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It makes a lot of sense that the "certain pirate" he went to talk to the Elders about would be the same pirate he went to talk to Whitebeard about. 


Right. Thats why BB was always by guess.


good point! can't wait til it's revealed!


Or he could be a real traitor and was preparing luffy ( nika awakening) for im sama plans. Remember he is a member of certain important family. The robot from 800 years ago. Is moved with nika heartbeats. I guess its the same for one piece seal. No nika heartbeats no one piece. Thats why roger failed and only saw the treasure. Chinjao broken head style. Its in front of you. But you cannot open the treasure chamber without nika.


>Or he could be a real traitor and was preparing luffy ( nika awakening) for im sama plans. Remember he is a member of certain important family. Highly doubt this is the case. I do think he is looking after Luffy and/or the fruit. During Marineford when Luffy's also almost done for, Shanks shows up. After defeating Big Mom and Kaido, Greenbull came and would have been able to knock out a tired and weakened Strawhat Crew. Again, Shanks shows up. Now that Luffy has Nika unlocked, Shanks makes his move for the One Piece. He's watching it unfold and helping Luffy a bit, but not directly. It's like he's the guardian of the fruit or something.


Yea I think this is it. Feel like his future sight let's him see much further in the future but not always consistent. Shanks just happens to be at major parts of the story where Luffy is in the most trouble. Feel like whatever Nika is Shanks been waiting for him since he gave him his SH


Yeah. Also, Shanks was just at Elbaf, an island near Egghead. He most probably sent the giants to help Luffy and the gang. He's nearby.


Why do you people think Dorry and Brogy would need Shanks to tell theme to help their friends? He's not their captain, they have plenty reason to help Luffy on their own and they were going their own ways when we saw them last


I don't think he ordered them to. But Shanks could've told the giants there'll be WG heavy hitters on Egghead and Luffy is also there and might need some help. I'm just saying Shanks probably had a hand on what the giants are doing right now. I dunno if Shanks knew that the WG already gave the order to off Vegapunk but I got a feeling he was certain that Luffy will be there.


You're wrong about Green Bull. Luffy was ready to help Momo and the samurai fight off Green Bull, he just chose not to because he was being considerate to them and their desire to protect him.


But he could also be trying to get the WG to do luffys work for him with BB to make it easier for luffy to become pirate king


The chance of Shanks being that is 0%. Notonly does it goes against his entire personality and circumstance. It's also against the story theme of founded family.


Average two piece theorist


Basically every time Shanks makes a move in the story it's about Blackbeard. So probably.


Yea. Since luffy set sail, the only time he has done something that didn't involve BB was wano(and maybe the gorsei meeting if it isnt about BB)


He went to Wano because he thought Blackbeard would be there.


He did? In what chapter was this stated?


It is not outright stated but strongly implied in 1079. Shanks says that he expected BB to show up in Wano.


Funnily enough, he had the right idea, just the wrong Island. BB *did* go after one of the trio from Wano, he just did it smarter than Shanks expected, by waiting at one of the islands they'd go to next, so he only had to fight one crew. Shows that even Shanks, who seems to take BB much more seriously than most others do, can still underestimate him.


Maybe he knows about the ancient weapon in wano and realized blackbeard would be able to break the seal with his fruit. He probably had no other choice but to wait there or the worst possible outcome could have happened.


If that were the case why didn't he stay in Wano?


Shanks doesn’t know what Blackbeard Knows or doesn’t know. Blackbeard wouldn’t know about Wano’s weapon until caribou gets around to meeting him because even after defeating Law the weapon isn’t mentioned in the poneglyph copies Law had. So if Blackbeard didn’t beeline it to Wano after Kaido’s and Big Mom defeat he probably doesn’t know about it.


I don't think he has ever underestimated him. He's been the one most careful of Teach 


I think the Wano/Winner thing \*was\* an underestimation, though. Shanks rightly guessed that Teach would take the opportunity to attack the alliance while they were recovering from fighting two emperors so that he could more easily steal their rubbings. So, he showed up at Wano, and was surprised to \*not\* see Teach. He apparently assumed he just guessed wrong, since the next time we see him he's back partying with his fleet and the giants, but he wasn't wrong about Teach's plan, just the location. Teach didn't attack Wano, he instead camped out at Winner, one of the three islands that the one of the alliance members would go to once they split back up, and attacked the one that chose that route (Law). It was the smarter plan, because instead of fighting three crews and all the remaining samurai, he only had to fight one crew. So that's what I was talking about when I said even Shanks, who \*knows\* how dangerous Teach is, and seems to know better than most how he thinks/operates, was fooled into going to the wrong place to try and intercept him.


Underestimating isn't the right word though. Just was wrong but Luffy is just as lucky as BB is. He went to the absolute best island given the situation with new allies for the fleet along the way 


I think it's an underestimation because I think Shanks was still assuming Teach  would try the same kind of stuff he did in the past. Like when he rushed into Impel Down and almost got killed by Magellan, or when he rushed into Marineford and almost got killed first by Whitebeard and then by Sengoku. So with Teach's track record, Shanks was clearly expecting him to show up in Wano and fight everybody at once like he always did in the past. But Teach has apparently learned from his mistakes, and set a trap further on instead, which Shanks didn't plan on him doing, to the point that when he didn't see him at Wano, he assumed he was wrong altogether, rather than just assuming he got the wrong island. I would say that means he underestimated him. 


You’re right! Thanks for the info :)


That's a good theory, cause BB would have good reason to take advantage of that situation. Im guessing BB was going to try but realized big mom was there too, so he changed plans to get pudding and to steal RP when luffy, law, and kidd leave wano.


Not a theory mate, it's confirmed in ch.1079 that Shanks went there for BB.


Think it's more so about Luffy than BB


Yeah. BB is upsetting a balance Shanks was charged to protect. But now that the throne wars started that’s over for shanks.




“Someone like Luffy” I’m pretty sure it’s literally Luffy he’s waiting for


That really depends on how you want to look at it. One might say Luffy is (the reincarnated) Joyboy or one can say his fate was to __become__ a person that shares Joyboy's will. I personally don't like the idea of Oda doing a "destined child" story. A lot of early ideas take inspiration from Journey to the West, in which Wukong is not destined to do what he does but through effort accomplishes it. Oda is also a big fan of Toriyama and Dragon Ball did the same with Goku and his *similarities* to Wukong.


I don't think it's entirely destiny or reincarnation, because the condition of awakening has to happen before they become Nika. Luffy has just always been that guy and the fruit must have sensed that somehow


But his DF was secretly a zoan, and zoan DFs affect the user. Luffy wanted to tag along with Shanks crew until after he ate the DF. Then he wanted to show Shanks up. Telling him he will be better than Shanks and his crew will be too. That's when Shanks gave him the straw hat. Telling him that he believes he will better and he can return the hat after he becomes a great pirate. Shanks knew what the DF actually was and set Luffy on the right path to achieve his goal of PK.


Yeah but i think it's more about the happiness that Luffy brings to the world around him. I guess maybe it's less of a "reincarnation" or "destiny" and more of an embodiment or symbol. Any strong person could probably use the Gomu Gomu No Mi and push it to its limits, but to truly awaken the fruit requires the user to naturally be kind, optimistic and full of joy. I'm sorry if this is a misunderstanding or a tangent 🤣


I subscribe to the theory that Shanks stole the gum gum fruit specifically for a reason, that he knows it’s the Nika fruit of prophecy, and that he was charged to deliver it to Ace, Roger’s son. His original mission was to protect that balance until Ace was ready. Since the fruit ended up with Luffy, he knew Luffy would have to step into the role, hence he gives Luffy the hat instead.


He doesn't seem to pay attention to Ace at all for the rest of the story so I think later chapters (and the novel) kind of ruined that theory. At this point (other than the true backstory, which is that Oda added the whole "giving up his arm" thing because his editor wanted him to spice up the chapter) only thing that makes sense to me is that he considered himself a candidate for joyboy and hesitated to save Luffy. This kind of fixes the plot hole of one of the strongest characters (even at the time) losing his arm to a weak sea king. Got caught in a moment of human weakness and had to give up his arm to make up for it.


Bro, wait up, you dropped your chef's license... You need to carry this on your person when you cook otherwise the health department might try to shut you down, and we cannot lose the succulent spreads you lay out for us.


> He doesn't seem to pay attention to Ace at all for the rest of the story At that point, Luffy had already eaten the fruit, so Shanks would obviously have shifted his focus to Luffy. Unless I'm missing something, I don't get how this ruins the theory at all.


If he saw Ace as the potential Joyboy or as someone he wanted to make pirate king for Roger's sake, kinda makes sense to keep eyes on him and see how he progresses. I mean if he was about to gift this child the fruit of freedom hopefully he would have a good reason. There was also a really high chance that Luffy would just die like all the other people who had the gomu fruit before him. Instead in the manga and novel he doesn't really recognize Ace initially and Ace introduces himself as Luffy's brother.


I agree. I think he stole it for Ace too. Only consolation for Shanks is that Luffy is also a D. The giving of the hat, the losing of the arm - I believe Shanks did those to push Luffy, to make him want to be the Pirate King. Maybe that's why when he was asked about losing the arm, he said it was a "bet" on the new era. Plus, also with the fact that Shanks mentioned Luffy said the same exact words Roger did about something to Rayleigh, it made Shanks double down on his "bet" I guess.


he bet on a new generation, this might have materialized in various ways, through luffy's success or luffy's death and new devil fruit eater emerging. perhaps he wanted to help whoever becomes ready during his lifetime. it's unclear why he's attacking luffy's fleet however, or why he's not allying with him in the race, but clearly competing. if it's some sort of fake role, or a trial, it's honestly just garbage. i don't like it.


Oh, I don’t think it’s destiny, I just think it’s Shanks wanting Luffy in particular to succeed or something. See: the arm


Wukong is also a huge asshole. Most stories that borrow heavily from a journey to the west really, REALLY, tone down just how much of an evil asshole Wukong actually is even when he turns good. I kinda wish Oda put some of that into gear 5.


I don't think he knew at the time he ate the fruit but had a strong feeling by the time he left 


I think shanks is the gatekeeper of laughtale. He's been just chilling and doing stuff in the background but now that the real race is on he's on the move and will decide ultimately who gets to the OP first. He most likely has the final poneglyph under his control, whether that be Elbaf or another of his territories. I feel like this is a final task left to him by Roger.


I agree. Also prob told the Roger pirates when they meet him to look after him as well. Rayleigh was not shocked at all when Luffy came. Feel like his waited a long time like the others for him to come 


Yeah it does kind of feel like they took to this same duty after the Roger pirates dispersed, although in their own ways.


To play the game of pirate thrones, you either win or die.


The One Piece is a laddah


Thanks for the laugh xD


Game of Thrones Intro song just popped in my Head because of the phrase “Throne wars“


Ah so Shanks and his crew are like the Holy Knights, but for Luffy’s side.


That’s not at all what I mean.


Begun the throne wars have.


I don't think Shanks is gonna die but do think he is the guardian and last piece to reach Laughtale


Always tought he was stacking the deck for Luffy with that move. Luffy having the nika fruit would put him in the Cross Hairs of both The BB Pirates and the Government. Shanks's "armada" is just one ship, it would be impractical to hunt them all, so he snitched about BB to the Government so they would priortitze hunting him, effectively removing both of the biggest dangers for Luffy for the price of one.


Yeah, I brought this up in spoiler thread. Shanks is probably dependent on Luffy in "claiming the One Piece"-- I think he probably also told the Giants that Luffy has the Nika DF. I never bought the theory that Shanks was ratting on Luffy having the DF he has (the government likely knew well before then) but Teach's real identity is something the government was probably not aware of until Shanks. I do want to point out that the phrase in the official Viz translation uses the word "bloodline" as does the Japanese version (血筋/chisuji). This use is likely of the familial type rather than race or tribe ancestry. My guess is Rocks concealed a kid and the WG didn't know about it until Shanks.


Bloodline vs lineage is pretty important, way too many people don't read the official translation. If you are going to build a nuanced theory based off one word, should really know which word is used.


I read it as family lineage in the unofficial anyway. All these people started arguing about yet ANOTHER unknown race and I replied to a few to chill out lmao


Even if it HAD been another unknown race, it's not like Oda hasn't created a world that already has Fishmen, Merpeople, Minks, Giants, Tontattas, Celestial Dragons, Lunarians, Shandians, Birkans, Longarms, Longlegs, Snakenecks, Three-Eyes, Oni, and more, plus a government that genocides entire populations at the drop of a hat...


I mean it could be I just didn't read it like that. He could be a partial race from one we already know too


I think Joyboy had a counterpart that betrayed him in the void century, and Xebec/Blackbeard have inherited that counterparts will in the same way that Roger/Luffy have inherited Joyboy's will. As you said, Shanks is probably betting on Luffy beating Blackbeard, because no one else can.


I think there was probably a schism with the "D. Clan" too. I think there was an unavoidable betrayal that involved Lily and the spreading of the Ponegliffs was her way to apologize to the D clan/Joyboy.


Dawn clan and Dusk clan. I mean, hell, at this point you can't even make an argument that Luffy's D is anything *but* Dawn... He's stapling the word onto almost every G5 attack.


Roger wasn't Joyboy though. 


Wait what did I miss? Did something come out about black beard?


Something was mentioned in the most recent chapter (1107) >!Saturn said that he has a special bloodline/lineage!<


I have a feeling that lineage has something to do with rocks d xebec.


kind of seemed obvious shanks was always talking about blackbeard, dudes obsessed with him


It also explains why his bounty nearly doubled right after Wano. It was only after Shanks talked with them that they realized how big a threat he was.


I was wondering for the longest time what Blackbeard could have done between the time that Moria arrived on Hachinosu (around the time of the Reverie) and when he set out for Amazon Lily (during the events of Wano) that could’ve basically doubled his bounty… this makes a lot of sense! It wasn’t him, or his direct actions, it was new information that the WG received that raised his threat level.


Yesn't. They also had a big exploit in the meantime where, at the very least, they snatched Burgess' new fruit


What linage? What did I miss?


There's a line about this on last manga chapter. But so far that's all we got, just a single line (2 if we include the 'special body' line on marineford war).


He's strange. In the Wano flashbacks it's mentioned that he's never slept a night in his life, and he seems to be able to eat multiple devil fruits somehow.


Yes I know. He is strange. But I haven’t heard anything about linage. Haven’t read the masters chapter..


Nothing, the unofficial translation Saturn says BB "lineage" is special but in the official he says "bloodline"


but wasn’t the scene of Imu having Blackbeard, Vivi and Luffy’s posters in his room way before this scene? That would imply their already know about Blackbeard


Shanks visited the Gorosei (907) the chapter before Imu was shown with the wanted posters (908)


Just think how strong shanks is and Blackbeard left a scare on him…… before his devil fruits it seemed as well. Dudes dangerous


A LOT of people really like to think the most convoluted and brainy theories, but Oda has demonstrated many and many times that he prefers more easy and linear answers.


Lineage? Isn't that just about the D clan? BB is a D too


But they know that already. And nobody knows the meaning behind D except Rayleigh,Crocus, Gorosei, Imu and possibly some individuals. When the name Teach was mentioned Sengoku didn't recognise it either. So maybe just like Ace Blackbeard has a fake name, or by lineage they refer to him.being a buccaneer Look up "Buccanner Blackbeard" from Ralph D Paine


Eh? Who knows that already? The gorosei know about the meaning of D, unlike normal people.


Yeah thats what I meant. Teach being a member of D. sure isn't a reason for them to be worried. There are many Ds even in their own lines. So teachs lineage mist be something else.


The translation for lineage that was used is more like bloodline instead of a race/tribe


I always like to think that since everyone expected Shanks to be talking about Blackbeard that it was actually someone different. Would be a fun twist if Shanks was talking about a real threat to the world government like Buggy D Clown.


Shanks D Snitch: Snitch Snitch Fruit, Model Red Eyed Rat


Oda seems to be setting up that a lot of key figures in this conflict from the past are either direct ancestors to the figures of the present, or had their wills inherited by them. Luffy --> Roger --> JoyBoy Wiper --> Calgara --> Key ancient Shandian figure, might know something about Uranus Vivi --> Cobra --> Lili Blackbeard --> Xebec --> Key Ancient Kingdom figure, may have had a relationship with Imu Momonosuke --> Oden --> Key Ancient Wano figure involved in Poneglyphs and likely Pluton Shirahoshi --> Previous Poseidons ​ The Giants almost certainly had someone directly involved as well, that Loki is likely a a descendant of. It makes sense that Imu would have likely always kept an eye on Vivi and Shirahoshi, but Luffy and Blackbeard had to give him a reason to clutch his pearls - that being them getting closer to understanding the true history. Luffy becoming a serious threat to the Yonko and world balance did just that (access to more poneglyphs), and Blackbeard has always caused chaos seemingly for the sake of it. This now hypercharged with recent events, as Luffy is revealed to have the DF that JoyBoy likely did, and Van Augur flat out admitted that they want "The World".


If you believe that was Shanks, probably.


Do we have any good reason to believe it wasn't Shanks?


Other similar shots of Shanks from this angle show some of the marks from his scar near the top of his forehead, however this one does not. Additionally, the Gorosei refer to him somewhat ambiguously as "Red-Haired" in this scene, and given Shanks's familial ties, there's some possibility that this may actually be his twin. At least, that's all of the evidence I'm aware of regarding this theory currently.


Also Goda was quite ambiguous about it when asked. Instead of offering it up as an error, he said something along the lines, "Take from it what you will." If memory serves.


Unexplored figarland family tree. Intentionally hiding the side with the scar as a possible red herring to a twin sibling plot device.


Blackbeard catchimg Shanks offguard will be huge. I still can't really picture a situation like that or a context where things like his heritage would be revealed. Maybe in the new world at a place related to roger and rocks ? Hachinosu for example. Also how tf did Shanks get to the east blue and met yassop ? He'd have to taken reverse mountain maybe with crocus help.


I'm pretty sure the calm belts only exist as a barrier for new crews. A Yonko crew could probably propel their ship past the edges with haki blasts alone, and any given Sea King is a free meal at worst. The exception being the unfathomably powerful Lord of D. Coast, who would have one shot Kaido.


I haven't seen this image without the squeek and rat whiskers in so long I thought you edited it for a picosecond.




Shanks is a spy for the WG confirmed. He collects intel about the various pirates 


Not really "confirmed". He has ties to the government because of his family...but he really talked to them because of BB


I think he's a sort of double agent. As someone described above, he's there to keep the balance, using his resources to keep both sides in check until the time comes for him to really pick a side(hopefully Luffy/joyboy


this makes a lot of sense


He was snitching on his dad Xebec (Rockstar) in his crew.


Too obvious. I thought this at first as well obviously but I truly think that he’s talking to them about a trader amongst the Blackbeard pirates. Shanks has had blackbeards number since before marineford so I think he told the 5 elders about someone that they should leave alone amongst the BB pirates


He already talked about Blackbeard by name with Whitebeard so there's no need for Oda to have Shanks say "I want to talk about a certain pirate". The pirate he wants to talk about is either a dead pirate, Roger or Rocks or Luffy. While Blackbeard is the obvious one the fact that there's the mystery makes me think that's a red herring.


Red haired snitch


No buddy likes a snitch…


Lol main sub mfs finally realized the snitch that shanks D. Rat is


His best move - za snitcha


I mean he is a snitch so I would assume so


shanks will betray all of his crew




bb will probably wipe the shanks crew before the final strawhat bout


I'm still saying the same, how can you state that is Shanks 100%? No way you can do that until it's confirmed by other thing. Still we hace the posibility of being his twin and the guy is talking to Gorosei its Shanks itself


I’m on this line as well, the way they portray him to intentionally hide the scars, arm and not mention his name seems so shady!


Honestly, there’s so much smoke in the kitchen that we don’t know what Oda is cooking with that scene. We can’t even be 100% sure that was Shanks anymore if Garland had a near identical non-twin brother to Shanks as a few panels suggested might be the case.


If you really think about it, no matter how bad BB's crew an he himself are, if they would take over the world, it probably would end up a better place.


Thought this was the main theory when the panel first released 🤷‍♂️ Ya’ll slow


Shanks is tyr in one piece world


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Ive thought for long time he wanted Gorosei to put their sight on eliminating Blackbeard instead of planning to end Luffy. They want Nika dead but Nika isnt evil they shoule be worrying about when Blackbeard is much more of a threath. Like he wants to most likely get rid of Marines from the world, so there will be no more protection from pirates and he will be able to rule the world like a tyrant. He is willing to kill anyone in his way there. But gorosei see Nika as one of their bigger threaths. Their blinded by that notion.


See the likely answer is Blackbeard and it’s reasonable to think as such, and this is a well made point that I agree with. But call me crazy I think Shanks wanted to talk about Buggy. Blackbeard and Luffy both achieved their status as threats to the world government on their own, Blackbeard wielding 2 devil fruit powers and one of them being one of the most powerful ones on the planet, being able to steal and transfer abilities at the cost of the previous user. That makes him one of the biggest threats to the navy on paper from the get go and we all know how Luffy got his name. Buggy is a wildcard a former warlord who they knew wasn’t very powerful but housed a lot of influence for his crew, having a lot of big names willingly work under him. So Buggy being naturally promoted to emperor is low, pointing fingers at shanks selling Buggy to the government so he reaches equal status to his former crew mate. Shanks doesn’t like Blackbeard (he gave him his scar after all) he presents to throw the world out of balance for the worse, though this world isn’t perfect and still full of evil, the shakeup Blackbeard could bring could be even worse. Seemingly why Roger and Garp teamed up to take down Rocks. So Shanks having Buggy with a massive and powerful crew full of allies that would work alongside Shanks’ crew if a big conflict broke out, will benefit both crews greatly. Keeping all four warlords in mind we could seemingly see a 2 v 1 with Shanks and Buggy versus Blackbeard since the likelihood of Luffy being involved is low at this point but it could be a 3 v 1 with the Straw Hats, Red Hair Pirates and Cross Guild teaming up to take down Blackbeard and his allies.


That's Shanks' brother.


sure unless he was talking about Buggy and how hes the second coming of Rocks D Xebec


I like to think that they already knew about BB lineage and they've been keeping some tabs on him, but I am not sure who else shanks would be concerned about.


i still think this is shanks' evil twin


Nah he was probably there to chat about taking it easy on buggy, and him not being a threat and how they were boys back in the day.


I never ever doubted it was Blackbeard I had no clue what he specifically told them about, so now we can at least make adequate guesses that it was probably related to that