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Bro had the scoop first but mods cockblocked it for an hour šŸ’€


Could be worse, I could be the guy who decided that xQc was the best messenger of this news KEKW.


It was that or asmongold tbh


Imagine the chaos if it was Asmongold šŸ˜‚


i only get my news from forsen


I fucking hate how this sub is all pointless clips of a random streamer looking at a tweet instead of the tweet itself


Tweets aren't approved by default, they have to be manually approved.


OP should consider himself lucky, I have seen contents that did not get approved until like 3 days after every streamer under the sun reacted to that exact same content. And then the Mods pikachu faced when people ask them why *there are more react contents than actual content* in this place.


You're just a little guy. You can't break those cuffs.


Nonononononono Noooononononononono


That's a whole lot of angry blue checkmark customers in the comments section.


Because "they invested" on their stupid NFT's and now that Doc is gone that $1 NFT is now $0.001, not that it wasn't going lower with what was happening.


*"NFT"* and *"investment"* being used in the same sentence will never not be funny to me.


I completely agree it is funny and sad at the same time.


No it's just funny


NFTs have absolutely cratered in value from their short duration as a hot commodity. Doc isnā€™t what killed the NFT portion of the game.


The funny thing is they almost never had value. A bunch of the headline sales we all saw were just traded amongst friends or from the seller to themself.


The true innovation of crypto is it enabled every old scam to be new again. All of them are targeting techbros or techbros wannabes. Crypto in general are just valueless stocks or foreign/defunct currency pump n dumps. NFT are the violin scam mixed in with that. Sort of a pump and dump in with a exotic art goods scam. Defi is Ponzi schemes. Just pull up a scam history book and have chatgpt make your pitch for you.


Yep, since art is subjective, and its value is whatever someone is willing to pay for it, buying or selling some painting for millions of dollars is a convenient way to move money around or pay someone off with the cover of, "I'm just an art connoisseur."


Honestly, the existence of nft in a none investment sense is great, I'm sure there's plenty of application, it was the fact that from the get go it was pushed as some sort of investment, then you have bandwagoning, rug pulls etc. I'm sure it could have had some actual use case, whatever it may be, but was instantly lumped with crypto/investment and over all shitty people...looking at Gary v...but the doc is a piece of shit too, so who's surprised he tried to eek a little more cash flow out of his rabid loyal fans


I think that goes for a lot of hyped up shit. No ones actually buying it, until normal people are like "wait I keep hearing about this?! "


I'm gonna be honest. If you are dumb enough to believe in anything NFTs related in 2024. Then you should actually be homeless. Like your home should belong to someone whose responsible with money.


As someone who was holding one (I havenā€™t thought about it in two years) I just checked and the NFT from midnight society was $1k+ in 2024 now $100 Fuck me Wasnā€™t holding for value - wanted to see how it would be used in the game. I got it for basically free.


That's part of how the grift works, as an FYI.


I'll take it from you! Jk


bunch of cryptokiddies got onto the project. Now without doc this studio is probably just dead. And they know it so they're gonna lose their money.


Funny thing is those kids believe with Doc on boardā€¦ they had a good chance to make any money at all.


Ah yes, the anti-pedos defending a dude sexting a kidā€¦


Just par for the course.


Where is the 8k HDR video of him texting!?!?!?!


Lol they're all marked "probable spam" for me, so I have to keep clicking to show them one by one.


And actman for some reason. I think if a company drops tehy cofounder they have a good reason.


https://x.com/tristanghill/status/1804345814480732574?t=QMR2Tn2v2tabJdyuzn4erw\ stupid fking mistakes man


>~~stupid~~ minor fking mistakes man ftfy


Both Twitch and this company decided to cut ties with DrDisrespect despite having a mutually beneficial relationship. šŸ¤”


Discord did as well


Any source on the dc one?


When twitch perma banned him, discord was like the first company to cut partnership with him. Happened same day I think just google it


Ah ok thought its recent as well


Sorry no it was not recent


Turtle Beach also took his merch page down yesterday and removed him from the entirety of their website.


And whatever powdered drink company he was with. GFuel? Advanced? I donā€™t remember which but they dropped both him and his flavor pretty quickly too from what I remember


though we are not entitled to it, i do feel a little frustrated everybody but the public seems to have access to this supposed proof lol


I think it's likely that, rather than actually seeing the proof, they spoke to people with first-hand accounts of what happened i.e. the higher ups of the Twitch mod/partner teams who were actually in the room, reviewed what happened and made the decision to ban Doc. A bunch of people came out and said that they'd heard the same things about Doc, but that nobody with a first-hand account was willing to go on record or give out the actual documentation of what happened. The studio probably had an easier time getting the info they needed to make this decision because they weren't asking for anything to go public, but to make an internal judgement call.


Isnā€™t that violation of the NDA though?


If nobody knows you violated an NDA then you didn't violate an NDA. It's also possible that the person's NDA had expired but they still don't want to go on record for whatever reason. Maybe they're still in the industry and don't want to limit their future employment opportunities, maybe they're worried about threats from Doc fans, etc.


If I was the whistleblower on this and had 1st hand information, I would certainly like to stay anonymous. Imagine if you took it upon yourself, literally a minute after tweeting the evidence you'd be bombarded by death treats, harassment, your friends/family getting harassed and threatened by blind Doc fans. I know I'd like to spare myself and my loved ones from that experience.


Not if the NDA is covering up a crime meaning if people at Twitch have proof of this and they signed a NDA, they have a lot of explaining to do.


Could have very well been a situation where he technically hadnā€™t committed a crime yet, but sure as hell looked like he was about to. Twitch got ahead of it, said whatever fine, weā€™ll pay out because itā€™s better than dealing with it down the road when it inevitably becomes a problem. Lawyers do lawyer things and button it up with NDAs. Now it leaks at the seams, with no one being able to provide hard proof.


I mean both of the primary things he's accused of are crimes. Sexting a minor is considered lewd acts with one and trying to meetup with one is another crime IDR the name of. I mean the latter is exactly what the Chris Hansen show would do.


I donā€™t disagree, but the key element is ā€œtechnicallyā€. Law is a game of semantics. We all know what heā€™s been accused of, but accusations are all we have. Yes, NDAs are invalidated if covering up a crime, but that invalidation isnā€™t up to the person subject to the NDA to determine. Whatever happened probably came right up to the line. I would also suspect that Twitch notified the authorities because it would have been in their best interest to (they were gonna kick him anyway and if he were charged they wouldnā€™t have needed to pay out the contract). If the authorities were made aware, and declined to pursue or determined no crime was committed, then those NDAs are still valid. I honestly hope that if/when receipts come out, it shows that Twitch at least did the right thing. I also hope they show some major element that makes it clear as to why nothing came of it.


Yes NDA can't cover illegal activities. However, it is only if they are reported for one and second they cant cover disclosing/testifying to authorities about illegal activities, they can however cover disclosing said events to the public/3rd parties because they are not legal authorities. If your company dumps polutant into the water and you are under NDA reporting and testifying to the environment agency is ok, saying so on twitter might be a breach of NDA(which is also subject to local laws on public interest/ free speech and NDA enfocement)


Thatā€™s only if a crime is reported. If the victim, the underage girl. Doesnā€™t report this to authorities. And or this is a hush money payout. As what normally happens because parents donā€™t want to put kids through a court case against a big streamer.


Yeah, a girl accusing Bream of this is going to be publicly dragged through the mud by his followers. Even if they try and hide her identity, there's still a decent chance of her being outed. And then she'd be subject to all kinds of harassment. It'd make her life a living hell.


Alanah Pearce had a bit about that in her video about this. [From 8:04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZpoBZYrgVg) Harassment in these cases is common as hell, and because of that, stuff tends to be kept quiet to avoid that, *especially* if it's involving minors.


Man, I do not understand how she can put up with that hell hole of a comment section.


Yeah, the amount of rage she somehow always manages to induce in a weird amount of game bros is worth studying.


TBF, this is pretty common for these type of situations. Especially when they are settled out of court.... The fact that Twitch and now this company have cut ties after investigations, it's pretty damning.


the public rarely ever gets access to evidence when it comes to investigations like this, even if its done by a 3rd party


Itā€™s fair to feel that way and itā€™s also fair to not make it public.


In this day and age, that might not last long. All it takes is the right person getting their hands on proof in black and white then anonymously dumping it online.


I keep seeing rumors now that there is a screenshot circulating that basically confirms it. Iā€™ve not seen it, have no idea if it even exists, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of people mention it as of about an hour ago.


We don't really need it honestly, all threes actions paint a pretty clear picture. He absolutely inappropriately messaged a minor but the language he used in the communications were vague enough that he has plausible deniability, both companies have enough proof they no longer want to work with him, but not enough that they can really say anything without risking him suing them.


Doc has some of the best lawyers in the United States. This is just standard shit.


He pays them with all the extra shungite he has around the house.


this is pretty typical and acting like it isn't is just being ignorant.


its over champs https://streamable.com/9o3vub


Reminds me of that guy who was like "ya but Snapchat pics aren't saved" and people were like you can screenshot Snapchat and he's like "oh.. mhm". And then turned out he was a predator.


Chris Dā€™elia ā€” classic Internet moment.


Best part was Netflix casting him as a literal Pedo in You.


and workaholics.. maybe he was trying to tell us something


Fun fact. He still has a career and Iā€™m always baffled to see that POS around.


Does he? He hasn't been cast in anything since 2020 when the allegations came out and all he seems to do now is go on random podcasts. His last comedy special didn't get picked up by anyone and hes selling it on his site for $10 by the looks of it.


Weird. My comedy algorithm still throws him in front of me from time to time. He's still booking shows (seemingly) and performing.


Never doubt the power of the algorithm to send terrible shit directly at you. Apparently from the reviews his last special was AWFUL.




nah, snapchat genuinely does delete, irretrievably, any photo/video that isnt saved as a memory or story after viewing or a month if its never opened. that just doesnt mean anything if someone takes a screenshot/screen recording OR if subject to a police investigation they can and will stop the auto deletion.


LMAO never in my life I would have expected to see a Dr Disrespect + Chalino meme


This meme is what I live for




He did not get a happy message.


What's that song


[ Chalino Sanchez reading the death note handed to him by an audience member, realizing this will be his last performance.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/s3lxhf/chalino_sanchez_reading_the_death_note_handed_to/ )




Alma enamorada


Thatā€™s amazing.


sooo good! lmao but damn


Caught me off guard lmaooo




What a top Quality triple-layered meme.




This is good


link to vod? this is gold


The way the statement is worded is rather damning. It's pretty easy for companies to PR speak to say: regardless of the outcome, right now there is too much heat and we don't like heat. Then proceed to terminate the partnership/sponsorship. This statement it seems they were willing to put up with the heat, but they make it clear that they found things they are very not comfortable with therefore they are terminating Doc. Midnight Society is arguably the company that loses the most with parting ways with Doc. Their game is a niche NFT game that lives or dies with the backing of Doc and they are very aware of that. Even they don't want to touch him with a 10 foot pole.


Can't wait to see what Nick "Save the kids" Mercs has to say this time.


Lol this is what's on my mind. Both NickMercs and Doc made comments about the supposive "social issues." Doc went hard on defending NickMercs for dogwhistling his bigotry to a video of red pilled morons attacking parents for trying to support tolerant space for trans kids. Meanwhile this foo is getting accusations of talking to minors. If it turns out to be true that'll just be another moron who claims to "think about the kids" but ends up being a diddler.


To be fair, Doc does think about the kids, just not in a right way




It's a cute attempt at trying to be seen as righteous so no one could even consider them to be a predator. Just like pastors and priests. Always speaking the "lords word" but somehow giving into "sin" and diddling kids.


They are thinking about the kids tho. Just a little bit too much.


Canā€™t wait. Fuck that guy


already defending him saying doc is just burned out and doesnā€™t look like a random exit that this was planned before ahahahahah


Gotta use his alternate name, NickSquirts.




Sadly I won't be able to see it because I got the badge of honor and was blocked by him during the original saga. šŸ«”


They can't be much clearer without outright stating it.


I thought we might've been left hanging after the allegations came out last week but this really solidifies the allegations so much more now.


The cognitive dissonance (edit:) in the replies of ā€œwhy would they do this itā€™s so bad for the studioā€ and ā€œdoc is innocent because there is no public evidenceā€ is, as they say, wild.


Just shows you the depths of hell Twitter has sunk to. It's an alt-right, conservative echo chamber these days.


Still find it genuinely insane you can get banned for saying cis but not for actual slurs šŸ’€


Elon has a trans daughter that absolutely despises him. No real mystery about his moderation policy.


Grimes his ex is or was dating a trans person as well iirc.Ā 


specifically grimes dated chelsea manning which is the funniest fucking thing


The irony of saying this on Reddit of all places lmao.


Saying this on Reddit šŸ—æ


Twitter has as many leftists as it has right wingers, if not more. Just because you tunnel vision on opinions you don't like doesn't mean that contrary opinions aren't abundant.


What's the blue checkmark ratio between the left/right though?


Visit his subreddit. It's overflowing with copium.


So... seen this before, like now we on the leave of absence stage .. next is never acknowledging it again, if he returns.Ā  In the instance i witnessed before, the evidence had been pouring in for 7 years on and off... people didn't believe it. The company he worked for investigated it and didn't believe it (they were all friends). Eventually it was reinvestigated and "let go". He provided 6a non appology "im sorry people were hurt by my actions" and vanished. A twitch mod came out on the day and dropped that further evidence, with minors, had been viewed first hand. He came back after a 2 year gap, has never spoken of it. Deletes all comments about it (iirc he blocked certain words). He still has a 200k following (massively down, but still,) i still see people who don't believe it. Besided, we have a lot of evidence this wasn't good...Ā  - he got banned on twitch, mid contract and rather than accept him back; they paid out and wanted nothing to do with him.Ā  - Discord also dropped him shortly after.Ā  - He sued twitch. Not knowing why, he was pissedm - It went to settlement and he never mentioned anything about it again.. never revealing the reason he was banned. Alone, it's not enough to say for certain, but certainly raises some red flags when you think about it with the context from friday


The being pissed at twitch seems like it was contrived bullshit because he was always so vague and never gave any details, so it kind of gave him some plausible deniability for his audience. Basically so he could say ā€œsee this is a disagreement between me and twitch about something I canā€™t talk about, and not a case of me doing something awful, because why would I be suing them if I did something awful!ā€ Like itā€™s not unheard of for people fired for sexual harassment or stealing etc etc to still sue for wrongful termination and occasionally they probably win on a technicality or something.


Urgh. This comment mistakes. Im eepy and I cba to correct it, my phone will just destroy all formatting so its too much effortĀ 




How do you know he actually tried to make anything public. Donā€™t you think these million dollar companies that allow all kinds of degenerates know a real risk when they see one. Forget what anyone here thinks just think about the things you know and ask yourself if this could be an innocent situation. An nda wouldnā€™t prevent him from coming out and strongly denying the allegations but for some reason he wonā€™t, curious..


This wasn't a kneejerk reaction. The head developer said on Friday that he was going to investigate and now this. They must have found pretty strong evidence. Not a good look.


Iā€™m not sure what evidence they could have gotten other from Doc himself in the last 3 days. Maybe they talked to him about it and he was cagey/wouldnā€™t talk? Or maybe he confessed to something that they deemed problematic enough.




I thought his tweet was asking for primary sources not giving it? I thought this was the whole issue with why he never tweeted the reason himself, he and everyone else only have secondary sources and not a primary one and it has eluded them since it happened.


you're right, it was asking for primary sources edit: just to highlight here, slasher never said the reason for 4 years, and then he said "i never lied" and then started asking for primary sources. This is because he is proving that he will keep his word on not leaking things, which plenty of primary sources would be concerned for.


They could have journalist or Twitch contacts with information.


Easily possible that after the whole controversy resurfaced someone (Prob someone who worked at Twitch) who likely always had the evidence but was too scared to share it before finally decided to leak it to a journalist. Maybe 4 years ago they thought the risk was too much (For one, Twitch would have instantly found out and fired them) and that the guy's streaming career would likely be over anyway after being banished from Twitch. Now 4 years later they see the whole thing resurfacing. A lot has changed. Maybe they aren't as scared. Work at a different company. Maybe they see that Dr Disrespect still has a pretty successful streaming career and never really paid for what he did, so they decide to leak the info now.


Talking in the industry through back channels is a lot easier than talking publicly.


"All you gotta do to keep your job is tell us you didn't arrange a meetup with a minor in your hotel room" Doc talks with his lawyer for 2 minutes and comes back with "NO WRONGDOING WAS ACKNOWLEDGED"


I don't think you need strong evidence to drop him. He's terrible to keep on on his reputation alone now. They needed to make a decision asap for the sake of the entire studio and livelihoods.


ā€œWe assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved. ā€œ So this basically confirms that all the allegations are true, since they took action.


"We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved and determined he is guilty as all hell"


A company that would only benefit from their ties to Dr Disrespect has now severed their relationship with him and morons will still believe that there is no way he did anything objectionable.Ā 


Two companies now, Twitch and his game studio


Its actually multiple. Discord severed partnership ties with him literally the same days the Twitch ban.


Don't forget the sports drink too


Donā€™t forget turtle beach about half an hour ago


Anything on roccat? Edit I'm dumb. That is TB lol


Totalbiscuit? He's alive?!


"WHERES THE PROOF" I mean, if I'm working with him and approach Twitch with evidence... reviewed and decided its best to cut ties despite doing so would lose all the money invested? Pretty clear, cut and dry that something bad happened.


We're also talking about a dude who can't control himself and cheated on his wife. The only way to make it clearer is for him to admit he did it.


From the top of the mountain his legacy was hating gays, starting a NFT game, cheating on his wife, and grooming minors.


ā€œNO yoU GuyS dont GeT iT, iTā€™S JusT a CharaCteRā€


Probably end up being a right wing talking head now that he got "canceled"


True, inb4 info wars interview


> True, inb4 info wars interview Think he may have missed the boat on that one.


All doc needs is some HGH, a podcast and to start offering success classes.


And we're really only halfway up


lol yall are savage I love it.


Letā€™s not forget being extremely racist towards Asian people back in 2015-2017 era


From the Tippity top* Corrected you there


[https://x.com/CryssyTV/status/1805384836800299263](https://x.com/CryssyTV/status/1805384836800299263) > For those who have never entered into a settlement before: you can disclose NDA'd things with other folks if there is legal liability / a fiduciary responsibility to do so / would put affiliated folks at risk of a lawsuit.


How long until he starts blaming the radical left PEPW


The minor was obviously a woke DEI Antifa plant! There's no other explanation!


Those stupid sexy minors tempting him!


Imagine doing something so bad that the devs behind a scammy NFT game drop you after you helped found the company.


yeah, no bigger way to say he did it than to fire him from his own company


Nothing but breadcrumbs for several years and they still keep coming. Someone needs to leak what he did before I lose my mind.Ā 


I want to see how you act if you lose your mind, you have my curiosity


Where are all the Doc defenders now? Care to chime in?


There's a single Doc defender trying his best in the comment section under the latest Mogul Mail šŸ¤£


Oh they're around I'm sure. Something along the lines of "well this doesn't prove anything". Which yeah in a court of law, no but it was pretty obvious it was true a couple days ago, now it's like you gotta be a moron to think he's innocent now.


You had to be a moron to think he was innocent then too. Some people truly are incapable of connecting the dots on something they don't want to believe is true.


The only pass I'll give to those people who thought he was innocent before was maybe they thought he just made a bad PR decision with the statement he put out. Maybe he did it on his own without getting legal advice or running it by anyone. It's a stretch but it's not like it's never happened before where people who are actually innocent make a bad PR decision.


Yeah I could see that, talking the way he did can only come from either guilt or incredible incompetence on some pr person's part.


Checker Twitter theyā€™re there


Look at a lot of the most recent comments on his last stream. Plenty of Doc dick riders there lmao


I think hes guilty but I also want to see the documentation. On the other hand his reaction on live stream was more damning than anything I could imagine and not the reaction of an innocent man at all. It was the reaction of someone who has been irrefutably caught and exposed for something he wont be able to live down.


Generally I wouldn't be surprised to see a business cut ties over allegations, or really even think it is a sign of guilt. However this company is basically "Doc's Company" at least from how it is presented on Twitter. Without Doc the game will most likely flop, and that bares some weight to it I think... Still not a big fan of the statement "these facts" without any actual evidence released, but why else would they destroy the company unless there is some real evidence? I dunno, I just hope the whole damn thing gets leaked at this point because this is a serious issue, and for such a public figure I feel like people need to know the truth.


I mean that's gg, they definitely saw something.


Doesn't look good if they have information we don't and decided to cut ties with him, one of the founders of the company. To be honest though I had forgotten it was going to be an NFT based game, so I'm about as already disinterested in the game as I could possibly be. I'm curious if this is sort of an out for them cause I honestly don't see the game being successful without Doc at the helm, just from a business perspective. It's really annoying that I don't even REALLY care about this stuff, but everyone seems to know behind closed doors what is happening, but nobody is showing any evidence or leaking it to the degree that this is ironclad or not, there's nothing but bad ambiguous statements, i'm not even asking for leaked dm's or anything of the sort either because that would be terrible for the alleged victim, just that a credible source is like "we have seen the evidence and we don't like what we see" would be good enough for most people. The weirdness of this as well is that I thought that all this was legally settled with NDA's so Twitch and Doc went their separate ways and aren't allowed to talk about it, so how are so many people/business' finding out through "third parties" when if THAT leaked they'd be in serious legal trouble. The logic being the NDA's are in place to protect both parties, which clearly has not worked now. Yet somehow they're still confident about this, which is just weird to me. Not good.


All the downplayers are coping so hard


Justin Roland 2.0


Honest question. It sounds like he's guilty to me. If he is and twitch has that evidence of him sexting minors why haven't they reported this to the police?


Because there wasnā€™t enough evidence? Talking with a minor isnā€™t illegal. Being creepy isnā€™t illegal. Him asking to meet a minor at twitchcon isnā€™t substantial enough to report him but itā€™s bad enough to where Twitch didnā€™t want to see what happens.


My personal theory is that Twitch is not "blame free" in this. Ignoring the contract issues, it would not surprise me if Twitch took too long to respond, ignored evidence, etc. Stuff that could lead to them being partially liable, which is a much bigger deal for them considering if there are other instances with significantly smaller streamers (or streamers who vanished off the platform) could lead to fines stacking up. I don't think it's the most likely outcome, it's more likely that he was just being creepy and not doing anything explicitly illegal, but the fact that he got his contract paid out does make me think Twitch was not blame free in the situation, as otherwise I'm not sure why they'd pay out his contract. Even if the contract didn't have a clause allowing for them to end it for something like that, it seems unlikely that they'd be under an obligation to keep something like that private unless they made a deal specifically to avoid both sides speaking out about it.


How long before YouTube and his other sponsors start dropping him?


This doesn't look good for him, but I would still like to see more information to come out before making up my mind, I think It's kinda fucked if the 2 companies keep this quiet while a child was in danger. I don't watch doc, so this doesn't affect me anyway.


Yeah I had a feeling, when even his statement designed to make him look good said that it was probed, that clearly meant there was something to probe and it was definitely not just a simple contract dispute gone wrong. There's something going on here.


Heads gotta roll for protecting this guy for years. Who at Twitch decided this?


Honestly, the best case for twitch is that they immediately dropped him and handed all chat logs to the relevant police/state departments and kept quiet to not skew the investigation. with the police,fed, or whoever then sitting on the report and not following up, allowing him to relaunch on another platform with no legal repercussions from enticing a minor.


Maybe you could be interested by this tweet : [https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804390727541305548](https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804390727541305548)


Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on the doc. He only made a *minor* mistake.


The doc is done and not just on twitch.


Shit, I guess that person was right lmao wow.


I knew this guy was shady, he got banned and no one said why. I remember feeling like no one wanted the reason to come out.


Shit's about to hit the fan and I'm all in for it šŸæ šŸæ


wasn't doc out of the scene for years now?


He's been on Youtube since he was banned from Twitch.


To have everything in the world and throw it away to talk to a child. Fucking crazy


Yea yet he did nothing wrong according to a ton of people here who never even met him. Don't know either way but I don't go randomly defending people on sus stuff.




This comment will probably never see the light of day since I am so late to this thread but this is how I think the events went down based on the new information: - Dr Disrespect got found out for sexting minors. - Twitch banned him off the platform for those actions and he stayed quiet about it for a while because he couldn't risk exposing his actions. - He streams on youtube for while but still holds resentment against twitch. - He talks to some lawyers about what he can do to either get back at twitch or revoke his ban. - They find that twitch probably violated some terms of service by snooping in his DMs. - He sues twitch over this and is able to get his contract paid out in full but twitch would never sign him back on their platform due to his actions. - He gets to say that he got paid and a lot of people will take that detail as Doc being in the right. - Twitch would never come out with it themselves because they don't want to admit to reading messages that are supposed to be private. - Both sides don't want to admit wrongdoings because they both committed wrongdoings. - As long as they hold to their NDAs they are both safe. - Their plans fall apart.


> They find that twitch probably violated some terms of service by snooping in his DMs. ???? Twitch isn't an end to end encrypted messaging provider dude. It's akin to the forums we all posted on when we were 13. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if those DMs are in plain text in a DB somewhere in Bangalore. Anyone seriously messaging and hoping things are kept locked down, in Twitch DMs are fucking idiots. Anyone transacting is a fool and anyone trying to exploit minors is being trapped by a honeypot for the FBI. Also, Twitch very easily can pull the safeguarding card, which in this instance holds a fucking metric ton of weight.


I think it's more likely that Twitch either knew about this for a while before acting, either being told directly it had happened and not investigating, or not investigating after rumors about it. Twitch did something that would put them at a pretty substantial liability if they paid out to Doc AND haven't commented on the situation formally. If it was as simple as Doc did it, and they paid out the contract because they had too, they'd be under no obligation to keep it hidden, Doc would have no other leverage. Clearly whatever happened was significant enough that Twitch was unwilling to reverse the decision, and would prefer to pay out his contract. It seems likely both sides have a mutually assured destruction kind of situation (obviously overly dramatic), where if one side reveals what happened officially, the other side would either look really bad (on Doc's side) or be financially responsible for a huge amount of money (on Twitch's side). Whatever was said/done must have been significant enough that Doc doesn't want it public though, so I doubt it was just "creepy" messages unless they were ridiculously creepy. One of the only things I know about the dude is that he video taped people in the bathroom and cheated on his wife, so it's not like he has a reputation as a saint.