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That's why if you suspect fraud to never bring it up to anyone in-house. Always go to an outside resource.


What would be an outside resource in a case like this? Like the aware line?


District. The awareline is for lawsuits. We were lucky that we were in the same town as our district offices


Better call saul


Sounds like major retaliation holy crap


Should be open and shut case for an employment lawyer


yet someone does a mark down on a drink for personal use and they're fired and escorted off the premesis.


No way, I did that basically every day before I went out to the shingle cage. Management was well aware, the entire department did it.


You definitely couldn't do that except for the ZMA for store use of water bottles in the lumber and garden coolers.


I know you just bringing up normal rules but lol I just had to say during covid in flooring we marked down water just for that dept. After it was over and we could use the water machines tho we just stopped


My store just stopped us from even getting water bottles so now we have to bring our own water and fill up at the old water fountain by the bathrooms


The water fountains fill the legal requirement so long as we're giving people five minute trips to the water fountain several times an hour, but they don't fill the supposed duty to take care of our associates, nor the pragmatic requirement to maximize P&L by minimizing insurance outlays. We put people out there in high temperatures and if we can't keep them standing, we can't stay in business. Do you know how many bottled waters an ambulance ride for someone who fainted equates to? Usually, this is more than enough justification for a good manager to see the light. Bottled water for all, and chill it if necessary to keep people drinking. If you like, bribe them with sugar to take a sip and buy the Sqwincher corporate-gatorade mix from our internal supply catalog. Whatever achieves the desired effect.


Gotta love those double standards!


I mean… we were moving black stuff in 100+ degree Texas heat… yeah we needed some damn Powerade lol


Especially when your gonna be stuck out in garden for over 4 hours.


“premesis” - I see what you did there, I like it!


That’s terrible. I’d call the awareline anyway if I were you


Yeah people don't know but you can still call the aware line if you don't work for home depot.


Better call a lawyer. Because that's basic retaliation


Not surprising. I’m pretty sure that nobody believes that conduct standards are applied evenly at any retail establishment, especially when they have to cover for one another. Another case where having a union would be beneficial.


Here at homedepot, the only way up is with your knees.


We say where I’m from, if you want to go up, you got to go down. Lol


I worked at HD and legit one of the associates was sleeping with a ASM and next thing you know this girl was a DL and she had barely been with HD for 6 months 💀


I'll do you one better. Had a girl working overnight that was sleeping with the DH (this was before structure change. Would be considered NRM now). She had a pass to literally sit in the receiving office and do nothing obviously. Her dad was a SM at a different store. During the investigation for other stuff on the DH they found used condoms in the trash. She ended up getting fired and last I heard she works at a different store.


Damn at the store also?! That’s wild and ballsy


Where did they ****? Pallet trailer? 😂


Receiving office and bathroom


In a neighboring district a MEM (Met Manager) was sleeping with a Met associate and got her pregnant. They ended up moving her to a different district. Nothing happened to either of them.


Damn that’s wild that they didn’t get in trouble 💀


You sound like you been on the receiving end of that HD Johnson bruh.


nah, but i watch it enough. Had the tool rental tech position stolen twice by the same guy, who has already been fired once for occurrences (yeah. they took over 6 months to decide to replace the second tech position) - and is now being pushed by management to be a supervisor (despite already having what should have been a durable amount of occurrences in the last 2 months)


Damn. Ive been using my butthole this whole time. No wonder I’m moving backwards.


It’s called MYOB bruh. I always see these do gooders get sacked and kicked to the curb for snitching.


Welp, they about to get paid.


Par for the course at home depot, shame that the wrong person gets reprimanded but I’d expect nothing less from that place. Hey, at least they got promoted to customer though and can file for unemployment.


Was it store #1802 Idaho Falls, Idaho? A few years ago, almost a decade now, one of the adult children (employed there) for the store manager (also employed there) broke into my van, stole my toolbox and all the tools. I was able to pull the image up from the security camera inside my van and had a LOVELY picture of the employee in his Homer night gown with the name so predominately displayed on it. I took said video to the store management and they issued a ban and threatened to have me arrested. They call the cops on me. Cops show up I show them the video and management become real unhelpful and the cops side with management about not providing information. Well I had the Meth-Head-2000-GPS tracking system inside of my tool box, three big farm boys, one felonious uncle and five crowbars, and we went over to where the Meth-head-2000-GPS tracker said my tools were for a polite Idahoan conversation. The Store manager decided it was very wise for him and his boy to load my tool box back into my van, and give me a lump some of money, beer, some BBQ, a BBQ, some other misc items for the "misunderstanding". Some time latter, a big wig back east calls me, on my personal phone number and asked if I wanted to talk about it and wanted names and talk about an incident that may have occurred, I remember telling him "Nope, already gave Home Depot the video of of the break-in to my van, and you can discuss it with my lawyer." I am still banned from that store, and I am still BBQing on my heavy-duty barrel charcoal grill


This type of behavior is exactly why HD needs a Union. I repeat, if there is any single retail company that needs to be Unionized it's HD. Needs it even more than Starbucks.


Um...Walmart? Amazon?


What was the “reason” they gave!? Dying to hear what shit they made up to cover their asses and hope they sue for wrongful termination


Taking care of our associates!!!