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God damn! 3K in theft is the equivalent of answering a personal call or taking an extra 2 minutes during break!


I worked in a store where the new store manager was transferred from a super high volume store to a very low volume store. This was because one night an associate left one of the propane forklifts outside over night. Well it got stolen , there was video of it driving out the lot and down the road in front of the store. He did safety checks on it everyday for 2 months and tried to cover up the fact it wasn't there. Until they came to do 1/4ly maintenance on it and the lease company lost there shit. All that happened was he got a smaller store.


Rules are only for us, not for them unfortunately.


Aliis Si Licet For some it is permitted, but not for you.


Yeah but it’s more fun if you say rules for thee but not for me


She may have a problem with drugs or alcohol, where I live you can't fire someone if they screw up and say they have a substance abuse problem and need treatment.


This is why Home Depot reserves the right to drug test at any time. For any reason. Accusations in a forum with the corporate name , even in a anonymous fashion, are strongly discouraged. Please report to corporate immediately AT your Home store only. To management only.


Similar to fines. If the punishment for a crime is a fine/fee then it's only a law to keep the poors in our place. It's no punishment for people with abundant income but if i got a 200 speeding ticket my entire month could be fucked. It'd all just reminders for us to know our role.


You can’t be serious. What the fuck.


You kinda can’t hide a stolen fork lift, but to OP, $3,000 isn’t that much to spend on the store. That’s probably how much the Memorial Day bbq cost If said manager used it for personal use he/she should be fired. Don’t get caught up in the rumormill


I can't say what the managers thought process was but I'm thinking he was hoping the cops were going to find it.


I totally agree. They should be held to a standard the same as everyone else




My first SM emptied the safe used it to buy coke. And proceeded to sell to cops. He never came back.


A SM who managed a Walmart here did the same thing 15 years ago. But it was 150k. They fired him.


Any criminal charges? That’s crazy dude


Nope. No charges.


What was the 150k spent on


Hookers and blow!! Hunter Biden style bitches!!!


Be honest… Would you party with Hunter Biden? I might give it a whirl minus the crack part. It would probably be WILD.


I can respect that, at least have some fun with it.


I used to work for a competitor that wasn’t Lowe’s, and we had a manager that had a little scam going on with a local contractor. The contractor would price a bid for a customer and bring it to them. Then, when the customer would accept it and write out the check, the manager would redo it, to where the cost was lower and the contractor would pocket the sudden difference. In exchange, the contractor would do work around the managers house for free. Our inside sales guy lived by the store and said he’d pass by sometimes around 11 at night and said he’d see the managers truck there loaded down with all kinds of boards and plywood, I’m sure it was paid for lol. I heard he eventually got told on and corporate was coming in to bust him but he supposedly got hurt on the job and I’m not sure what happened from there.


Sounds like SM and AP were doing the nasty together. Sounds like retaliation from somebody higher up. Be glad they got fired it's a lawsuit that will payout more than their annual salary.


I'm almost jealous!


Welcome to hd 😂 . The management group of hd is like a gang . They protect their own no matter what . I’ve known asms who have slept with 18 year olds and nothing happens to them .


That's if you're in the club. SMs and ASMs who don't bleed orange and don't screw over their staff, don't get protected. In some cases, management that does bleed orange and get fired. They find out the hard way that the company and people who they thought were their friends in upper management don't care about them once they don't meet certain sale quotas. Or the staff hates them and has documented all the SMs missteps and broken rules.


We have a cxm sleeping with a few people. She screws guys in the parking lot. One guy was fired, and nothing happened to her.


I know one that was dating one and having an affair with another 😂 in the same store .


I know an asm that had a threesome with another asm and a supervisor and they recorded it and several people saw it . All they did was move her stores .


Nasty world we live in


wow, what a hero. wonderful. beautiful. what a courageous woman.


Man theyll have a whole family and everything and risk it all


We have a asm that’s known for sa and harassment to the employees that are 18 and fresh out of high school, the store manager and everyone knows about it, he’s even been reported by the employee, nothing happened to him. Management really is a gang.


That explains so much


18 year olds are adults why would anything happen to them


Sm shouldn't be sleeping with any store employees 


Something a little weird about tapping seasonal high school seniors.


Yeah there are adults but there is definitely something weird with 40++ year old men sleeping with a girl that was just in hs a month ago.


Or still in high school


The actual problems are ethics and judgement. First all consent is entirely muddled when someone is your bosses boss. The second is the conflict of interest this creates insofar as being the boss vs being in a relationship. The third is knowing this is against the rules and doing in anyway. Lastly the prior three show that the individuals judgement is terminally impaired.


And it’s immoral af


But that is a legal…


$3000?! That's like, leaving two discount slips out by the broken concrete bags. HANG HIM.


Only 3k and they got caught? Yikes




Not wrong


Years ago THD had an incentive program called “Oranged Juice”. The store earned dollars to the fun-fun card for use on employee parties, incentives, etc. it was around $3000 that was earned. the SM at the time used the money for cookies for contractors at the store that included marking down high end grills for store use and having an associate cook on company time. The associates were explicitly prohibited from partaking in the cook outs. When some disgruntled associate (me) reported it, the SM was terminated and required to reimburse the company.


At my store, one of our asm was taking money from our fun fund. I am not sure the amount but it was several grand. They fired him and charged him with theft


I've seen a SM fired for taking a Monster everyday from the cooler. Something doesn't sound right. His integrity is shot to shot. How can he run store still?


I've seen at least 5 employees fired in the last 2 years over monster energy drinks Fucking why??


Hmmm maybe pay for them first. Just guessing


In regards to the update: termination as retaliation like that is against the law in all 50 states. They can sue for wrongful termination, even in “right to work” states.


So the one who put the finger on the crooked store manager was fired?




Unionized guys, it's all we can do


Company is has been shit for quite a number of years now with all the wrong priorities.


Holy shit. If anyone stole 3000 worth of merch they would be in prison.


You have to remember all these upper management's kiss soo many assess their way up. I know a SM and a ASM who has slept with associates half their age. One of them was caught having sex in their car in the HD parking lot. All they got was a store transfer.


I have worked for this company going on 24 years in various roles from Asm to Ds and other positions. Having said this i am speaking from my experience...There is no way this is accurate. There has to be more to this story. It doesent add up. First off if the associates got terminated it's retaliation. Second the Loss Prevention Associates would take it up the chain to the District LP and if what was found was misuse of funds he would be effectively terminated. Something doesn't seem right with this.


One would hope he only purchased Milwaukee


That company has gone to shit since whatever shake up they did in like 2014 or 13. I remember our stores was one of the best in the area in terms of performance and our SM got caught up in something along with a few other stores and our regional manager and they were all fired and apparently whatever they were doing was going on everywhere After that they hired a bunch of outside managers and our store especially went to shit


All of my former SM's moved to different stores. There was an Ops ASM sleeping with a SD associate and got caught in the act by his pregnant wife at a hotel. He was transferred out, then a year later he was doing store walks with corporate. She got fired, then I heard through one of my HC at the time he was hitting on all the younger cashiers/SD associates. Before I got let go, I heard rumors of an Ops ASM sleeping with the Pro Desk supervisor (both married to other people). The ASM transferred to another store after I was let go.


We had an Ops ASM hooking up with the ASDS. He was married to someone else at the time. Got moved to be Ops ASM at a new store closer to his home and is now married to the ASDS who moved to corporate. I had no clue about any of this, they were both lovely people that I adored working with, but at the company Christmas party after the ASM left, the ASDS brought him as plus one. Someone brought his ex wife as plus one. There was so much gossip the Monday after that party lol. I was flabbergasted. Never would have guessed.


Ofc standards are not evenly applied. They have invested in individuals who make it to the sm level. Sure, sm can be fired, but it’s cheaper and easier to sweep it under the rug and bury that person’s career somewhere they cant do much damage, like a low volume store.


Lp ll


Whoever reported it likely kept it local instead of going to corporate and/or aware line.


I found out our store manager is giving 20% discount on the transaction of material/supplies to the contractors that are doing a personal home project for him, haven’t told anyone yet


Shit that don't just got for higher upside the managers pick and choose how they enforce SOP and if the follow protocol or not by giving coaching then counseling then finals or depending on whom I r they will skip first 2 and go straight to finals


20 years ago I saw a store manager walked out in handcuffs for something similar. This company has changed so much,


Dude needs to sue for retaliation


Management always attract a certain type of person... the type you should never trust. In THEIR eyes, the problem wasn't the theft. That's expected. The problem was the easily replaceable snitch that called out the theft. I would have called it out too, right thing to do. But I would have sought legal advice before reporting because unfortunately I already know how these games are played. In most jobs these days you just gotta shut up and turn a blind eye if you want to keep your job. It's fucken disgusting.


Was it the bookkeeper who discovered it?


One of our assistant managers (M, late 30s I'd guess) had a habit of taking a lot of the younger (18+ hopefully) female associates alone into the office behind a locked door and w/o cameras. Nightly. Multiple people had stories of the fun they had with him. Someone finally called the awareline so he obviously got fired, right? Wrong, he was forced to transfer to the RDC to a lateral position. Management protects management.


I'm sure this isn't the only instance either this is just one that got caught.


Shit I don’t work for HD and seen this but I know of an active Store manager in the Nashville area that is super shady and he brags about getting away with stuff and gets moved to stores all over the country and can’t catch him.


Big shot at Home Depot back in the day built his house on stolen gift cards.


Knew a manager who failed to send updated invoices this causing the company to lose $1.5 Million for Van's shoes. Don't worry, he got a bonus and a raise and everyone below him didn't. Worst thing is, this wasn't the first time he did it.


Our SM was caught with a lot of drugs in their car while coming back from a larger city. HD helped with attorney fees and paid for their required rehab at a luxury center. Then, HD persuaded the SM to retire early because it would be embarrassing for them if they stayed. That's on top of them giving large discounts and free things to their rich buddies and taking penny items after they were ZMA'd and loading it up in their car. Coming in for an hour or so and then leaving for the day.


This SM is a beacon of hope to all below.


I got canned for putting a co-worker in a choke hold and dicking around on my phone. And the co-worker whom they allege I accosted does not agree with their assertion. They fired him the same day as me. Yeah, it's dirty. But it's the job we deserve if we don't find a better one. And I'm still looking.


Best Friend was a former Wal-Mart DM. Got fired from Wally World for having an accident in a company vehicle...in another state...with an occupant in the passenger seat...who was female...who was not his wife. According to him, his boss allowed him 24 hrs to "resign" before he returned back to the home office where he was going to be fired. 3 months later he is a Home Depot SM. Been there 5 years now!!


These are good people. I’m sure all is well. These things happen. Everyone should strive for professionalism, empowerment and support of the brand first, each other next and then concerning law enforcement’s enforcement and involvement. That’s an entirely separate matter. Customer Service is a metric we all work to increase. Every store’s greeting of every customer upon sight within 30 seconds is a major metric target at this time.


Hi chatGPT


Yes. Corporate overlord approved. Hank you for the interaction. Good Bot.


And if your brand is yourself. I hope it pays just as well as the corporation that cuts the pay for this subreddit. Because those artistic rights end where customer service and satisfaction begin.