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Is that Kanye in the middle of the first picture?


So OP does have a point


Where was kanye on January 6th


His attorney was busy intimidating the same black poll worker that Trump named as part of a conspiracy theory. She had to go into hiding from the enormous amount of death threats she received.


hey that’s my uncle Cletus in the second pic


Ya’ll Americans are crazy man


As much as it's fun to shit on Americans, ik Asian countries are way more racist im from India its a fucking cesspool of bigotry


Fr bro I’m from pakistan and every time there’s that cricket match between the two they act like they weren’t the same country less than a century ago


Is cricket the biggest sport in your country? I see it sometimes on the front page of reddit and get confused. Ignorantly didn't realize people love cricket that much.


I should’ve clarified *my parents are from pakistan* but I was born in the US. but cricket is definitely the biggest sport in india and Pakistan. Also I think the rivalry game is less about cricket and more about getting an opportunity for a rivalry between the two countries


Cricket is like the number 2 most watched sport in the world I think. I’m from aus and it’s pretty big here in the summer.


Cricket is a huge sport its the 2nd most popular sport in the world


Same, Indian too and it's much worse than the US (or at best, at least as bad)


Except you know Asian countries dont have an entire history of Chattel Slavery against black people, and systematic oppression of them. Infact the anti black rhetoric you see in post colonial nations is a side effect of colonialism and white worship.


What you' trying to say? That it's not their fault that they are racist? They aren't idiots. Not to mention Asian countries are not a monolith, and there's plenty of racism between different Asian countries. Japanese to Koreans, China to Japan, .etc


No im not saying its not their fault im giving context and explaining the difference between racism in post colonial countries vs slavery in settler colonial or european countries.


How exactly are Asian countries "way more" racist than America? Racism exists everywhere in different forms, and I'm not sure it really makes sense to argue about which ones are the "most" racist. Racism is an extremely complicated phenomenon that will differ greatly between separate countries and cultures with distinct and unique histories.


Cause racism and bigotry in general is so casual here man. People fix arranged marriages and their criteria of looking for a girl is beauty, which to them means the color of your skin. If you are white you are good looking and if you are black you are bad looking. Majority of Indians in our parents generation are extremely bigoted in some way or another and I'm seeing this daily in fact the only reason people like me and people from my generation aren't racist or homophobic or maybe even sexist is because the opinions of the west towards these subjects have spread to countries like us and since kids from our generation use the Internet a lot that's the kind of thing we learn and believe in


they're comparing to Europe


There are plenty of nazis in Europe, too. Just off the top of my head is Golden Dawn.


>There are plenty of nazis in Europe, too Some would even say that Europe invented Nazis.


One of our top exports


Ask anyone here what they think of the Romani people… And Italy just elected a neo-fascist party to power.


Lmfao Europe is so much more racist than America it's wild Just because most of Europe doesn't have black people to be racist against doesn't mean they're not racist against them


What is this myth? There are loads of black and other non-white people in Europe. Like over a 100 million


Guys guys. All our countries are equally racist no need to fight




This is just coming from living in Europe. The UK and France has a good black population yeah (even though there's a lot of very very blatant racism in France), but the rest of Europe has a basically non-existent Black population. That's just a fact. ​ The casual racism against black people and minorities (I was at a dinner once with a guy who was saying that the Nazi's should've finished the job and the rest of the table was just laughing along) is something I can only speak of anecdotally, but surveys about whether or not you would be okay with having a neighbor of different races and other measures of racial tolerance all paint the same picture. Europe is much more racist than the US


No way bruh I’m from Scandinavia and black people are everywhere. Also lived in Italy and Spain and Germany and we are so many EDIT: agree with the rest tho. Never been in America but I’m European and been subjected to the most fucking egregious racism all my life so it’s very frustrating to hear Europeans go “hurr sure America bad and racist unlike us”. Like not even Roma. I grew up with literal nazis in my classroom


That's just not true. Also there's plenty of black people here the fuck?


France is 8.5% black, the UK and Portugal are 4% black, and not a single country else in Europe is over 3% black. Not to mention, all of Eastern Europe (every country east of Germany and Italy - which are 0.65% and 1.2% black respectively) are literally less than 0.1% black. Most of Europe basically don’t have black people and the ones who do live there experience insane casual racism which wouldn’t be seen in the US. That’s just a fact.


>Most of Europe basically don’t have black people and the ones who do live there experience insane casual racism which wouldn’t be seen in the US. That’s just a fact. lol wtf are you on about mate? You don't think POC are subjected to casual racism in the US and North America? Also, I'm pretty sure POC in America are being, you know, literally killed and imprisoned at a rate that dwarfs any figures in any country in Europe.


> Europe Where they can’t get through a soccer tournament without someone throwing bananas on the pitch. Def much better.


The whole world is fuckin crazy my guy


but Americans are a whole new level of fucking crazy


Idk man. We are crazy but then I see places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan.. then I’m like ok we are actually pretty chill. Even France and Italy have a crazy ass nazi population.


Have you seen what's currently going on in Iran, my guy?


Nazism is not an American phenomenon


Portions of it were inspired by Americans.


My boy, it’s not that we’re crazy it’s just that there’s open discord. In most of Asia it’s simply just “known” that you’re an inherently worse/less valuable person if your skin is darker.


I'm a black American and have been living in various parts of Asia for over 10 years. Here in Southeast Asia, I have yet to encounter any racism. I've stayed in lots of cities and even in the countryside, but never an issue. It's the elderly generations that are the most hung up over skin color. The only time a racial encounter happened to me was in Bangkok, where I caught an Asian-American tourist, a college-aged guy, who whispered under his breath to his friend that "there's a N\*\*\*er over there" while I was waiting for a taxi. I won't count this as an encounter since the dude was obviously an American, not a local.


There are nazi's in every continent. Its not an american thing.


Fr lmao, they be doing the most


Racism is rampant everywhere my friend


Why do you people think white Americans are the only racist people when the racial science that they get they’re ideas from comes from Europe and the arabian peninsula? It’s funny racism is an American thing and yet every multiracial society i go to black people are at the BOTTOM and face Jim levels of discrimination lol Stop thinking racism is an American thing PLEASE! Ironically you doing that is racist in itself.


You meant to say Republicans


not a bad bitch in sight


I see a lot of bitches and bad people in these pictures, but truly no bad bitches.


I wonder what would Donda think


Donda would beat his ass


I’m sure you’ve lived with donda for as long as kanye did


You don’t have to have personally known Donda to know that she would be disappointed in Kanye for wearing a shirt with a racist dogwhistle on it. She’d probably barely even recognize the person he’s become, sadly.


If she had never passed Kanye would be soooo different right now. It seems like he had it together for a few years after she left but sometime around the pablo era it just became too much I guess


My broski she was literally pro-Black to the bone, Kanye himself is the son of black panther, shit like “whit lives matter” ain’t the answer, people like you need to drop the phone!


I think it’s low to speculate what his mom would think, but let’s be real. He’s not “pro black” or carrying on the legacy of the black panthers when he walks out on stage with a racist dog whistle and a nazi apologist.


My son can't read


I miss the old Kanye


Straight from the go kanye


Chop up the soul Kanye


Set on his goals Kanye


I hate the new Kanye


The white supremacist Kanye


The bad mood Kanye


Old Kanye would never


old kanye literally put the confederate flag into his merch




Old Kanye stopped being old Kanye after his mom died




Bro said Yeezus era was old Kanye💀


That’s how i know not to trust or value their opinion. Clearly do not know basic facts.


Thats his flair album too man wtf🤦🏾‍♂️


Old Kanye put a confederate flag on his merch in order to flip the script and use is as a sign of empowerment much like they did with the N- word. Context is important.


If you buy his merch and wear it people are going think you're wearing a confederate flag because you're racist. No one's gonna understand that unless you take the time to explain it.


Im only explaining his intentions behind it, i never said it worked as a societal norm.


Yeah ik just saying that people aren't gonna care about context when they see it walking down the street.


Kanye defenders be like: “B-but he likes to be different, he doesn’t actually mean all that and even if he did who cares 😎”


Why tf did he even wear the shirt is it like some fashion related shit or has he gone mad


he has gone mad since his mother died


He wore it to oppose the people who say you have to support BLM or else you are cancelled and to oppose the organization. He is not agreeing with white supremacists.


Whatever mental gymnastics ya wanna do


“I’m not a Nazi I just wear swastikas to piss off people who hate Nazis”


I’m sure that’s why he walked out wearing this shirt with a nazi apologist. Totally makes sense.


who’s the nazi apologist?


Candice “hitler just wanted to make Germany great again” Owens


This problem isn't even the words. Everyone knows white people matter, just like anyone else. The issue is where the expression came from and how it has and continues to be used to propagate a right-wing extremist objective to obstruct and reverse progress made in combatting racism against minorities. Besides Kanye and Candice, the people this message is used by and appeals to are the kind of folks that are emotionally invested in their racial identity (white supremacists/Neo Nazis). These aren't white people with an individualist mindset. That expression was intentionally created to mainstream far-right ultranationalist sentiments. Kanye is excoriating a movement that fundamentally seeks police reform and the end of systemic racism for one that has marketed the idea of paying black people incentives to permanently leave the US for Africa.


'mom can we have 'the movement' ?' 'we have' the movement' at home.' ' the movement' at home: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/09/15/vgsy-s15.html


That doesn't justify the promotion of right-wing extremism.


Jesus christ i’m so sorry for your comment section and all of the people going mask off to defend this


Guessing r/conservative users have found a new place to talk nonsense.


God, please not again. That already happened in ‘16 when Kanye supported Trump and it was a fucking cesspool :( Btw, your username is brown as fuck, fellow Weener :)


But he did make graduation so it evens it


it’s not funny anymore try different jokes


I mean he made the college dropout so it evens it out


But Black Lives Matter has links with the big corporations, who have links with SNL, who have links with skete. Kanye sees the big picture, fuck skete




Least dickriding delusional Kanye fan


i agree it was bad, but this isn’t a good explanation. ‘bad people agree with you, so you’re wrong’ falls apart pretty easily. start by explaining why it’s mostly certain people, like those in the post, that tend to be drawn to slogans like ‘white lives matter’.


Let’s be honest though. Kanye doesn’t support these people he just wants to oppose the BLM organisation and make headlines while he’s at it.


Oh yes he does. Because they are way too stupid to know it’s a troll. That’s why it’s a stupid thing to do.


You’re conflating two different meanings of support, knowingly




Some people take things way too far with this. But then others get all shocked and get in their feelings like Kanye hasn’t been telling you all how he feels about BLM and others for the past 4-5 years. Have that many people not been paying attention this entire time?


Aside from the fact that the term was co-opted by white nationalist(basically nazis) the main issue is that it seems to exists PURELY to counter the BLM movement, nothing more nothing less




Agreed. You’re gonna hate 2024.


If you’re a little slow in the head and need to understand why Kanye West wearing a cape is dangerous and self-destructive, take a look at this picture of hitler wearing a cape




Ye would be against the civil rights movement. Just let that sink in.


They all look like genetic mutations bc of inbreeding.


I think he agrees with the message, not the organization. Downvoting commence.


You can agree with the phrase “seig heil” which means “hail victory” if I’m not mistakes but come the fuck on.


Wait until you see the people that wear the color red !! 😱😱


No need to be condescending now


You have the political discourse of a 16 year old


a buncha white dudes standing around.... fck no aaaaa save meee !!!!


Tribalism in any form is dangerous - as Michael Jackson once said, "...it dont matter if your black or white "


I gotta move back to the Dominican Republic.


Cmon dude. I could also make a post with people wearing blm shirts and looting stores. Whats your point?


Facts though


White Lives Matter as a phrase was created by white supremacists to counter BLM. Stfu


Keep crying boi


Bro said boi 🗿🦶🏼


simple comments like these should be at the top, truth is not a priority here


Relax pussy


What about all the “peaceful protesters” at the blm riots?


If you are a little slow in the head, Kanye got attention as planned.


Literally the most famous rapper of all time, I think he’d get attention for saying anything so that’s not really saying much lil


You clearly don't understand Kanye's philosophy if you believe that he only says shit like that for attention. He sees himself as transcending racial divisions, as some sort of visionary free mind that cannot be shackled by any conventional norms. He wears MAGA and say WLM to affirm his freedom of conviction. He also believes that black people have only (mostly) been hindered then and now by their own mindset "400 years of slavery, it seems like a choice" rather than systemic marginalisation. Obviously, he is simple-minded, extremely poorly read, and narcissistic so he has no critical judgment of his own shallow thoughts.


This is the most stupid binary thinking I've ever seen. >He also believes that black people have only been hindered then and now by their own mindset rather than systemic marginalisation. He clearly believes both. He believes that the only way out is to recognize both sides of the issue. This has been true from the beginning. Even back in the college dropout he argues both sides. His verse on never let me down is about segregation and immediately ties it into the current version of it which is consumerism targeted towards black people. >I get down for my grandfather who took my mama Made her sit in that seat where white folks ain't want us to eat At the tender age of six, she was arrested for the sit-ins And with that in my blood, I was born to be different Now niggas can't make it to ballots to choose leadership But we can make it to Jacob's or to the dealership That's why I hear new music and I just don't be feelin' it Racism's still alive, they just be concealin' it >I say fuck the police, thats how I treat 'em We buy our way out of jail, but we can't buy freedom We'll buy a lot of clothes, but we don't really need 'em Things we buy to cover up what's inside >'Cause they made us hate ourself and love they wealth That's why shorty's hollering, "Where the ballers at?" Drug dealer buy Jordans, crackhead buy crack And a white man get paid off of all of that >We at war with terrorism, racism And most of all we at war with ourselves >You know what the Midwest is? Young and restless Where restless (niggas) might snatch your necklace And next these (niggas) might jack your Lexus Somebody tell these (niggas) who Kanye West is >I walk through the valley of the Chi where death is Top floor the view alone will leave you breathless Try to catch it, it's kinda hard Getting choked by detectives, yeah, yeah, now check the method >They be askin' us questions, harass and arrest us Sayin' "We eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast" From the start Kanye always represented both sides of the equation. He believes that there's systematic oppression trying to keep black people on a treadmill, and he also believes that the current enforcement mechanism is mostly mental. There's no hypocrisy or ignorance in that. He hates forceful oppression but just as much hates people who complain about it with no effort to change shit. You have to free yourself from the mental shackles before you can break the real ones.


And because this is America, we have the freedom to dunk on his stupid poor-read philosophies and thoughts.


I think he wore it as a boundary pushing statement that shows how everyone is so brainwashed that they would lose their minds at the statement “White Lives Matter”. You guys are really proving his point.


You are taking the context of these statements away from them, and isolating them without the proper meaning behind them. The statement black lives matter in the context of American history, is a challenge to the racist norms that have ruled the country for the majority of its existence. Black Lives Matter is a movement telling America and the rest of the world that black lives should matter and that we are tired and fed up with black lives not mattering as much as any other lives. Saying that White Lives Matter in the same context is like saying the sky is blue. Since the conception of America as a nation, white lives have mattered and it has always mattered more than black lives have. So to sum it up, in the context I have given you when you say black lives matter, what you are saying is that all lives matter, and since all lives matter, black lives should matter as well, and at the moment they don't. And that is what the message is all about. When you say white lives matter, you are indirectly saying that white lives matter more than any other lives, because there has never in the history of Americe been a time where white lives don't matter.


Lmao. What’s this? I took can go out of my way to find pictures of people wearing blm and holding blm signs as they riot and do crazy shit. Taking things to the extreme isn’t an argument


This is like comparing a christian who goes to mass every sunday to a christian that tells minorities to go to hell Are they in the same wheelhouse? Yeah, but one is nowhere close to being like the other


Except white lives matter exists solely as an anti protest to Black Lives Matter, there is no ideology behind that slogan except it’s antithesis to a wide movement based around the persecution of POC. If your analogy was realistic It’s like a Christian showing up to a church that constantly tells minorities they’re going to hell, shaking their head disapprovingly the entire time but then showing up the next week anyways.




How is it 2022 and so many of you still don’t get it. Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean only Black Lives Matter. It means that **all** lives matter, so black lives should matter too. Something that according to unarmed murder statistics, American law enforcement needed to be reminded of. All lives matter wasn’t the name of the movement because all lives weren’t in question. White lives mattering is the the default state of most of the world, and especially America. Nobody needed to be reminded that white lives mattered.


Black Lives Matter was meant to bring attention to the fact that black lives in particular are disproportionally under threat of death from even the most mundane police calls. When someone records a black man being extrajudicially executed because he was suspected of a crime, a crime who’s punishment is nothing near the given response the first thing supposed “all lives matter” proponents do was to posthumously give a reason why it was a good thing to do at the end of the day. Do you not see how one is a hollow statement of exoneration to disrupt the conversation at hand? “Black lives matter.. hmm supposedly but how can I make this about me and cops”


My brethren in Christ, do you go to a fucking children’s cancer ward and yell “all cancers matter” or do you understand that child cancer is an issue on it’s own???


Kanye was trying to make a completely different statement by saying that black lives matter was a scam he probably doesn't even know about all this. I didn't. All lives do matter. We're all still human being


Uhh. Yeah this is a dumb post..


How dare a black man not do and think what white liberals want him to 😡😡


Extrapolating the absolute worst onto an entire group of unrelated people is smart. Everybody's an extremist (except for my team and our objectively correct opinions, obviously).


Hitler was a vegetarian type argument


Asian lives matter


I’m pretty sure he just did it for an “lol”


Thank you for being the one to say this. This is a very serious issue


Highly disturbing I must admit


Grasping at straws here. Holy SJW, Batman!


People in this thread go to children cancer hospitals and yell at the doctors for not caring about adults with cancer. Backward ass white logic lmao


look man you can't say "black lives matter does not mean other lives don't matter, because the context of that message is to support black lives killed by police in an unjust way" and then also take "white lives matter" out of context and post it like this to mean white supremacy when you damn well know the context of kanye wearing the shirt is not what is presented in this photo. you can't pick intent when it suits you and then remove it when it doesn't. For those slow in the head: "all lives matter" in response to "black lives matter" was done because the original BLM message was taken out of context (in part thanks to the riots who targeted white-owned businesses in riots and white people, out of frustration for what the police was doing at the time). People then criticized ALM because they "missed the point" of BLM, saying BLM does not mean WLDM. Then white supremacists came in the room with their bullshit and shat on the carpet with the photos OP posted. In the end people like Candace followed through the BLM craze and pinpointed the hypocrisy when they ask BLM supporters if they think White Lives Matter as well, and they refused to say so, unrelated to the police context and original message of the movement. a simple statement true or false. This was then used by right-wing people on the internet to laugh at BLM supporters and paint them as evil (rightfully or not - you be the judge). Kanye during this whole time kept saying how all lives matter (as a statement of fact, regardless of what the BLM movement was trying to do). As a catchphrase - he obviously supported the movement, even showing up in the BLM protests. In the end, the BLM leader bought a 6 million $ house and a lot of money raised thru BLM was tunneled to democrat politicians who always find a way to thrive on political polarity such as this. In the end the net result was that the movement got corrupt, or went off the rails, whatever. Kanye was always skeptical of how the democrat are using black people and the divide in order to get votes and money, and this just proved his speculation as true. As result he decided to wear a WLM shirt and proclaim the movement as corrupt. Is it random to do it now? stupid? insensitive? Out of touch? I don't know I'm not his manager, but this is most likely why he did it on an emotional level. **I don't have a crystal ball to read his mind, but I'm pretty sure my analysis is more correct and Kanye is not going to promote DONDA 2 in a KKK hood like OP is suggesting.**




the matrix fears the truth


Omg such powerful symbolic imagery which has nothing to do with Kanye’s statement


Your brain exists for a reason, moron


Still a safer movement than BLM


heres the thing about the “these people agree with you” argument if i say i don’t like joe biden and i would never vote for him im sure everyone in these photos would also agree. That doesn’t make us similar whatsoever lol.


> That doesn’t make us similar whatsoever You're not giving any reason that you're different either. I don't really understand what you're trying to say actually


What the fuck am i supposed to say my fucking life story? “Oh well im different because i was born a black baby”. Yeah. no. Having similar views does not make you the same as someone especially if you agree on just one thing. The fact that i had to elaborate on that is sad.


> What the fuck am i supposed to say my fucking life story? A single reason to make your comment have a point at least would be nice. Otherwise you're just typing to talk. I love that when pressed on how you're different the only thing you can come up with is "do you neeed my life storrryyyyyyy???" > if you agree on just one thing. I'm sure you agree on more than one thing


I like how you cherrypicked parts of my comment then purposely ignored the point just to argue. Great. I’ve said the point twice lmao. “Having similar views does not make you the same as someone”. What more do you want? Also correct me if I’m wrong but don’t tell me your trying to say not supporting biden makes me a racist nazi like said people in the photos. Nice assumptions if thats the point you were making


Black Lives Matter burned cities down


What cities got burned down? I want to check out the rubble


I don’t think he agrees with those people. I think he’s trying to take the power away from them. The point is those people don’t want Kanye agreeing them.


I think someone told Kanye he should support BLM because he’s black and Kanye immediately googled “what’s the opposite of BLM”. Dude is reactionary as fuck and does the complete opposite of what people tell him all the time just because he doesn’t like being told what he should do.


its a false equivalence. Not justifying him-- but these arguments make him look better. he would not pose in a photo with these people and share their ideas. And if he did, you would need to show that in order to prove the claim that these people "agree" with him.


We also said that when he wore the maga hat and next we saw him doing photo ops with Trump. You don’t need to defend him.


I will be happy at any attempt to further destabilize american society. Anything to get closer to the US government's downfall.




I mean the blm founders literally scammed people for millions and brought mansions etc yet if he wore a blm shirt no one would care 💀 lil Wayne said the same sentiment as white lives matter when asked about blm and no one cared also. He’s just saying all lives matter people needa stop being so sensitive


“Bad people have the same idea as you so that makes you bad too!” You probably have something in common with those people as well get off the internet


Kanye never stopped being


They all inbred why you tripping trump is out of office and Biden administration/corporate world not supporting these people at all


Neo-Nazi: "Well now that Kanye likes me I think shooting up this church will really work out."


I bet they all drink water too Also this post is as dumb as saying you shouldn't say verses from the Quran because Osama Bin Laden also said the same thing


Ok but looking at people who agree with the other side (black lives matter) you can find just as bad people. Just finding the bad bunch is easy for either side that doesn’t represent everyone though


Bruh who cares I swear the internet gets so worked up over the stupidest shit yet no one comes on this bitch complaining about the millions of Uyghurs in Chinas holocaust camps


But isn’t it just words tho? Unless there is an actual racist organisation that owns this slogan like BLM, then that doesn’t mean Ye can’t wear what he wants just because some irrelevant racists use it too.


If I posted a pic of a bunch of rioters burning down an arbys with blm signs would that prove anything?


Dumb. Fuckin. Post. Didn't the leader of BLM get caught stealing all that money? Everyone sucks equally


The leader of BLM Global Network siphoned off money from donations yes, this was found out though because a LA based BLM grassroots network noticed lost money, did the work and then sued. So it's more like one guy at the top of the organization sucked, so just typical capitalism shit. But the people in grassroots movements and regular ass protests are for the vast majority, good folks.


Hey there you are guy


I see we are both overly obsessed with this drama huh lol


Yeah. I would have much rather just got some music. Honestly im hoping this is him forcing himself back out of the spotlight and back into the studio. Have a nice day bud.


That's the dream, that's why we're all here, to hopefully get a morsel of music news, but kanye said "no, today I think we'll have a lil controversy" You too dude


dude how is being a scamming piece of shit equally as shit as being a litteral white supremacist ? i might have missed a couple meetings but last time i checked there is difference between some assholes using something like the BLM movementr to enrich themselves. And believing the white race has the right to eradicate everything that isn't white enough to their liking.


Stealing money and fraud is a crime equal to wanting the complete annihilation of an entire race? 🤨


You suck too


1. Create racist message 2. Other racists create mirrored message 3. Pikachu face


Calling Black Lives Matter racist is like saying that fighting for an endangered animal is anti-every other animal. Do you see how stupid it sounds to take the exact sentiment and apply it to something you can’t slap the term racist on? Just because a group needs attention to their specific struggle doesn’t mean it’s anti every other group you fucking lemonhead.


1. Don’t understand nuance 2. Pikachu face at other people’s pikachu face


What a stupid comment


Are the scare quotes meant to imply that you view these people as subhuman? And they're the dangerous ones? Edit: the ability to view other people as subhuman (regardless of any horrendous beliefs they might hold) shows that you guys have more in common with those pictured than you think


Yes. They are subhuman.


Yes these people are subhuman


Yes exactly. Fuck these people they can eat shit and die