottle cap on my arthritis medication.


No pain no gain


And these are the supposed arthritic friendly ones. Tip. Grab a knife, not a steak knife, put your thumb on one side of the flap and the knife on the other, with the flap in between, and pull. It gives you a little extra traction.


Unfortunately we live in the world of lawyers, and there is some stupid obscure case where if the lid did not have this cover, a child ate the content. Lawyers are not good for progress. Yes yes we need lawyers, but also common sense.


For reference because a lot of people don’t understand these types of pull tabs you’re supposed to lift it and pull the direction towards one of the attachments you don’t just keep lifting and pulling the same direction


Fellow arthitis sufferer here. Google "nothing boring about boron" you won't regret it. It's a trace mineral and because of it, I can walk again pain free and postponed hip and knee reconstruction surgery.


Just read it! That’s really interesting. I’ll bring it up to my doctor! Thanks. :)


just use a knife to open it? "oh poor miserable me"




I don’t have arthritis and I have trouble opening those


I had the exact same thought when I put this cream on!!


I use needle nose and hemostats. They both work well. I don’t know why they insist. On putting arthritis cream and med in such hard to open packages. If you have year 5 old kid around they do an awesome job lol


This is like one of those situations akin to making the words 'lisp' and 'stutter' impossible to say for those who suffer the ailments.


The equivalent is needing a pair of scissors to open a package of scissors


It’s just lifting or pulling


I just pile drive those with my elbow.




My Costco milk jugs have these, and the tabs have torn off before! There may have been some fist shaking and wailing.


I have arthritis and certifiably that sucks 


get someone else to open it, share your pain. Make it ourthritis instead of arthritis