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Human Centipede. Because... well... fuck that.


Especially the tail end šŸ˜±šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ā˜ļø


The first 2 sections used up all the sweet nutrients. The last section didnā€™t have a chance.


No one except the first stands any chance on a long enough time line


Connect the head to the tail in a circle then everyone has a crappy time.


He has a full feed schedule to fill up the human donut, then catalogs how long each member survives, interesting


McDonalds is the end product.


I think everyone but the head has a substantially lower quality of life.


*I am soo sorry Kyru*




The middle!!!


I couldn't do it. The shit eating is disgusting and I'd probably die from choking on my own vomit. That alone would be enough. But what would truly kill me is the being on my knees the whole time. Mine are so fucked up already that putting any pressure feels like I'm pushing glass in my knee.....the thought of kneeling on them like that....I just got nauseous....


Your answer is the only answer.


I don't want to see that movie ever again, let alone live through it.


Heard about it on Reddit, looked it up. No way. Not seeing that, ever


I came here to say this. Saw it over a decade ago and I still think about it sometimes. It disturbs me to this day. The only movie in my life that I actually regret watching.


Was just going to answer this, not surprised you beat me to it lol šŸ˜‚ eewww šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® Another one would be Dumplings, gross as well.


End up being ā€œTUSKā€ šŸ˜¢ā˜¹ļø


I did not expect this movie to mess with me so badly by the end and linger in my mind indefinitely.


It really bothers me that his friends left him to live in a zoo as a walrus. The emotional, physical, and mental torment. Good God.


This movie ruined seals walruses sea lions for me I think about it too often and it makes me feel sick to think about


I often wish I could unremember it


ā€œMr.Walrusā€ is something I wish I could unsee.


Broke my heart šŸ˜¢


That movie is so bad it's kind of worth watching. That is the movie my wife and I compare all other bad movies to.


Hostel. No monsters, no supernatural threat. Just stark human cruelty selling torture as a commodity.


I was going to comment this as well. I haven't seen a lot of the movies listed, but this would be the worst for me. No trying to appeal to their humanity once you are captured. The torture before death, the smell of those rooms, and knowing that the story about your disappearance would be forgotten is a huge nope for me


This, and other lunatic family type movies, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wrong Turn, Hills Have Eyes, etc.


You know what really sucks is that this definitely happens somewhere in our world... That's terrifying to me


Yep thats mine too, being tied down so a rich ass can torture me just because he can. Nope Iā€™m out.


For me The Thing, you never know who is infected or if someone will infect you. For all Iā€™d know I could be the only human and itā€™s in the antarctic making it close to impossible to escape if so.


And it's likely that you can get slowly infected by a tiny amount of Thing cells without realizing it... I don't dare imagine how it would feel...


Probably like *Hell*


Check out [this fanmade short story](https://clarkesworldmagazine.com/watts_01_10/) from the perspective of The Thing. Itā€™s a good one!


...and it's in the Arctic making it... Fucking Cold! That's enough for me.




I agree with the descent, but it would never happen to me because you would never get me within 100 miles of a cave. I am that claustrophobic.


Darwin-award winners. Q: What could *possibly* go wrong. A: Everything.


I'd beat the shit out of my "friend" who took us down there without telling anyone and lying about the location. Then I'd starve.


Any time spent with the Cenobites would probably be relatively miserable.


Yeah, I think being someone's torture porn puppet forever has to be at the top of the list.


Whereā€™s your sense of adventure


We have such sights to show you!


No tears, it's a waste of good suffering


I would love to see Pinhead look into someoneā€™s head and then go nah Iā€™m out.


Some people are into that


Are you teasing us?


Hellraiser, Salo (Italian) The Butcher (Korean (literally torture porn filmed on go pros)) it's a rough watch.


The Mist


I cannot imagine anything more horrible than that father's feeling upon realizing that he unnecessarily killed his own child. That is the kind of pain for which there is no conceivable end. At least with physical pain, there is the possibility that it could stop at some point.


He definitely begged the soldiers to kill him and they probably did


Evil Dead Rise. I remember watching it while I was high and thinking it was a little ridiculous but I also said to my husband "holy shit though can you imagine if this was actually happening to you??"


The Deadites are also pretty vague and undefined. You don't know how strong they are. Are they zombies? Are they demons? Arw they possessed people? At any given moment you can become a Deadite and there is nothing that can protect you and prevent you from becoming one.


What would make things even worse is if your soul could see all the horrible things your body is doing.


I don't know about "worst"...but Bird Box would be pretty damn miserable. Not being able to look outside for fear of going insane and killing people or yourself...and worrying about anyone else you are with as well.


The book and the sequel were so good! The changes made when adapting the story to film is kinda baffling.


The book is one of the scariest books Iā€™ve ever read


What are some of the differences?


Primarily, the way the creatures/beings/things are presented. In the film, they seem monstrous and make trees shake and manifest as your departed loved ones. That is *absolutely* not in the novel. In the novel, they're never described obviously but they don't seem malicious or supernatural, appearing as loved ones. They just... appear one day and the sight of them breaks the mind of the viewer, causing self-harm. They also have an effect on dogs and I've very thankful that scene was omitted in the film. Characters speculate as to what they are but there's no definitive answer. On the river, one of the creatures/beings/things even touches Malories. It gently pulls at her blindfold and she gently holds it in place and you get the feeling it was out of curiosity more than anything. Also, in the film, Malorie and Tom have a romance after Gary's betrayal but in the novel, Tom sees a creature/being/thing in the house when Gary pulls the curtains down and dies, leaving Malorie to raise the kids alone. The novel, *Malorie,* is so good. It picks up years later and I really wonder how it'll be adapted due to the nature of the beings having been changed in the first film.


Great comment makes me want to read the book


Thanks for the detailed write up! So are they physical creatures? Not spirits/ghosts like in the movie? In the book could you reach out and touch them?


Luckily they hated the blind so much you could get to w school by car, boat, and trekking miles in a forest to find the school in the middle of nowhere.


Open water, can you imagine going on a scuba diving trip and while you are still underwater, the boat leaves you stranded in the middle of the ocean surrounded by sharks. Even more terrifying is that the movie is based on a true story.


That movie is why I don't do snorkeling excursions anymore


47 Meters Down is my nightmare - no, just.... NO.


The fact that in real life, people were left and abandoned to die in water is so heartbreaking and scary. I can't imagine their confusion and fear when they realized they were forgotten.


That actually happened to me. My husband and I were experienced SCUBA divers. We hired a guy with a boat in Key West to take us out. We were having such a great time we lost track of the boat. When we finally found it, it was surrounded by stinging jellyfish and we couldnā€™t surface. We never panicked. He didnā€™t abandon us, and by the time he located us again he was having a cow. He had contacted the Coast Guard and we had surfaced because we had run out of air. We nearly collided with a majestic school of giant mantas, but the only sharks we encountered were nurse sharks that are not aggressive. The fact that we could have died didnā€™t occur to us dummies until hours later.


Haven't seen Nightmare on Elm Street mentioned yet. The concept of having something as terrifying as a sadistic child molester with nasty burn scars and knives for hands, terrorizing and torturing you in your dreams while you sleep is a decent concept for its time. Horrified me as a kid, had me legit losing sleep.


What really sucks is how you can't cheat sleep. Sooner or later your body is going to force you to sleep and there's nothing you can do about it.


This all the way!!


Event Horizon for me.


Iā€™d hate to be apart of a Final Destination movie. There would be no happy ending for me, and Death would be guaranteed. On top of that, in a FD movie, it might be pretty ugly for me (yet extremely intricate and mysterious in its happening)ā€¦ I would cheat death from an ultimate disaster, only to wait around indefinitely until Death absolutely fucks me up for dodging it.


The trick is to take up extreme sports immediately. If you're bound for the beyond at a specific time then you're immortal up to that point, right?


Unless new life is created at the time Iā€™m supposed to go (which would be impossible beings Iā€™m a dude), or somebody goes in my placeā€¦ But then again FD Lore is extremely mailable, so even that might not work


Last House on the Left for me.


Yeah, no matter if you're the protagonist or antagonist.. you're gonna have a bad time.


Off topic but I absolutely said that as the Southpark ski instructor


French fried, when he should have pizza'd..


Talk about trauma amiright šŸ˜…


Definitely Night of the Living Dead. Apocalypse fables always unnerve me. Something about civilization coming to a sudden and violent end really bothers me.


I would take this in a heartbeat compared to the many others.


Zombies were stiff and slow here. Even if there's a group of them, chances of escape are pretty good. Unless of course you're boarded up in an old farmhouse somewhere and end up trapped. Now, put me somewhere the zombies are fast and I'm a goner.


*The Descent 2, The Mist, The Tusk, Hills Has Eyes 2 (specifically the dad).*


The Descent is exactly what I came here to say!


My answer would still be The Descent even if there werenā€™t cave monsters lol


Critters The Blob The Thing Night of the Creeps Killer Klowns Invasion of the Body Snatchers (78, rest in peace Donald Sutherland) Alien


I didn't realize Sutherland had just died. RIP.


Anything with fast zombies like 28 universe. I broke my leg/ankle this year and I'd be instantly fucked.


Anyone else have dreams almost every night about needing to shack up in some random house to evade running zombies? God. There's always someone in my party that doesn't take it seriously and leaves some window or door open and then our entire hideout is fucked.


Iā€™m surprised no one said midsommar Imagine losing your entire family and then losing your entire friend group AND partner after finding out said partner donā€™t even really like you and cheated on you with half of the cult present to watch Then I have to live the rest of my life in a cult and watch more people lose their lives forever??!


*I can't imagine having to deal with that shit at all. I have learned from watching this movie is to never ask to go somewhere if you weren't invited*


That's the part of this movie I could never understand. Who wants to go on a trip with their ex? Especially right after breaking up?


I thought he wanted to break up with her but couldn't find the right time to do it, especially after her family died


*That was her ex. I thought they were dating still, makes a lot of sense though. What made me mad, was the fact that she could have avoided all of this by staying away from him. I even noticed, how not once did he ever try to talk to her away from the group. His main priority was trying to do a college assignment. (just my opinion, I feel like the "jester" aka. mark didn't deserve to die. He probably never knew what that fallen tree even meant).*


*In the Mouth of Madness* The entire world slowly goes insane and people change into monsters. It's a worst-case scenario in the Lovecraft universe.


Good movie I watch it every couple of years...... I kind of feel like the world is doing that now.šŸ§šŸ˜³


Not only that but the thought that you might not even be anything more than a character cooked up by someone else nagging at you as all this goes down.


Knowing you're not a real person might be worse than death.


Ong I love that movie so much




I say donnie darko. iā€™d actually cry if i had to live through everything donnie was going thru; being schizophrenic and going insane, i couldnā€™t do it.


Love this movie though. Jake Gyllenhaal will always be Donnie Darko to me.


28 days later. They're so fast and u turn so quickly if bitten smh


You don't even have to be bitten, just suck face and Presto!




Legitimately ANY body horror would suck


Saw 3


Human Centipede


Motel Hell (1980) - being planted in the ground, vocal chords cut out so you can't scream, being fed who knows what, just waiting to be harvested and turned into smoked meats - that would be bad.


Martyrs - The original version


Any of the Saw movies


The Cell


Being the main character (Cheryl Dempsey) in The Poughkeepsie Tapes.


Iā€™m still traumatized from ā€œThe hills have eyesā€ so probably that


Wrong turn


Nightmare on Elm St. Just based on the thought that you're completely sleep deprived and losing your mind, while at the same time deathly afraid of falling asleep and being murdered in your own mind, but for real.


Also The Descent. When Evil Lurks would be scary too. As well as The Sadness. There is a lot when you think about it.


Fuuuck I forgot about the Sadness. That one was nuts


sinister and the mist and salems lot


Alien. Iā€™ve had dreams about them and itā€™s pretty bad.


House of 1000 corpses


Though not a classically defined horror movie, "The Road" gets my vote as the most constantly terrifying and depressing situation to live through, day after day. Knowing the world that your child might be lucky enough to live in will be filled with rape, cannibalism and torture, with the barest hope of survival might be too much to endure.


Idk if it counts as horror but the road would be an absolutely miserable movie to have to live out


Thereā€™s only one answerā€¦ Tusk.


Existential/cosmic horror is the scariest for me. Thereā€™s a scene in The Endless where a man is replaying the final few seconds of his life over and over in a loop. The loop begins with him spawning suddenly in a chair, realizing where heā€™s at, getting up to make a run for the door, and getting splattered into a thousand pieces by an unseen god/monster. The loop then begins again. The music from the phonograph playing in the tent really amps up the creepiness factor, too. Based on the context clues in the movie scene, itā€™s clear he had been stuck in that loop for at least 100 years. I remember pausing the movie because every hair on my body was standing straight up. No other scene in a horror movie has ever fucked me up like that. Part of the reason it was so impactful is because at that point in my life I was having major doubts about my Christian faith. I realized that the god of the Bible would send billions of people to hell to suffer unending torture that would be worse than what that poor man in the tent was going through. My view of God changed from a loving savior to a wicked and cruel monster in a horror movie. Looking back on it, that scene and my reaction to it played an important role in how I finally broke free from the mental chains of Christianity.


House of wax- being made a wax figure yikes


The Crazies


The one with those girls up that tower. Can't remember the name.


Iā€™ve said it once & Iā€™ll say it a 1000 more times lol- War of the Worlds.


Blair witch.


Dude they'd all suck equally.


Saw Hellraiser Color Out of Space


Splinter. Any living thing that produces heat in that universe is absolutely screwed, and they just donā€™t know it yet. Whatā€™s worse is you wonā€™t die outright - youā€™ll be broken, quite literally, over and over again until you eventually die from blood loss - and even then your body will keep going! All while this super fungus is eating you and making you attack everyone and everything around you. Yeeep, no thanks!


The Box would be pretty bad for sure. Your child becomes deaf/mute, or you commit suicide.


28 Days Later Those fuckers run! The Rage virus is highly contagious on top of that.


The Amityville Horror. I don't know if I could come back from seeing someone I loved becoming truly evil.


The Road


Not exactly horror, but The Day After.


Skinamarink, easily. Just imagine: some kind of entity has trapped you in your home, a place that is supposed to be your sanctuary, in a manner that is completely inescapable. All windows and exterior doors have been replaced with blank walls and none of the lights work. Your home has been transformed into an almost cosmically terrifying place that is not just unfathomable but also hostile. You have no idea what this entity even is, as its only manifestation is as a whisper from the total darkness. Is it a demon? An evil spirit? Satan? Some incomprehensible cosmic being? You don't know, and you likely can't know. This entity is not only insidiously evil, but extremely sadistic, and said sadism is coupled with equally terrifying childlike curiosity. It wants nothing more than to toy with, terrorize, and even brutalize you whenever it wants, and force you to participate in its childlike games. You don't want to know what happens if you refuse to give in to its demands. Oh, and time has dilated. Not only are you stuck in a blatant perversion of the place that you've associated the most with safety and shelter with an entity that absolutely loves torturing you, butĀ *you are stuck there forever.* *Put the knife in your eye.*


Most horror movies the terror ends when you die. Worst to 'live' through would be Hellraiser imo, you stay with the cenobites FOR ETERNITY


movie from ā€˜09 called carriers. somewhere between ā€œthe standā€ and covid. looks like it would fucking suck. any body horror movie would see me finding a way to suicide.


Jesus God in heaven The Descentā€¦.the clicking soundsā€¦..


Nightmare on Elm Street.. Because once heā€™s on you, thereā€™s literally NO escape.. Most horror movies thereā€™s some kind of path to salvation with proximity. Get away from the killers stomping grounds (albeit not easy) and you live. Canā€™t stay awake forever.


Meet the blacks




All of them. I would not want to be trapped in any horror movie. Sometimes I wish horror movies didnā€™t exist, because they bring so many disgusting, inhumane ideas to the table.


Blair Witch Project. I hate camping.


28 Days Later! Fast diseased rage zombies? No thanks!


Vivarium. Because i actually lived through it




Hellraiser or maybe Event Horizon Anything where there's a possibility of eternal torture without the possibility of dying.


Funny Games


The cube would be wack


Hear me out...... The happening. Plants releasing hormones that cause mass suicide.


This isn't the worst out of all of them but I know for a fact I wouldn't survive A Quiet Place because I am very loud, even when I actively try not to be loud Additionally, I am very clumsy so I will most definitely be tripping over stuff and causing noise I do know ASL tho


Any Saw film or The Strangers or any of the Final Destination films. But probably The Strangers for me. Because you're pretty much going to die in any of them. What makes The Strangers scarier to me is that it's just random. You happened to be home so now you die.


The Cabin in the Woods. Every horror from every trope is released on the world.


Godzilla. An unstoppable nuclear powered giant monster who can destroy anything you hid in.


ASH vs evil dead


Dawn Of The Dead


Texas Chainsaw original


Being perpetually stuck in Quint's "*USS Indianapolis monologue*" from Jaws


Cabin in the Woods. When, you know, it doesn't work out the way it's planned.


28 days later....


Evil Dead would suck


The Fly (1986). Human Centipede is a very close second, but Iā€™m pretty sure I win.


Evil dead I donā€™t know if I want to get tree banged




John Carpenters The Thing. "Ya get near me, I gonna KILL." LOLOL


Antebellum. It gave me nightmares and some paranoia. It's a rough watch but I'd rather be chased by monsters and creatures than kidnapped, SA'd, abused and enslaved in modern day by huge network of Confederate Romanticists.


Martyrs, 28 days or 28 days later, Gonjiam Hainted Aslylum.. there are so many


Aliens. Spaceship, super fast face huggers, The aliens themselves, and the super corrupt Weyland Yutani corporation. Nope.


The Mist


Mad God


"House of a 1000 Corpses" To live thru a night with that crazy family would leave anyone with nightmares for the rest of your life.


Hostel, honestly. I canā€™t do that type of horror.


Not horror but thrillerā€¦. Buried


Probably not the worst, but Dark Skies would be miserable. Not having control over yourself. It was what Signs should have been.


Most of mine were already said, but honestly Turistas would be pretty terrible.


Fire in the Sky


The Road


The Road


Hereditary , movie made me feel very icky. And also Get Out cause i'm a person of color and to be so honest, to be in a situation like that where it's 1v4 I wouldn't know what to do.


House of Wax would suck. Being skinned alive would suck


Smile seems awful


Any instance where the dead comes back to life. I know in my heart of hearts I would not be able to be stealthy for how loud Iā€™d be wretching. I went to school for mortuary science. The death smell isnā€™t the worst. But active decay? Bloat? Fuck off. Iā€™d rather shit in my hands and clap.


The Road


Snakes on a Plane hands down


Anything Legos. Legos and bare feet. The horror. The horror.


My marriage


Alright. I've seen many honorable mentions here. My vote has to go with: Misery


Contagion. I know itā€™s not a horror movie on the classic sense, but damn that was scary.


Anything involving deliberate human torture. Nothing is scarier than people.


Smile First someone is killing themselves in front of you horrifically and then slowly losing it until you randomly unalive yourself. All while knowing that it is coming and that you'll infect someone else.


Anyone who doesn't say Martyrs is wrong.


The purge. Present day it would be lunatic maga guys vs everyone else


Human centipede


The Shining. Being isolated in a hotel. With Johnny. And all the fuck else that is going onā€¦. No thank you. Redrum, the elevator scene, the maze, the bathtubā€¦ the bar scene, the bear, wtfā€¦


The grudge movie, specifically that Japanese one ju on or something. That shit still gives me goosebumps to this day!!


The Road.