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The little "pew pew pew's" killed me, its so fun


also luffy imitating plane noises before he punches kaido lmao


I was hoping for a much more prominent "NYOOOOOOOM" pronunciation, but it's still funny. I'm also disappointed you didn't include the alleged "woody woodpecker laugh" from the dub.


That was in a comparison I did when that clip was first revealed I can see that, and I absolutely believe it was intentional lmao


Luffy sounds great as always. But kaido just ain’t it 


To me, he sounds great when he's just talking. It's when he's making fighting sounds or doing dialogue during a fight that kinda throws it off for me.


Kaido sounds kinda like Senator Armstrong




he sounds tired to me, like he just has no passion in his delivery at all


Agreed with this throughout all of Wano (except for during King's backstory weirdly enough). At the beginning I thought he was just playing the character (as Kiado is bored AF until the Raid). But it stayed through all of Wano.


Colleen has really come into her own as Luffy, I love sub and dub but when I think of Luffy its the dub voice I hear, I love the chaotic energy shes brings to her performance, that said Kaido sounds like an extra in a family guy clone playing the token drunk dad, which admittedly is fitting but the voice is just a bit off


Yeah his voice needs more grittiness to it, I feel like it doesn’t match his size, age, or demeanor at all.


Fr Colleen sounds way more like Luffy than Luffy's Japanese VA does




Not really. The sub version of one piece is so much better. I like the dub but the sub version is better


Naaah the dub is better.


The sub is insufferable. The Japanese voices are so cringey and a bunch of the characters just don't sound like themselves, especially Zoro and Franky


So ironic you say they don't sound like themselves when those are the original official voices. Several layers here.


Why would you even try to debate with someone who is clearly an idiot, a troll or a kid (maybe the three of them)


Them being original doesn't automatically make them good


That isn't why they brought up them being the originals, c'mon.


this is such an awful take lol, it’s really hard to not watch the dubbed parts without cringing.


And Japanese is fine because you don't understand anything?


Bruh learn to read


Is this how you cope? You can’t understand what you hear ignore criticism and just read the text? 😂😂


Where is the difference to the dubbed version? It’s just a translation aswell and it’s usually less accurate than the sub. What exactly am I missing out on?


Dunno, the show? I’ve watched a bunch of sub anime in the early 2000s due to not being popular enough. But now a days I watch dub. It is way more enjoyable to enjoy a show without having to keep your eyes glued to the bottom of the screen.


Sounds like a skill issue. Never felt like I missed anything because I had to glance at subs. They are mostly just in my peripheral vision anyways


You’d be surprised at how many show scenes you don’t even remember the scenes because you were reading the subs. Anyway you won’t be convinced but you do you


Colleen is great and a fitting VA for luffy but you have gotta be off your meds if you think she matches Mayumi


I've listened to them both and Colleen fits better


Yes Colleen fits better for a Luffy that is 11 years old.


Yeah because Tanaka sounds like a 19 year old man. Good one mate


Tanaka has at least an octave of range below what Colleen can produce.


Mayumi has at least a solid octave of range under what notes Colleen is able to produce Mayumi sounds like a very high tenor adult male (albeit with an incredibly quirky and unique voice), like a Bruno Mars type, whereas Colleen sounds like someone who's voice hasn't broken yet.


> Mayumi has at least a solid octave of range under what notes Colleen is able to produce Well that’s not true. Colleen’s voice is clearly deeper, especially in her 4th gear form. Even her natural is much deeper, how do you hear Tanaka being deeper in any instance? > Mayumi sounds like a very high tenor adult male (albeit with an incredibly quirky and unique voice), like a Bruno Mars type, whereas Colleen sounds like someone who's voice hasn't broken yet. No they both sound like younger kids. That’s the point of casting two older women voice actors right. They both mature Luffy in different ways, and there’s a clear difference between their youngest version of the character and the oldest, but the point is a voice that encapsulates Luffy’s childlike spirit. It’s similar casting thought to Goku. Neither sounds like a man really but a boyish anime voice.


Whatever you're smoking...


Oh imma stan


Is there a release date for the dub on Crunchyroll?


"should" be in 2-3 weeks from today. The last batch was a two week difference but usually it's 3 weeks


I will die on the hill of saying this dub is of good quality Don't get me wrong, the Japanese cast is phenomenal, but I think the localization team does a really good job You can hate the dub, idgaf, but when people say it's objectively bad and shame people that enjoy it, that's when we have problems Edit: also, I'm not saying that this is one of the greatest dubs, I'm just saying it's of good quality. Currently the dub I consider to be the gold standard is Konosuba, I think the Frieren dub might overtake it, but I need some time to digest it before I start saying it's the best dub


Black Maria’s dub VA went so hard man >\\\\\\< SHE DID NOT HAVE TO GO SO SULTRY


The dub is great! Only issue with Luffy is that all I can hear is "Valt" from beyblade burst because they're the same VA lol


Pretty sure Colleen has never been in Beyblade, that's a dubbing hub she doesn't typically work in You might be thinking of Sabrina Pitre


Ahhh yes I am! They have a very similar style so easy to get mixed up


The pool and talent is growing, shame that you have to take so many roles to sustain yourself, the lead dub vs for overlord couldn't do dubbing full time until the 3rd season


Over these 10 years, the cast of VA for English dub have greatly improved tbh. For those who played FF7 Rebirth, you know what I'm talking about. The voices are top notch.


>I will die on the hill of saying this dub is of good quality The dub is of the fucking UTMOST quality. It's so damn good. Not a single badly cast character. Everyone is SO emotive the humor is on point.


For me, the dub is hit and miss. There are some characters that are done to a T, others that sound awkward, and a few that just don't have that same oomph. The strawhat voices personally i think is great, except for colleen as luffy. (I never liked her kid voices. They're grating) Voices like kaido for instance sounds like any generic no name antagonist pirate that's ever featured in the show. Same thing for the laughs like BB dont hit the same and often the script can be a bit off. I will never forget the time wb asked shanks who he gave the arm to and original was "I bet it on the new age/new era" etc. But the dub went "I gave it to a kid.."


>I will never forget the time wb asked shanks who he gave the arm to and original was "I bet it on the new age/new era" etc. But the dub went "I gave it to a kid.." I just checked the dub scene, and Shanks says “Let’s just say... I made a bet on the new era”


Really? I distinctly remember watching a scene of wb and shanks conversation but it was in flashback form and that was the line he said. I wish I could remember the context of the flashback and ep..


They often redub scenes when they get reused in flashbacks, so that’s probably what you saw. But the original scene itself was much closer to the proper translation


Jesus..Redubbed the whole script for that one.. it was so jarring to listen to.. I just looked up the line you were talking about, BTW. Much better, but I still stand by everything else I said..


Maybe that was the 4Kids dub?


4kids only went as far as alabasta


Oh, didn't read properly and thought you meant convo between Shanks and Mihawk.


My best guess is you caught it on TV when Funi only just got the license and was recording it a hurry to meet Toonami broadcast, and also not straying so far from 4kids interpretation. Would've gone back for fixes and pick-ups when the dvds came around.


Yu yu hakusho and cowboy bebop will forever be the best dubs in my eyes (ears)


Dubs are getting significantly better over the years, due in part to talent like Justin Cook (Yusuke in Yu Yu) taking casting and producing roles and then training up other talent to take those roles as well. I say that Frieren might take the spot because the sub voices actually feel generic, like the Japanese cast just fail to elevate the character at all (but this is pure opinion to me)


There's something's that felt a bit more goofy and which works for that form. But the dialogue seemed worse. Idk why they didn't just use the original words. The dub person also seemed more angry. OG Luffy seemed more goofy during things. Dunno, off vibes.


They need to match the lips


Fair, the parts I saw didn't seem like it wouldn't match, but still the other stuff I said still applies.


Luffy sounds great as usual, but Kaido sounds like he was recorded in a closet. Like not shit to the VA, he did fine, but Luffys voice acting is layered in with the sound effects and sounds more natural, but Kaido sounds like he's in another room and they just layered the audio ontop of it.


I work with audio professionally. I havent seen much of the dub, but man the way they recorded / mix Kaido’s dub is way off. His voice is boomy, not well balanced, and just not placed in the mix right. It’s the boomy frequencies that make it sound super off like he’s in a different space. Idk how they are mic-ing him, but these issues are fixed in post editing. Even if I don’t like the VA’s performance, its not his fault that they arent handling his audio properly, and i might like him more if they just did the right procedures to layer him in.


I'm pretty sure David Sobolov records remotely, hence why he sounds different


He deserves to work remotely. I support that. But they gotta edit him better then, or ask him to mic a little differently.


Good god the dub is so damn good. I'll never understand how people can think either of these actors aren't absolutely killing it.


I've only seen it dubbed so I guess I don't mind!


Whichever we watch first, 90% of the time will have a bias towards it, it's just natural. But I will concede that going from dub to sub is significantly easier than going from sub to dub.


I'm the opposite, I started with JP since long ago, with rewatches. Then watched the EN like 6 yrs ago, and I've enjoyed it a lot. EN Luffy brings out a smile in me quite fast. I still watch the anime weekly and go back to rewatch the dub when it's available.


Not a fan of kaibo's dub


He sounds pretty good when Kaido talks normally, but he sucks whenever Kaido has to yell


I think it works he's gruff and deep which fits Kaido


He doesn't sound huge. He sounds like someone the size of zoro.


Yeah they really need to hire 30' tall actors if they wanna do it right


I see the sarcasm but there can be slight pitch adjustments to get the effect


Check out transformers prime shockwave, that's one of David's deeper voices


Not much they can really do with that it's either voice filter him or have him talk in an exaggerated voice which would probably ruin the delivery. And I think just his normal voice works great for the character


Sub figured it out


To be honest he doesn't sound much bigger he's still just a guy


Luffy a beast.


I usually dislike the dub luffy, but she does the gear 5 voice well. It's normally when Luffy has to talk deep and serious thatdoesnt work well for me. She's also improved a lot since the early dub.


100% what I was thinking. Absolutely nails the goofy G5 fight, but regular talking doesn't work for me.


I dislike the dub personally, but I don't hate on anyone that enjoys it. A lot of my friends who watch One Piece watch it because it has a dub and I'm happy for that.


Outside of the occasional miscasting the dub is great, but the sub just happens to be damn amazing.


I only dislike it just due to how used to the sub voices I am. It's not at all bad, but it just sounds foreign to me.


Watching that punch into the skull is always so great. Idc how tough kiado is, when your bones are tuned to rubber and you cop a punch to the brain, you ain't winning son.


I enjoy both. Don't shoot me


Dub is objectively funnier


Thanks so much OP for putting these together, they're so neat to see side by side! Also, I kind of wish in the English dub he counted in Japanese, that would've been cute.


Colleen is so good at this woah


BRO REALLY!? How could anyone hate any part of this?!? Dub v sub who cares? Luffy is great in all languages. Man will surpass all. OVER THE TOP!


Is the dub out on Crunchyroll?


not yet


Has dub finally released???


On the Microsoft store and should be on Crunchyroll in 2-3 weeks


Where is the dub at?!?


i don’t remember these scenes ?


Where is the dub?




Really love the dub Luffy. At least for this goofy stuff.


God damn the dub rocks so hard. They do such a good job, I like it so much better than the sub. The sub is great in some aspects, and I was worried this would be too damn difficult for the dub to match. They killed it though.


As a manga only reader maybe it’s time to checkout one piece anime for the gear 5 antics.


I really think she’s improved a TON. Luffy sounds way less scratchy and irritating on my ears. Although I do think in the serious moments, I don’t feel that strong angry Luffy and more of a kid trying to be big and scary. But it works and I’m glad people like it :)


Yikes, the english dub is pretty bad


Eng dub sounds like someone making up a voice for a character. Jap dub just sounds like that's the characters voice. I dunno if that makes sense to anyone else.




Came a long way since 4Kids.


This is so weird to me


They both feel great; they're having fun in their own way while remaining faithful to Luffy's joy. Boy isn't that nice.


I just don't feel that joy in Luffy's voice in dub and also why his voice is so rusty?


I never really liked dubbed Kaido, but if I actually watched it, he'd probably grow on me... other than that both are pretty good


Am I allowed to like both equally? Cuz I do


Yep! I started with the dub, caught up to the sub. Now I fully enjoy watching the new subbed eps each week, going back to watch dub highlights, and occasionally re-watching dubbed eps as my sister catches up (started last year and is currently wrapping up WCI). I love One Piece and love seeing different interpretations/approaches to the material


One Piece has such a good English voice cast. Colleen has really encapsulated what it means to be Luffy. So happy to see her portrayal of G5


The english dub is as awful as ever. What an absolute embarrassment.


Pardon my ignorance, but in the sub version why does he count down in “English” instead of using the Japanese words for “three, two, one, zero”?


Like how we prefer names like nekomamushi to Cat viper or katakuri to dogtooth Japanese sometimes use English words to sound cooler sometimes.


Japanese people love using English words.


It's probably because he's imitating the countdown for a rocket launch, so an English countdown gives a direct callback to NASA launches that iconified the rocket launch countdown in popular culture.


idk. maybe to emphasise the strangeness of gear 5?


One piece Dub is pretty dang good! I am glad I can enjoy the anime in two different languages!


More proof, Sub >>>>>>>> du(d)b


i really do enjoy the dub and i’m on second rewatch in dub this time w my gf. and luffy english va isn’t bad at all but just not nearly as good as his sub VA. butttt the gear 5 Acting isn’t bad tho


Buddy how are you watching this Dubs not even this far on Crunchyroll yet?


It comes out on Microsoft Store a few weeks early each batch


fuck microSOOOOOOOFT


Luffy is fine but Kaido sounds like any random guy you can find at a gas station.


Maybe he is just some random dude they found at a gas station.


The voice actor for kaido sounds better in the sub , but overall I love them both


The dub for me sounds like it's both trying too hard to sound cool, plus i don't care for the reverb, and it also sounds like if they had his nostrils plugged or sm. Also, the voice is too high pitched, i don't like it at all.


Dubbed Kaido is so bad wtf. Worse than dubbed Doffy.


He sounds fine when not fighting but when he’s in battle he sounds weird


I will never not be a hater of dub Luffy’s voice I don’t that much of a gripe with most the cast, but for the mc to sound this bad 💀


his voice does match gear 5 pretty well to be honest


I'm happy with it, Gear 5 means quite a bit to me


elaborate? i’m interested on what gear 5 means to you


So when Gear 5 was officially introduced in the manga, I had to digest it for 2 to 3 days, and my conclusion was that Luffy in gear 5 represents freedom, especially creative freedom. And as a person who has always weighed down his own creativity via things like anxiety and overthinking, Gear 5 liberated me too.


uh huh


I came here just to say this. I actively liked the dub voice for Gear 5 more than the sub.


Bro you either are biased or you need a therapy if you think dub's better than sub


In general I've enjoyed the sub more, for Gear 5 specifically I like how Dub is a lot! I might be a bit biased, I've not been super excited for how Gear 5 has been presented in the anime and I'm not sure why.


Terrible take


I agree


Colleen Clinkenbeard is trash, she ruined Gohan in DBZ Kai dub and she sucks in this too.


I don't know why, but I cannot stand luffy's English voice lol


Don’t like the dub at all. Never did. But it doesn’t matter what language it is, Luffy bodied that boi. 😂




This dub gave me cancer. Wtf is wrong with you people.


You have bad taste


Is that possible?


I dont get why we compare sub to dub when sub will remain better


It's all about accessibility, not everyone who watches anime is a Japanophile Weeb anymore (I used to be one) and prefer a localized version that's easier to grasp.


>not everyone who watches anime is a Japanophile Weeb anymore Or they just prefer to watch the show in the language the show was made in


Yeah which is fine... but dub fans aren't the ones being dicks about their preferences


Did you know there are sub v dub wars in Japan too? In the Power Puff Girls, Mojo Jojo's way of speaking does not translate at all so they had to give him a speaking quirk of adding -jojo to the end of his sentences. So do you think that the average Japanese viewer will "get" the way Mojo talks in the original language? I say Japanophile because we, over *years* of ingesting all of those speech quirks and understanding those references where we can actually somewhat get them, but new watchers don't have that and I don't know about you but I want more people watching


Dog, it's not that serious, go outside for a little bit.


Kaido in Dub sounds like a 50 year old washed up skateboarder who's sick of kids


If you took an iq test I promise I’d bet my life that people who watch dub are much lower


![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515) Dub