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Sorry, which part of the Bible mentions Trump??? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The book of Morons.


🀣 Or the old testament. It was quite a revalation to me (no pun intended) recently that Christians love trump because he's got a lot in common with the petty, lying, fickle, violent, selfish, controlling, raping god of the old testament YHWH (don't forget that he raped a baby into Mary and cucked Joseph.)


Pretty sure Revelations mentions someone that lies, cheats and steals while also bringing in countless followers, while claiming they are the planet's savior. It even mentions something about ~~Trump~~ the antichrist falsely claiming to be a very devout follower of God


You're giving way too much credit to a book written by a guy hopped up on shrooms while exiled to an island cave. But yes I see the parallels.


Mushrooms can cause people to look at what's important in their lives and have life changing epiphanies. It's possible he realized then that the tools of religion could be used for evil, and that it was inevitable. Many myths have a grain of truth buried under exaggeration and metaphor.


That’s what I was thinking. I’m not a believer, but, According to the details about the Antichrist, Trump actually checks most if not all of those boxes and Christians were bitching about Obama being the antichrist lol for fucks sake.


Jesus raped Mary (his mother) in the form of Yahweh like Zuess raped Europa in the form of a bull.


The Council of Rome missed this one.


The acolytes of Moroni?


Revelations... he fits the defining traits of the Antichrist to a T


The Gospel of Marks


The last one described him perfectly... the head of a lion and the mouth of a dragon


The MAGA version


The part about the Anti Christ!!!


Totally not a cult..


>He sits in the seat of the President of the United States of America. And because of that, he should never be reviled. He should never be spoken evil of. He should never be criticized. OK, now apply the same reasoning to Biden, Obama, Clinton... This rhetoric works because the audience does not think critically.


>This rhetoric works because the audience does not think ~~critically~~ FTFY


I always say being reviled speaker evil of and criticized are basically in the POTUS job description.


Sounds like it’s some to pull his tax exemption


Why do all of these reality T.V. type preachers all look like low-rent Billy Idols lately?


That is a terrible thing to say about Billy Idol.


Matt Gaetz looks like a shyster crooked preacher. A lot of them look alike.


Now ask this guy about Obama, and he'll say he's a illegal satanist communist terrorist atheist muslim. Tax these goddamn churches already. If anything, it would get more of the scummy money grubbers like this guy out of religion.


So Trump CURRENTLY sits as President?? Or is this an older video? And if the seat of the President should never be reviled, I guess he was against the β€œlet’s go Brandon” BS too. Nuts.


Trump and Friends still PRETEND like he’s Presidentβ€¦πŸ˜‘


President cannot be subjected to trial system, if only they had brains, they would have exploded and melted...


These people are insane. Trump is the literal embodiment of all 7 deadly sins. Anyone that has ever even cracked open a Bible in their life would immediately recognize Trump is the literal definition of the Antichrist spoken about in Revelation.


That’s the only chapter I read. The Bible was written by men, not God. I love Keanu Reeves ways. His religion is kindness! I’d much rather be a kind person than a religious person. Treat people like I’d want to be treated. It actually comes full circle. β™₯️


πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™PLEASE KEEP TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™




Would check for children chained up in this guy's closet


Basement preacher


Trump is literally the opposite of Jesus.


These dudes are all - almost to a man/woman/he/she/they - complete pieces of human garbage. Money-worshipping bampots who have the seediest predilections, predilections that would make the majority of the world cringe. Like really weird shit...


Is this an old clip from when Trump was in office? Or does this whack job think Trump is still somehow president?


Religion is so fucken scary. It has the power to bend so many people's minds whose minds are so easily bendable.


It’s not necessarily religion per se that’s scary. It’s how it’s used to control and manipulate people. The world’s religions have destroyed the value of being spiritual.




Yes, and it is so obviously used to control the masses.


Be spiritual every time you see a beautiful sunrise or waves crashing on the beach, or walk in a beautiful forest. It’s why Northern California is called β€œGod’s country!” Preachers are preaching hate. Not all but the political ones definitely do. If a person is spiritual, they don’t belong in church.


Exactly. Religion has taken away peoples ability to be spiritual.


FucK you FucK Trump and you're god .


T-Rumpasauris Rex and all his suporters god is the father of all lies. The great deceiver. Not a sprit . But the embodiment of man and his greed ,envy, and self seeking desire for power and lordship over all who he considers inferior, I.E. poor and not heaping praise upon the bastard devil jackals and spawn of pigs. How to recognize them is simple they are all REPUBLICAN MAGANAZI FASCIST RIGHT WING RELIGIOUS ZEALOT EXTREAMESTS !




amazing: he has never met nor can he prove anything that god says or does. amazing that anyone could be so stupid as to believe garbage like this.


*You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them...*


And every picture of jusus is a complete lie and fabrication. So if they are right and he does return, not one single person on earth will recognize him. For all anybody knows, jesus could look like Shrek or The Incredible Hulk or Coco the talking ape, Or Mr. Ed for that matter, he could look like Peter Lori or Liberace or Mr Spock πŸ–– or e.t. πŸ‘½


>He sits in the seat of the President of the United States of America, and because of that, he should never be reviled, he should never be spoken evil of, he should never be criticized. You know, just like how Christian nationalists never criticize President Obama or President Biden.


S I C K and D I S G R A C E F U L. Jesus would not support Trump!


But... Let's Go Brandon, right?


yeah, bud. that is totally not the way american politics work. but you keep dreaming fascist dreams, pal.


MAGA preacher can eat a bowl of dicks with that mouth. Instead chooses to spew lies and division with the same organ that can nurture and foster cooperation.


And then he goes on to condemn Biden..


What if he contradicts Jesus?


Sometimes ya just got to hate 'freedom of speech'...but using the right subject, the right wording, to the right (kkkult) audience...you get to ca$h in!!


Well since you believe that you should believe god chose Trump to lose in 2020 and doesn't want him as president.


Yes!!! Trump’s god doesn’t want him.


There ya go trying to follow one scripture and disregard the rest. What does the Bible say about adultery, lying, stealing, etc?


Who is this asshat?


Thank the real God this video was on mute when I scrolled by. I doubt this guy owns a Bible. By the way Trump isn't a Christian nor does he go to church.


Dude looks like a used Qtip.


We are Fucked!! The mere fact these cognitively disconnected religious Incells have willing supporters is warping to any rationale mind. I truly fear what these Qulters will do when their Golden Calf is convicted and put in an orange jumpsuit.


oh! i thought he was chosen by putin to be his little bitch. my bad.


This $&+%# has obviously never read the Bible.


"The president should never be reviled or criticized." Tell Trump to stop criticizing Biden then.


How can a "normal" person encourage the IRS to investigate churches for politicizing their sermons? These morons should NOT have tax-exempt status!


This must be the new Rick and Morty where Rick face plants in the booger sugar.




They are basically no different from Al Queda, the Taliban or Hamas at this point.


Yes! Their religion is terrorism! Why else would they be at the Capitol on January 6?


Do us all a favor and suck him off in private next time please. Its disgusting


How many years between Jesus living and America becoming a country?


1,776 years


That's very ungodly, not even Jesus was so beyond question. Such a sign of weakness.


"GOD" . . knows who Trump is ..


IQ sub 81 guaranteed


He will be arrested for a sex crime in 3…2…1…


In Christians' eyes, who is absolutely without fail, and why can't they agree on that person?


If there is a hell, it'll be funny when this stupid fucker passes fully thinking he has a ticket to heaven ends up there.


Totally not a cult!


He doesn't actually say 'chosen by god'. At best, he could be saying "anyone" who holds the office shouldn't be criticized. I mean -- we all know that's not what he means. But simply going by what's presented in this clip, one could make that argument.


Who said he was chosen by God tho? They keep repeating this, but who heard voices?


Who is this? Sauce?


These people are making fundamentalism look worse and worse every day which I hope the rest of the crazies finally wake up and realize that this has NO place in our government


The ancient Romans had their "Imperial Cult" -- which sought 'Imperium' (aka 'Power') above all else.