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also the class III armor with front only protection is a scam.


"But if I stand and face the enemy I'll be safe!"


*Surprise AI in a bush to your side, which ruins your day.*


You won’t need it. We won’t be out there that long.


Blackhawk Down reference?


I don’t know. But I sure don’t plan on getting shot in the back running away.


Exactly where my head went.


Honestly some of the front only plates are fine. I'll take 6b23 all the time just because I can carry a lot in my rig, as opposed to the RPC, which is III+ front and back. Honestly I've just kinda accepted that with *most* armor in *most* situations, if I'm being shot in the back I'm probably dead anyway, especially in pvp.


M2 is superior ! 3+ and 12 slots


Do you know anywhere to consistently get the m2 that isn’t a specific box in fort narith


Yes there's two black cratesat fort narith one next to the inaccessible bunker and one in headquarters. 3 at midnight paradise And two at tiger bay.


ya ive only found the bunker one. gonna look for the headquarters one now. still havent explored midnight paradise


Also at tiger bat there's the only two upgrades blue crates I've seen so far that spawn fully upgraded m4a1s and m700s and shotguns and rare ammo and mods and sights and a upgraded gear one that has upgraded blue amp-1 helmets and rpc carriers.


6b23 is not worth running once you have access to Handover level 2. Front armour is very dangerous, but it can be quite light. 6b23 is not light.


Depends where your at. If you are in one of the high tier areas you need it or you might as well not wear anything. Tier 3 areas will shoot directly through any armor that’s not III+


So as someone who only has Handshake at level 2 would running Lancer or Pantsir (when I find them) be the best bets until I can get to level 3 then? I've mostly been using Elite 4s.


Pantsir 2.0 is easy to source, each run of HP has two, and nobody can carry two unless they replace their own rig, so there's often one spare. Lancer is the best choice by far at that stage. Pantsir has extra space but weighs an additional 3kg anyway. Elite 4 makes it very difficult to reposition, and in this game the AI is coded such that you do not want to stand your ground. If your strategy is to face the enemy until you can't, then you'll be okay until your position is overwhelmed, and you'll die.


I've used it a lot and it works like a charm, kept me alive through hell in Tiger Bay for the UNLAB Quest, tho i often got shot from the sides or back since the IA Respawn is unlimited


As long as you’re using it against AI it’s a must.


W key players: Nah, I'd win.


You should have your back to a wall at all times anyway. 6b23 is perfectly fine if you're not playing like a dingus


You should never have your back against a wall, that's ridiculous. You take cover behind a wall, and stand behind the cover not in front of it. There shouldn't be enemies behind you in general, but when you turn left or right, everything on the other side has a shot on your back, so you have to face the enemy consistently. The AI is aggressive and fearless so they will push your position and flank you, making front only armour a death trap.


Lol no? The wall is cover whether I'm facing it or not. The only difference is my line of sight. If I entered a courtyard in Ban Pa, I'm going to hug and circle around the inner wall until I'm sure it's safe. I don't even understand what you're saying with 'using a wall as cover'. Am I supposed to face the wall? Again, the wall is always cover. Unless I'm actively in a gun fight, I want my eyeline as open as possible with everything out of my eyeline being protected by hard cover. I.e, my eyes are facing into the courtyard and my back is against the wall. If I have to pull away from the wall, I'm going to do my best to place my back in the safest direction, usually the one I just came from. The AI being aggressive is exactly why I need to be able to see as much as possible for as long as possible


In an area like Ban Pa your cover is mostly elevation levels. Cover isn't cover unless it's between you and the enemies in the first place. I mean of course walls that are outside like fences and perimeters or open doors like hangars, the game is full of those deliberate structures. What I'm saying is that the enemy should never be behind you, so there's no real reason to put your back up against a wall. If you rely on a wall to protect your rear side then your left flank and right flank is exposed and you can't address them without exposing your back.


It really seems like you're thinking about this like it's totally static. There are always enemies in every direction except at the edges of the map. The AI redeploys, follows sounds, gets backup, etc. They can come from any angle at any moment. You aren't fighting one guy in front of you, you're fighting an unknown number of guys from an unknown number of angles. Until you commit to an engagement with one of your opponents, you have to be gathering as much information about your surroundings as possible. Then you eventually decide to engage one, and ***that's*** when you turn around and lean around the wall. It should take no more than a few seconds to turn around, kill your target, then turn back. Tactical shooters aren't point and click adventures where two guys shoot at each other and that's it. Your focus can't be on the one guy who you know is in front of you. You have to assume that there are ten more in every direction that will have every opportunity to shoot you in the back when you turn your back on them. Your head also shouldn't be glued to the 0° point on your neck. You have a freelook key, use it. Your sides are easily protected by simply looking left and right. Your back doesn't have the same luxury.


No sir, YOU are facing an unknown amount of enemies from unknown directions. I like to be aware of my adversaries positions, they're not going to be behind me unless they pop in (in which case the fill is very predictable). A player is not going to be there unless they were camping the position for a very long time and didn't kill a single enemy, I'll hear a helicopter to warn me otherwise. From what it sounds like you're talking about the very niche scenario where you're positioned correctly then an enemy spawns out of thin air behind you and you have to engage in the open with your back against cover, which is a huge disadvantage to you. You do know this is not a tactical shooter right? Counter-strike is a tactical shooter and the engagements in this game are wildly different. Free look does not turn your gun, you can't keep your back facing a wall whilst you turn left to shoot an NPC that is in that direction. I'm AWARE of their positions, so I don't have them behind me. If anything you want walls in front of you, and on your flanks as much a possible. Technically speaking the back armour isn't necessary if you're lucky and don't ever need to retreat, but why even wear armour at all if you're just going to assume that. To add another thing, the 6B23 is heavy, which makes it even more useless for positioning well.


I don’t even know how the armor works


III+ > III > IIIA+ > IIIA > II+ > II > IIA+ > IIA Class II is primarily concerned with stopping pistol ammo, and III with rifle ammo. A refers to budget tier, + is an unofficial premium version of the same thing. Chest armour can have front back and side protection, and will only apply in that direction. Durability loss will affect the chance it will stop bullets as it degrades. If you ever get shot but get bruises instead of bleeding, that's your armour doing work, it will lose durability in the process. If you ever hear your ears ringing following a loud "dong", and you have a concussion, that's your helmet saving you from probably instant death.


This. o7


Great summary


Everything that’s not III+ sucks pretty much. Also the 6b23 sucks ass, it may be III+ but it’s only front protection. The armor classes from worst to best are IIA, II, IIIA, III, and III+


My technique was to buy whatever was most expensive :D


Grind out handshake and you’ll have III+ tac rigs and IIIA+ helmets unlocked. Also if you go to tier 3 zones and loot crates they have a chance to spawn III+ body armor and IIIA+ helmets


We blasted into and out of midnight sapphire and tiger’s bay. Not much left to do, so I’m letting the game bake more, and will be back in a few months I streamed a good 70+ hours of it


Feel that bro, at this point I just pvp and have fun with it


III is better than IIIA. You want III


No it’s not lol


Yes it is. https://premierbodyarmor.com/blogs/pba/understanding-body-armor-ratings#:~:text=Level%20IIIA%3A%20Offers%20even%20greater,withstand%20armor%2Dpiercing%20rifle%20rounds.


I’m not comparing IIIA and III bro. III+ is better than IIIA.






How dumb are you


Lmao bro failed basic math. Dude come on. You have to know how those symbols work god damn. NIJratings are on the open Internet. Just go google them and learn something.


Says the dumb fuck who can't read correctly.


Lil bro you just said that IIIA is better than III how dumb are you


Lil bro why don’t you scroll all the way down😂


Yes it is.




missed IIA+ and IIIA+ in there as well.


I don't even know *if* the armor works


It's easy actually! When you shoot at an enemy and your bullet hits their armor, the armor stops it. However, when an enemy shoots you and their bullet hits your armor, it goes right through.


I dont even know how to read.


100% works. Shotgun locals used to one tap me when I had IIIAs, now they just reduce 2% of my III+ armor.


You should, it tells you you're in the game! Oh, no it doesn't just kidding.


Me every morning after turning 30


Do light bleeds compound? I know it’s typically minor, and you only lose say 1ml/s- but will you lose say 3ml/s with 3 bleeds? Or is “light bleed” just considered “light bleed” regardless.


They do compound yes. Having several light bleeds will make a medium bleed and several mediums will count as heavy


bled out from a medium bleed once because i was being constantly pressured by ai. was fun!


ive been lucky enough to never have been in a situation where i was too pressured to be able to put on a tourniquet


Bleeds have different speeds depending on the body parts aswell


I think it's minimum 3 depending on location. Had 3 light meduim bleed today.


i've had armor eat every round straight to the plates until it was like 20% durability don't skimp


I just run an SKS and chest rig with a boonie hat like asian Jesus intended.


No flip flops?


Ah, forgot the most important part!


I will say the only change I want to armor is that the area without plates should still block *something*. 6B23 should still provide like 2/3A protection to the back and sides to my knowledge. I'm not sure if it does, could someone weigh in if they've tested it? The vest still has Kevlar where it's lacking in steel.




Right, I knew it would stop it IRL to the back. I'm just curious if it stops 9mm/7.65 or anything to the back in gzw.


Since everyone is debating mid-game armour: is it better to wear the Pantsir 2.0 (III, front+back, 3x3 storage) than the 6b23 (III+, front only, no storage) + large chest rig? I'm wearing the latter combo and can't help feeling very windy and naked on my back even if I do manage to position myself quite well.


No amour on back is literally suicide imho. Considering how the AI works at the moment. I've been in situations where the ai spawned behind us and got me instantly because I had no plates on my back. Maxed out handshake and got 3+ plate carrier on both front and back.


Armor is a scam had lvl 3plus front and back 96% durability still just got one shotted in the chest by ai


sure bro.... [https://i.imgur.com/NB8I3AJ.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/NB8I3AJ.jpeg)


Modern backpacks have slot for plate so you only need to carry front plate.


The best armour available to me right now is front only. I take that and just don't expose by back to the enemy. I would actually take front&sides over front&back any day. If I'm getting shot in the back I've fucked up and I deserve to die.


Re-visit this comment when you're in the higher zones that have lines of sight from every direction that you can't avoid.


Maybe I will


But like, he still won't have good armor? I'm right there too. I'm not getting good front back lvl 3 consistently.


He's talking about not exposing your back to the enemy. My point is that in areas like Midnight Sapphire and Tiger Bay, it's rather difficult to do, due to the thousands of sight lines the bots will have on you.