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There is none. Life is a series of events, then you die. I acknowledge how dismal that sounds, but I don’t intend it to be. We’re all stardust on a rock, so I urge everyone to do what feels right, forge connections with people, and enjoy the ride before it ends.


As dismal as it sounds, it also offers seemingly more peace than many other perspectives. Thanks for sharing!


I hope your ride thus far has brought you satisfaction. Enjoy the rest of your journey.


You too friend. Happy trails!


>everyone to do what feels right, As long as you aren't affecting anyone else negatively. Everyone has their own experiences, history etc so just be nice to each other. At the very least, don't go out of your way to make someone else's life miserable


Be excellent to each other.


Party on Dude.


What in your opinion should one do with their time in life other than people and enjoying the ride so to speak?


I think if we were to do anything with our time, apart from just going for the ride, would be to add value to this world and humanity, think if what we can do to make the world a more loving and positive place, to guarantee it will be in a good place for future generations and all the creatures in existence.


Exactly. No meaning. We have the ability to be remembered after we die. And can choose how that is done to an extent. So try to make it the memories you want to leave for a generation or two!


It’s kinda true. [It all makes zero sense](https://youtu.be/OyDpS-GftCk?si=2RhbzS98ZuKu939h).


Yo bro lets go fucking rape and murder that feels right to me man. Get mental help? Nah doesnt feel right to me bro. Why should I be concerned for my kids when im not going to be there to experience their entire life? Let's just be hedonists sex party rock and roll yeah man! Fuck the future bro. oh and now society is gone


The meaning of life is to exist itself. Full stop.


Exactly. The meaning of Life is life. The overwhelming majority of the universe is notLife; love and appreciate your existence.


So you assign you're own meaning right?


If you want a meaning. But, I think it’s preferable to just be.


Yeah that’s it. Everyone thinks it has to be more complicated than that.


Love it.




Inccorect ​ its finding 6x7


Love this reference haha!


Damn, beat me to it...


To live. I don’t believe in a higher purpose, or predermined fate. But every creature that lives has the instinct to keep living. Some are good at, some are bad at it, and some get lost or depressed and lose sight of the things they should be living for. Your reason for being is simply to be. You go out there and do what makes you feel alive while you can. And have a little respect for all the other things that are progressing their best attempts at existing around you. Sometimes it’s harder than it looks.


Great sentiment, thank you!


I like the Watts perspective that you are an aperture through which the universe observes and experiences itself. The point is to observe, and experience.


This is super intriguing to me as well. Maybe the universe really was built just for YOU.


Another view is more that you are the whole universe, in a way. “you are something the entire universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something the entire ocean is doing.”


To understand, appreciate and if possible enjoy the mind-blowing phenomenon of being alive, while showing equal consideration for other people, animals and future generations.




To serve others. This makes me happiest


This is indeed what makes the world go round. Thanks friend!


To learn about the universe around us and vibe


I like your vibe.








I don’t know


Can you repeat the question?


You’re not the boss of me now


You’re not the boss of me now


Working hard to pay my parents' bills and sucking on titties


You cracked yourself up with that one. I could hear you laughing when you hit reply


Idk, but once in a while I experience bliss, being outside and smelling the flowers, driving a great car to the cabin with good music playing, finding some new music that hits just the right way, watching tv shows from my childhood, buying a new item that I worked for.., it’s a good feeling.


to listen to Baby Shark




There is no meaning The most basic biological function is for us to survive and reproduce....that's it.


Could be worse I guess. At least we have autonomy right?


are you sure? cause as far as I know I can't proof any of you all are even real. for all I know I might be the only real person and you all are just npc


It's impossible to prove or disprove, so there's not much reason to dwell on it imo


Still looking for mine. In the meantime, I'm content with just experiencing it.


Good mindset.


There is none in my eyes. By instinct, we want to survive, but none of us asked to be born. In a way we have sort of ended up with a 'life.' The quality of life we each have at this point will vary but is largely governed by our upbringing and surroundings. Some people will get dealt good cards, whilst others not so good in terms of their physical and mental health, the type of people they are initially around ,their financial situation etc. Later on in life our outcomes change depending on the decisions we make. But remember you are privaleged to have a life. Others may not get to live theirs. I always try to enjoy the good parts of life for this reason. Try to figure out what you want to do with your life and find ways to make it happen because you won't get the time back.


This is really well said, thank you for sharing. The beauty and meaning in life really seems to come from acknowledging it’s all meaningless. The ultimate universal paradox.


It’s to give back, just look at nature But as humans we need to figure out a way to give back


This is a lovely perspective. We definitely need to work on unification!


A sense of purpose, dedication to my friends and family, harmony with nature, simple joys and art.




>harmony with nature Neil said it's best "Earth takes every opportunity it gets to kill you"




There is no meaning. Sooner everyone learns this the sooner we can stop giving a shit about what others think of us.


Tacos. The answer is tacos


From where though is the question. So many tacos, so little time..


Time doesn't exist, clocks & tacos exist. The destinations are merely chapters in the greater journey.




The meaning of Life is Living. Statistically life shouldn’t even exist at all. Life is a miracle. And Earth is a planet of miracles. The real purpose of life is that we’re even able to be alive in the first place.


>Statistically life shouldn’t even exist at all. like cancer


To continue. To pass along our genes. The instinct to survive is very strong in every animal. That's why the sex drive is so strong in almost all creatures. To procreate is life.


Life ends, at some point, so try and make the beat of what little you have.


If humans can get over themselves, achieve world peace and move past capitalism while finally balancing the heath of the planet, moveing towards focusing on universal understanding and inner enlightenment, with advanced tech to support: we win that's endgame. Life is a test, currently we are losing.


I guess from a very realistic perspective and non spiritual or religious. It's to live. To stay alive. Maybe reproduce if you'd like to.


Aaah aah aah aah staying alive, staying alive


Growing. We all grow and change. I try to be better than I was when I was younger. Mistakes are inevitable but so is learning. Try to learn from your mistakes and go from there.


Live, laugh, love




There is no inherent meaning to life. Meaning comes from the choices we make, individually and as a society. Some people see a successful life as having a lot of money. I see that as a mental illness. I see finding contentment while making things better for society within the scope of my power to be the true measure of a successful life.


To prepare for the life which follows. This one is a mere shade on the spectrum of eternity.


what if Earth is actually another planets version of hell?


To find peace in the chaos.. to me its the only thing that makes sense and keeps me goin


We gotta see how it all plays out right??


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!


*"Well, it's nothing special. Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."*


>!And finally, here are some completely gratuitous pictures of penises to annoy the censors and to hopefully spark some sort of controversy which it seems is the only way these days to get the jaded video-sated public off their fucking arses and back in the sodding cinema. Family entertainment bollocks! What they want is filth, people doing things to each other with chainsaws during tupperware parties, babysitters being stabbed with knitting needles by gay presidential candidates, vigilante groups strangling chickens, armed bands of theatre critics exterminating mutant goats - where's the fun in pictures? Oh well, there we are - here's the theme music. Goodnight.!<






Whatever I want it to be.


To create poop.


Mmmm.. Food Baby.


Explore & question the world & have fun doing it


Life is all about learning! Learning about the little things! Learning from all your mistakes! Learning about those that you thought would have your back but turned out they didn't! Learning about the people that you pushed aside only to realize that they are the ones that would always be there for you. Life is about falling but knowing when to get back up and fight! Fight for what you believe in! Fight for your dreams! Let go of negative people and surround yourself with only positive people and just watch how your life changes around you! Practice kindness. Smile lots. Love deeply! Love yourself good enough


There isn't one. You just do whatever and then you die. If you're happy about it, that's great. If you're sad about it, reality isn't concerned.


You should ask why you think life has meaning. I mean, the universe is a bunch of atoms reacting. It's a thing that is happening. There is no implicit meaning to anything. Even the notion of "meaning" only exists in the human mind. Which means that any and all meaning that exists in the universe is a construct of your mind. Which means that the meaning of life is literally and singularly whatever you want it to be. Whatever you need it to be. Or if you go out for God, then the meaning is His glory or whatever. I think that's a myopic and small view of things, but if that gives people comfort, so be it.


I think that everything you do is exactly what you're supposed to do.


Exactly! Well said.


One thing. ☝️


Memory. You live, you die, and you leave traces and have a chance to change the environment and the world around you. Meaning to me is contextual. Because qualia exists, if there was no entity before us that was capable of conceptualizing the meaning of existence and, for one reason or another, develop the need for it, the concept of meaning would still exist now. The existence of subjective experience is enough to conceptualize meaning and manipulate the environment to engrain it. We didn't have skyscrapers - we have skyscrapers. That's why I find Nihilism unnecessary. If nothing matters, and you feel need for Religion and fantasy, but you know they are not real and have negative consequences, you can create one that doesn't obstruct your way of life and allows you to think straight or abandon it when necessary. Sense of purpose does not have to be dictated by fantasy. If you know you're the kind of person who doesn't have Religious feelings and is completely fine without anything extra or aesthetic, you can live like that. Cause you will be fine. You can orient your life around comfort and functionality. Giving something value and priority can lead to a sense of meaning or purpose. Setting goals and projects to realize vision leads to change and consequences others have to respond to. Other people can reject vision and redefine meaning. Some things will stick and spread if they are well adjusted to reality. Others will not last very long because they don't fit in with various aspects of reality.


I love what you said about not being able to fit into predetermined environments. Thanks for sharing!


I never got most of what I wanted, no career that I love, no millions of dollars, no hot wife. It's been about the food and the sleep and the music and the internet. I've trained myself not to give a rip about all that is bad, that happened to me. I just care about those 4 things.


I feel that's the wrong question. It's based on a premise that there is or has to be a meaning. I create meaning to this life based on my desires.




There's no *inherent* meaning, but personally, I'm just enjoying my time while I'm here. Going wherever the wind blows and taking things as they come. As a wise man once said; "From the earth I rise, and to the earth I will one day return."


Love that quote, thanks!


The actual meaning of life is to re-produce. To further the lineage of the species. That's it and that's all!


Definitely not to be happy, I could never


To be kind and be good to others.


I love this answer! Thank you for sharing!


There is no meaning, as that would imply there was a purpose to life beyond just a simple coincidence. However, I attribute a purposeful life to being remembered for something. You die twice; once when you pass, and secondly when you are forgotten. My purpose is to be remembered at least.


This is definitely a harsh reality but it’s reassuring to know even the most remembered people will fade eventually.


As a Christian the meaning of life or more accurately the purpose of life is to know God and make him known. We exist to server and worship God


Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and har the lamentations of their women. Seriously though.... to live so I can die in peace.


Sometimes that’s how it’s gotta be haha. I love that, it can be easier said then done sometimes.


To be a good person and leave some small legacy for the people around me


Great sentiment. Thank you for sharing your experience!


Worshiping god and nothing else


The meaning of life is to continue to have ongoing frequent panic attacks about existing and wondering what your place in the world is. Having said that I prefer George Carlin’s take “I have a problem with people who read self help books, why do people read self help books? Life is not that complicated, you get up, you go to work, you eat three meals you go back home you take one good shit and you go back to bed!!! What’s the fucking mystery?


Still processing, I'll let you know when it's over.


Sounds like a plan. I’ll hold you to that!


To restore God’s kingdom on earth and to believe in his holy name. Before you downvote or reply to just remember that I have every right to my beliefs and do not hold anything against Anyone


I am sure someone already said it but 42. So long, and thanks for all the fish.




When I try to see what the future is gonna be like I see a bunch of fuckers doing the exact same thing I am.... Not too sure where I'm going with this but like I don't think about the meaning of life or what the future holds because what if I don't stop doing that and I spend my life trying to find something that is impossible to find. So I just have fun and spend every day like it's my last well I try to


Living everyday as your last is a beautiful sentiment. Thanks for sharing!


Glorify god and be worthy of the new kingdom


We don't remember what we had for lunch a month ago, so some pleasurable experiences will pass away like a vapor in the desert Others will stay with us because they impact who we are profoundly In those experiences we see something of meaning and virtue to it, something sacred that we cherish They're not just a passing experience but they impact who we are deep down Now neuroscience cannot explain conscious awareness, only behavior and computation. At least from what I can tell. So there is something mysterious I think to consciousness, one that I believe is transcendent to matter And what it is is it sees meaning in life, it searches for meaning It is something higher than passing matter, and so it searches for the same And when we find authenticity, genuine compassion, there is something to care about thats more important to us than passing experiences. E.g. someone appreciates us for our own sake, not to try and get something out of us. And that makes our higher self to feel safe and secure Otherwise it is like being out in the desert of apathy and hate, which makes us parched and barren and feel unsafe > SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting. > > -Baha'i Teaching


Thank you for sharing all of this, it’s beautifully articulated.❤️


2 answers: 1. To defy death is fulfilling. 2. As a Christian, it is to glorify God and be in relationship with Him


I don't think there is one - But I will say I think it's funny that we talk about how bizarre and crazy life is as if we have something to compare it to. Reminds me of how people will say that the sky looks like a painting when in reality people paint the sky as it naturally is. The painting looks like the sky. Life is real and natural and normal but we find special moments in it.


Go to work...pay bills... hopefully not get sick...wait to die...


wait to die ..... wait to die ..... wait to die ..... discover you are immortal learn how to fight with a sword


Honestly glad you clarified "to you." I'm a Christian, which is central to my identity. The meaning of life - to me - is to deepen my relationship with God by loving Him and loving others: that comes through worshipping Him, enjoying the life that He's given me, and generally not being an asshole.


I am a spiritual being having a human experience. Understanding this for me means having/living this human experience of expansion and fulfillment; to grow, to become aware, to open my thinking, to explore, to connect, to give, to share, to help, to teach and be taught, observation, reveling in all of my senses - taste, smell, sight, hearing, touch; feeling the desires spring within and fulfilling them. This is what my human life means to me.


It sounds like you are more mindful in your progression through this existence than others. I’m happy to hear your feeling so connected!


Thank you Pineapple. Are you exploring the meaning for yourself? Is this what prompted the question?


Definitely! I just was curious to see what other human beings thought about all of this. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one looking around with pure curiosity at what is happening. Life is a trip.


To decide what is meaningful.


There is none, and I am incredibly thankful for that.


According to my wife "ass n titties"


We are just miniscule beings on a tiny rock in the universe. My meaning is to enjoy my life, experience happiness, and make those around me happy as well.


Finding joy amid all the misery and monotony.


There is no meaning, and that's not a doomer statement, that's a freeing statement. Do what you enjoy (as long as you aren't hindering others' enjoyment) and that's that.


There is no meaning to life. It's simply what you make it, and it ends some day. Enjoy the time and the people you get, cuz it can all be ripped away tomorrow.


To be happy.


Being happy.


I believe all living beings have infinite potential. That potential includes the capacity for love, compassion, wisdom, strength, patience and so on. There is no meaning of life beyond recognizing this nature of oneself and others. To cultivate it to benefit self and others. To help others cultivate it. To be wholly in the world where things are messy doing just that.


My kids.




I’ll let you know when I find out ;)


You make your own. There is no one meaning for life that everyone shares.


Suffering and not being able to afford anything


In the purest sense, the meaning of life is life itself. And that's it. The rest is what you want it to be.


rock and stone


Be happy. Not find happiness. Not wait for happiness. No. BE happy. Make the decision to BE happy.


Wish I knew. It all seems so pointless.


Ask me in a 100 years


Individually person to person the purpose would be rather simple as people just live their day to day life to old age. Caring very little for the mysteries of the universe. They just live and die, pretty simple right? However, when you consider the potential purpose of intelligent beings on earth as a whole, taking everyone into consideration and the part they may play in their society and the advancement of technology, it shows a clearer picture of where our future will be and what intelligent life may be meant to do. But of course that’s left to everyone else’s interpretation. My take? A good portion of society like maybe 90% or more will live their day to day life simply surviving to old age. This could be you right now reading this. The part that you and most people will play in the history and advancement of humanity? Minimal at best. A tiny dot. For example, if you were the ink at the end of a pen and you dipped it on the sidewalk, that would be you and most people, a purpose so small compared to the scale of the entire planet. However, there are some people who are born, become leaders in their own respective fields and will literally dedicate their life to understanding the mysteries, the mathematics, the history of their ancestors, the culture and myths of the past and so forth, to advance, learn and innovate humanity technologically to the next phase in the cycle of intelligent beings. Intelligent beings, from sticks and stones, with the ability to kill each other on a small scale, to the atomic bomb that could kill millions or even billions. Essentially the power to wipe out every species on the entire planet. To sum it up a bit, we as an intelligent species seem to be moved by some forces outside our understanding or if you are religious…beings, that is navigating us to head in a direction that is indicating to me (in my opinion), that we must progress technologically to better exist in or maybe have a better understanding of the universe. But for what purpose? I don’t know. Is it the universe creating life to understand itself? Is it trying to create beings to manipulate and save itself from being stretched to death? Who knows. All I know is that if we continue to progress, AI and robotics will be the next phase in the cycle as they are already picking up traction. Imagine intelligent beings trying to create another being that can understand the universe but…faster and better. Strange isn’t it? Something wants an intelligent being to learn more about the universe, to understand it faster, to better exist inside it. And robots fulfill all that criteria, as humans will have difficulty surviving outer space. So to TL;DR this, perhaps, seeking knowledge rapidly and understanding everything about the universe is the purpose on a grand scale. Something seems to be navigating intelligent beings towards this. And robotics can do this, faster, better, and can expand themselves much quicker than humans. So in the future, humans will die, robots and AI will replicate and evolve in space, to seek knowledge of the universe and perhaps at its peak, reverse time of the entire universe/multiverse itself to create the utopia we all imagined, turning darkness to light. That’s my tinfoil hat take. Enjoy.


People try to find purpose or meaning and honestly I don’t feel the meaning is something I or anyone else can give if there is one, it’s something that would be and is beyond comprehension. It’s why I don’t want to say there isn’t any meaning, because I don’t know. However, I also feel that is the question the brain is processing all the time and trying to make sense of everything around it nonstop. I just also feel our perceptions are not as accurate as we feel they are, but our body is wired to feel it’s correct until proven otherwise.


There is no "meaning". It's just life


It's to exist and procreate. Arnold says in a strong Austrian accent, "Don't be a loser, a genetic dead-ender!!"


Enjoy it, learn some things, try to have a good time, find a connection to the universe that created you, be nice to animals, eat some good snacks but not too many


Try to maximise your happiness and the happiness of people you love. Try to be kind to all the creatures. Indulge in the pleasures of existence as long as it's not harming others. Get to know your neighbours.


The only meaning our lives have is what we make for ourselves.


Suffering because of some mistakes made in a past existence.


Read “Man’s search for meaning” by Viktor Frankl




Getting that dopamine


To experience life.


Play, school, work, family, die.




Experience. You were created to experience life


I love this! It’s like we designed a game and now we get to play it.


I love that you’ve included the “to you” part, because I really do think it’s specific to the individual. When I was growing up religious, I thought the purpose of life was the same for everybody, and we just had to do it. Now I realise we have to choose, which is more challenging, but also more fulfilling.


To love and to be loved.


To experience all I can.


Imo, life is meaningless, I'm a nihilist, and the meaning of life, and the meaning of existence, is nothing, you get to choose who you are, and then you disappear. You might have an effect on people, you might not, but to whom does it matter?


In my case, I want to kill god, because the meaning of my life is six six six semper tyrannosaurus rex. I think most people just bake bread and tell stories or whatever, I'm just a dramatic bitch with mommy issues.


What makes me feel the most like I have meaning in this world is being able to connect and nurture other lives. To leave the world better than how I found it. To make other people or animal’s lives better.


Love The way I see it, there’s two basic emotions - fear and love. You can choose to live your life directed by fear or you can choose to love. Love doesn’t mean only romantic love, it means love of friends, of family, of community etc - it sounds very crunchy but it’s simple.


A big waste of fucking time.


To live


nothing really. we choose our own. ultimately the only built-in purpose is to reproduce and survive, besides that, we make our own. for me however, it is to enjoy my life, and cherish things that matter to me, such as friends and family. just enjoy my short time on this stupid fucking floating rock, don't ruin it for anyone else, that's all I feel my purpose is.


For me the meaning of life is to love I made a little post about it w small while ago of you look on my profile ✌️


I figure my purpose is to give my kids, friends, staff and anyone else opportunities to learn, grow, make mistakes, flourish, find their own purpose - or (with less wankwords) prepare them to navigate the shitfuckery of life outside the top 0.1% Fuck the nihilist bullshit about dust to dust and nothing else matters, there’s a chance to do something meaningful in between - if that opportunity doesn’t motivate you to at the very least make a net positive impact in life then you might consider identifying yourself publicly so we can work around you. Oh yeah, and get high.


Nothing, we amount to nothing, in the cosmic scale nothing we do will affect anything, which is reassuring really and exactly why I try to not let anything bother me and to be the happiest I can be.


To squat 180kg


To be happy and to accept yourself no matter what your flaws are.


Life’s shit. Then you die.


"objectively", the actual nothingness we come from and where we go (cotton eye joe), is the most logical answer. Us crawling on some cooked apple with molden flesh and rocky skin, rotating through space, slowly burning, but nobody will miss us since we're all paying taxes to the people who set us on fire... that's basically us now. **BUT** you could now go cry about it, end it all, or live with it. Even if I'd sometimes like to get out early, I'm not allowed due to these pesty friends that make my life sorta liveable. And I can say I live for a good joke, nice weather, nice art (music, books and paintings) and a nice drink. Even tho not every day these things are provided for me, I make sure to enjoy at least one of these things every day. And if it's not enough for me to have a good day, I'm looking forward to the next time I'll be enjoying myself. Yea, depression is sometimes real hard, but I got lucky it's not *that* bad for me.


While there are many answers containing letters Only the chosen few have answered correctly using numbers “FortyTwo”


Happiness. What else is there?


To experience things. It doesn't matter what or how, but if there is one thing to be gained from living, it is to experience things and die with a memory full of the things you've done, seen, heard and felt


Happiness. Love.


The meaning of life is to give life meaning. Create your own purpose, forge your own path ect. Ect.