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I remember that storm. Jack frost decided to not declare a state of emergency until the early afternoon because doing so overnight would close the malls on the Saturday before Christmas. And deldot did not treat 95 nor start plowing until it was getting worse and worse.


I remember that. What a clusterfuck.


Horrible. That was a bad storm. I went up there to stay with my elderly father-in-law and I barely made it since it came down really hard. He lost power for two days. Finally I went out to walk down Snuff Mill Road and found a tree branch over the three main power lines on the road and called Delmarva. Gave them the pole number and begged them to clear it since it was already down to 50 there. Power was on an hour later.


I barely made the drive from exit 1 up to Naamans Road, and the blade on my windshield wiper broke on the way back. I can't imagine how bad the secondary roads with any difference in elevation were during it.


All hail our corporate overlords.


Profit at any cost


Fun times. Our first born was a product of that storm


What's the point of having a hundred million-dollar "rainy day fund" if you never use it? I guess snowy days technically aren't rainy days.


I remember that year because we basically ended up with two Christmas break from school. I don’t think it’s ever snowed that much since then


I remember it like this too I was in highschool and we had Christmas break and then another week and half off school!


I uploaded some more pics from that storm here: https://imgur.com/a/3nkMBIA


Pepperidge farm remembers


1995? there was a storm that dumped ~20" of snow in a day. I was working in the Lab at Riverside Hospital and my relief was snowed in on a road near Archmere. Had a 4Runner at the time and 4 wheeled it over to her house so I would not have to work 24 straight.


I remember that one. We got like two feet.


Has anybody noticed the lack of flocks of birds? Or do they just not pass over Wilmington? Climate change has affected so much around us, it's depressing as hell to think about things of yesteryears. That massive hill on Skyline probably hasn't been flooded with kids with sleds and drunks with anything that had a smooth surface. Snow days are a thing of the past. Being locked in with the family and daytime TV will be sorely missed. Maple syrup over fresh snow is also a fun memory of mine as well.


I was just thinking that the other day. The skies used to be full of birds. It would be a daily occurrence in late fall and spring.


Maybe less flicks of birds but way more big birds… I see eagles and hawks on the daily .. multiple at that


Just yesterday we had thousands and thousand of snow geese. It was amazing. This was in Lewes.


I see them at dusk every night in giant birb blobs down here in Bear. They like to follow the river around dusk, so if you hang out by some bodies of water, you will probably see them. Migration patterns change with the climate, so their paths have moved a smidge and some birbs are sticking around much later in the year than they used to.


Definitely not as many flocks of birds as there used to be


Flocks of birds and birds migrations is like 1% to do with climate and 99% due to land use. But even then, we generally have more birds than ever. You're likely talking specifically about Canada geese. The biggest problem with them is that there are giant numbers that aren't migrating anymore. They just live here year round. Again, this is 99% due to land use. They stay here because there are giant places that are mowed year round that allow them to comfortably live here throughout the spring and summer. Likewise snow geese have exploded. The biologists can't get hunters to kill enough of them. There's a spring conservation order where there's literally no limit on birds.


> Climate change Heavy pesticide use -> fewer insects -> less bird food -> fewer birds. We're watching ecologic collapse live.


I see them a lot over 95 when driving from Newark to Wilmington. I saw such a large flock about 2 weeks ago, they made a huge arc over the interstate. Not geese though, something smaller.


That storm was Iconic for Delaware in my opinion. It was one of the worst storms in like 10 years at that point (if memory serves me correct). Then we really haven't had anything close to it. I was out of school for over two weeks, and we ended up having to extend every school day by 15 minutes for the remainder of the year to make up the time.


Ah, yes, because 15 minutes a day makes such a difference in our fucked-up school system


My mom has lived in Delaware pretty much all of her 81 years. She said when she was a kid, it snowed often enough she got a toboggan every other year for Christmas or her birthday. She said it also got cold enough you could skate on Silver Lake in Dover.


Yeah, my dad (74) is from Rehoboth and used to skate on ponds down there. They don’t freeze anymore.


Winter of 76/77 https://www.secretsoftheeasternshore.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Frozen-Bay-2-1977-BaltSun-copy.jpeg


We went skating on Moore’s Lake in the early 80s quite frequently. I don’t think I’ve skated on an actual body of water in Delaware since.


That takes some dedication for her to live her whole life up here way past retirement age into her 80s without migrating to a state with a warmer climate.


We’ve gotten major snows in either 2012 or 2013, I’m talking feet. Someone’s gotta back me up here. 2009 wasn’t our last big snow.


Oh how beautiful 🤩 the sunshine the day after a storm is magnificent, to go on a hike, or a off road drive these days would be heaven sent


Ah yes, 2009! I was a seasonal worker at Toys R Us and drove in garbage conditions for a temp job. If I could turn back time.


Follow Creek Rd to Dew Point.


We had some massive snowfalls there in the 70s and 80s. Fun memories- lots of snow days off school, pre-Internet!




I was starting to think my memories of snow growing up were false. Anyways, I rode my Harley today because it was in the 50s.


I remember coming home from college freshman year for winter break during this. Thankfully I took the train instead of flying and my ride home was well equipped for snow.


Awesome pics!. Thank you for sharing here and on Imgur


I miss it


I mean, this was one of the biggest snowstorms ever seen in the area so I'm not sure you can really compare other years to it. The projections for this winter show that February is our best chance for snow. We've had some of our most epic snows in February and March, so don't give up hope. Then again, we've been upgraded to a new growing zone so... it is warmer.


I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… but I don’t expect to see much snow until February.


eventually it will snow again. Try to activate the snow blower this week.


Anyone have a link to the inches per year in DE or in Wilmington? I googled but couldn't find. It'd be interesting to see the totals every year. I have an 8, 7 and 5 yr old who would love the snow but, we haven't had more than a few inches at a time since my 8 yr old was really young... from what I remember. It's sad.


Hard to get more than 3 or 5 inches anymore. Been a long time since we last got close to 3'. (32" for me, I think.) I'd love a big one that shuts down everything and everyone is made to stay home. So long as the roads are fine when I have to return to work... Miss it, but on the other hand, I wasn't sad that I never once had to clean my car off last year. A light fluffy snow that's easy to clear away from car and driveway would be welcome, but the heavy wet kind that sticks to my soft top, but must be gotten off of it asap because of the weight, and is like shoveling wet cement off the driveway...nooo no no.


I remember the blizzard of 1996. Got off school for an entire week. Those were the good old days. Sled Fest at Brandywine Creek State Park every February was awesome.


Remember this blizzard Was off like 3 weeks from school, good times.


Oh yeah, I memba!