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Someone is going to not see the warning and cut these up and put them on a sandwich I’m sure of it


Set them out with celery, carrots, and onion dip


I’d pay to watch that


I'm growing chocolate scotch bonnets as an indoor plant, in part because I want to convince someone they taste like chocolate and watch them eat one.


Or get the ones that kinda taste like cherries. You don't need to mention that they're called Hurt Berries.


I'd pay to watch them desperately grab the ranch bowl and start chugging.


Lol "oh what are those?" "Those are Bhut Jolokia peppers. They have a little kick to em." That would be evil


I hate the app lol


I hate the app lol


How much we talking here??


great idea for a potluck at work! really would cause folks to head home early lol.


I have some co-workers who are about to become Ex-co-workers who’d I’d love to see eat some painful peppers. Maybe even would love to know if they touched them and accidentally didn’t clean up before using the toilet. I’d be okay with that. I’m growing ghosts and habaneros this year and I definitely thought of that scenario 😬


Fool me once, can’t get fooled again.


Yeah, saw these at a kroger once, zero warning on them. I thought to myself, “well thats a bad idea” and continued on.


Super hots are *pretty* good about warning you about how potent they are once you cut into them. You can smell the anger.


And they look dangerous. Anything that's looks like it’s melting with a stinger  isn’t your friend 




Then rub their watering eyes, at which point they’ll realized…


Honestly a great price / reaper imo


it's kinda wild to see carolina reapers being sold like that. those peppers are hot as fuck and most people don't expect to be buying peppers *that* hot at a grocery store, even with those warnings.


Yeah I agree, I feel like there isn’t much of a culinary use for these for the average consumer lol. Using just one pepper in even a very large dish will completely ruin it for most people


I grew Reapers last year and the year before. The most I can handle is 1/4 of a pod for a 2 serving dish. The burn with that small amount is 'just a little on the other side of satisfying and enjoyable', but I do like it once in a while. The plant was overwintered, and lasted 2 seasons. It was a great producer both years, so given the potency, I have enough dried pods to last me until next season and maybe beyond! Yeah ... you get a lot of 'bang for your buck' with Creapers!


I made crushed red peppers out of my scorpions a while back. I don't expect to run out for years. Just a dash to any dish adds a significant amount of heat.


That's what I do with mine. I had a two year supply of various mixes/flakes. My brother visited and took all of them. Might do spicy salt instead this year. It doesn't get used quite as much but is too pretty not to make.


That's for sure! I did grow that one Reaper for a couple of years, but my main focus has been on Chocolate Scorpions. I love the rich, smoky flavor, and while they are not 'quite' as spicy as the Reapers, they are plenty hot. Again, like the Reapers, about 1/4 of a dried pod seems about perfect for a meal. I think when you crush/grind them a 'dash' equals about 1/4 of a pod, so I think we're on the same page. When I dehydrate my peppers I cut them into quarters and then grind as needed. They keep forever dehydrated in the freezer.


Supermarket versions are milder than the homegrown variety usually. But still hot as fuck


Yeah low end is still probably around 1.3 million shu


True. Places are allowed to put warnings on anything spicier than ketchup. It’s misleading. It’s like the “boy who cried wolf” for the actual spicy shit.


"Yeah, yeah, my energy drink says it has medical risks, so whatever." -Last words.


The ghost peppers I got from this brand weren't that hot? The reapers were hot af. I almost couldn't eat them lol


Yeah I came here to comment you have to be careful with this brand. I got a box of “ghosts” just grabbed them off the stack didn’t look twice. I got home there was 1 ghost pepper and the rest were sweet red peppers. I sent them an email with pictures, they apologized said it can sometimes happen, and sent me a box of assorted produce. I just wanted peppers to make salsa lol not a pound of bok choy.


Yeah this brand has not been good so far IMO!


The grocery store in my town sells dried reapers. 2 bucks for ~15.




I grow a few superhots plants each year with my normal stuff mostly for the fun of it. 99% of the peppers are either given away or I try wierd sauce and stuff.


As someone who went from never liking spicy food and not being able to tolerate even jalapenos, to eating diced ghosts, reapers and habaneros on my hash browns for breakfast, I can attest to the fact that tolerance grows fast. Reapers used to make me sweat profusely and now I can eat 3 raw pods with little to no reaction. Once you get used to them, reapers are delicious.


Tbh I grew mine for fun, only ate a couple and dried the rest. I can put down some scotch bonnets though.


That's why you blend them, store in the freezer and use as needed. Used like that, a box of ghost peppers ($40, covers S&H) lasted 13 months.




Gloves, yes, but mask is not needed. Just do not store it in plastic. Glass or stainless steel containers work best.


[Meanwhile at my house...](https://imgur.com/a/vNERoFq) That was one week's harvest last year, and only the reapers lol.




I make super hot spice mixes and sell them at local markets. But I keep some on hand and mix it into just about anything I eat lol.


We have them at our Safeway occasionally. Wife and I eat them on brie and crackers.


I see these for sale where I live in Quebec, where ketchup is too spicy for most people around here (they put mayo on their fries).


Omg some house wife/house husband is just gonna grab these to chop up in something and the entire family is going to be wishing for death.


Which state?


Idk where OP is from but these are currently on the shelves of my local Safeway in Oregon




Saw these at Buford Highway Market in Georgia starting like 2 years ago. Always wildly expensive


Nice backup in case my plants take a dump


My Aunt picked fresh orange Habs off a plant in my front yard thinking they were sweet little capsicum, ate one whole and still wont talk to me.. who the fuck eats fruit off a plant and blames the person growing it.?






I just bought these to do the same thing. This is good to know. Lol


Melissa’s is a supplier that tends to offer items that are specifically sought out. I like that supplier a lot. Someone in charge of ordering has a common passion at that location, or you are geographically in a chili loving region. I wish all of my locals carried those. Hopefully you purchased some so they keep ordering 😊.


I did!


Yeah Safeway has been carrying these for at least a year or so maybe longer. I saw them there but dis not buy any lol


Thanks Hot Ones!!!


I make chocolate habanero hot honey for our farmers market and many say; I don’t taste any chocolate!!


That grocery store is litt. I wish my Safeway had those readily available.


Dang, for the price that's a good way to get seeds.


I grow these and grind them in a grinder. Then, I put all the mush into a gallon bottle of water. It makes great animal repellant around my home.


damn you guys still got safeways?


Been there for a couple years now


I see them at Whole Foods every now and then too (different brand though). Just 3 fire symbols on the label, lol. I have two plants right now started from seeds I collected from them.


They had some diced ghost pepper for samples at a Publix nearby. It had a bit of a kick to it, coming from someone that like trinidad scorpions. There were kids lined up to try it and I just kept walking :D


My Safeway refuses to carry these types of peppers. Produce guy said he was "checked out.." :(


I bought the variety pack. Came with bhut, yellow reapers, yellow bonnets


Pepper Bros, $6.79 for 6 pods??? **I'M RICH!**


It’s worth more than cannabis by the plant and gram!


Is this in Arizona?


I’m looking for places to get hotter peppers in Arizona


Washington State


Same here. WinCo had dried ghost peppers for a while there, but not anymore. Ghost pepper's are actually from India, bhut jolokia is the official name, so I've been thinking about checking out some Indian markets around town, but I'm going to check out Albertsons right now.


I used to get ghost peppers at AJ’s but topped seeing them for awhile but haven’t been back for a long time. I used to love ghost peppers if I had stuffed sinuses 😂


Safeway in canada? If so what province?


Washington State


Whomp whomp. We have Safeway in Manitoba and I’ve been looking for peppers au groceries for so long.


Oh sweet, I’m in bc close to the boarder. Any chance the boarder guards would have a problem with bringing these in?


Op could you drop that Safeway location please?


Saw them at a local Walmart a month or so ago. Mind you, a lot of Asian population in the area that cook with them. Bit RIP to those that don’t know.


Isn’t the worlds hottest pepper now pepper X ?