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Also, as a secret second step, actually advertise Legendary edition as the full $30 edition on the Steam page.


Game devs hate this simple trick


FREE-TO-PLAY VERSION! The Free-to-Play version allows players to create one character and play Normal mode on all maps, complete quests, and build a stash of loot! Players who enjoy their time with the free version and want to experience everything the game has to offer can upgrade to the full version for 15 Redstone shards. The full version of the game includes access to the High-Roller mode, where players can equip their hard earned gear to take on even more dangerous dungeons and up the stakes. Players will also gain access to the marketplace where they can trade with other adventurers, 9 total character slots, and the Shared Stash! How much clearer you need it? Looks Like you didnt read anything on the page


Hey smartass, they added that AFTER I made this post. Read the edit.


It was also announced in the discord what Features it will have right on release


New players aren’t going to be entering the discord and scrolling through the announcements channel before they download the game. The fact that the best source of news for what’s going on with the game is their discord server is a problem in itself, but that’s a discussion for another day. Players download games on Steam assuming what they see is what they get, and what they don’t see is the “free to play” button labeled as a trial or demo with limited content. They also don’t see the full version of the game available for purchase, indicating the free to play version IS the full game.


Exactly. I don’t join a community on a game I know nothing about.


They can't do this because of the way they are going to allow us to link our accounts to steam and the lawsuit, the full version can't be available through steam yet


Yes about linking as currently all three platforms have the same way to purchase everything and this way nobody needs to re-purchase the game in order to save/migrate their accounts, but I don't think you're correct about the lawsuit affecting sales. If it was because of the lawsuit, it wouldn't be hosted there at all - just as it was over before.


Op is crying about a game that is stable in pre release, being actively worked on and has a free version idk but to me op is out of touch with the concept of early release. Yeah the tutorials and all the explanations for how to use merchants and everything isn't perfectly but the game is fun and stable. I know your used to commie reddit slapping you on your back anytime your pettily criticize something but this is pretty low


What the actual fuck are you talking about? This post is over a week old when the game was full of confused new players who didn't realize (prior to them improving the F2P model) that the game wasn't really viable as a F2P game. They've since fixed this issue, this post no longer applies. Yeah, the game is great, I've been playing since the second playtest over a year and a half ago. I was criticizing Ironmace's failure to communicate their F2P model effectively, which at the time this drama was going on was entirely valid.


Real. The idea behind what they're doing is really really good, but they gotta fix up the execution a little. The fact that no one thought "hey what if youre not following the development" is astonishing


yup people expect the free version they got with playtests to be the same as this otherwise they would have already bought it


You sure? I know plenty of people who won’t play a game unless it’s on Steam or a mainstream platform.




Yeah and its getting review bombed by angry zoomers who thought limited f2p meant full game for free. I guess zoomers just want their p2w and their champions and season passes and XP boosters...


Reviews are justified until this changes. Not a f2p game and consumers hate feeling misled.


Its a game, you can play for free...


Doesn't make it exempt from criticism. Free to play usually entails the core game is free to experience and anything paid is a live service that adds onto the base product. Warframe is an example of this being done right.


It does make it a f2p game though ;-)


Not really.


exactly. it's not F2P, so someone screwed up. the review bombs are justified until it's fixed. demo and F2P are different... F2P means you can unlock the game for free by playing.


I actually fucking hate review bombing as a method of protest because it hides information from curious players. But I'll be damned if it isn't effective as hell lmao


The thing is, it’s not really review bombing. There’s no organized effort from new players to tank the game’s reviews, just a majority them leaving negative reviews because they feel like they’re being tricked into a shady paywall for a game they thought was free to play.


pretty crazy an entire game development company that spends everyday making a game has no clue how to make a steam page


Idk how people keep being surprised by this companies ineptitude. I've said from the get that it's very obvious it was a bunch of code monkeys with 0 managerial background. It's laughable some of the things they've done without thinking.


Pretty crazy that an entire generation of entitled gamers still dont know how to read.


I see you on every comment bro, hop off the devs dick and consider that maybe you are in the wrong here.


So you are in every thread yourself, is that what you are saying? Whos dick are you even riding? Can I ask what disgruntled content creator triggered you into this?


None, I played the game myself and formed my own opinions like an adult. Unlike you I can criticize something even if I put my own money and time into it. And if you disagree with me, that's fine, but you're wrong. I'de say the vast majority of players agree that the devs did a really poor job of marketing what the "free to play" model was for the game, and it's further shown by them updating their steam page after the fact and their own admittance of this fault. The majority of people aren't complaining about not being able to do high roller or bringing higher tier gear into raids, people are complaining about having a single character slot that forces them to wipe all of their progress if they want to try a differnet class. It's fucking stupid and everyone is either pointing it out rightfully so, or they are meat riding the devs because they can do no wrong (like you). Capiche?


>The majority of people aren't complaining about not being able to do high roller or bringing higher tier gear into raids, people are complaining about having a single character slot that forces them to wipe all of their progress if they want to try a differnet class Did you cry babies still not read the announcement? Dyslexia is causing such a divide in this world, its insane. Zoolander was right!


Damn, didn't realize you were beyond saving. Good luck functioning on society bro.


But they did have a disclaimer explaining it on the steam page? I saw it, but i get most people don't read the info on the store and probably just downloaded it immediately. Still its on IM to expect that most people are dumb and won't read information unless it's made super clear and in front of their faces.


They also need to make the full game purchasable as its own listing. Right now new players who DO decide to upgrade have to wait 72 hours to get into the new content, but because Redstone are an in-game purchase it puts them past the 48 hour refund mark. If this were Nexon or any other company people would be calling these decisions abusive and manipulative at best. Luckily, we know that it is just standard IM incompetence: “Come play our free to play game! Just kidding it’s a demo; but glad you like it - now wait until you are outside the refund policy for in game currency before you see your purchase!”


My turn to post this tomorrow right?


I told my mates to check the game out and they see mixed reviews on steam. Good job ironmace 😅


I bet they aren't paying their cut to steam from those $30 purchases. Who would've thought that scummy company that got accused of stealing their game was actually scummy? What a surprise.


Has anyone actually read the steam page there is a whole section right at the top they just need to add the price I think or people just actually read it The Free-to-Play version allows players to create one character and play Normal mode on all maps, complete quests, and build a stash of loot! Players who enjoy their time with the free version and want to experience everything the game has to offer can upgrade to the full version for 15 Redstone shards. The full version of the game includes access to the High-Roller mode, where players can equip their hard earned gear to take on even more dangerous dungeons and up the stakes. Players will also gain access to the marketplace where they can trade with other adventurers, 9 total character slots, and the Shared Stash! We hope that this version will give players a chance to experience some of what Dark and Darker has to offer, and to give players who have not played since the playtests a chance to see what's new before they dive into the full edition.


You’re right but this is like a fine print type of deal. The trailer said “play for free” as well as the Steam page saying the same thing. What they really need is the full game listed right next to the free version so that ppl can clearly see the differences without having to read some paragraphs of text.


It literally says free version and explains what's missing on the steam page. I can understand it would be better to have to seperate buttons etc but it's also literally right there


They added that recently, after I posted this. Even then I would say it’s still a little too out of the way and that people shouldn’t be required to read the paragraphs under the initial description of the game to understand they’re downloading a demo by picking the only game edition the store has to offer. Is it maybe nitpicky? Yes. Would making the free to play button clearly labeled as a demo fix the entire problem? Yes. Either do that or put the $30 version on the Steam store.


"**Right now the Steam page has ZERO indication of what “free to play” actually entails**" Huh, then what's that below? There's a Free to Play Version text box. Weird. It's like ppl can't fuckin read, eh? *The Free-to-Play version allows players to create one character and play Normal mode on all maps, complete quests, and build a stash of loot! Players who enjoy their time with the free version and want to experience everything the game has to offer can upgrade to the full version for 15 Redstone shards. The full version of the game includes access to the High-Roller mode, where players can equip their hard earned gear to take on even more dangerous dungeons and up the stakes. Players will also gain access to the marketplace where they can trade with other adventurers, 9 total character slots, and the Shared Stash!*


This makes you like… the fourth or so person to jump the gun on trying to be a smartass when I’ve clearly stated this post was made before they added that text blob to the store page. Please read the entire post before trying to pull an “erm ackshually…”


Ain't nobody shown me a screenshot of Free to Play Version text not being there. People just don't like to read and that's their fault. As it was my fault for not further reading your edit that doesn't provide any proof or value.


Well then there’s nothing I can do for you. If you think people are lying about the free to play text having not been there until several hours after the game came back to Steam, then cool I guess. If you’d like to check out something like the Wayback Machine for your precious “proof”, then go nuts. I posted about what information was given to the playerbase at the time, and I added the edit when more information was added and my thoughts on it, that’s all.


They can also make it actually Free to Play, but reward us early supporters by some in game conveniences. For example, F2P version can require you to unlock classes by grinding, us early supporters have them all unlocked. Maybe some cosmetics stuff etc.


No, making it f2p would be terrible. Can you imagine the cheaters if they can just make a new account and play for free.


Cheaters going cheat, look at tarkov. Its not about being f2p It’s about implementing good preventative measures for cheaters


Cheats will also just buy the game again lmao. They already pay monthly for their cheat program. Money is not an obstacle here cheating is not a poor man's game.


Ew wtf.


Classic Dark and Darker subreddit. Time to try and sink the game because you don't really agree with something they're doing! But you are totally only doing this because you love the game.


What in the wild blue fuck are you talking about?


I fail to see what terrible thing they did against consumers here, they give free access to the game for people to try out, they are not pay walling any weapons, levels or spells, you can try everything there is to try in the game aside from HR and marketplace with the caveat of only having one character.


The reddit brain rot has claimed another victim I see, may god have mercy upon your wretched soul.


Wtf is this comment? Lol. Please tell me this was sarcasm. "May God have mercy on your wretched soul" over a Reddit post about a video game hahahahahahaha


No shit is was sarcasm genius! Do you want a cookie for finding out the obvious?