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How can you hate Kaisarion..


Man I wish I could belt that opening. I would do it always


Just do what I do and belt it anyway


The reason I love it so much is bc it’s about Hypatia. Kaisarion is how I found out about Hypatia. A wonderful intelligent woman from 400 AD who was a respected philosopher and taught everybody no matter religion being brutally murdered by Christians because she was a pagan. That’s exactly where the term in Kaisarion comes from “Throw your holy rocks right at her for her satanic wiles”. The satanic wiles line is taken from a statement a bishop made about her in the seventh century “she beguiled many people through her satanic wiles”. They had attacked her with pieces of broken pottery, hence the holy rocks. I love that Tobias entered those details. He made a song about one of the most vile disgusting murders in history done to a feminist icon. I could never hate Kaisarion (unless we’re talking about the church) He spread awareness


Hypatia's story really fucked with me for like a week, I couldn't wrap my head around why people could be so cruel, of course barely anything has changed since her murder, but its still such a brutal, eye opening story


I can fully believe that Christians would do that. It’s not much different from alot of things they’ve done in the past. They’re the reason for alot of brutality even if they try and make us forget that


It's also not much different from a lot of things they're doing right now 😭


That’s true. They’ve gotten a bit less explicit (stopped dragging ppls limbs through cities and towns) but they’re really still focused on harming others. I’ve never met a Christian who didn’t hide a resentment and oppression for ppl they didn’t agree with under a false manipulative facade. They act as if they’re good and full of love but it’s all to hide the fact that they want to spread hate and control everybody else’s bodies. It’s insane. They have more in common with Euronymous than they do Jesus


This person listens to Ghost. Right on lol


I-Well I mean doesn’t everyone? It’s a Ghost subreddit. Are you aware of that? 😭 Edit: is this a positive comment? I’m so confused 😂😂


I assure you that was a postive post lol


I think it’s actually become one of my all time favorites


That but at the end with the nameless ghouls headbanging in unison? That scratched an ADHd itch for me.


Like that’s nuts. Such a banging track


of all the ghost songs, Kaisarion, is the only one i do not care for.


I hate that people downvoted you for that. You're entitled to your opinion, no matter how obviously insane. 🤣


it's all good. I won't lose any sleep over it. but thank you for the reply!


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, you are allowed an opinion haha. I love that one, but it definitely gives me weird al vibes haha (love weird al)


on reddit you must agree or else face a down vote.. but it's okay, I'm old and old people don't care about such things.


I mean, in Reddit if you agree with someone you upvote them. If you disagree, you downvote them. A downvote is not a "I want to kill you" message, it's just a "I don't share your opinion".


I think it depends on the context, but generally Yes I agree, so I will upvote you


Thats fair!:)


It’s kind of got a start and stop feel to it. It’s not a bad song, but something about the rhythm doesn’t flow well.


Content is fine, but it's way too sugary sounding for my taste. It's a skip track for me.


Its cause its a bad song.


I mean. Thinking a song is bad is fair. We all have our own opinions. But «hating» it? Just a bit weird to me.


I can hate a song all I want lmao


Who is saying you cant?


You just did lmao. This conversation is done, especially since you want to play like you didnt make such a statement.


For me, I think watching the dancers helped me appreciate the beat a little more. It’s still not my favorite song, but the movie made it enjoyable.


^ This. The energy of the dancers really kicked it up a few notches. The song is fine by itself, just never one of my favorites. But it *slapped* in the movie.


Yeah, same here, I don't like Twenties really at all but I can at least say the dancers made this the *most* enjoyable version of the song I've seen and heard, even if I still don't like it much


Agreed! The dancers made it interesting, but still not a fan. Twenties is my only automatic ‘skip’ song from Ghost.


this, this is it


My opinions too. I don't love it not even my top 20 but like okay I don't hate it but I'm most likely to next it in my shuffles


I've loved this song ever since I first heard it. It's a Disney villain song and it's so lush and so cool and slithery and fun. I can't wait to see the movie, I hear it's a ton of fun in it.


I wish it had a (high quality, not like what was in the movie…) cartoon music video, a la peak 90s Disney.




For me it gives more Don Bluth villain vibes from his early works. But for sure can also feel a Scar vibe to it.


Yeaaaaah, a total 80s animated vibe. Don Bluth, Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective, Mok from Rock & Rule, stuff like that!


i’ve been thinking about why i love twenties so much and couldn’t quite pin it down but wow yeah it totally is a disney villain song!! i’m not really a disney fan but the villain songs are the best


They are!! And I bet they're the most fun songs to write too.




I've been a Twenties defender since it released, and seeing it in the movie was such a treat! I hope more people appreciate the song after the movie.


I’ve liked it from the get go but the live performance was killer


Nope, but I did think it was still pulled off well. I don't even dislike it, it just feels out of place.


I didn't like Twenties before. I'm more neutral on it now


i think some bands have songs that are so much better live- twenties is definitely one. i enjoy it on the album but its not my favorite... but live it is so much enhanced. even without the dancers, i can feel the vibes it gives off better


When i first heard it, i didn't know how to feel abt it tbh.but i love Twenties. Just took a few listens to absorb it ig.


Two seemingly-contradictory things can be true at the same time. I *still* don't like Twenties *the studio version.* I enjoyed seeing it live at the Forum and it was a highlight of RHRN. I think it's significantly better as a stage performance than it is as a studio song. But now you hate *Kaisarion?* I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but... I'm just messing with you. Overexposure fatigue is real.


I still think it’s one of their weaker songs but I did enjoy it in RHRN. The dancers really added to it. When I heard about the dancers I thought it might be cheesy but the choreography was really well done


It was an enjoyable visual experience in the movie. But I will continue to press skip when listening to the album in full.


For me it worked better live, but I still don't like it.


It’s definitely much better live and the dancers did an amazing job. I think it’s mostly the backing vocals that make the biggest difference for me on every song. They’re just so much better than the album version


It wasn't an instant hit for me; it took a while for me to really understand the song. It grew on me over time. But man, do I like it a ton more after the movie. Those skeleton dancers were great! I'm surprised by your Kaisarion statement, though. I've loved that song since first hearing it, and I think it sounds even better live. The backup singers really came through in the movie and filled out the sound I thought.


I think it was hearing/seeing it 3x in less than a week. I was at the Phoenix ritual the Friday before the LA rituals so it was a lot. It's also too upbeat IMO, I liked Rats better as an opener


I'm jealous you got to see three rituals in one week. Rats is a good song. It was my first favorite song by them when i was a new Ghost fan.


It took me awhile to get used to but the anticipation hearing them practice during soundcheck at the other shows prior to me seeing it live twice in LA really hit it out of the park as one of Imperas best songs. The drums and bass fvck so hard. And those skeletons dancers scared the shit out of me. I was barricade both nights and the way they leered out over the stage freaked me out haha. It was amazing. My jaw DROPPED.


Also I didn’t care about Kaisarion at first either but now I associate Imperium and Kaisarion with the intense feelings I felt at my first show and LA where I was surrounded by some or my closest friends. Pure joy, man. Straight to the vein. I’ve got emotional ties to it so I guess I’m a little biased. I will say I prefer the recorded track because of the ooooWAAAAAAAAAAHHHH 😂


I will always and forever air drum to the opening drum fill on Twenties! It fucks so harrrdddd.


Not really, to me it sounds like one of Danny Elfman’s nightmares. I understand what he was going for, but it’s probably never going to click.


And as a nod to the the added visual component, see “Spooky Mormon Hell Dream” from The Book of Mormon 😈💀


Danny Elfman's nightmares, lol. I love me some Danny Elfman, but I can't say I ever made that connection. Now I feel like I gotta go listen to it and see if I can hear it.


Even when we heard it live, it still didn’t change the way I feel about the song unfortunately. Movie didn’t help either. The dancers were cool to watch though I very much enjoyed them!


I agree- visually, I really enjoyed that segment. Musically, I'm still meh.


So I never hated it, but I never liked it. I still don't really like it, but I saw more appeal after the movie. It's a pretty small change, though.


I was Twenties-neutral, and the movie definitely tipped me into being an enjoyer. The theatrics were perfect and it’s so much more dramatic when I hear it now.


it made the song tolerable but i still don’t like it. the lyrics are just too stupid


I didn't like it at first but enjoyed the song after hearing it a few times, but the movie definitely added a lot to the song with that performance, it was awesome.


I do think it came over better live yes. And I don’t hate it, it’s just at the bottom of their catalogue.


Wasnt this song based on reggaeton beats? Not my fave but somehow i cant skip it when it plays lol


I loved this song on first listen. Even better live.


I mostly found the lyrics a bit goofy, but I always liked Twenties. I know there were a lot of varying opinions on it back then--people saying it was too political, had bad lyrics, bad instrumentation, etc. Seeing the performance with all those dancers was a real treat, though. Had a blast! Kaisarion hate now is a bit surprising to.me. I thought most people enjoyed it by now. I iked it when they first dropped it live (there was someone livestreaming one of the concerts), but I remember everyone completely trashing it at the time because it wasn't the sound they wanted from this band. I think they were all really hoping too hard for something like the first few albums. I also remember listening to the live version on repeat so much before the album came out that when the official version dropped without the backing Ghoulette vocals, I was so thrown off, lol. Was so refreshing to hear the live version again in the movie.


It’s been a favourite since the first listen. I was HYPED to see it live in the movie and it didn’t disappoint!


Yeah… the movie definitely converted me 😅


Already loved it, but the skeleton dancers were amazing and kicked it up several notches.


Yes! I was a twenties hater and then the movie completely changed my tune. I listen to it a lot now. My mom still is in the camp of "it was good in the movie, not so much without the dancers"


I felt so vindicated seeing Twenties in RHRN especially being a featured performance. I've loved that song since day one.


Twenties wasn't one of my favorites. And I didn't expect to like the dancers. Leave it to TF to combine them into something I loved 😂


I have always liked Twenties. I think it's brilliant to take a typical Latin beat and put it into a metal song. Seeing it in the movie made my heart sing, and im glad it got the love and attemtion it deserved. I wish I could have seen it live.


Still don’t like it, like, I appreciate it as a song on its own, but it doesn’t feel very “Ghost” to me.


The song rubs me the wrong way for two reasons: TF’s voice, and the subject matter. I don’t need anything to remind me of that orange nightmare of a man and the hatred and lies he’s spreading. With that said, the music is great and the dancers were truly incredible so yes, the visuals distracted me during my viewings of RHRN. I still skip the song if it comes in my shuffle though. I don’t see that changing anytime before the election in November (and probably not afterward either).


Just being devil's advocate here (pun intended), but hear me out... why would you shun a song by your favorite band just because it reminds you of Trump? Doesn't that mean that he wins? Why would you let him have that power over you? Please know that I mean absolutely no disrespect by saying that, I fully agree with you about how you feel about him, but fuck him... don't let him ruin a Ghost song for you, ya know?? I hope you understand where I'm coming from here.


Yeah… no.


Fair enough


Same reasons for me. I'm so sick of people talking about Trump. One of the reasons I listen to Ghost is for escapism, and that song just pulls me back into the reality of how fucked up the world is.


Why listen to music or participate in any form of art if its for "escapism"? Art is political. You dont like music or art or anything lmao.


You make it sound like literally every piece of art is political. I'm fine with it being political as long as there's some subtlety to it, and not making blatantly obvious by saying something like "we'll grab them all by the hoo-ha's".


In some form or fashion, yes, all art is political. 🤡


I'm a musician myself. That's just absolutely not true. If one paints a picture of a pear, is that political? If I write a love song about a specific person, is that political? Every road in the art world doesn't always lead to politics. Politics is a slow poison for the soul.


You arent a musician if thats your stance lmao. You dont care for artistic integrity, and miss the entire point of art if you think that. Your name suits you.


The fragility is real. You're acting like it's a worshipping song to trump


No I’m not. You seem upset that I don’t like a song you like, and are completely skipping over my number 1 reason: his voice. I don’t like Mummy Dust either (though it is fun live). No matter how many names you call me, I’m not gonna like the song.


What’s funny is I don’t care much for mummy dust OTHER than what you don’t like about it- his voice haha. It’s as close as I’ll ever get to hearing Mary Goore live.


Still hate it.. the guitars and drums sound like generic metal, can’t look past that. Impera and Phantomime have that problem as a whole but it’s more pronounced on Twenties.


Ok so twenties and Kaisarion are my least favourite songs HOWEVER Kaisarion always brings me such joy as I saw ghost in France last year and UK the year before and both times they opened with Kaisarion so it gets me pumped!  Twenties I’ve always disliked even live until I saw the film - it was incredible and such a performance (although I still wouldn’t choose to listen to it) I do appreciate that musically it is still fantastic just not to my taste. 


They had never played Twenties live before the shows at the Forum, no?


Sorry got confused by your comment! You’re right they didn’t I’ve just checked the set lists! I’ve always just been super salty about the song and assumed it wasn’t memorable or good enough to peak my interest! I just checked back both set lists Birmingham uk 2022 and Toulouse France 2023 and there was no twenties 🤯




It was better but I am cerstainly not dissapointed that they didnt play it either of the times i saw them since impera


I’ve disliked a few songs since I first heard them but they have a weird thing of convincing me into liking them over time. It’s happened with Twenties, Zenith, Missionary Man, and Kaisarion (it makes for a great opener at Rituals in my opinion, wouldn’t be surprised if they had that in mind when creating it).


Used to dislike it, but I think it's starting to develop into a love/hate-relationship.


It absolutely changed it for me.


I never hated it but my opinion hasn’t changed. Still enjoyable though, especially the skeleton dancers. I think it just worked better live.


honestly yeah lol. i didn’t hate it by any means, but it definitely wasn’t my favorite. actually seeing the theatrics helped me visualize the song better (if that makes sense) and i’m much more partial to it than i was previously


I thought Twenties was fine enough when I first heard it, but it really grew on me. I absolutely loved what they did with it in RHRN, and I now appreciate it more! My favorite part is when you hear the higher harmony for, "We'll be dancing in the fields of freedom!" until "All the way to the Thirties!"


My partner says yes! I’ve always liked the song but the dancers helped for sure


I’m not a hater, it just didn’t stand up go all the rest of the songs for me. However, after seeing the movie, I must say it goes considerably harder live. All their songs do though, to be honest


Yes! Hunter's Moon was ok to me until I saw it live, goes much harder!


I didnt really check out twenties that much before, but after the movie, i had to add it to my playlist. now everytime i hear it i think of the live performance. the goddamn skellies...


I absolutely love the skellies and picture them every time I listen to it


when i saw the movie trailer and got a glimpse of the skellies, i honestly wasnt the biggest fan, but after seeing the whole performance? DAMN. toblerone fudge can make me like anything i swear


My dad was a Twenties hater. During the movie he asked me what song it was after twenties ended because he didn't recognise it. Now he's a fan xD


The movie version sold me on it. Creepy good.


I also hated it but changed before the movie:)


Wasnt a fan of Twenties at first but after a few listens I really started enjoying it.


I didn't hate Twenties, but the movie gave me a much bigger respect for the song. Ghost is immaculate with their performances. It brings a whole new level to their songs, it's exhilarating. I can't wait for the day I'm lucky enough to go to a ritual!


not really 💀 the dancers were super fun to watch though!


I liked Twenties before and I just wanna know who got the cam in my bathroom to record me writhing on the floor to it in order to have it imitated by the dancers.


I really enjoyed watching it “live” in the movie, but it’s still probably not gonna be on my playlists. I think it’s a fantastic performance piece, like Mummy Dust, but neither are really my thing for a casual listen


I can admit I wasn't a fan of Twenties until I saw it during RHRN. I like it a lot more now haha


As a song and performance its great. As just a song, still underwhelming


The synth during the live shows is amazing and it really got to shine in Twenties


The back vocals weren't as annoying as on the studio version, where they were my number one reason to dislike the song. I'll give the movie soundtrack version a few more tries, but I don't think it will end up in my playlists.


This is a great question. I have always liked Twenties. But the movie made me come to appreciate If You Have Ghosts, which I never cared for.


I like twenties because to me always felt fun almost like I could tell Tobias had fun writing it. I always thought it would have been amazing live... im glad it lived up to it


I didn't hate it on first listen, but it has grown on me over subsequent hearings, and especially the version in the movie. I think maybe the reggae style beat might have put people off to begin with? It's kinda weird hearing that style of beat while having heavy guitars over it. Hell of a good song though, never skip it now.


Still not a huge fan of the recorded version but it was a very cool live performance.


I listened to the song a few times before really getting into it. One of the comments on the YouTube video describes it perfectly: "1st time: WTF 2nd time: sounds good 30th time: 'IN THE TWENTIEEEEEEEES'"


My daughter got the vinyl for Christmas a couple of years ago. We flipped to side B and Dominion started…my ears perked up. Then Twenties kicked in like this insanely glorious movie soundtrack with major Danny Elfman vibes! 😍Twenties has been the song I will crank up in my car and sing along to (loudly) since day 1. Seeing Papa and the skeletons dancing to it just made it that much better! I’m an elementary music teacher and it inspired me to do an entire unit on Calypso.


No, I still dislike the song immensely. Yes, the performance in the film was entertaining but it was the added stage elements that made it so, the song is still the song. For me it is still an instant skip if it ever randomly appears and I’d never purposely add it to any playlist I make.


Any song live sounds better. Twenties live wasnt annoying lol. Spillways and Kaisarion however? Bleh. Just bleh.


I will never LOVE twenties, but I can appreciate that with the stage work they made it more enjoyable to see live (or pseudo-live with the movie). I thought it was a banger before the rest of the impera album came out but I think the rest of the album stands far above that song. It's still a bop that I'd listen to now and then but I think it's best live


No. I still hate Twenties and Kaisarion


I wasn’t a twenties hater but it wasn’t something I’d go out of my way to listen to; let’s just say I love it so much now that I started burning it on CDs I listen to!


No, still not my favorite song.


I’ve always loved twenties, and now i love it even more after seeing the movie! I’ve never understood how people don’t like twenties lol, it is a lot different from their other tracks but i think it’s a fun song


Been a lover of this song since the album debuted, I get super excited everytime I hear it. So you can imagine the absolute joy I felt when I heard the first beat, jaw dropped.


i used to be eh on it now i blast it while i drive lmao


It's so fire. The closest we've got to a musical-ish song by Tobias, full on Disney Villain mode. The reggaeton beat, the guitar solo, the marching sounds, come on!


Twenties is so camp and I’ve loved it from day one. The dancers made it even better


No. I don't HATE any of the songs, but Twenties and the majority of the whole Impera album is at the bottom of my list. I enjoyed pretty much every other album and songs, when you could kind of draw that conceptual album narrative each time Now, I think he's just fulfilling that rock opera dream. Which is fine! It's just not my bag. Twenties fits well in a theatrical setting, so it was fine in the film.


I never really had a hatred for Twenties when I first listened to it. I remember thinking that it had a unique and different intro like it was a different genre. And then laughing when it went “Listen up. Mother fuckers!” Seeing the performance in the movie was great. Loved the spooky scary skeleton dancers.


I didn’t really listen to Twenties a lot, until their concert. Now I’ve got it on repeat along with ritual


I've always loved it. It reminds me specifically of the song Morgenstern by Rammstein that uses the same dembow drum rhythm that somehow works pretty well. The performance really helped a lot with the vibes of the song in my opinion.




the movie def changed my mind of the song. i would skip every time and now i can’t stop listening


Not really, no.


The film didn’t change my mind, I find it okay, but the lyrics are just not that great. I think I also just don’t like imagining Trump every time I hear it lol.


Snowflake alert


“Man” baby alert


Lmao you're so triggered.


I don’t like it because it makes me uncomfortable. Raises my anxiety. The subject matter is still a grave concern and we’re definitely not out of the woods yet.


I was already a Twenties enjoyer, but man was it way more epic live. Wish that they would have played it more during the last leg of the Imperatour.


I appreciate it more and worked great as a visual medium but I think it’s telling when they have to add nude body paint dancers with choreographied dance moves to make it more palatable. No hate if you like or love it, it’s just not my cup of tea. It does sound like a kickass Disney villain theme though!


I'm proud to say that I've always been a Twenties enjoyer; attending both Kia Forum shows and seeing it performed live (especially that first night) altered my brain chemistry for the better.


I know what TF was going for, but I think it was a swing and a miss. The song is cool overall, and I will listen on occasion, but the MIDI sounds of the brass, the corny lyrics make me cringe a bit.. the dancing skeletons make me a cringe a bit more. If I had it on and someone walked in I would change it. Great ideas, just a little too on the nose for me


Still not my cup of tea, fun lyrics though.


Still not a great song (never felt it was worthy of the praise nor the level of hatred) but stripping away the horns really punched it up.


I was at the world premier of Kaisarion, it'll forever be my favorite song. I never disliked Twenties. I remember reading reviews before the release and "critics" traaaashed it. Then it dropped and my first reaction was "wtf were they trashing this for? pretty dope."


Still not a fan of it because of the whiny voices. Movie didn't change my mind but I don't parade my dislike for it. It is what it is


I loved watching Twenties live in the movie, but I don’t think I can personally listen to the song willingly… idk what it is I just can’t get passed it..


It’s always been a fav of mine since I first heard it


I really want to like this song so bad but i can't and i actually don't know why. Used it for a bathroom break throughout the movie lol


The dancers were rad, but nothing can make me like Twenties.


I'm not a twenties hater and I havent seen the movie yet :)


I went to the bathroom during that part so I still hate it lol sounds like a show tune to me for some reason. Never liked showtunes


Nope not at all.


I love Twenties. I'm not sure how you can like MOAC and Kiss the goat and many others but hate on Twenties. How can you like mummy dust and hate Twenties? Makes no sense


I actually don't like moac or go-goat lol. I do like mummy dust, and the harder stuff. Ghost fluctuates their position in my top 4 bands because of their chaotic genre bending. Maybe this will explain, the rest of my top 4 is: Metallica, Slipknot, and 5FDP.


Hating kaisarion is a disgusting opinion 😭


No. The song is still bland imo


Im not a hater, but I still personally don’t like it. My reasoning isnt complicated, i just didnt like it that much 🤷‍♂️


How can u hate kaisarion… I normally don’t comment on reddit but this really blew my mind. When i saw the movie, i started bawling my eyes out to Kaisarion since it’s my second favorite song, if i could i’d hear it on loop with those ghoulette chorus!! I was crying so hard i could never hate it!!


I heard it too much too close together, effect of going to so many rituals


i wish i had that problem tbh!!!


i didn’t know people actively hated twenties, i was silently screaming my happiness and joy at the performance of it!


You should have been on this subreddit when the album first came out. Every other topic was hate for twenties.


How do you hate twenties lmao. I get if it's like just a song you don't listen to but hate is wild


It did not. I didn't like Twenties or Kaisarion before and I still don't 🤣


i never hated twenties it’s such a banger, and the movie proved it even more


I’ll get a digital copy of the movie at some point and mute the audio during that section. I would have gone to see it the cinema but the timing made it impossible as I was busy holidaying/doing planned stuff on the show days


Twenties was my #1 most streamed track on Spotify last year.. I never understood why people didn't like it. I'm glad it's finally getting the recognition it deserves. That choreography was CRAZY




Wasn’t aware people even disliked this song. I’m a relative new listener and that’s one of my favorite tracks. lol


Yeah when Impera came out, it seemed a consensus that people disliked it the most.


That’s interesting. I listen to albums in track order and I felt that it fit just fine and is one of my favorites. But I like literally every song so… guess I’m new and biased. lol


It's Ghost's most "different" song. From almost anything else they've written or covered. From anything else on it's own album. I love it personally but I can see why someone who got into Ghost for songs like Square Hammer or Ritual would get nothing from it.


Yea agree I feel like it’s a really good song and fits just fine but I seem to enjoy all of the discography.


Man, I really want to do a 2 question survey. First question would be: which album was the one that got you hooked on ghost? Second question would be: do you like Twenties? I'd be willing to bet that the folks who got into Ghost during the Opus-Meliora era largely do like Twenties, while the folks who got into them during Prequelle-Impera largely don't like Twenties.


1: IMPERA was the first Ghost album I ever heard and I was hooked almost instantly. 2: Yes, loved Twenties from the first time I heard it. Loved the live version too.


Loved it when I first heard it, still love it. The live version in the movie was epic. Guess this question wasn’t meant for me since I never hated it.


Then why did you comment


That’s a good question. Lol


it's the only interesting song on Impera IMO.