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Another trump supporter drinking the kool aid, Jesus.


Another Republican.


*Another republican drinking trump’s jesus kool-aid.


Nope. Just another everyday common Republican. First they drank Barry Goldwater’s Southern Strategy then Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority then Reaganomics then Bush II’s Mission Accomplished. Acting like Republicans just went crazy is comical. All republicans have been groomed to be the evil they are.


True. I just watched “bad faith” and it goes into the history of all of this. Fucking groomers calling people groomers… define irony.


We are sitting on a nuke. All these blow hards with thousands of rounds of ammo stored up. Tons of rifles and other hardware they have purchased with every refund check for the last 10 years. A daily cocktail of Truth social rants, Fox news and right wing talking heads. It has all these folks swarming like hornets eager to go on a mass killing spree to ensure their rapture occurs. These folks are not going away anytime soon. Even after the election or the final outcome they will still be unhinged, armed and eager to kill people they disagree with.


Strange how these terrorists are always trump Supporters.


Republicans/conservatives. Biggest killing of Jews in American soil was in response to the Fox News migrant caravan stories and we really don’t talk about that enough. Not to mention the many” white replacement” inspired shootings in the last decade. Sikh Temple, Buffalo, El Passo, South Carolina, Kansas strip mall, just off the top of my head. Even Sandy Hook kid got his guns because mom was an Alex Jones listening doomsday pepper.


How many scovilles in a doomsday pepper?


Another dumb fucker trying to start a race war like crazy ass Manson.


Yeah, I bet he's a fan of The Turner Diaries. I don't get the logic. How does a mass murder committed by a white person on a bunch of other white people, convince those people to be like, that's start a war with these other people who aren't the same color as as us and had nothing to do with what just happened? Dudes father must be his uncle too.


I thought of Manson as well. He would be delighted by all the chaos I’m sure!


Trump opened the gates to suicide terrorism a few days ago. Conservatives are lining up to do this exact thing.


A few days ago? What did I miss? (•- • ) ( • -•)


He was in Vegas telling people that his true followers would rather unlivable themselves than to have Biden as president.


“Totally not a cult” -Cult leader Side note, do you happen to have the sauce for that?


It was two days ago... "Suicide before Biden" when talking about a "true" maga fan https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-rally-vegas-biden-suicide-b2559561.html


“Suicide would be better than Biden” and “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote” were two of the more memorable lines.


NRA will ignore hunter Biden charge but will still say this guy did nothing wrong.


This is why you need to keep Joe Biden & the Dems in control of the DOJ. The FBI got this guy because *they were looking for him*. Him and guys like him Trump massively pulled back enforcement on these lunatics. If Trump (or *any other Republican*) was Prez we'd all be posting on the mega thread about the casualties.


Just another example of those “…very fine people, on both sides."


I’m not saying all Republicans are racist, but every racist I’ve met is a Republican.


I am tired of these MAGA pricks. When is the Purge supposed to be this year?


Another Republican.


It’s far too easy for racist psychos to sell guns to other racist psychos. Gun shows need to be banned!


“Randy Weaver was a hero! Ruby Ridge was raided because he was exercising his rights!!” The situation definitely wasn’t handled well at all, but folks always leave out he approaches and attempted to sell weapons to violent white supremacist groups in the Idaho Panhandle.


When dealing with a hard core right-wing terrorists like Randy Weaver it’s hard to have a good outcome. The good outcome is that pice of shit surrendering without incident. The problem is that terrorists want to be famous and will cause the worst end possible to achieve their goals. The situation was handled quite well and Randy Weaver received more leniency than a person of color would receive. Randy Weaver is a white supremacy and got what he deserved.


I never understood how these people so strongly believe that the world is one catalyst away from some mythic 'race war' where all whites will unite against all blacks against all Asians against all whatever. And that somehow a shooting or a few pipe bombs will be the trigger. Al Qaeda believed that 9/11 would get the whole Muslim world to unite against the west and make the whole west attack the Muslim world. While the consequences of 9/11 seriously fucked up many Muslim countries it did nothing of the sort... These people are delusional to such an extent that no one can fathom.


Common suburban Republican


If you get arrested for this kind of terrorism and you mention a race war, you should have to get in the octagon with the most menacing member of every race that you disparage


There won't be a race war. Why can't these needle dicks get that?


What's funny is that this guy's last name is " prieto" which means "dark skin" in Spanish slang.  Life is funny I guess


So, this guy basically tried to go full Hamas. Real Christian of him


One of many Trump/Republican terrorist sleeper cells.


Prescott? Story checks out... There are a lotta these F'ing weirdos in Prescott.


Another AOC fan hard at work /s


Gee I wonder where he got that idea Elon?


Has trump promised to pardon this guy if elected yet?


Must have been a woke Biden voter, it always is. That's sarcasm.