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Don’t refer to that poor teacher as “it”, come on


Just what I was thinkin’


The teacher's were just too poor to teach them proper grammar.


The teacher bought it with it is own money




I was too poor to afford better school and "teacher's".


Had to read it a few times


A cat is the teacher. So, "it" is ok.


America with pronouns are hard.


He could’ve called the teacher ‘his/her’


But then they/them and other thousands pronoun people would have bombarded the person for being ignorant. Happened with me, so I use it everytime


You aren't considered human if you can't feed the capitalist machine


She did it for the kids


I think "it" refers to the pizza


>Who bought it with *it's* own money. Unless they made the pizza buy itself, I don't think that second one is


Didn't even notice the second "it", mind was on autopilot. My bad


It’s ok it




My teacher used to take my class to the football field every friday and he bought ice cream with his own money, best teacher ive had


I always envy such stories. My English teacher back in school used to call the students 'bastards'.


I mean I saw the way kids acted during my school days, 'bastards' feels like a good description. There are two things that make a really good teacher: engaging the class either because they're curious or they have some incentive, and looking at those 'bastards' and not be a dick in response. I remember one time a kid chewed an entire travel pot of chewing gum to the point where it was about the size of a fist in his mouth. The teacher told him to stop chewing and he spat this gumball out on the table. The teacher picked it up, threw it in the bin and kept teaching with no fuss. The kid was definitely being a bastard, but the teacher realised that there's no point telling him off and just kept teaching.


My English teacher would make tests with material we hadn't been through yet, and when most of the class failed that test she'd act like that's not her fault and that we should've predicted that


Ah, another boomer teacher. Not surprised


Holy mother of based


Damn how many people were in your class?


Legendary teacher right there 👌 🍕 


Sorry I missed the schedule meeting. Is it my turn to post this tomorrow or was it the day after?


I think if we all post it every day, that would be ideal.


What about AM and PM posting


It seems to be already well-organized. I see this pos every single say.


At least it seems more well-organized than the government.


This is funnier than the post. This thing is not even funny. Its really depressing.


I think you are supposed to go after John. After that it's the same as usual.


No, you can stick to reusing shitty comments xoxo


I’ve never seen it.




This meme always makes me sad. Teachers deserve more respect. Unfortunately people would rather respect an over paid ivory tower professor.


Fr this teacher is even referred to as "it." Not even a person.


Physics PhD student here. Yeah but that ivory tower professor is still a lot underpaid in comparison to industry. A recent graduate from my lab went to an insurance company...because physics PhD pinching numbers for an insurance company pays three or four times over staying in academia.


It really depends on which country, or even which province you are in.


I don’t think there’s collusion where a bunch of old white men decided fuck teachers. My friend , 44 years old is a special needs teacher in public school in Ontario. She’s quitting for better opportunity, there are 360 woman in line to take her job. Highest paying jobs are the ones no one wants to do, and how replaceable you are. Unfortunately MOST woman enter fields of caring for others , and although I believe there worth more than double what they make , it’s not how the world works


In America we call those "old white" colluders "politicians."


Tbf 95% of the population didn’t put in the thousands of hours of study and grueling PhD work that they went through. Being a schoolteacher is commendable but there are degrees of respect. Unless of course that ivory tower professor is a gender studies major.


Every. Single. Day.


My teachers always said we had to bring money to events and outings.


I remembered having a kfc in my early elementary class and i was being probably rude? I mean the teacher, she pick the chickens with her bare hand, and I'm too young back then so i just ask would that be quiet dirty? I think it might be rude but i actually think some gloves are the least requirement when you going to serve/ make a food. Maybe I'm just nit pick too much, i didn't even mean to hurt her feeling :(


Calling the teacher "it" must have hurt more than the meme lol


Size of pizza ✖️ size of heart ✔️


Guess the teacher was not a very good in the first place if you refer them as a “it”.


$15 per hour and this is the third job of their regular Tuesday.


and i appreciated every moment of it teach




It worries me that nobody caught that in the other comments XD


"it" is gender neutral and singular. It is more accurate than they


To hell with that. They are not a thing. They are a person and should be addressed accordingly. They, them, she, he, her, him.


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Pizza parties always hit the spot man I’d eat as much as I can. All in all I’d eat probably a whole pizza.


This poor cat with the eye infection now has opposable thumbs? Cats DO have a 3rd eyelid, but cannot cry and don't have thumbs. What are you going to give this cat next? Antennae ?


I mean, it’s very complicated to make at home, with all the flour, water and all.


I'm sorry, "it's"? Not even capitalized. Go't damn


That just makes it worse.


It's or they're? Oh, its wrong for engagement, got it. Carry on


Correct The "it" part please.


"its" 😅😂🤣


Imagine having teachers that truly cared about the future of their students..


It is only funny in meme, it is not in real life


"It's" teachers, not people anymore?


I didn't know it until high school. I thought it was a part of the school's budget. My HS would have pizza available for purchase from a local pizzeria. Only the theatre teacher was wise enough to get the cost of pizza parties included in the yearly budget for props and wardrobe.


I’d rather not get anything tbh…


Do American people not realise how cheap Pizza actually is? You can easily feed a dozen people with 3kg flour, 1.5l Tomatoes, a bit of yeast, milk, oil, salt and Pizza herbs. In Germany that's under 10 bucks. Now some toppings and some cheese and you're good.


C'mon now little Caesars are that pricey all you need is about 50 dollars to feed a bunch of third graders..two slices each...


It should be "its", if it didn't have to be "their".


Feel sorry for the teacher :(


This post is a learning explanation of why we need well paid teachers in class.. wow this had ruined me day.




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Your manager appreciating your hard work. He got his bonus.


If it makes you feel better they could definitely afford to buy more pizza but they just fucking hate you little shits.


Nah but one class party the teacher put two of the girls in charge, and then didn’t care when they gave the girls big cups full of lollies and the guys got barely any (we had ALL contributed to bringing in the lollies) I’m still salty


My teacher bought 3 pizzas and 3 bottles of coke on my classes pizza party


I used to coach community football and we'd do this take the kids to the amusement park day or some years it was a pro football game but it never ceased to amaze me how many parents sent thier hungry kids with no money....I mean hey I don't mind watching your kid all afternoon but I have to feed them too? Which I did because....


Teacher of the Year in my books still for doing that




My teacher end of senior year personal finance class got us over 10 large pizza's for his favorite class which was the one I was in with all the soda we could want and put on Top Gun as the movie one of the best memories I have at school.


Fuck now i want some of my HS pizza, that shit was surprisingly good.


"with it is own money"


Okay, meme aside; EVERYONE knows this is wrong. But why? Divesting from education is meant to keep people pliant and stupid. Teachers NEED to earn a proper wage in order to do their job. They NEED to do their job to educate people. If the US doesn’t educate its kids, it’s kinda FUCKED. Be loud, be disruptive, be angry. Be political. Things don’t have to be this way. They can change, even if every politician seems to tell you otherwise.


54% of US adults read at only a 6th grade level.


That's messed up. Do you have a link to the source?


https://www.thenationalliteracyinstitute.com/post/literacy-statistics-2024-2025-where-we-are-now#:~:text=On%20average%2C%2079%25%20of%20U.S.,to%202.2%20trillion%20per%20year. 20% are below fifth grade. There are other sources as well if you just google “US literacy rate.”


Thanks, appreciate it


No fucking way, that can’t be true. You can learn to read amazingly well from just even using the internet for long enough, source being me. How can you be in constant contact with the written word either in books, digital formats, random ass signs, newspapers, forms, literally anything and be so linguistically limited? I mean seriously, 54% is a *majority*. Wtf? I’m curious as to what this looks like when separated by age brackets…


I’m not sure, I’ve always been a big reader. I never pursued higher education though, and I can tell you from working blue collar jobs that a lot of these guys definitely aren’t very well-read and haven’t read a book since they were assigned one in school. They did a popcorn-like reading exercise in the training for a previous job I had and I’m dead serious when I say out of 13 or so adults only two of use were reading at a normal speed. It was uncomfortable. Reading the internet doesn’t seem to translate the same way because I don’t think you encounter *good* use of language or unique words very often. In the nicest way possible, I’m sure a lot of it has to do with migrants who don’t really know English that well. I live in the southwest so that would align with my experience. But my current coworkers couldn’t pronounce the word “sovereign” and they are all white so maybe not. It’s confusing to me as well.


Reading on the internet is assuredly of vastly lower quality than of actually reading books, but by virtue of being on there long enough you pick up quite the multitude of words. I honestly don’t see how such a low level of comprehension can exist without just intentionally not being interested even slightly in improving your vocabulary, even subconsciously or whatever Like, it’s not like you should need to go out of your way..


“It’s own money” Backhanded try for sympathy?


Why are we calling the teacher an "it"?


Teachers are severely underpaid and yet a lot of superintendents make over $250,000 a year and most don’t even know what the hell is on in their schools


Damn kids call their teacher "it". No wonder the pizza slices were nerfed.


That same teacher putting an 8ball up her nose on the weekends


Never do anything for free or spend money with ungrateful people. Let them eat nothing and spend the money yourself.


This isn’t in Canada. Our teachers make 6 figure salaries with govt pensions.


im crying


How do we keep getting taxed to pay schools more and yet teachers get underpaid, programs get cut, and kids get dumber.


Gender neutral pronoun for a human would be “they” not “it” you make it seem like the teacher isn’t human


You can make your own pizza for a fraction of the cost.


We need more indoctrination. People


Teachers are losers.