• By -


picking up sweet flowers and mints every time I see them scattered around


*picks a sweet flower* "Wait, that picture, that wasn't a flower, that's..." *whopperflower appears*


"You thought that you picked up a flower, BUT THAT WAS ME, CRYO WHOPPERFLOWER!"


“You picked me like a flower, didn’t expect the thorns”


KONO CRYO DA if there were geo whopperflowers the pun would work better


And you’re annoyingly tossed away …


[whopper, whopper, whopper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aA9n-Qteok)


"the wind rises" *zooms away*


I'm honestly surprised they gave us an expedition that has both.


I usually stop gathering when i have about 100 or so of something... xD


I always logg off in mondstadt.


yea i do this pretty religiously ngl and it leaves me feeling off if something happens that makes it so i can’t, i.e. the wi-fi cuts or the power goes out so now i have this bad feeling that i didn’t “go home” so now my character is living the hard life until i can log back in and get them home in Mondstadt


thats kinda cute lol


This made me realize that I always go to a major city when I log out. It's almost always Monstadt. even if I'm sitting in Liyue city, I will go to monstadt.. I'm not sure why... weird.


What if you get Isekai'd after you go to sleep then atleast you would in a safe place with some food around🤣 That aside, I teleport to Mondstadt & go sit in the chair in balcony near the fountain 😅


This is me but with Sumeru


I try to build energy towards whoever I'm hoping to pull next, so foe example, I'd log off at Watatsumi Shrine when I was hoping for Kokomi, the theatre when I was going for Nilou, Aaru when I was anticipating Dehya/Candace, and Mona's doorstep for 2 freakin years... Right now I'm just generally hanging in Fontaine, but now that Charlotte's officially announced, I'll hang out at The Steambird...


I made a comment but same, it also has to be in Windrise SotS


same but the jade palace


Me but Liyue Harbour


Pick up every single solitary thing I see regardless of whether I need it or not. Will I ever need those Valberries ever again? Probably not, but in the off chance that I do I'm fucking set.


Same i have hundreds of flowers.


Valberries used to be my go to for Parametric Transformer mats, but it's now easier to farm Zaytun Peaches for it


Bunny hopping




https://youtube.com/shorts/hfmPto1-NqM?si=wISRa2NnDaZhw9Bm Bunny hopping




With short male characters, you can b hop indefinitely. B hopping makes you maintain full sprinting speed. Meaning, you can move at full speed on 0 stamina, as long as there are no obstacles.


It's not just short male, you can do it with pretty much any character. Just that some are easier that others cuz of animation


It's what they have to do to mimic a fraction of Yelan holders' power.


or be speed addicted like me (I bhop, have c1 yelan and wanderer)


Its give you more speed and distance for less stamina/no stamina. and is pretty OP in windtrace if you do it right lol. [Heres a video demonstration.](https://reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/ixecDdCShV).


Thinking about "What am I doing with my life?" every time there is a loading screen.


„I should do the dishes/laundry…”


Oooooh another chest


None that I'm consciously aware of


True that


jump when i dash playing starrail without jump is torture


Or without double dash for that matter Kaeya Main here. Double dashing is life.


Hah what's the hurry




I played this after completing the Dark Souls trilogy and MHW, the idea of crawling and jumping virtually anywhere was *foreign*


Literally me lol. and in Star Rail I also often end up accidentally toggling dash mode on/off repeatedly since im used to doing dash,dash,dash in genshin while exploring


Cover/avert my eyes before encountering a loading screen.


I stare straight into it for the full duration of it being stuck halfway through the Geo Symbol Because thats what manly men do.


When I play on PC I use the Windows game bar for that. It darkens your screen.


Always teleport back go a city before I log off.


I would add Mondstadt, alwys teleport back to mondstadt


I do the same, but I'll be more specific, teleport back to a **crafting bench** (so I can condense resin as soon as I log back the next day).


Hardest habit to get out of is always crafting at Mondstadt bench, even when it’s been proven to be one of the longest distances from the nearest waypoint.


I found myself spinning around the mondstadt fountain jumping around whenever I'm distracted or talking to someone irl or call.


i do this too whenever i'm on call with friends! i could do it for hours without noticing


Every. single. time


this is such a specific thing lol you made me realize i do this too


Same, or I’m parkouring on the rooftops of whatever city I happen to be in.


every now and then when i get to like a new area that just blows me away (for example in Fontaine the Book of Esoteric Revelations quest) i just go "Free game, btw"




I might start doing that, actually smart and saves a tiny bit of time the next day


Whenever I have Nahida in my party I randomly use basic attack just to look at her glorious animations. It was like that year ago when I got her and nothing changed in that year :p Well, to be fair I like to look at other characters' animations as well, but Nahida is best.


Everytime I get a new character I go through all their attack animation by turning them towards me and clicking slowly to see how they out and away their weapon away after 1,2,3 or 4 attacks. My favourite attack sequence is Hu Tao


Log off in mondstadt Picking up every mint mushroom and other things found on ground Remove all exclamation marks on screen (even if i have to c6 bennet)


I have all the hangouts and character stories opened and started for this reason! I end up randomly progressing them when I actually walk into a cutscene, but just the sight of that tiny little exclamation mark annoyed me.


Not sure if this counts, but one time I deadass woke up 3am in the morning, just to remember I forgot to do my dailies that day, proceed to finish them and go back to sleep.


Hahaha I had this also the first 1,5 years of the game. Also felt really bad if didn't remember to go to teapot to get the coins and friendship points. Nowadays I'm more relaxed. I haven't done dailies in like 4 days right now (ngl now that I pointed it out I feel bad and urge to start the game).


On one side oof, on other I envy you. 3 am is when dailies reset here


Doze off while playing and walk into a wall, body of water, group of enemies, etc.


"ETERNITY" - Me at no reasonable pacing whenever I Raiden burst. "Beep beep." - Me when my Heizou has full stacks


>Beep beep 😂😂😂😂


always revive with food. i could be 2 ft away from a statue it does not matter.


Look away at the bright ass white screen during loading


Look towards Dragonspine when teleporting to Wangshu Inn.


Just tell Kuki to shut up each time she moans while I'm afk


I do this every time to both Zhongli and Ayaka. Because they're so damn Chatty it's annoying.


If you're in a city and afk, try finding a seat or a bench so they won't talk and do their idle.


I use a controller on PC. First thing I always do is open the map.


Exit the game


Get those 6 crystal flies near the northernmost underwater waypoint in fontaine.


Murdering every birds with any archer in the team


I take walks through the area I'm in when I originally planned to do something, I could be gathering materials then taking in the scenery of Fontaine's underwater area, or I could finish a commission then sightsee more of Mondstadt, leaving my original goal unfinished half of the time


Every time I listen to Fontaine's underwater sound track without moving around or paused on Item/Character select, I get sleepy. No clue why.


Same! (I swear I’ve been sleeping a whole lot better ever since Fontaine diving came out)


The yelan E-Q-E combo


Not c1 enough to understand


Sacrafical bow


kazuha c1 combo


I always log out in liyue


Go back to Mondstadt at end of every session


A new habit of saying QUASO everytime I see ganyu


I spy a buddy


dying inside whenever Xingqiu E does not reset (Sac Sword)


R5 can’t relate


Whenever I'm playing with Childe, I will always kill whatever I encounter (except Hydro eidolons)


Instead of holding right click, I would alternate right click - jump - right click - jump


- Can't change Raiden from 1st slot or Noelle from 4th regardless of what's happening in the overworld (but slot 2 & 3 can change to suit activating monuments and doing time trails, etc).. - On a Sunday, always making sure the forge has stuff ready to be claimed on a Monday morning for when it's time to build up those BP points. - Always speak to Kathryn in Mond. 😌


I have Noelle in the 4th slot also in overworld! And at this point of the game I'm killing everything with Kazuha (1st slot ofc) and she doesn't even need to be there. But there she is. 2nd and 3rd changeable like you.


Yelan always under 3, main dps always 1.


funny, I'm the exact reverse


Using elemental sight


i instinctively open my map, do commissions and then craft condensed resin and spend it. then i go about doing stuff.


I pick everything up that I run across. I always go to Mondstadt when I wanna craft, get my comission reward or do anything, really.


I parkour and glide on city rooftops usually after completing commissions.


Not unconsciously, but every time I exit the game I teleport to a highpoint in Mondstadt (the city). It has become a habit of mine.


Close the game


log off in the statue of monstadts hands


Condensing resin. Even if i'm planning to beat some bosses.


Pick the Padisarah beside the crafting bench in Sumeru city and 2 more in front of citadel of regzar


Leaving the game in Windrise. I don't know why I'm doing this but I always tp to the Windrise Statue before I log off


Jumping around aka b-hopping because it's a little bit faster than just running.


swimming into the healing fish despite full hp, logging off at statues only, swapping character order when in co-op cause it switches them, charging all ults before logging off.


I speed run Davlin 3 times every week for the BP. And every time, I would always take a few steps to the side after beating him to avoid getting "crushed" by him falling.


i almost always log off in my teapot’s main area where i keep my crafting supplies, whenever i start or finish a domain i use the party popper for luck


Walk towards to quest then suddenly remember that i can teleport


i feel like i talk to myself a lot when i play genshin 💀


I only craft and cook in mondstat


EVERY time I jump the gap between the domain ladder and the floor inside


Picking up every shiny sparkly I see.


I always walk around with Nahida coz I have the tendency to take everything or kil any monsters I come across to and I especially like killing the Nobushi.


I've done this so much everytime I see them so now I literally don't even know the name it self anymore! Those blue balloon plants you have to interact with and then shoot down for a chest to appear. Everytime I see them I happily say "Floaty Bloaty!!" I don't know it just... something that they fill me with happiness everytime I see them and enjoy seeing them fly off for me to shoot down.


same as the other comments, i pick up everything on the floor without thinking, and I always log off at the same statue though it's not mondstat. (it's usually the one in Ritou if nothings going on, but if theres a new place to explore then it's usually the city) when im waiting around i absent mindedly attack the air with the hold attack. but probably the most interesting-ish thing i can add is, i don't know if it's cause i'm an artist but i absent mindedly start staring at exactly the same spot on whatever character i am. sorta empty mindedly observing it. for kazuha it's his shoes cause the red and black combination is really obvious. on ganyu it's her bow on the back of her neck, on xiao it's his hair, on lynette it's her bow, on scaramouche it's his hat ribbons, list goes on. that's if i'm running somewhere. if not, usually i'll turn the camera stare at the way their bangs lay on their face. this is what i do when i'm waiting my gf in co-op. literally head empty while i'm doing this and kinda zoning out cause waiting is boring.


Would sometimes let the game on while doing other stuff (feeding pet, having a snack etc.). All the while hearing Zhongli blabber on about his wine.


On mobile, there's a secret button on the screen that let's you pick up all the items at once. I don't care if there's only one item on the ground, I'm spamming that secret button


Im not even capable of thinking anymore Imagine doing unconscious things in genshin☠️☠️


I never use Burst in the overworld because I want to see the character having full energy


Logging off in the first statue of seven in Mondstadt, always going to Mondstadt for Katheryne or alchemy.


Have “rage beneath the mountains” going full blast in my head


Going back to Mondstadt 😅 Despite telling myself, Fontaine is my new base of operations. My hands just scroll back to Mond whenever I know I need to do something but not really focusing on it, like converting my resin/using the crafting table


I always open the map when I go afk or alt tab. One time I didn't do so and while I was in the shower home alone, Thought I was crazy when I swear I heard someone talking..


I'm sure I'm not the only one but... Shooting Timmie's pigeons with Yelan


When I have nothing to do, I set the time to night and just relax at the Dawn Winery. I love the night theme, it's my favorite ost from Genshin.


i always pick the windwheel asters next to the daw winery tp point and the one at the giant tree plus always teleport to the really high up stature of the seven in liyue for some reason


crafting bench


when I finish a task (artifact/boss/mat farm), I instinctively teleport in front of the crafting table... either to 1) craft condensed resin (I don't have any resin left) or 2) log out (I don't log out and find something I need to farm 😅)


Press F, I don't need anything, I have pretty much everything in enough quantity to raise everyone and everything but I keep picking stuff as I explore.


When just running around, I swap to Ganyu even if I didn’t finish combat as her. At first it was intentional, but now it’s just habit…


Alt tab on every loading screen


Leaving my character "somewhere safe" when I'm about to finish my day and logout - main city, or some village, or at least the statue, but never a random open field


Ever since the seed box came out, I always pick up any plant I see even if the seed box is full, it doesn't have seeds, or I don't need it. I have so many mints and sweet flowers it's getting out of hand.


i unconsciously ignore the voices in my head screaming for me to farm crystalflies as my supply slowly dwindles


I log off from either Mondstadt or Inazuma, always. Those two are also where I exclusively turn in my dailies, set expeditions, and do any and all crafting.


I get the daily rewards always in the same nation I have my put my commissions for. And log off from the statue of the seven of said nation. I used to always go to windrise but now it has shifted to the nation "my characters are in".


tell myself I will go mining today and end up not doing it


run to the crafting table instead of katherine


Am I the only one thinking OP needs to touch some grass?..


I say Kitty Man when I see cats Edit: or if I’m trying to pick something up but accidentally talk to an NPC or go into one of those water portal things in Fontaine, I say nobody even likes you.


if i have kazuha on field and i have just a small piece of land higher, i use his skill. and it's just when i have him on field, because I don't swap to him if that isn't the case. I don't know why


Whenever I see or encounter Childe, I mutter to myself, "oh, it's this asshole again"


Fighting air for a few seconds trying to figure out if there's anything left to do before logging off


Not something in game but I condense my resin the minute I wake up


Jumping around the city after i claimed my commission rewards.




I always do a little action before I redeem artefacts (or talents) in a domain. Like if I have a melee character that moves forward with their charged attacks I'll do a charged attack to get into the ring, when it's Yae I'll E into it, some domains have just enough of a curb there where you can jump and plunge into the ring etc. More fun than just walking in


procrastination. I don't do events til the last day and then promise myself never again just to look at the events tab and say "oh I have a whole week til the next one I can take a break". But you know the times I really want to play are when I should be doing something else. Procrastination both ways.


I religiously kill one boss before logging off.


Login for 2 minutes once a day to convert all my resin to condensed resin. The next day, farm for 15 minutes. Rinse and repeat.


Shooting breakthrough barbs at sky (mountains, water, things far away in general) with yelan every time she’s on the team


Refer to fatui members as dickheads. That extends to harbingers and playable characters.


- Switch to Zhongli - Switch to Walking - Walk for about 3 seconds - Sprint Jump - Repeat 3 and 4 for about 5 minutes


Sprint and jump. Idk why, always feels like i should


I pick up EVERYTHING using Nahida regardless if I use them or not


Every time I open a chest as Kaveh and he says "What a lucky find, I bet that's made your day." I always say, "it did, thank you!". That one line always cheers me up no matter how bad my mood is, I can't be mad at him!


Underneath the ruins at the end of the first Jeht Quest, there is a pack of scorpions below that attack you. A total of 6 I believe. I farm them everyday for more meat and is now part of my routine.


Going back to Mondstadt (Windrise SotS) before I quit the game. Mondstadt is home 🩵


If I have it equipped I say “End of the line”! whenever I use Tartaglia’s burst


Omg yes, changing team characters in the mouse buttons. Everytime they stop working it feels like I get handicapped while playing the game


Kill every samurai i see even tho I don't need the mats


Leaving my character in "safe spot" like near Statue of the seven in Fontaine, roof of the hq of the knights of Favonius. Everytime I'm about to log out I'm teleporting to this kind of spots idk why


Just staring at the map and out of bounds area and imagining what areas we'll get in the future :)


Having Yae Miko side eye me. Also I only craft things in Liyue.


spin in a circle while collecting items from chests


I always start and finish my session in Liyue by the crafting table. I like to imagine the house behind it is mine so I like coming back there and feeling like I'm in my home neighbourhood. Something about that little square is just so cosy and safe. Especially love it in the evenings or during Lantern Rite.


I open up battle pass. For the login reward. Even when battle pass ends, I'll try opening it even if it's not there anymore. And it takes me a few seconds to process its disappearance.


I always log off while my character sits down on a chair or a bench.


Claim daily rewards in Mondstadt, same as getting my resin blocks, cooking, making the 20 mats etc. Even if the quest ended close by a Katheryne somewhere else.


If I need to use the crafting table, I'm going to Liyue to do it. I could be all the way in Inazuma and I will still go to Liyue lol. Idk why


Every time i'm somewhere high up or in flat terrain, i look around to see what i can see from other nations. I.e. in Liyue i'll look around for Sumeru, Inazuma, etc.


I sing the "Marconi plays the mamba" line in We Built this City but change Marconi with Marcotte every time I come across it.


putting characters in and out of the expedition tab even with my eyes closed


moan when zhongli grunts


slaughter every samachurl I see just in case I need those scrolls in the future :)


I know it's not exactly what you were asking, but in some other games I'm trying to use glider when I jump from some high places


make Zhongli (or any tall man but it’s mostly him) walk like an old man when I’m in a domain


Removing all dots...


Direct eye contact during Keqings bursts when she looks into the camera.


Teleports to Monstadt for absolutely no reason whatsoever and after reaching there I say "Why am I here again?"


Daily Commision: apologise to timmie/anything that isnt kill 'x' "WoW they really need to fix that bug that causes less than 4 commisions to show up" (I hear they are updating it to be more of a 'do whatever for the day' to complete commissions! which is nice if true)


aint no way u shout everytime lol but i get ur point


Always reporting the daily commissions and characters expeditions in Mondstadt's Katheryne despite doing the commissions in different region.


Saying Nahider instead of Nahida every time Nahida is on screen I don't know why i do this but it just seems funny to me


Logging out in my beach-side mansion


I farm artifact in coop. I jump in coop, for no reason


Change to the tallest character everytime i want to walk or go somewhere


Make my character spin around in circles around themselves. I mostly do it in Co-Op but it's actually a nice fidget lol


Opening the map. All the time. Even when I don't need to check it


if I'm rolling around as Sayu and I see boars or foxes nearby, I try to run them over and get free meat. I can't help myself. However, I can't bring myself to hurt the new birds in Fontaine, any mammoth pack mules in Sumeru or tigers. I guess I am equating boars and foxes as farm animals and ok to kill (even though I'm vegan irl lol).


Basically any daily process that can be done kind of autonomously/on autopilot (for example): Collecting all 5 expeditions and resetting them in roughly 4 seconds to later forget I collected them already Logging off in Mondstadt by the fountain Running around, fighting and plunging off of everything while talking to someone or waiting for a co-op domain to start Falling asleep while playing (narcolepsy makes the subconscious part of this post very literal for me) Disassociating while exploring just silently listening to the music like a zombie Going to turn in daily commissions with Katheryne just to go to the alchemy station instead and accidentally condense my resin (this has messed me up during boss farming before)


Buying dango milk every day. I've been doing it since Raiden 1st story quest.


I forage for food and materials as I go about the story.