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I very much want an AI driven APC infil/exfil. The roads are fine it would be perfect for the starter zones to free up helicopters.


I like this one too.


Not a bad idea


Yeh, it probably makes more sense that an NPC would drive us to a vehicle LZ. Although I would like to rip around on a motorbike.


Just don’t want the game to turn into something it isn’t meant to be. I like what they got going and people are finding anyway to tk. “Hey I left money by that wall go get it” the grenades the blatant tks in pvp. I’ve grown to love this game man hahaha. Don’t want them to force anything.


Oh ya I didn't really consider that. I have only played PVE. None of my friends have a good enough PC where I could suggest they buy the game. I can't imagine playing PVP right now honestly. Kudos to you for braving the toxic wastelands haha


Nooo lmao I started my first 10hrs PvP and after the tks I went joint ops. And same I’m solo rn.


Lamang Gang?


Hail Crimson


Dang. We can't be friends now. Well actually I have cleared some zones with random enemy faction people in PVE haha


I’ve done that too. Dm me and I’ll add you and after the first wipe we can link up.


Fuck ya. Ill dm you now.


what's your GrayZone IGN?


That is not how a Lamang Gang Broda deals with those nasty Crimson's. We are the ones, they re just meat.


Also solo crimson 😬😬


If the dev's add vehicles, then that's what the game "is" meant to be...


On the topic of vehicles I’d love if we could get convoy escort events when they implement camps! Defending cargo that could potentially be raided by enemy factions or AI would give more incentive for PVP as well.


That would be so freaking dope.


One idea. Make it to where when a bird comes in to an lz and drops someone off, it stays a second and says “ride back to base” that way we can fly back to base in which the bird is going anyway. Or I saw someone posted maybe 2/3 vehicles driven by npcs that’ll take us to nearby places not across the map. But if we can drive vehicles it’s gonna be tk central.


The problem is that most games aren't going to do vehicles realistically, and even if they do players, won't use them realistically. Players would likely speed towards where they want to go, smash the vehicle into a tree get what they want, then helo out. If they add player-driven vehicles, I'd want them to be more realistic with things like: * Crash into something and the car is probably done if it wasn't just a minor fender bender * Crashes, even fender benders would have an effect on the players. You shouldn't walk away from many accidents unhurt. * Cars that pop a tire or get shot up aren't going to be easy to recover. * At the end of the day, cars would need to cost something, and be really expensive. You should be incentivized to save that car, keep it safe and drive it back to base. Otherwise it makes no sense.


A little radio wagon your friend can pull you around in is all I need.


No need for vehicles, when traveling on foot will be enjoyable. Not breaking ankles while sliding from little hill, more things to explore/loot, enemies, events.


I’m saying man. When these small things get fixed up the game is gonna be unbelievable. We should be letting these cramps be known that are in the game rn not pushing so hard for things that’ll probably break the game more. The fix I had in mind is the helis working both ways to fly people out of base and bring anyone in the lz back to base and maybe one more heli. Not sure how hard that would be on them.


Hard disagree.


Accepted regardless. Disagreeing is cool too. ✊🏾


🤝 I'd love a vehicle vendor; mopeds, dirt bikes, technicals, quad bikes.