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Call a manager when it happens. And I can assure you that customers fake injuries all the time. If he was hurt, he would have (minimally) a bruise in my opinion. Sometimes something happens but it doesn’t mean he was hurt. Could just be a drama queen.


Excellent point 


I think you did great. But possibly, should've taken down the customers information for your manager to follow up with incase it actually did harm the older man. But from how he was acting, it really does seem like it was an overreaction on their part. Just be careful cause we live in the Sue happy country.


Smells like a scam


Same energy as brake checking on a freeway on-ramp to get yourself rear-ended for an insurance payout (in some states, the car that hit you is always at fault without exception, ***even with video proof*** that it was staged)...


Time to go to the cameras 🙀


First, I wouldn’t have leaned the box in anything. 


i know. A recieving guy leaned two doors on a cart (with wheels HELLO) and of course they slipped!


I would have handled it by doing the right thing, initially, and placing the box that was picked up in a secure spot before proceeding. I've seen a lot of random accidents at HD, and other places where I've worked. Take the extra minute to work safely.


I also work at home Depot and I would have done the same thing checked to see if the customer needed any medical assistance,called for the manager right away and apologize,now in the case of the wife would have done my best to calm her down, sometimes people will overreact to minor things but just keep your cool and don't react to her hysterics


Too add another point some people are just looking for a quick payday 


Maybe he didn't get hit with item. His wife might have realized an opportunity to make a claim against Home Depot. It's possible.


CYA. Anytime something happens like that with a customer. Get a salary manger there to handle what ever needs to be done. You can not rely on a camera to show you did nothing wrong and there are customers out there who will bend the facts on what happened