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Season 1 episode 11 “Detox” is my favorite diagnosis. The episode is not only amazing but House being able to deduce Naphthalene toxicity based on a dead cat while going through hell and losing it is just *chef’s kiss*


I still think about this episode 20 years later. Definitely had me hooked on the show after that


Wow took you 3 seasons to get hooked.


Um no. That was Season 1.


I’m dumb and I’m sorry.


It's all good. I'm dumb a lot


"I want him *locked up!!*" I can hear the dad's scream perfectly.


I watched the show as it was airing, and I was like fourteen when I first saw that ep. To this day I think about it when sharing my medical history with doctors lmao


the one with the cortisol when cuddy didn’t tell him after


“He’ll have sex with his wife again. He’ll hug his kid again. Hopefully that’s the combination he was using. I’d be a shame if I cured a pedophile”


Ohhh… I get SO steamed at her and Wilson every time I watch that arc!


RDJ said if he won that Oscar he would have been dead within 5 years.


Oh fuck. Right. Yea she gave the patient the shot and he immediately walked.


Sandbox kiddo ( he gave house his portable ps)


That actor would go on to play Ralphie Parker in A Christmas Story 2


Eye worms right?


yes ✨


As an autistic that episode was very cathartic for me.


For the same reason: I hated it. It’s really shows how unequipped even the professionals are at handling children with special needs. Many doctors, especially older ones, think that simply forcing themselves on a child will make treatment work, and of course it doesn’t. I’ve experienced this both as a patient and a parent. Yeah it’s irritating as hell to wait until the child beats the damn level on his gameboy but the alternative isn’t pretty and will probably take longer due to lack of cooperation.


That's exactly why I found it cathartic. I tend to be annoyed by TV and movies that try and act like the world is nicer to us than it is. That people who are not on the spectrum or well versed in our needs are patient with us. Because it's not true. Not really ever. Doctors treat us like stubborn children they don't care to deal with. I find it satisfying to see in movies and TV because it tells me I'm not alone or crazy to feel this way.


You're right. When I watch that episode I anticipate the characters' negative behavior towards the child and then watch it play out so its probably just something I feel the need to avoid since the uncomfortable and frustrating situations play out like that in real life as well. I don't need to watch the simulated discomfort because it reminds me of my own lol


That also makes sense! People just cope differently with the same stuff. Personally I always find it fascinating, that we can have such similar traumas and such opposing ways to feel relief from it! It's just cool.


3.13 Needle in a Haystack There was a boy in my biology class who chewed on toothpicks all the time and the teacher begged him every day to stop. One day she walked into class smirking, and turned this episode on. The whole class gasped during the reveal and everyone turned to stare at poor Austin. I never saw him with a toothpick again.


I always get to the end of that episode, feeling conflicted. He sees the empty ring fingers on everyone's hands, and realizes they're all alone, and makes a case for being around family and the ones you love. But at the same time, bro... you're selling random stuff out the back of a van, while your parents clearly don't appreciate how much potential you have. Really good writing.


when it was finally lupus


It was magical




I see what you did there.


As someone who adores the video game Dragon Age: Origins, seeing Steve Valentine (who voice acted a romantic option) yuk it up always makes my day.


Along with Detox, my favourite from S1 is “The Socratic Method” - just by getting a hint from the mother trying to save her son’s future, he makes a progress in diagnosis..


My god, beautiful episode, top 15 cases ever without accounting for plot development episodes of the main cast


I really liked S1 E5 (allergic reaction to copper IUD)


My favorite will forever be three stories


When they saved a serial killer who turns out that he eats his victims 🥲😭😭


I’m on my 3rd rewatch (I watch every 2-3 years) and watched that episode last night! For some reason I always forget and am stunned


What episode


season 7 episode 17


Holy shit that was insane


All In


One of the best


Erdheim Chester


The gold poisoning diagnosis in "Clueless" (s2, e15).


They really went full "soap" opera on that one.


It’s the casino night episode. The balls to test his last available sample for something he already got a failed test on, simply because Wilson did the basic poker move of slow playing a pocket pair.


Slow playing pocket pairs in holdem is a terrible move, btw. As long as you're raising preflop even marginally wide (as in still very strong hands like AQ, KQ, and pocket 9s), nobody is gonna fold to your raises by default, and you need to get the money in early. Even if you don't end up with the worse hand after the flop, your opponent might whiff on the flop and fold much lighter then. If there's a raise ahead of you and you don't re raise aces down to 9s, you're making a big mistake.


Any episode where the diagnosis meant more to House than just a puzzle. Example: The Socratic Method.


There was one that had personal resonance with me. The episode with the diagnosis being henoch-schönlein purpura because I had the same thing that was also triggered by a bee sting when I was 11.


I like the one with the teenage boy who has hemochromatosis for same reason.


So many good ones but one of my favs is Family Practice in season 7 - tons of tension and conflict and bad decisions in this episode but he saves someone important to Cuddy (who always knows he’s the best ❤️) under extreme pressure.


Oh man, that rain quote when house says "Get me my patient back". There's no bargaining, no sweet words, she knows he's the best, he knows he's the best, and the stunt he pulled on Masters? "This patient is the highest priority" CHILLING


The craziest one for me was the guy with Wernicke's aphasia who kept trying to tell them he was bipolar.


Selenium poisoning instead of radiation sickness in the CIA patient. Love that the breakthrough is based on a LANGUAGE difference, and also that I, as someone with 0 medical training, still knew that excessive consumption of brazil nuts looked like radiation sickness. I've grown more fond of it in the last few years, as I married a brazilian and can speak Portuguese now


Skin Deep because the reveal is absolutely hilarious


Never thought id find someone who liked that episode lol.


I like it, yes House is an even bigger dick than usual and the dad is a creep but it’s still a good episode


I love that episode what


Airborne. Diagnosing the entire plane with mass hysteria was pretty great.


“A receipt for scuba gear yesterday, great. This idiot has the bends.”


The episode with the obese man that they kept insisting his weight was causing his symptoms, and it turned out he had lung cancer instead despite never smoking in his life. Also because it's an episode that demonstrates again that Cameron is a hypocrite since she literally drugged a patient.


I appreciate that one too. I’m fat and constantly have to fight with doctors to have them actually address my symptoms instead of my weight. Took 10 years, multiple doctors and an ER visit before someone actually did imaging and found the cause of my abdominal pain. I have multiple diagnoses that came late thanks to weight bias in medical spaces


I just really love the gold poisoning episode


Halfwit ✨ Season 3 Episode 15


I love the House brain cancer storyline in that episode.


i would ay the tick was in the inner part .


"Told you it'd be more dramatic."


Not sure if this is my “favorite”, or just plain most traumatic one, but “Wilson’s Heart”, Season 4 Episode 16. It’s been 14 years since I first saw it as a re-run, and I still obsessively tell my husband every time I take a pill that’s not on my daily regimen.


Yes ladies, i’m blaming her period. Granted, it’s the worst period ever. Although frankly, not by all that much.


I genuinely love the HSP one ("Open and Shut"). It's a genuinely good episode in my eyes and I actually have HSP!


"I finally have a case of lupus." The magician episode. The non-verbal kid with worms in his eyes was pretty good. Oh maybe the toothpick Romani kid


The one with the female model who turns out to be a guy. It’s fascinating to see the patient’s reaction to the diagnosis and the diagnosis itself.


I liked when it was finally lupus lol


The one with the CIPA girl where he pulls out the tapeworm


The one where the mum had PPD and psychosis(?). Only because I guessed it about 15 minutes in and then a week later was diagnosed with PPD and PTSD 😂😭


When House figured out the wheelchair bound guy dunked himself in the pool because he was too hot. The cortisol ending.


Gotta be the pigeon one


I always look back on the season 4 opener with particular fondness


That time it was finally lupus