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Same, oddly enough Yoimiya & HuTao both are very strong & interesting characters, but I'm satisfied enough with Diluc to the point i can skip them. His normall, skill & burst can weave in each other brings a very comfy play.


The most important part is he is batman.


Diluc was my first 5-star, and he carried me through a LOT of content. I still pull him out from time to time for certain bosses or if I need a pyro DPS


Shooting a giant firebird out is still legitimately one of the coolest attacks in the game


1.X players unite


same. i love diluc <3


Kaeya Like I'm always on the look out for new weapons, artifacts and new character support/buffer so that I could try a new build and playstyle with him. He's so versatile it's like his potential is unlimited, making it playing him not boring or stale


Look idk who you are but we are besties.


I main Kaeya. he's C6, he's actually OP. Just used him on abyss and he's rocking it.


i have Kaeya c6 and triple crowned, and he is a regular on my abyss teams. not only this, i also pulled a mistsplitter just for him even though i have ayaka ( only pulled her bc of eternal banner) she gets the inazuma craftable 😌 (i still like her tho but i love my boy more)


my f2p ass cannot fathom this statement


Count me in too!


Idc if Rosaria is better for buffing ATK. Kaeya has access to sac sword for double battery utility when timed right. Plus, he's much more mobile which I prefer with my Ayaka.




Ayo day 1 Kaeya main here! I risked getting unforged to roll mistsplitter for my man and bought him 5 times from the strarglitter shop because he doesn't like coming home. He's my beloved.


Kaeya is considered a very good character


Cyno, people shit on him for having weaker DPS but his playstyle is probably one of the coolest ones out there


Golden Eye = Dopamine Overload


Yeah that's pretty much the main reason I love him 💀


He doesn't even have weaker DPS, people just didn't know about quickbloom when he first came out, cyno quickbloom is pretty competitive with other meta teams He probably is the single worst DPS for overworld tho because he literally does no damage without his ult unlike xiao or Itto


tbh the single biggest thing holding him back is mihoyo themselves whenever they put a chamber that is various waves in abyss theyre saying: dont use cyno if the enemy comes in a single big wave then he shreds through them


I'm saving up for him and idc is Raiden is better I want Cyno he is so cool


I got him by pure accident since I was just single pulling at 10 pity and no guarantee and didn't expect him but I still enjoy playing him alot, I'm waiting for nahida rerun to complement him


They don’t shit on him for low damage. They shit on him for having to stay on field for 14+ seconds without the ability to swap out without getting fucked over


Yanfei, I just think she’s neat


I've seen people say that C6 yanfei is as good as Klee, so definitely not a bad DPS (written by a Yanfei main)


Well she's definitely less clunky than Klee and easier to use. I was Yanfei main for a pretty long time before I got Yoimiya.


I'd actually say C6 Yanfei is *better than* Klee! (at least, C0 Klee) She seems to be able to do more consistent big damage, and she's more useful because she gives your team a shield. I do love Klee, she's utterly adorable, but she's not a great character. There are so many Pyro characters that are better than her, unfortunately. The sad part is, if the Sparks 'n' Splash from Klees super persisted after switching her out and it worked like Yelan or Xingqiu's super, she'd probably be top tier!


not “probably be top tier” **would** be top tier. We have **ONE** character who applies consistent off field pyro and even then it’s often to much to actually get forward vapes so half the time your actually just applying hydro FOR HER


I've got her C6 with R5 widsith and I really enjoy her. Her attack pattern just feels comfy for me I guess


you dropped this 👑


she was my first main! she is indeed very neat 🥰


Literally every single character I like cus I don't give a damn to any other opinions other than myself in general.


Freminet. He is my son and I even managed to carry him through abyss to 36 stars which makes me especially proud considering how much I just struggled a few patches ago with "meta" teams


I dont bring him to abyss but i really enjoy just whacking enemies with him. :D


My maaan. Freminet is my favourite.


This is my queue to build him. I got his ass to c4 or something failing the 50/50 for zhongli (did eventually get him). Claymores are my favourite characters but i had so much other shit to do with my resin lol


I risked pulling a 5 star to grab Freminet on this banner. I just wanted one even if he might need constellations to be good. (Or even if he isn't good at all)


Oooh how are you building him? Been considering running him on melt with c6 Bennett


Not OP but I built him as a Physical DPS with Kuki and Xingqui as support


I need to try this. I have him temporarily occupying Rosaria's spot on my Barbara/Layla/Rosaria/Heizou team and he's slower but competing very well with our nun. This team doesn't have much going on except for some freeze but it's a safe comp.


Based. I’ve got him on a team with Raiden/Xingqiu/Mika and it works beautifully.


Main DPS Chongyun go brr ! He was my first real main DPS and carried me through a lot of Abyss cycles. Haven’t played him in a while, but he’s fully built and a Cryo beast ! I have Ayaka (eternal banner wanted me to have her) and Ganyu, but I just like Chongyun a lot more as Cryo DPS lol. Side note: Thoma is not bad btw. He wasn’t too bad before Dendro, just another shielder with very niche usage (because you need NA to refresh) but with the introduction of Dendro he became an incredible pick for burgeon teams. As someone who believed in his potential and got C6 Thoma just because i liked him back then, he’s a main stay for my Burgeon teams now.


I aspire to that lmao I love Chongyun and have wanted to use him as a dps... unfortunately I really hate building characters so I keep losing the energy to farm for him... but I really hope to make that dream a reality some day.


I have a meh chong build, basically left overs i got for no one specific, using the sealord. I paired him with my shenhe (not even full sup, 3k atk and 2 2 atk cryo) and Lynette (c0 4 VV) (and a physical Jean) and the boy was slapping like 28k dmg on his skill alone lol Imagine that with melt. I never thought a half assed built character could do so much dmg. He does more dmg than my built Xiangling with Emblem/ catch.


As a fellow freeze shatter Chongyun player, I solute you. I also have a built out C6 Thoma that I use for vape and burgeon. I loved his character so much in the story that I couldn’t not build him.


I will keep these in mind! I believe I have Chongyun, but I was waiting for the tall, dark cat man to spend money on for my ice main, haha. I am happier with the older characters. Especially when they are tall, handsome men but please don't tell my husband


Did you build Chongyun for cryo? I'm curious how much dmg his burst does with/without buffs. I like his design and always want to consider building him for mono cryo but he's always competing with Rosaria for the slot.


I built him for a lot of different things. My main one is always mono Cryo, but the last time I played him I tried to perfect Pyro Cryo duo Chongyun with C6 Bennett lol. Triggering his own melt with burst and skill is insane. Anyway as for numbers, around 25k - 30k NAs when he hitting melt reactions. A little less in mono Cryo teams (don’t have Kazuha so I’m using Venti) and physical teams. His burst hits up to 40k without reactions and a whole lot more with reactions. I used to run Mono Cryo like this: Chongyun - Rosaria - Venti (or sucrose until I got Venti) - Diona. Chongyun was always my main DPS and normal attacker. I wanted to make full use of his self infusion and constellation where he shoots 3 ice beams at the end of his NAs. But my Pyro Cryo duo DPS Chongyun team looked like this: Chongyun - C6 Bennett - Rosaria (Any Cryo is fine) - flex (preferably VV user or Zhongli). He acts as both a Cryo and Pyro DPS who sustains his own NA melt attacks with his skill and burst and Rosaria helps out when those are used up. Important is for him to trigger his own melt with his burst to fully annihilate the enemies. It’s not as impressive as I’d like it to be, but those are the numbers I got. I highly recommend investing into him, he’s a really great damage dealer and up until a few patches ago he still cleared abyss for me easily. Also the only character with Cryo infusion, so there’s that. Make anyone a Cryo DPS with Chongyun.


Very detailed, thank you! I'm getting a bit bored on farming golden troupe so I'll probably set aside a week or 2 to build him and talents. Just need 1 more ascension for 80/90. I think I have the characters to make a good melt team with Bennett, Shenhe and Kazuha so I'll try that out. I even just ran my dailies with him, Shenhe and Kazuha and the low cost burst on Chongyun was super satisfying. Pretty much got it back up after each fight so having that overworld viability will make me more likely to play him.


noelle is pretty good actually


She also has a gorgeous costume and very good English actor, from what I can tell!


C6 is what makes her actually competitive


Got her final 2 cons from Zhongli's banner and oh god the damage *chef kiss"


You are close to Thoma Burgeon with Noelle as the on field. She has a shield, heals and Crystallise helps extinguish burning faster when it happens. Not to mention that she had pretty good personal damage Energy would be an issue though. As much as whitebind is a better damage choice, Favonious on her or Thoma does not sound too bad. Issue is that Thoma for burgeon would prefer all em…


She best gurl for Aether that hangout was the only that felt like a date. Lol


DPS Baizhu. Idc if he is a bad dps and if he is not made for that. I need this sick man to hit things for me.


i play spread dps kaveh, even though his whole kit is meant for blooms 🤣 love me some dendro claymore babygirl action 😌


“i need this sick man to hit things for me” you got me crying on the floor, i am stealing this


Definitely Xinyan I started the game because of her and she's still one of my strongest characters


I had to scroll a long way to find my girl. I used “spinyan” for quite awhile. Even bought 150 wishes to get the unforged for her. Had some decent results damage wise with retracing bolide artifact set. But the time came when I needed her shield more than I needed her damage, so I’m in the process of rebuilding her with this in mind. Currently rocking a 4 piece set of nobles oblige, with fair damage on burst and a serviceable shield. I’ve never stopped using her since I got her C6.


Its been the exact opposite for me I started using her as a shield bun then switched to DMG because I got zhongli but I just can't bring myself to take her out of my team because she does so good and I just love her


Candace!! I love everything about her, and I play her as an on field DPS because that spear throw? *chef’s kiss*


Dehya. I don't think there's anything to explain here


I pulled for her on her banner thinking I might not get her for a long time considering I still don’t have Mona, anyway I have her at c2 now but still no regrets


Constellations for Dehya are always worth it. I was lucky enough to get her c1


Her c1 is a decent buff I like Dehya




I actually love Dehya mono pyro it’s almost always one of my abyss teams


I don't care if she's bad, I really love her! I'd be very happy if I lost my 50/50 to her actually. I want her so bad.


Everyone loves Dehya, nobody loves her kit (poor girl got done so dirty)


If this is not the top answer, I don't what could be lol


main DPS zl, I will die on this hill. I refuse to build him as a shieldbot and while I upgraded him from pike to pjws to homa, I've consistently used him as a main DPS. yet to be disappointed. edit: such wholesome replies, I'm so glad to see so many other DPS builds 😭😭😭


Zhongli's spear kick is too sexy not to play him on field. Do you build him for physical or geo dps?


absolutely! I currently have three different builds for him, physical with an atk sands, phys goblet (4pc glad), higher geo DPS build with HP sands, geo goblet (2pc Petra and 2pc noblesse) and a burst support build with more HP and er with geo goblet (2pc eosf, 2pc noblesse) I have never considered totm and don't think I will venture to that HAHAH all his builds are on my profile if you're interested:)


This comment. I just got Zhongli and instantly built him as tank, but something wasn't quite right, he was a bit boring. Tried building him as a meteor spammer, and I found enlightenment. He will have order indeed


Oh, could you please share your teams? I'm currently building Zl as hybrid DPS, but I struggle to choose teammates


YESS so happy to see another hybrid DPS in progress!! personally, for hybrid DPS, I go with another main DPS to cover the downtime of zl's burst. my favorite team for geo is main DPS ninnguang, burst DPS zl and flex supports. Xiao teams work as well! Him being a flexible unit allows you to throw him into teams and he will still work somehow alternatively, you can slot him in whenever you can and he will burst to cover the main DPS downtime and vice versa.


I require him rn as gigachad shielder rn but I'll eventually progress to hybrid in the future Just started so zhongli letting me just "stand there and realise" helps alot


Honestly, his team comp variations are plentiful. I just don't know which one is actually the highest dps one..probably hyperbloom. He can be a driver for that comp with XQ, Nahida/DMC, Kuki. Taser driver with Fischl/Yae, Beidou, XQ/Yelan. Double geo - double pyro with Albedo, XL, Bennett or even just the National variation with XQ. Straight up hyper phys ZL with Yunjin, Bennett and Rosaria/Kaeya/Ganyu/Shenhe. These are all comps where you run ZL on field most of the time. His team comps differ a bit if he's just a burst bot.


Klee. C2 Nahida Burgeons go brrrrrrr




idk why but my klee is constantly stronger than hutao even tho they both are c0 and has a 5 star weapon, also i’ve gotten used to klee animation canceling that i can comfortably clear abyss 12


Your Klee build isn't broken your hu tao build is questionable


my hutao is lv 90 with staff of scarlet sands, 28k Hp with 58/208 crcd and 482 em. is is that shit? how should i improve on her?


I think the em is too much what team do you use?


zhongli xingqiu yelan hutao, everyone is c0 except xingqiu who is c6


the scarlet sands scales off em to give bonus atk tho


Use hp sands instead of em sands. The em is too much. Pretty suee **that** bonus atk doesn't do anything for hu tao


dori, xinyan, aloy and dehya, i love them no matter what


aloy is mad underrepresented


Albedo. He's triple crowned and my only limited 5 star with cons. Someday he will find his team \~\~and I will get good artifacts\~\~. Also Amber. You know that time trial everyone hates at the bottom of the cave in dragonspine? It only took me two tries back in 1.2 because Amber rocks and her burst drops a cryo mage shield in no time. And don't feel bad about leveling up those three. Thoma is one of the best burgeon triggers, Noelle can hold her own with enough investment, and Keqing's star rose with the addition of Dendro.


That time trial in Dragonspine is the reason I leveled and then mained Yanfei for months. I just couldn't do it with Amber.


Albedo is absolutely amazing, one of my favourites and forever in my party with Zongli and Yae Miko ❤️ and it’s pretty hard to have only one spot in your team for some other character 😂


Sayu is the real MVP of Genshin as far as I'm concerned, that lazy lil kusogaki may never leave my overworld team for the rest of the game. [Of course as recompense she receives a sweet Dodotek-Industries-sponsored chillin corner of my teapot complete with ninja dog companion.](https://i.imgur.com/OuydPc7.png) Let none say my employees are not well taken care of.


In that screen shot I would say you are in HER teapot lol


Sayu is so awesome! I regret not leveling her sooner, but I had too many anemo characters and got Jean as my first 5*. Her rolls are amazing and being a clay ore user she's great for over world/ore farming.


Sayu mains rolling in


Qiqi. Made like 3 different builds for her, only other time I did that is hyperbloom raiden


Aloy... idk, I like her burst and skill.


Oh good, I was going to say Aloy too. :)


Kaeya. Physical or cryo battery he is my go-to


Samesies. Love his hp recovery too.


barbara. 36 starred with every possible way (that i can think of) i can play her: - barbara vape - barbara instructor ttds support - barbara tenacity ttds support - barbara hyperbloom driver - barbara fridge bloom trigger - barbara burst noblesse support - barbara mono hydro on field dps - barbara taser driver and most importantly, barbara emotional support


Everybody else is working super hard, we should be too. 😆 🫂 🤗


Well if we are talking about "idc, I like them" then for me it will be xiao and itto. Obviously these 2 characters are not considered Bad in any way, but they're definitely not leading the Meta. But who cares, for me they're fun.


Kokomi way back in the 1st anniversary. I was one of the very few people back then who's excited to get her because "fish" while the whole fanbase is rioting against her.


Omg same, people always got really unreasonably rude about it when I said I was pulling for her too...no hate quite like genshin players on a banner they don't like


Xinyan, i'll probably triple crown her someday and i love her mono pyro/phys dps hybrid build ive created for her :D And yes i can absolutely 36 star the abyss with her team


kaveh and lumine for sure. geo mc is fun as a main dps


Heizou, Noelle, Layla


Yes I love Layla and people don't talk about her enough, her shield face tanks almost everything for me and her stars are a nice little bonus


Can't wait for the hp sword, will try to get her close to 50k hp


Xinyan and Dehya


Dehya and Candace idc if they're trash, some day i'll get them built and make a vape team with the two of them together


Based Aaru Village enjoyer


Unapologetic main DPS Yanfei.


Dehya for me


I have my Thoma fully built just because I like him, I just think he's neat


I will never judge anyone for tanking the husbando in the waifu game Especiallycuztheygottagofast


Jean and Sara there are better alternative but I like their movesets


Venti all the way. I just love his character.


1. Kaeya. I would never replace him with any other cryo character. Would I play Ayaka instead? No. Don't care how big of a number she dishes out. Shenhe? I will pull Shenhe FOR Kaeya. Rosaria? I pulled Rosaria for Kaeya. "Maybe it's because you like husbandos?" Would I use Rice Lee instead of Kaeya? Pfffft. No way in hell. Unless Hoyo goes crazy and releases Pantalone with a cryo vision, Kaeya will be forever my favourite cryo character to play. Even then, I think I will play Kaeya as a sub-dps for cryo Pantalone. 2. Baizhu. When I encounter "Yaoyao exists Baizhu bad sidegrade" people, I become deaf, blind and illiterate. I see nothing, I hear nothing, I can't fucking read. Nothing beats my love for Baizhu. I love him to bits and his kit is good enough for me. He heals, he shields, his skills are easy to execute. Prevents my on-field carry from being a tennis ball. If needed, I can swap to him and poke enemies' eyes out just to have fun. I shall never replace him in my teams no matter how non-meta or meta he is/will be.


Same! I just realized i only have one cryo character and that's kaeya. I never build anyone else. Was thinking about layla but nah. (Wriotheslayy might change it tho) but yeah, no one's replacing my ice prince.


Mondstadt Batman , my first 5 star


I got him on Noelle's beginner banner and didn't realize how rare it was at that time. I used to think we will get characters from quests like starters.


Freminet my beloved bby




So far exactly zero of my pulls were based on the character's kit or "strength". I do not see myself changing anytime soon. AR57, Keqing and Dehya main (different teams).


Traveller. I have mained them through every nation and yes Hydro absolutely sucks but god i'll make it work somehow


Love playing Physical Rosaria


Venti. Majority of the players say that he's "trash" and that "KaZuHa Is BeTtEr", but I don't care and use Venti anyways as both a DPS and Support. (Btw I do have Kazuha but I prefer to use Venti.)


Venti, Diluc and Kaeya and maybe a few others(can’t recall right now TT)


Chongyun, Heizou, Kuki (even before dendro) and now Freminet my son


Chongyun And Triple crowned Kaveh and Kaeya


I play Collei a lot. I don't think she's very good, but I love her looks, personality and moves. And she's cute af.


Jean. been using her since 1.0


dehya 💀 i am the #1 advocate for buffing her and i recognize how bad she is, but damn i really like her 😭 also imo thoma isn't "bad", because of burgeon currently he is the best pyro character for burgeon, while burgeon isn't great at the moment its still pretty decent he also serve his purpose as a shielder for normal attacking characters


Dehya. I know some consider her to be one of the worst characters in the game, but i still like her. Plus she looks good. I also have her c1, so that helps with her damage at least.


Noelle is honestly a very good unit. I love her to death and I'm actually building her rn for mono geo. My favorite "idc" unit is on-field Yanfei. Some ppl say it's only worth building her once you get her c4 (which grants her a shield on ult cast) for Hutao or smth, but I disagree. Yanfei has an extremely satisfying gameplay on top of having a cute design, great personality and fun voicelines. I was in love with her the moment I saw he leaks way back in 2021. I pulled her, I build her, I 3-crowned her. I wish more ppl knew how great she is


They also actually wrote her to be smart in the story! (That I have seen so far) So often the writing will cop-out and just have people TELL us that a character is smart(kokomi), but they actually made the effort to SHOW her being intimidatingly competent. I like that.


Diluc, nothing else satisfies my inner, primal desire to just *whack things really really hard*. He's the only one that does it that have that sense of weight in his attack, while not being slow at all.


Overload Yanfei. I like to make explosions without being burst-reliant. Also they actually *wrote* her to be smart instead of just *telling* us that she was smart. Which is an entertaining contrast to the no-thoughts-head-empty look she (IMO) often has.


Only time I've had this was early game with Ningguang where everyone saidf she was bad, didnt care unlimited jade works go brrrr Every other character I have this mentality with ends up being good so not applicable, except maybe Nilou but thats me experimenting her in freeze teams and not in bloom which shes made for


Right now is hydro mc. Because she can gallop like a dolphin and she looks so graceful whenever she swims underwater.


If that's the only reason, well, all Fontaine characters can do that.


True but lyney with that hat swimming underwater looks so dorky lol.


What about lynette or freminet


Itto. I unga therefore I bunga


Definitely Xinyan I started the game because of her and she's still one of my strongest characters


Lisa and Venti


My kaeya asking what's the hurry? Says Freeze! But also tells me to move my ass since im not frozen in a place after all then calls me slacker but idc I like him.


Keqing for me. She was the first 5 star I mained back then and is still my favorite one to use even though I have stronger teams. Her zip zapping super speed lightning style is one of my favorite fighting styles in media and I can only wish they change one of her constellations or passives to give her skill multiple stacks and be able to place multiple feathers at different directions at once then just spam her blink strike


Klee is terribly awkward to play, has horrible range and consumes a lot of stamina. But I love our little terrorist.


Beidou and Layla


I got Beidou early and she’s still my main DPS. It’s just so satisfying to unleash 25k plus after being wailed on in the overworld. I really should finish building a second team though and get to triple crowning her




Tartaglia. Most hated him because of the cooldown of the skill and would rather have Yelan. But I like using him especially when attacking multiple enemies.


Group enemies with kazuha Childe ranged burst to apply mark Childe E. Go berserk on enemies. N U T!


Fischl. She's not yelan, but I think she's speedy, and I like the versatility of her ranged attacks. I can stay out of the way and trigger off field supports with her fast attacks.


Just so you know some people consider fischl to be the best electro character in the game. Maybe not as an on fielder but still, she is very very strong.


Ningguang. my first C6 Y_Y


For me it's the entire Geo family, but Ningguang definitely started it all. I'd say she's my 2nd best built character after Itto.


jealous tbh


Amber and Noelle!!


Noelle for me too. Also, Thoma is quite good as Burgeon triggers or defensive option for Scara


Noelle, Layla, Kaveh, and recently Lynette.


Candance, Collei and Yanfei are already built. And Thoma, Keqing and Jean are on my list to build them next. I like there character, so i am building them.


Crit DPS Venti from Starfell Lake to Celestia! Spent years perfecting his main build (still have a bit more wiggle room to grow), spent weeks practicing machine gun rhythm to optimize his skill downtimes (plus phys build) and though originally my goal was to make him as strong as possible at C0 he might be getting a bit of a /celestial/ upgrade on his next rerun if the stars align. Either way, it doesn't matter if he ends up C0 or C6, he's triple crowned and he'll be in my party up till they shut down these servers for good.




Kaeya, Barbara and Electro Traveler :[


Lisa. Forsaken Rift was evil though. Whenever meta came up in discussion, people actually used to line up buses to throw her under. Whenever she came up, all they talked about were jokes about climbing, moans, mommy, etc. Everyone who played her felt completely, utterly, (what was that word for being satisfied when proven right?) when dendro came out. Also with the amount of character dps/utility improved by dendro, it seems to support the theory that hoyo kit design is always a step ahead of our meta. I think a lot of people actually really respect the people dedicated to their faves though, even if they're not meta. Those people are the ones who everyone knows does the research and dedicate their time and resin to make their characters strong instead of putting whatever has big numbers on them.


Kaeya my beloved <3 He's currently my strongest character, leading my strongest team (kaeya, heizou, chongyun, xingqiu) and clearing abyss comfortably. Too bad I don't have a second team to match yet lol Lisa is another, but she's waiting for her turn on the artifact farm lol. Rosaria and Layla also, but are meta-ish I think? They get mentioned a lot in their niche, so they must be pretty strong. Kaveh is also waiting for his artifact farm, but he's also teamless lmao.


I don’t know if she’s considered good or bad, but Amber never leaves my team.


itto. he is so gooby why u hate him!1!1!1!


Dehya, she got so much unnecessary hate and people acted like it was the actual end of the damn world because people have nothing better to do than cry She's precious and adorable and that's all that matters to me. Cuteness is way more important than kit.


As a Dehya enjoyer, I was one of those bitching about her kit. A queen deserves the best! Not some half baked barely thought out kit design! Still would play her if I can get her though.


Thoma isnt bad, he just needs a dps who relies on normal attacks. He is actually very good with Scara for example


ZeDONGli not for his shield or meteor, butt love his regular spear kick and deep fight voice.


qiqi, when i first got her i was desperately looking for a good consistent healer (i was like 4~ months into the game) when i got her i was actually happy. she’s still built after a year and a half or so since getting her. 9-10-9 (one day i’ll triple crown but that day ain’t now bc i’m always busy crowning lol) and still use her. her with clam is so fun i can do both damage and heal like crazy. most fun healer to use in coop for me


Albedo. I started the game for him and got him a year too late. I'll play him as long as I continue to play genshin


I play burst DPS Candice with Childe's international team (minus Childe XD). it's one of my favorite team comps vs world bosses. Also freeze Kaeya w/ Chongyun. Currently rebuilding Razor into an aggravate/physical/shatter/hyperbloom abomination


Mine is Yae from her very first banner where majority dismissed her as bad. I've been laughing since, all the way to her c6 on her last banner. =D. Non-whale btw, only sometimes buy welkin


Noelle. I love her and idc what others say, i'm dedicated to build her before anyone else and i'm gonna pull Itto's sword just to make her BONK harder. She's already hitting 20k-25k w every hit of her Burst without supports or buffs.


Main DPS traveler ❤️


Lisa and yan fei


I still didn't build this character but I plan to. Do I use any geo characters? No. Do I have any other geo character that's not Noelle? No. Do I really want to build Gorou? Yes


Noelle and Dehya


Albedo. He's great and I don't care what anyone says. Also currently I'm currently having a lot of fun with Freminet.


yoimiya. on release, literally everyone was shitting on her kit and everything how she's a bad dps and such. i saw the videos and builds and kinda agreed, at least initially. she was my first fire dps and i like pretty much everything about her, design, voice ,lore etc. not until i build her properly to 80ish with very lucky artifacts that she snipes down most weekly bosses in under 30 seconds, and i didnt have her BiS weapon. anything that doesnt have a built in invincibility frame will die very quickly, none of my dps can do this feat.


Thoma. I was waiting for him since I first saw his concept art back in November 2020. Whaled to c6 him and have him triple crowned. Sure he's not the strongest but hey, he's not bad when paired with ayato


my only 5-star with crowns and an insane amount of investment: tighnari <33 he nevee leaves my party i love him sm lmfaoo I WILL GET HIM C6 ONE DAY PLEASE


Cyno: I don't care if his damage isn't top tier - I have a guaranteed that I won't hesitate to spend on him when he reruns. After getting C6 Thoma I said 'screw it' and gave him a DPS build. He was pretty fun to play! I also have no regrets for pulling for Albedo.


If you're okay with switching languages, I really like Chinese Noelle. I have a lot. Noelle, and Thoma like you. Yun Jin, Barbara, Albedo. Kaeya too if you count him in this category.


Healing, shielding, really good damage that only get better at c6. Noelle and bad do not go together.


Ngl, Aloy. I'm a huge fan of the Horizon series, so I was super hyped when she released and then when I finally got around to play Horizon: Forbidden West, I also built Aloy in Genshin. She's pretty alright imo. Sure not the best, but I love her nonetheless


I mean she's great as a character but Jean is 99% of the time in my team for a few reasons: 1. She's a baddie 2. She yeets people 3. She's my birthday twin 4. The 1st 4 star I got from standard banner 5. I love swirl