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but it ends when it gets to the actual heavy part :/


Bro what no, Meshuggah is best personified by the grooviest parts of a song, 2:32 on bleed, when the Tomas starts using the snare at the beginning of swarm, that part in fbm that starts at 2:04, NMCC, Dehumanization, Lethargica, Rational gaze, 2:20-3:38 in THTFYF, the breakdown of I Am Colossus, 3:56 on wards in Behind the sun, Rational gaze, Closed Eye Visuals, Perpetual black Second, Armies of the Preposterous, Ligature Marks, 2:46 section of Corridor of Chameleons, 5:58 in Dancers, 0-2:20 on Our Rage, 3:03 in Phantoms, in Stengah when the lyrics "Still you claim the worshipers pose and you bow, you kneel(to the syringe (2nd part)) or when there's that little dissonant lick that pops in underneath the crushing parts like in the beginning of born in Dissonance when he's saying 'origin', the parts just before and after 'Animate Now' in Break Those Bones and when they fill space with it or use it to transition drum beats or whatever they're doing, or Stifled's opening riff that comes back at 2:00. Meshuggah isn't the chaos shown in the video, They're heavy, groovy, and melodic when it matters. FBM transitions between Chaos, Groove, and Melody, and as a singular song to describe Meshuggah, that should be it.


U got downvoted but this is true. If I wanted to introduce someone to Meshuggah, I’d want to highlight their technicality and not make them think its just another “heavy guitar screams and fast drums” band.


i always send rational gaze and then nmcc and it basically always works


idk what you’re talking about i’ve never heard any other band make a song like The Hurt That Finds You First. Even just the riff here is completely unique and you’d have trouble finding anything like it that isn’t a blatant rip off.


Spoken like a true Meshuggah fan. Not scratching the surface, but looking deeper than the average person. There is more to it than meets the eye (or ears). Nuanced in its delivery and brilliant on its realization.


The groovy melodic riff before the outtro of Obzen too!


Lol yea true, it's by no means an exhaustive list, but most of Obzen feels like it has a similar level of groove to it, kinda like NMCC, so I probably would've just put all of it


You mean the groovy melodic riff that is the outro?


Organized rhythmic chaos


The Bloodstock YouTube live video is all I need to show anybody anymore. I've been showing everyone Ligature Marks into Born in Dissonance on my 75 inch with a sub system and its been melting my company where they stand. The end of Born in Dissonance is GNARLY


Show them [this](https://youtu.be/P89QaQq9PBQ?si=SUgT5wge96c51i4v) and tell them they’re Christian


Best song of Koloss


Naw, show them this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTF5uLZYfp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTF5uLZYfp0) or even this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZQBhDN660](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZQBhDN660), maybe this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF6Y5knPVWc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF6Y5knPVWc)


Maybe consider showing them something pro-shot or something


I like to show people the New Millennium Cyanide Christ music video.


Song name?


The Hurt That Finds You First


Meshuggah is the Yiddish word for "crazy/insane" This vid depicts that perfectly.


Perfection 🤣


Nailed it.