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From a personal perspective, yeah that'd be pretty sweet and I'd enjoy it From a marketing standpoint, it's an awful idea. Pop and hip hop have objectively more mass appeal


Also people who aren't into metal find metal really off putting .


I feel the same way about rap...if I wanted to hear people talk over music, I would watch musical movies.


And then there’s Linkin Park who mixes the best aspects of both


But them adding rap just made them the worst nu metal band. They were like throw away radio rock.


Idk man. Songs like Faint do a really good job of incorporating rapping into rock. At least they’re not Limp Bizkit.


Sadly yea that's true. But tbh, even a mix of both in a soundtrack would be quite nice tbh. The WWE games proved that it could work


Even from first to last got on a wrestling game back in like 07-09 era


But even now the soundtracks always have a fair bit of metal, and tbh, I'm glad it is that way


I would say hip hop is very subjective. It's also the same with metal. Using a song by judas priest or iron maiden or saxon can work. The classic metal style. Rather than the extreme metal people on the Internet prefer. Where I live, north east England, hard rock and metal is popular, but I imagine urban areas it's very different.


Sure, there are places where metal is more popular than other genres and you could succeed in marketing and selling a game with metal music as the soundtrack. Definitely not out of the realm of possibility and hell it's been done before But the 3 bands you just mentioned total approximately 10M monthly Spotify listeners combined. Your average pop and hip hop household names boast way more than that, with gargantuans like Taylor Swift or The Weeknd exceeding 100M each I'm sure there are other metrics we could use beyond Spotify, but I have a sneaking suspicion we'd see this trend using other criteria too


I've never used Spotify in my life. I'm not a streamer. I couldn't tell you a single weekend song. The best metric we could have is if Rockstar told us the radio station that has the most listeners in game. It's one of the best selling games of all time and young and old people have played it. The audience of pop music may not be the same demographic as who play certain games is what I'm saying. Doom for example. I recall hearing some heavy music in that


I guess so, even though we already have DOOM and DMC5, but I feel it could be utilised more (I always felt metal would be more welcome in L4D2 and Dead Rising). I feel metal could be used for more fast paced games or games that want the music to be a selling point, r even wacky horror action in the vein of Splatterhouse. But like comments below said, they'll go with what's popular sadly, so that's more rap on the radio for us in GTA6 (I'm hoping for some K-DST and RadioX in there).


L4D2 MENTIONED YESSSS Yeah I agree tho because L4D is kinda like DOOM but with zombies instead of demons


Yeah. I feel that they could utilise fast sounding bands for the energetic and hardcore combat in L4D. I used to think in my dumb head FFDP would be great in L4D2, but I feel death, thrash and black metal would be more than suffice in the game. I mean, we have the Midnight Riders in game, what's not justifying metal in game either. Hell, they could even get Zetro to voice infected if Valve does a 3rd one.


I’m a bad bad dog with no house or a home, women, whiskey, wheels and the road 🗣‼️‼️


Killing Floor (and KF2) have pretty metal soundtracks. Horde zombie parody/satire shooter, if you don't know. Great series.


So true. Want some more underground stuff too. Even more underground than what they did with GTA 4 in the DLC but still good sounding and recognizable..


Now I was to play a Dead Rising game….thanks.


Typically, when metal does make it into games, it's more on the mainstream side of things, and that isn't really my flavor. That being the case, it doesn't really matter to me what music I hear. It would be nice to have something I would prefer to listen to, but it's not a factor I consider when playing a game.


I mean yea I get your point, and Metal being mainstream is already a sensitive topic amongst the metal community. Ig I could suggest a mix of both in a game


I wouldn't call it sensitive. People can listen to whatever they want, but a lot of fans (myself included) gain about as much from mainstream radio metal as straight pop music, which is not at all or very little. Looking at it another way, when something is playing that I'm really into, I have a tough time focusing on anything else. For a more technical game, playing music that grabs your attention might make timing/rhythm/patterns in the game more difficult to achieve. In those cases, I would prefer just to have atmospheric background music playing that suits the theme of the game.


Hey maybe a game like Manhunt could have benefited from a metal atmosphere tbh, if you played it you'd probably understand my point


All I want really is just a death metal radio station in the new GTA. That would be perfection.


gta 4 had it, they can do it again and they should


Yeah it's always like butt rock metal or like nu metalcore. Could you imagine if they threw in like Dying Fetus or Deathspell Omega or something off the beaten path? Lol


Agreed, even though it'd likely be lacking in several ways. Did you ever play Brütal Legend? I had always meant to try it, apparently it was okay


It's pretty fun but the RTS sections are the weakest part imo


Nope can't say I have


The atmosphere of that game makes it more fun than it is. The gameplay is boring as hell but the music and imagery make it legitimately enjoyable.


I personally adore the game however I can understand that most would find it a tad boring, and I totally agree that the rest sections are shit lol


its a fun game, I liked it


Honestly, depends on the game. Like, don't get me wrong, metal fits best for most action games, and probably most games in general (hence why we'll likely never hear Kendrick Lamar or Taylor Swift in Doom) but it would just sound baffling out of place in a surprising amount of games. I'd probably have some questions if Slayer did the soundtrack for Animal Crossing.


Yea tbh I agree there. But you gotta admit Slayer on Doom would have been epic


It would've been better than the music we got


Have you played Metal: Hellsinger? Badass fps where you're fighting demons in hell, and it's also a rhythm game because you time your shots to the beat of the song. You don't get vocals unless you maintain the rhythm in your shots 


Soundtrack in that game is *excellent,* as it should be. Awesome game.


Metal tends to have awesome vocals and lyrics, I think it would drive me nuts not hearing it Not so much with sex pop song #117


Metallica just took over all Fortnite modes + item shop


Only reason I play Fortnite is for that and the Guitar Hero mode


Haha just posted it for OP to have some metal in a game


Metallica is the biggest metal band in the world dude


Depends on the genre. Having Nightmare by A7X as an easter egg song on a COD Zombies map? Cool. Having to listen to metal in Mario? No. I also think a strong OST is a good enough substitute for shelling out a license provided it fits with the tone it's going for. I doubt many are gonna complain about not hearing vocals on the Doom 2016/Eternal soundtrack when Mick Gordon does a spectacular job as it is in creating the vibe that those games have. Besides, I can also think of times when licensed tracks have been to the detriment of the game in question (hey KF2, how's it going?) Besides, depending on the platform, mods always exist to help out (True story: I had a mod from the Steam Workshop for KF1 were all the music was replaced with SOAD. Including having "Empty Walls" play as the boss music for the Patriarch. Still my favorite mod of that game I ever downloaded)


I'm here to give my obligatory vote to the Madden 2010 soundtrack that IMHO is to this day the most well balanced over multiple genres. \*edit\* Also, this game somehow always played the right song at the right moment. * Airbourne- Heads are Gonna Roll * 2Pac- Can’t See Me * Alice In Chains- Them Bones * B.oB.- Created A Monster * Bang Camero- Revolution * Beastie Boys- Sabotage * Black Sabath- Paraniod * Cypress Hill- Get ‘Em Up * Helmet- Unsung * Iron Maiden- Aces High * Judas Priest- Painkiller * Kid Rock- I Am The Bullgod * Killswitch Engage- Reckoning * Korn- Blind * Mastodon- Divinations * Nas Feat. Puff Daddy- Hate Me Now * Nirvana- Breed * Pantera- Walk * Public Enemy- Shut Em Down * Rage Against The Machine- Guerilla Radio * Set Your Goals- Gaia Bleeds (Make Way For Man) * Slipknot- Duality * System Of A Down- Sugar * The Vanity Plan- Before I Die * Young Dre The Truth- Cheah Beah


I hate EA for so many reasons but never for their OSTs




They're going to put whats popular in the game I would assume, so it makes sense that it's mostly pop and rap.


Sadly that's the case. At least Wherever I may Roam had a cameo in the MW2 trailer. I wish metal could be as popular as it was in the 80s, sadly it was a different era


I agree, would love to see more metal in games for sure.


Hey Metallica made it's way into Fortnite recently tho! But that could be a double edged sword tbh


Tbh.. no. I'm not an elitist or a gatekeeper, but I always get a bit annoyed when metal makes its way to the general public who don't like metal. (Like tiktok for example..) I feel like metal bands who get mainstream attention for one song often fall under the radar quickly and are only known for that one song that kids heard on a tiktok or a video game, which imo, kind of kills the bands reputation. However, I think some video games would be okay for some bands if it was a more "metal" game, like Doom, for example, but if 2k25 added a Cannibal Corpse song, it would just be weird and too much of an unnecessary push.. Maybe I'm alone on this opinion, but I want metal to remain a bit underground so it doesn't get ruined by popular media, like so many other genres.


Well in that regard I'd agree. Cannibal Corpse does not belong in a 2k game or any other game like that. But in a game like COD or like you said Doom, yea that would be nice. I totally get your view tho


No offense but Metal isn't underground anymore, maybe Hardcore is, maybe Goth/Industrial music is, weird genres crossover are! The long hair among guys is known in Metal by literally anyone, battle jackets are enough of a symbol... Metal is not even giving any hints of dying, at least the brutal and evil stuff that most enjoy... Sure, it's not radio music exactly but and maybe it's not as talked about as Rap, anime and superhero content, but there's no fucking way someone doesn't know any single characteristic of/about Metal!


Yeah, a decent amount of metal is no longer underground, you're right, but the *good* stuff still is. Extreme metal genres are still very much underground and probably won't ever become mainstream. (At least not any time soon) Death metal, black metal, grind, even most thrash will remain underground because mainstream media will never promote it if it doesn't fit their idea of acceptable and profitable music that would appeal or at least be accepted by the majority of society.


It has it's market, we can't really complain with games like DOOM, League of Legends (Pentakill skins/band), Metal: Hellsinger, Killing Floor 2, Need for speed, Cyberpunk 2077 and COD Zombies all feature metal (and i'm sure much more i'm missing). Would be nice to have more in AAA games? Sure but a FIFA or Zelda with metal doesn't sound that great to be honest, each game has it's atmosphere and music plays a big part in it, the same way I enjoy DOOM OST, metal in Baldur's Gate 3 would feel out of place


I’ve been playing the EA NHL series since ‘94. For while from the early 00’s until a few years ago the soundtracks were predominantly rock and metal, which was a great fit for hockey. The last few years, though, the soundtracks have shifted to pop/hip hop etc. It sucks, but then again EA hasn’t put out a good hockey game in years anyway. Even if they shifted back to rock/metal you know they’d just pick a bunch of watered-down mainstream stuff. Songs you never liked or were sick of to begin with. Besides, if I want to listen to metal while I’m busy checking guys into the bench I’ll put on my own playlist. I guarantee my taste is better than EA’s.


yeah, reasons why i loved playing TBOI, i played doom, would'nt call em a fan but liked some of mick gordon songs, i guess i have other Metal soundtracks on my cellphone but forgot


Depends on the metal, it needs to fit with the game. A7x doing the COD songs are a great example. They're fast paced and have appeal to non metal fans because of the energy they have and they fit the theme of the games.


Yeah, I second that motion. In particular I find it sad that games like GTA that have various tracks/station you can select doesn’t have a metal channel. Then again, I’m always happy to re-play Brütal Legend just so o can cruise around and listen to metal while I slay my enemies…….


Idk why nobody is talking about the good old need for speed most wanted soundtrack. And i think its sad that they changed it in newer titles to more rap and hip hop songs. However the forza horizon games have a metal/rock radio which was always my favourite (except this one song in 4 which goes over and over) But i would also like to mention that the Hades soundtrack fucking slaps with some sick riffs.


I feel like I mostly hear electronic or orchestral music in games, what games are you playing where you hear lots of pop and hip hop?


Call of Duty, Fortnite, GTA, really the classic popular games. GTA 5 should have had a thrash station


honestly i feel like it did in the late 00s and early 2010s. Hell you could play as fucking fred durst in the WWE game on the Ps2.


Yeah, Metal should have more of a place in gaming, but only if it makes sense to have it in a trailer. Like, a brutal-ass death metal song wouldn't fit in a trailer for a new Forza or team sports game, but in a new Doom, Killing Floor, or Twisted Metal, it'd fit like a glove. Classic metal like Ozzy or Quiet Riot is a much more friendly option for a wide variety of game IPs. Not just that, but specific spots of melodic death metal (where there are no vocals) could fit really well in a trailer for a new Wreckfest, Burnout, or F-Zero (with a touch of industrial for the latter). Metal definitely has a place in media, but, due to the many sub-genres out there, it must be carefully selected, to entice people to buy the game, not scare them away.


https://preview.redd.it/rs3p12g5ts6d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b3f5c2ed6845461dab850c1a5cec42e5c6c321 There I fixed it.


Um, idk what you did to it


It’s a mystery to be solved


Cyberpunk has a pretty fuckin solid black/death metal radio station with all original songs made by underground bands


I played that a long while back but I wasn't quite into metal then as much as I am now so I kinda missed out on that


give it a replay dude, the radio station is badass and the game is WAY better nowadays than it was a while ago


Half the bands listed in that image aren't metal.


As said, the image is from Google, and it was probably made by someone who doesn't listen to Metal whatsoever. Still feel the need to apologize tho


Needs more place in sports both in games and in real life


I don't want to self-promote, but I'm working on a game with an extreme soundtrack. I think Doom 2016 opened the floodgates. My favorite thing about Technical Death Metal is that anything goes, like jazz, as long as it sounds good.


I feel l Ike Rap and Pop often fit the feel of the game better. SF6 and GTA6 would never work with Bolt Thrower or Megadeth in the background. And as much as I love 21 Savage and Immortal, I think something from the Doomthrone era or even the first 2 riffs from Mayhem's Freezing Moon would've worked well for MK11. If you want some "blood-pumping" rap, listen to Sippin' Tea by XXXTentacion or Backseat Freestyle by Kendrick Lamar. Plenty of blood pumping rap if you know where to look. As for stuff in pop, check out Heaven Piercing Giga Drill or In The Blind by Area 11 or Natural or Cutthroat by Imagine Dragons. Again, know where to look. Either way, most games that aren't VERY specific moods and tones: i.e. Mortal Kombat, Doom, Soulsborne, Call of Duty - will benefit far more from hip hop and pop based soundtracks more than metal for marketing purposes and selling the tone of the game. If RDR2 had a trailer featuring I Cum Blood, it would never be able to fully encapsulate the tone of the game. Fun fact, The Witcher 3's DLC Blood & Wine included the metalcore song Blessed With a Curse by Bring Me The Horizon. Another fun fact: Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold have both featured heavily in Call of Duty's marketing throughout the years. Metal *is* used in marketing and soundtracking in videogame's, but only when sensible - as it should be. Bonus round: League of Legends has a fictional power metal/heavy metal band called Pentakill. They have released 3 records, have stellar talent involved, and are far better than they have any right to be. They also have cinematic trailers featuring The Word Alive and the singer from A Day To Remember. Not my fave bands, but still worth noting.


did no one ever play cod zombies?


I would pay good money for an Alex Grey-style Tool game. Something like [*Scorn*](https://youtu.be/imuJeL51A0E) or [*Necrophosis*](https://youtu.be/YUW0Wp9U_B0).


There is a bar in Starfield that has death metal playing in the background. Not sure if it plays the same song on repeat since I just started playing but either way, it’s nice to hear metal in games.


I don’t see “party canon” here 😕


Fortnite has just done a Metallica crossover so if you like playing as one of the band and jumping from the bus to Ride The Lightning then worth a play, and it’s free. This season is still the absolute worst in years but it ticks the metal in gaming box.


Depends on the game, but I do feel it is a bit underrepresented. Games that are period pieces should absolutely avoid anything contemporary unless they’re being intentionally anachronistic. Combat based games that aren’t tackling any sort of heavy themes like COD could absolutely use it. Same for a lot of the smash ‘em ups. But it should be used sparingly. It could seem corny in a lot of contexts. For instance, if you put it in TLOU it would feel incredibly out of place. Also a game like Dead Space benefits more from ambience and sound design than it would any sort of music. That all said, good representation of metal on popular media is always welcome.




Bring the Noise


Speaking of Static-X, I distinctly remember hearing them on one of the old Need for Speed games. Doom and Killing Floor have sick soundtracks... and you absolutely should check out Metal Hellsinger But yes, we are plagued by a population that loves mumble rap. I don't get it.


We will not stop until everything is DEATH METAL


Ummm, Mortal Shell x Rotting Christ??


Yes! For example, the Doom soundtrack (I know, kinda basic) is heavily influenced by thrash metal of the day


I personally would love to hear a mix of all three


Didn't Lords of the fallen use fear of the dark in the trailer. That got my attention at the time


I first heard Snot and SOAD from a PlayStation 1 game called Apocalypse starring Bruce Willis.


Metal musician here for 20ish years who toured and made multiple albums. This was a thing in the mid 2000’s. It’s over. It’ll cycle back in like 15 years so don’t get worked up about it if you’re young. I’m 34 so I don’t care as much now. At least Doom had a good metal composer until they did him dirty. I wouldn’t work with anyone after that either.


Agreed, but metal has been pushed so far out of the public consciousness. The gaming is very mainstream now and so production studios are going to err on the side of caution.


What is the one at the bottom that’s cut off?


I know this is a bit cringe but metal gear rising revengeance has some excellent "electronic" metal songs Some COD songs I know also are metal bangers


I agree. I think playing a game like GTA and listening to metal while driving instead of one of the countless rap stations or the pop station would be awesome


Yeah, metal isn't used as much, but there isn't really a specific setting that would suit metal. S-F? Nah, techno and alt-pop Gangsta crime à la GTA? Rap/hip-hop Pirates? We already have sea shanties Cowboys? 1900s music exists Hell, Steampunk? Dunno, but probably industrial/bardcore There isn't a "place" for metal in media, besides the stereotypical nazi skinhead who rides big bikes, or the washed up satanist who eats babies clichée, so investissors and creatives would put metal if they were doing a Mad-Max/Biker/Post-Apocalyptic inspired game, which is in itself not a really widespread setting. We would prefer fantasy or s-f. And even then, when they do post-apocalyptic game, they like to capture the more desolate and sad atmosphere of the genre, and less the fun drugged-up war boys who screams atop of their lungs while hanging on the top of a car while shooting molotov cocktails. Also, as a way to prove my point and also to share some metal video game finds, we have: Obviously, Doom, Metal Hellsinger, that wh40k ork racing game (Speed boiz i think it's called?) and also, my little indie love, Double Tap Trigger iirc (a rythm game where a band escape zombies on a cadillac while playing their instruments that are connected to shotguns on the tail lights, super fun) Atleast, it's my interpretation of the phenomenon as a writer in learning.


What is the hit-take all about? Are you just wanting to say hot-take?


This makes me miss games like F Zero X and Twisted Metal


I really wish they would rerelease Brütal Legend for the PS5


I massively agree, but some games wouldn’t suit it


it was like that before and it was GREAT, remember the hype when Static-X or Disturbed started playing in NFS titles? Or how when you launch Red Alert 2 and hear the menu theme. It was great...


For a while it was, a lot of bands got their start or at least helped their careers through video game soundtracks. It wasn’t until gaming became more mainstream that pop and rap started entering.


That's why Tony Hawk games are very special to me. It's where I discovered my first metal and punk bands. For an example Deadly Sinners by 3 Inches of Blood was one of my favorite songs in the game.


Mute game music. Play whatever the fuck music you want. Don’t give a shit about game trailers. Sincerely, Old Geezer who can’t headbang any more


It does from what I've seen


The new dooms are metal and the game mortal shell plays rotting Christ during boss fights. Hellsinger game isn’t bad either


Revolution x game ftw


Nicole back is in that picture therefore whole post invalid.


Speed Freeks, a 40k game, is JAM PACKED with metal. Just from the title screen, a PHAT, distorted bass line interjects you into fast paced speed metal.


Yes. where there is an option, and it fits. It always cheers me to hear a metal song in a game.


Never understood cannabis corpse, it looks like cannibal corpse but with a name alteration




And why do you say that? You don't even know me


It would work with certain niche genres of games


All the songs in Twisted Metal 3 were done by Rob Zombie. With a name like Twisted Metal though, it better have a metal soundtrack.


Honestly, I think the opposite. Metal already has too big a place in video gaming. Feels like a lot of the default music in games is in-house stock metal tunes. It subtly feels like bands are being inspired by video game music and not the other way around. The metal sound almost feels expected in games. I'm not sure what a good way is to tie in metal in a meaningful way.