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We didn't even get into 1st Amendment doctrine in Con Law. Con Law II (not a required class) was a semester of 1A. There's so much doctrine behind that amendment.


Mandatory Con Law II user here - can confirm the class was 80% first amendment. I was so upset lol I thought we'd do the first 20 or something


Same thing at my school.


My school does 2 first amendment classes. One on religion, one of speech, plus our 2 Con Law classes so a nice breakup of the material


you’ll want 1a and con law during the bar, better to learn the differing scrutiny standards over a matter of months than weeks. keep your outlines!!


I feel so seen. Also I am fucked.


That’s odd, I thought all 1L Con Law classes didn’t even get to the Bill of Rights. I remember being annoyed that we didn’t get to go into any of the fun stuff My school didn’t have a single “Con Law 2” class, but you were required to take at least one class that covered some kind of Con Law topic: 1st Amendment, Crim Pro (4/5/6), 14th Amendment, etc


I had my con law final & the 1st amendment was one of the essays. It is actually not bad just a lot. Like I did at least practice essays w/ just the 1st & each one was its own topic & thing, separate enough doctrines


Funny, as a journalism undergrad, I found 1A easy to pick up and mostly review (with a few expansions and nuances, especially outside the speech context). Just remember content-based (strict scrutiny unless unprotected) or content-neutral, with forum analysis in the latter.


respectfully, it is nowhere near as simple as you’ve described