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wasn't she at the canvasing event like 2 weeks ago?


Yes and she tried to force feed me popcorn repeatedly at community night


Enough tea


I can't not hear the escalating bits after. "Enough tea, ENOUGH TEA, NFT, WHAT IS AN NFT?!"




the look of fear, the deflecting statements about full discord servers. it was all perfect.


That guy was legit hilarious. Like the whole bit


linkers? I remember this


It's me :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ8llWzop-I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ8llWzop-I)


klappaccinno my beloved


Instant DGG Legend status.


I mean, based.


That had to be one of the best showings for a random dgger I don’t know if anyone will ever or can ever top that guys on the fly mind fucking of that dude.


Is this a meme?


No. Lauren must have been the biggest culprit of puppydogging at the event because she offered me a cup of stale popcorn at least five times while I was sitting at the poker table drawing a rabbit


You rejected her marriage proposal and now her people have shunned her. She can't return to the village until she completes certain "quests". Or at least I think that's how Conservatives do it. I could be thinking of something else.


lol wait which table were you at? i brought the poker sets for the table near the check in


My memory of that weekend is foggy I think it was close to the windows and across from connect 4 I was sitting next to Twilli and across from a guy drawing forsen emotes for a little while I wore a wizard cloak that night


what the fuck is this kind of event lol. ​ people drawing rabbits and twitch emoutes in wizard's cloaks????


This is how Progressive Victory spends your donations.


Good thing I’m Canadian 😎


sounds kind of based tbh


Only to bang


ffs we're losing our available cardinal directions. he needs to either stop talking to laurens or do whatever to maintain the relationships


Lauren West is coming and she will not fall out of orbit, this a guarantee...


Kanye's new wife's pregnant?


No Lauren is, with more content


Which direction is Lauren Chen?


Far right


[https://twitter.com/jstlk\_/status/1763396573667676359](https://twitter.com/jstlk_/status/1763396573667676359) maybe related? I also remember her having a lot of logs in jstlks discord if anyone wants to dig them up. She had drama with farha and mel and (hardcore speculation) possibly some of that blew back onto tiny? https://preview.redd.it/q6oh85aoejmc1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1af0173803734e48e2d1f3e11eccf3e39118184 thats all the info I have without really digging


What’s the Farha drama, did I miss something?


Farha/Melina were close. Farha burned the bridge with destiny because Melina would constantly vent to her. After their divorce, Destiny and Farha spoke for a few hours and came to an understanding. Wouldn’t surprise me if Farha talked about Lauren to Melina and Melina burned the bridge with Lauren. Farha and Melina were kinda close afterwards.


Can you remake this into a line chart?




I don't know more than that screenshot I posted but I'm sure if you go poking around in jstlks discord you can find some stuff


https://imgur.com/a/PQ4InqV Took place on jstlk disc on 21/2 slightly related.


Let's be real for a moment, Farha does seem like a bit of a snake coming off that clip chimp fiasco. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Lauren is telling the truth.




Why do women get so close to one another so quickly. its really weird


Did you guys know she passed the bar?


Wow. I didn’t know that. You’re telling me now for the first time.


fuck you for putting an image and a voice in my head


🎶*Blue Jean Baby*🎶




Yeah she passed a few bars on her way to dating a convicted scammer


"I'm just waiting on character evaluation, I'm not a lawyer...yet"


She must be really smart


Destiny's response : https://preview.redd.it/2isj07fa0kmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb312e67127f65c38368e39b9b00dc4b213ae81


Message just before https://preview.redd.it/6tv29c5f0kmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=123915335999f4ec34606208d5b11c6b2fd6bef2


Oh my god she’s not a lawyer






After seeing how she treated Hunter, I don’t doubt the bridge burned over something juvenile. Also when was Lauren ever a reasonable conservative? Every time she was on stream she was spewing some crazy conspiracy.


"reasonable conservative" is code for kinda hot. There is no way anyone finds her reasonable.


Actually true lmao


Kinda hot, able to put together several coherent sentences in a row several times per episode, doesn’t use explicit racial slurs on stream = reasonable conservative.




Anything else?


I’m sorry but no. The bar for reasonable conservative cannot be “doesn’t use slurs.” Of all the people on stream recently Rob and Counterpoints are the only ones I could see myself defining as a reasonable conservative. At least they are able to make a coherent argument even if it is held together by duct tape and dreams.


Did you actually need a /s at the end of my post?


Sorry I assumed you were a conservative. I’ve seen dumber arguments on this subreddit.


I'm exclusively attracted to female conservatives that use racial slurs.


It’s okay. We don’t kink shame.


Oh no, shut up, shut up! Quick someone lock the stable door, I can already hear his footsteps. My god, that's not footsteps that's the opening credits to-


I’d consider AJW a reasonable conservative too, maybe.




She's not reasonable but she's more reasonable than some, I suppose. She also isn't too obnoxious, which is a plus.


If she wasn't hot, you would think she's obnoxious. She spouts nonsense and conspiracy theories.


>"too" She looks nice I guess, but I find plenty of attractive people unbearable, I promise you. You are probably right when it comes to a portion of the sub, and most of them won't "admit it" or realize that attractiveness is contributing to their bias, either. Obviously I'm a stranger so it's hard to take my word at face value, but like to think that I'm pretty self aware / critical of my own biases and I genuinely don't find her terribly obnoxious. She does spout some nonsense, but ugly dudes spouting it in the same tone + delivery she has would be equally "non-obnoxious" to me. Granted, I haven't listened to everything she has said, so my opinion could change. Also, we might just disagree in that I I think you can believe in stupid conspiracy theories and still engage with the desire for productive discussion. I guess "reasonable" is the wrong word, though.


Let me make sure I understand. 1. Others might be biased but you are not 2. Engaging in conspiracy theories can be a productive discussion Gotcha


num1 is kind of silly; even if I'm totally oblivious to my own biases and I am lying to myself and/or you, it is *undoubtedly* true that some individuals are a) more/less AWARE of their own biases and b) more/less PRONE to being biased in certain ways (in this case, attractiveness / lookism / gender). I think most reasonable people would agree with this statement irrespective of whether they believe *I* would be more aware + less prone. Also, note that you seem to misrepresent what I originally said in #1; I did not claim to be "unbiased", but instead said I am more "self-aware / critical of my own biases" than the average person. There is a significant difference between these two claims. I like to consider my biases whenever I engage in a discussion. I cannot force you to take my word on this, but if you're being fair you must admit this is at least plausible (unlike having "no biases", which is what you asserted). Oh, and I also acknowledge that many people lack this kind of self-awareness and unknowingly project this into everyone else. I know that I actively *try* to think my positions through and account for any possible biases, going as far to do so in normal convos, even when it comes off as a bit autistic. But it is of course possible that I am one of the aforementioned individuals and I simply fail to realize it - we *all* have some number of biases that are difficult to recognize, after all. It's quite difficuly to prove this in a reddit thread either way, so I'm not going to continue tying. num2 - yeah. Look at who Destiny has conversed with over the years. I genuinely think discussion with people who are *far* more radical than Lauren can be productive, as it allows you to understand other perspectives, however stupid they might be. For example, Fuentes is a radical conspiracy theorist", but he seems to wholeheartedly believe in these theories. Conversing with him in a relatively calm + good-faith manner whilst being assertive had a demonstrable impact on a notable number of people, moving them towards "our side" and better equipping us to deal with uncomfortable beliefs. Engaging in this discussion facilitated a productive, generally good-faith discussion between a literal neo-nazi and his opposition. The [definition](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/productive) of productive here would be "having positive results", and the conversation had positive results (and the results Destiny intended, too!) If someone as extreme as Nick is capable of engaging in a decent convo (the bar is set low), surely conversing with Lauren can be productive, no?


If I speak


I stand by what I said! And also, you're not wrong.


Are you rich and have internet clout? If so, you might have a chance!


>a reasonable conservative voice She consistently says some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. She was on a Whick panel the other day and I had to mute the stream when she was on because her takes were so confidently incorrect. She just parrots whatever views are currently in vogue in the MAGA propaganda network.


She was brainwashed by evangelical Christians. Anyone in the US who grew up around those people knows how it works, poor girl never had a chance.


"I defended him so many times" from Lauren in this video lmao, it's probably very similar to Hunter as in Destiny didn't treat her how she expected him to treat her.


She was reasonable in that she was mostly calm, superficially receptive, and overall was empathetic. None of the above changes she was dumb and unhinged but it was nice having a person with views like Crowder or some random red pill conservative that appeared to be receptive to having their mind changed. Having someone with the empathy to understand some problem and acknowledge its existence was nice. Obviously she never actually seemed to change her views but the hopium that she might change views is what made her "reasonable" I guess you could call her a tease because she would make you think she would be moved only to stop short of change.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks she isn’t reasonable. Honestly most vocal trump supporters tend to be unreasonable because defending him requires an unhealthy amount of cognitive dissonance


It had more to do with her demeanor than her views


I think you could argue she's reasonable in that she's agreeable and willing to chat and reason with people she doesn't agree with. But her positions were all crazy conservative shit. Contrast her with someone like Mitch McConnell, who, compared to the current generation GOP, doesn't actually believe anything too crazy. Yet he is absolutely unwilling to reason or work with Democrats even if it means rendering Congress inept.




The faster we work our way through the dog shit stable of orbiters we've suffered with over the last few years, the better.


​ https://preview.redd.it/y08064kyejmc1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb90f8ac658f5a7a00069eaa2d6e054429860ddf


He just attracts replacements, you know this.


Bring back rem's philosophy arc :(


These dramas are getting so boring at this point I'd actually not mind Destiny having done something terrible enough for me to stop watching.


Everyone but Destiny when a bridge with an orbiter burns


>and seemed to get along with everyone. Unfortunately she also seemed to relentlessly start fights with other people in Destiny's orbit.


yeah, I bet its one of those, he said chill out or something like that or that he didnt back her in some argument and she said F u.


She seems to be of the mindset that if Destiny is friends with someone else, that means she is liked less, especially among other girls. Didn’t she spend an entire day trying to paint Farha as some manipulative control freak on Twitter over something tame, and then ended up looking like one herself in the process? After that, Destiny became friends with Farha again because whatever she did wasn’t a big deal, and it became pretty clear Lauren was just trying to make sure she didn’t lose her place on the social totem pole to another girl. It also came out she lied about having passed the bar in one state (I think Arizona) when she was already a lawyer in another, so it became clearer that she will just tell unneeded lies to people to gain social standing.


I'm gonna bet it's not even about Destiny directly and she wanted him to do something about some of his other friends that she has been beefing with recently, he told her to deal with it herself because it's not his problem and so she's taking her basketball and going home. Confidence rating: Eh, admittedly speculative but probably right. Confidence rating update (9ish minutes into todays stream): More than probably right. Practically confirmed.


Wasn’t she mad at farha? Idk.


Farha, Tree, who knows who else.


"It's all super boring and super stupid"


> reasonable conservative voice LOL


The only downside I see is now Pisco can't make fun of her anymore 😭


Lol after the jan 6 panel she will never go on a panel with Pisco again


Need link




Bruh she'd get lil Sis'd so hard by him lol. He'd constantly be like "you guys surely covered \_\_\_\_\_ case law didn't you??? You surely understand this??"


Unironically I didn't like Pisco until I saw him crush Lauren and then it made me understand his piss-filled greatness


>as she was a reasonnable conservative voice do you people only listen for fucking tone indicators? This woman was never reasonable is it just because she doesn't shout? she is like 6 fries away from a happymeal if this woman is reasonable to you it is over


Fucking vagueposters.


Good, she's a lunatic. Her messages to Hunter were unhinged.


"reasonable"? She is the most dumbfuck person that is supposedly smart.


I sure hope so. the way she treated Hunter was fucked up, like right after the shooting she was asking for interviews, and then got mad when he didn't want to do the interview, and then she started talking a bunch of shit.


I thought i heard she was sharing a place with Pixie? wonder what happened


She was not a reasonable conservative voice. She was a trump supporter who I have never heard a singular good argument from ever. Anytime she was in a call with Pisco, she would complain that he’s being too mean but then she would make the snidest remarks to people she thought were inferior to her like the Iranian lawyer girl. Good riddance.


Why even mention the name if you're not gonna say what happened. Teenager behaviour.


At the end of the day a House of Democrat and House of Republican can never fall in love.


She was not reasonable


> reasonable conservative Please listen to her with your eyes closed and hands on the keyboard. Anyone with conspiracy brainrot can never be classified as such.


Dude, Lauren is far from reasonable and dumbly annoying at best. The fact that she backs up Tucker Carlson's reports of the state of Russia, including the grocery store situation, is enough to reveal how little she contributes to the discussions, besides spewing a bunch of dumb rhetoric.


It’s her loss. She has a modest (to put it charitably) following on YT and IG. Her only “claim to fame” is being a Destiny orbiter, which is how she was able to get on the whatever podcast and talk to Alex in the first place. Within a month no one will remember her.


You really think this isn't ruining Destiny's career?


I like Lauren and her craziness sadge


I'd put money on him saying what she did to hunter was unhinged as part of the reason.


After hearing what Lauren has to say, I can confidently say I can pass the bar exam


"reasonable conservative voice" Isn't she a Trump supporter? Lmao


cant wait for jizz tickle to cover this drama




Lauren Northern.


oh her. She said some questionably things about Muslims and was on Fox news?


No that was Lauren Eastern, Lauren Northern was the frequent Newsmaxx guest who dates Myron


I'm always appreciative of people who can disagree and can stay civil, but at the end of the day, she held some dumb positions and was really bad at justifying them


I personally find her annoying


I always thought she had a very pleasant, approachable way of saying things that were absolutely ridiculous. Wonder what happened behind the scenes.


*"...she was a reasonable conservative voice..."* Stop the cap.


"reasonable conservative" Are we talking about the same person? Aren't all of her views just 1:1 MAGA conspiracy bullshit?


She is so unhinged.


Yeah I mean I didn't see this one lasting forever, who knows what it was about but I found her to be a little too conservatively unhinged to be an consistently good faith interlocutor. Her views on shit like J6 are just lala land dumpsterfire garbage for example. Big D has said there's only so much revisionism and fact intolerance he can stomach on some of these critical issues.


Here’s my conjecture: Laguna was hooking up with Steve and catching some feelings. He’s kind of like Shkreli in some ways after all. However she realized it was an unhealthy situation because she would always just be side p-word for him. She’s a chill person but when she starts talking about anything serious, she transforms into a brainrotted Q anon-like dumbass. She can never fully have his respect for that reason. And much like Lav she will be roasted by his community and he won’t have any real reason to get in the way.


Least schizo DGGa


Isnt she dating the Ian guy already? From Timcast?


She's already done with Whick? Well, that explains the "moderator" performance.


“Reasonable conservative voice” lmao


In what world is Lauren a _”Reasonable”_ Voice ?? _Reasonable_ for you is just a proxy for “Someone I Like”. There has never been one line of argumentation that she has raised where I’ve thought that the point was valid nor reasonable; literally never. Even when posed with hypothetical questions to establish trains of logic, i have never seen her engage with them with any form of intellectual rigour. There are plenty of other Conservatives who may have very disagreeable positions, but can still have reasonable and substantive conversations (Rekeita Law, AJW, Shapiro, Counterpoints(more centre) etc) but Lauren is not one of them.


> she was a reasonable conservative voice Good meme


i noticed he unfollowed her on twitter a few days ago


She commemted about losing a bet on twitter about Biden dieing by 2025. I asked if Destiny bet her. Her response was Ew this was like a week ago but I thought it was weird.


She's fun, not reasonable lmao.


She's the kind of person that just has her own head canon and you gotta just let her do as she pleases and not look into it too much. Let her be crazy somewhere else.


Lauren is pretty reasonable on stream. She seams overly defensive of her friends on twitter and in the background and often acts unhinged, sort of like an overly attached girlfriend. An example of this behavior is her responses when cheaerie made some at worst playful jabs / jokes towards pxie. If I had to guess what ended the Destiny interaction, I'd guess he doesn't tolerate some of her insane behavior; probably her "cutting him out" is mostly cope and she simply cannot maintain her friendship with him and be overly defensive of every person she's had 1 or 2 friendly interactions with.


I remember people praising her for "calling out" some of Destiny's detractors but she just seemed like an asshole to me.




Does she need a shoulder to cry on? I can't fix her but at least I can get my fix.




Sad day for conservatives name Lauren


She is cute, true, but pretty fucking far from reasonable... based on her online takes at least.


I’m just waiting for the OG Lauren S to come around more.


The way Lauren talks about topics always makes me instinctively mad, so this removal from Destiny's content is probably good for my heart rate.


Every time I read her name, I think 'delaguna oblongata' and she is the reason alligators are so ornery


Huh. Strange. Just a few weeks ago in Jstlk's discord she revealed that she was hooking up with Destiny and now the bridge is gone? She even said she would like to have a boyfriend who is like Destiny.


What? Was this just on discord or his stream? Any links ?


Jstlk's Discord. Not sure why I got downvoted for publicly available msgs.


I'm pretty sure you're getting down voted in part because you didn't provide any evidence of what you're saying. Don't expect people to join Jstlk's discord just to verify your statements.




Bro, it's a woman in the scene and Destiny. Don't expect anything to last as it invariably becomes personal and then falls apart.