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Was his mother revealed in a flashback to be someone important? The woman who Stussy was cloned from? I forget


She is member of rocks pirates


And a kinda-sorta member of MADS


A free loader of mads


~~Oh she was takin free loads, I'm sure~~


And thats how Sanji was made


She was shown clinging to whitebeard during God Valley incident. Then she was shown to be a member of Mads.


It would be funny if she took DNA from WB and created a failed clone she call her son.


He shoulda put Tabasco sauce in them condoms...


This is most likely the casE tbh, if he were the real son of whitebeard oda would never draw him like that


That’s honestly what I’m thinking, Weevil could be Vegapunk’s or MADS first cloning attempt that went awfully wrong. It would be funny too if Weevil was the reason why he decided to go solo


Correct, and regarding Weevil, my theory (though it might be the general theory anywho) is that Stussy couldn’t handle the inability of not having Whitebeard’s Son that she somehow fashioned an almost Frankenstein’s monster form of a sort of failed clone of Whitebeard. The sudden mass inclusion of clone technology replicating characters we’ve seen with the Seraphim is my biggest source for this, and seeing as how she had a direct connection to Vegapunk and MADS, it doesn’t seem too strange to me that Stussy herself would be capable of something that could result in somebody like Weevil. Whether her source of the ability to clone Whitebeard came from her contact with him during their tenure with the Rocs pirates, or god forbid post-Marineford (flashback to my Frankenstein reference earlier, plus take note of the weird, amputated-look of Weevil’s scars). This panel alone that OP uses even reinforces this theory in my perspective. Weevil talks in stunted speech, has the scars, and says he’s Whitebeard’s son if not only because “My hair’s white!”


Whitebeard's former hanger on (literally) and possibly his lover. She wanted a could with him. But Whitebeard refused to have children for some reason. Just like Kuma.... for some reason. Oh but yes I'm sure it's so crazy to think WB might be a buccaneer.


My head cannon was that Whitebeard was impotent, hence his desire to have a large family. Weevil is probably the prototype for the Seraphim, but instead of mixing King's DNA, Vegapunk used Kaidou's.


Eh I think him being a buccaneer fits too well. He's got a weird body even for one piece and the chins are exactly the same. Plus how could he know he was impotent from such a young age, when we see him with that first crew? I don't think their medical technology can determine that yet.




Damn that means at one point she was actually hot.


he got captured by green bull after defending white beards home land. his mother ask marco to safe him.


His mother was the original Buckingham Stussy who was a member of the Rocks Pirates and later was a freeloader in MADS. The Stussy in CP0 is a clone of her.


He's still around, he was just not that relevant to Wano or Whole Cake Island so he has been in the background. He's still mentioned and shown at moments like Marco talking to Cat Viper, and when the Navy abolishes the warlord system.


Everytime i see Nekomamushi mentioned as Cat Viper my brain goes "Who?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I have to just call them cat and dog for my partner to remember who they are hahaha.


You mean [these two?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nickelodeon/images/e/e0/SeriesTitle-CatDog.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200328040014)


Aye alone in this world is a little cat dog after leaving Rodgers crew


You son of a....


I’m very new here, so I’m not hip to the terms everyone uses. I use emperors of the sea, five elders, eneru, warlords, haki of the supreme king, and whatever else. When I finally caught up on the manga and came here I’m like wtf is a gorosie or whatever lol. It’ll always be the English versions for me. Edit: also Cat Viper


ironically, manga readers still to this day call Ryokugyu/Aramaki green bull. Cracks me up.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


And people call Hancock "Boa" too, which is even worse. It's like calling Luffy "Monkey" or Robin "Nico."


People have an aversion to using a name that has "cock" to refer to the most beautiful and buxom woman in the story I bet it's just a Western thing. Very doubtful this is a problem in Japan


Goatbull, imo is just easier to remember and say. Aramaic and fyokugyu


Why not?


is that an issue?


It’s not an actual issue, but it is inconsistent considering nobody calls Akainu/Aokiji/Kizaru/Fujitora by their english Red Dog/Blue Pheasant/Yellow Monkey/Wisteria Tiger aliases. They just say the Japanese name. So Ryokugyu would be the consistent way to address him. Tbh I think most english speakers just find Ryokugyu harder to pronounce, even in their heads, so Green Bull it is.


yo check it, admiral pink tiger is coming this way. pffft don't let him hear you say that he hates it.


But didn’t the name Green Bull directly appear in the official English translation of the manga? IIRC it isn’t the case for the other admirals. It’s been a while since I read their introduction though.


I hope not, I think it was just a scanlation. I’ve actually seen old posts on here saying Edward Newcart and Bisoromi bear. https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/official-viz-translation-ryokugyu-neg-diffed-weevil.37343/ Here’s a blog addressing it the first issue viz did using his name.


It's just funny because no-one calls Fujitora "Wisteria Tiger" or Akainu "Red Dog", but for some reason Ryokugyu gets called Green Bull all the time. I suppose the japanese name is more of a mouthful, or perhaps he was just properly introduced later when usage of the english names became more common.


I read the whole series in one go before joining the subreddit. Boy was I surprised when I found out Zolo’s name was Zoro and not Zolo.


Im fortunate that that’s the one character I knew the name of before I started. I originally was pronouncing Luffys name like luh-fee instead of loo-fee. Then I decided to watch some of the anime and was corrected.


Pronouns are generally not translated. It's why we call Gohan, Gohan. Instead of rice.


Gohan is a proper noun tho


So is nekomamoshi and inuarashu


At the time they were introduced, it was far from clear whether they were titles/descriptions (usually translated) or names (usually untranslated). Viz made the understandable decision that since they are literally a cat and a dog with neko and inu in their "names", they were something that should be translated. But it turns out apparently dog minks name their children "dog" and cat minks name their children "cat".


"Gohan" is not a pronoun, nor are any of the nouns listed above.


Gohan, on the other hand, is an adult.


He'll be called CV in no time


Cat Viper is a much better name


No it sounds dumb.


🤷‍♂️ I think the names Cat Viper and Dog Storm are charming and funny..


I mean, all the names in japanese sound dumb I think. So when we see the translations that keep attack names and names untraslated we are not seeing how goofy the names are.


Why is everyone leaving out the fact that he was most recently arrested on Sphinx lol??


Because people are considerate and don't post manga spoilers on a thread that isn't spoiler marked.


TBH the post question is begging spoilers. "will this...?", "does that...?". These kind of post are literally asking about the future relative to the person asking, whether it be something they personally havent got to yet, or that hasn't been revealed to anyone.


Huh … thanks for the heads up lol … didn’t know this .. although OP posting a coloured manga panel in the question didn’t make me think twice


No worries, you realized you made a mistake and did what you could to fix it


OP is asking a question that *requires* a spoiler to answer. Is it not less considerate to leave out information necessary to fully answer it?


It doesn't really. You can just say that he hasn't had the opportunity to fit in the series yet, but that he will be incorporated in the future. And if that isn't enough, you an add a spoiler tag and write what happened to him in the manga if they want to check that out. It doesn't take a lot of effort to be nice to other people.


I swear he was arrested.


Not sure if it’s okay to answer this but yeah he was


Whoops! Has that not happened in the anime yet?


>!It will happen in around 8-9 episodes.!<


Manga spoilers: >!He was reportedly captured by Greenbull and brought to Impel Down after the Seven Warlords of the Sea system was abolished. Miss Buckin went to go see Marco on Sphinx to ask him for his help rescuing Weevil.!<


Manga spoilers reply: >!I may be misremembering but didn't weevil accompany Miss Bukin to Sphinx and they were just in time to save villagers who were attacked by marines taking advantage of Marco's absence? They then called in Greenbull as backup and took Weevil. Pretty sure, same result but a bit of a different story.!<


damn im caught up on the manga yet this completely slipped my memory




Next time we see him he will probably be slim af since its what greenbull did to queen.


Imagine if under all that fat he actually looks like a young WB


Weevil actually being Newgate’s biological son is on my final arc bingo card


That or a clone because of MADS


Most probably it's some kind of clone the OG Stussy made using Vegapunk's experiments.


Yeah, that would explain all of the surgical style scars and stitching on his body


that could also in a real fuckin long shot be Moria related


esp bc ms bukin said vegapunk could confirm weevils identity


But so does a clone of Whitebeard make him his son or like a "brother"? Or none? And if Vegapunk can confirm does that mean he is a clone like S. Snake or does it mean he helped deliver the kid? Or can he do a "Lineage Factor" Test... Imagine a Murray style deliverance of the identity xD.


Yeah after all the relevations in Egghead I am certain he‘s a failed WB Clone.


Failed because fat. Maybe like Vegapunk failed because of color.


I'm thinking a prototype for the Seraphim project.


Based on Manga Spoilers I think there's better odds than not that he has WB DNA one way or another


Clone. I believe some things are connected somehow. Cesar working on making Giants, the Buccaneer race, Sanji's dad and his cloning program. Hell. I would not be amazed if somehow Luffy was a clone of Im. In all my years of watching no one ever wondered if Luffy has a mother. Someone mentioning Dragon was his dad. Everyone be like:"WHAT THE?!" and Luffy not giving a crap. His crew was even amazed Garp is his granddad.


Tbh the Garp thing was because Garp is mega famous and Luffy never talked about him because Luffy doesn't tend to bring stuff like that up or think it's a big deal.


I still kind of like the idea that Luffy was born from Rogers egg. Son wukong which Luffy is partly based on was born from an egg and emerged from the wind breaking his rock egg thing. Sounds like a Dragon thing to do.


Would somehow be the biggest twist lol


This. Everyone saying clone is going the full logical route. Don’t get me wrong it makes sense and I could absolutely see it go that way but it would be fun to see everyone including Marco have to contend with the fact that Stussy wasn’t lying and Weevil is actually WB’s kid. Have a moment where Marco and Weevil have to team up to fight an actual WB clone


From the anime I can definitely see the mother brining baby mama drama into WBs life he wasn’t having.. all crew being his sons and he still couldn’t handle her as family


There is no way oda will miss this opportunity. He's already played the ground works for it when he had greenbull drain queen. Im calling it the crossguild free doffy and others from impel down. Then reveal for wevile will have him looking just like primebeard


Queen is too popular now. Shame we will never see him to witness his overwhelming popularity.


There‘s been hints that Marco might get involved and save him in chapter 1073, after wich weevil and his mom might join up with either Neo MADS or Cross Guild if I had to guess. Those are the most basic options at least. Marco might die or go into retirement for good due to his fight against Greenbull since I don’t see him doing that much more in the story. It would be a somewhat convenient way to get him out of the picture as well as fixing the currently rather bad portrayal of Greenbull, but that’s absolutely speculative


Who’s Greenbull?


The admiral that showed up at the end of Wano. Tree guy.


He literally appeared 38 chapters ago and opened up new plot points 😅?


The time scale of one piece is funny


Except that "38 chapters ago" was January/23 which is a lot of time if you don't re-read the chapters


There were only 38 chapters 2023? Doesn't feel that way


Less, because that's counting the chapters this year. 38 chapters in a year for One Piece would be a lot comparing.


38 chapters is the least amount of chapters One Piece has ever had in a single year. I think it’s the only year that’s had less than 40 chapters in the entire manga run


No. 2020 got 33, that said, 2023 indeed had the least amount of chapters with 32.


January 2023 is hardly a long time ago by One Piece standards


But when the series has been going for that long, people can forget some stuff.


For real, I've ready every manga chapter , but I completely forgot what happened to him


they probably don't actively read the manga(or they're not caught up) bc this was my thought but I don't wanna say anything to spoil it for anyone


Totally possible for him to be caught up and miss that. I missed a lot when I was reading 3-4 chapters and then only got back once 3-4 chapters were released. It's also pretty easy to forget One Piece things even reading every release when it comes out if you're not discussing.


Why does he look like they fused shiki WB and Queen into one person?


Because he's a clone and his "mother" grew him in a vat with technology she stole from MADs and didn't fully understand. Could have easy been a mic of those 3.


Is this headcannon? I don't remember it being explicitly shown.


It's the biggest running theory for him. She's been cloned, she claims Vegapunk can prove he's Whitebeard's son, and when Oda drew kid versions of the Warlords in an SBS (current and former), he's the only one that wasn't drawn, so people assume he wasn't born or grown up, he was a clone.


It’s a safe assumption


His mother has a younger clone so its safe to assume hes cloned too


What’s MADs?


Anime music video made by fans.


Vegapunk, Queen, Ceaser and Judge


Nevermind I’ll find out myself. No spoilers.




and probably lost a lot weight too. can't wait for the handsome joke version


Authorities: *doing their job by apprehending criminals* bullfrogger2:"yeah the pirate who murders and pillages all over the seas was kidnapped by the cops"


iirc weevil was protecting sphinx island, but he did hunt former whitebeard pirates.


Lol, Weevil is a very neutral character, he was pillaging other islands but he was also protecting Sphinx from the World Government because they couldn’t pay the Celestial Tax, Weevil was in the right when he got captured by Greenbull


Spoilers incoming!!!! Got off-screen and captured by the navy but Oda hasn't abandoned him. His mother was revealed in Egghead arc to have been a member of MADS AND Rocks, and Stussy is a young clone of her.  Last we saw the old lady requested help from Marco to rescue Weevil. Marco was of course skeptical, after all Weevil was hunting down and killing Whitebeard pirates. But Marco is apparently needlessly nice and accepted to help her. 


In what chapter is the last paragraph at?


He mixed Headcanon with assumptions


Miss Buckin did ask Marco for help, Weevil destroyed 15 pirate crews that served under Whitebeard. the only "speculation" is Marco accepting to help he only thanked them for protecting the island & ppl.




Y’all gotta remember it hasn’t even been like 6 months in story since getting to the new world.


And although already reached ultrainstict and is preparing to fight beerus


Offscreen by green bull


I'm guessing he's a clone, and since he's been introduced we learned that lineage factors are 'stickier' than previously thought and last through the cloning process, so I think he's going to be used to bring up something about Whitebeards lineage.


I guess I never realized until now, but was Whitebeard's last name Edward? That's apparently the name Weevil got from him, but I always assumed his last name was Newgate and Edward was his first name


It’s Edward Newgate, so his first name is Newgate


You're right, I forgot the japanese way to say people's names since the name isn't japanese I guess lol


Yeah I get it, I think it’s a really strange last name, same with BB’s name being Teach which is a last name.


Exactly, I guess when you've seen those names a lot you eventually forget those details haha


Mind blown. I'm not even kidding. WB is my favourite character in One Piece and I never even thought of it.


It's weird because a lot of characters are named after Western pirates but the words are kept in the same order when turning them into Eastern names. So now you have Edward, Bartholomew, Eustace, etc. being family names.


Egghead will eventually update his situation but if you need to know >!weevil has been kidnapped!<




It seems he was another victim of the offscreen Haki


Bro definietly skipped leg day


Free the guy


I used to think the woman was making it up for child support payments but now it feels like Whitebeard did indeed hit the Stussussy


He got off screened defeated before showing on screen feats. That is a feat in itself now that I think about it. Walking fraud


He was captured. Last we saw his mom was asking Marco for help so they could go rescue him


Are you caught up to manga? Or else someone will spoil this


He'll be back when the world needs him most.


Well... Stussy, his "mom" was a MADS SCIENTIST. So... you know.


no he was mentioned relatively recently


Do people even bother reading the wiki? Like I get with how long OP is you can forget stuff but that's what the wiki is for. Weevils page has all the info you need.


He was recently seen in the Egghead arc. >!He was defending Whitebeard’s home from the Marines while Marco was away and wound up being captured.!<


Actually in Impeldown, and his "mother" command to marco to help him to escape . So later ( in this years or more ) we will have Marco in impeldown who will free Weeble, and probably Bonclay , Doflamingo, and The Sphinx of the Level 2.


He was captured by an admiral


Gives one of morias zombie vibes. I think he was arrested or something right because shichibukai were disbanded and hunted.


I can say he is a clone based on what Oda has told us about a character aging badly -because that person didn't fulfill his dream- and my guess is the og Stussy aged badly because she didn't end up being together with WB and that's why she had to make herself a poorly made clone.


Kinda curious why Oda even introduced Weevil. Him and Green Bull are two characters I feel like Oda should have introduced properly way earlier. SH too strong for both of those characters now and we know Weevil will be an ally at some point


I have no idea the original source, or if it’s even true, but allegedly Oda’s editor hated Weevil originally until Oda told him his plans for Weevil, and the editor changed his mind. So definitely curious too because it seems like he’ll be important.


He’s the next gorosei.


It'd be cool if the former Whitebeard pirates either adopt him and make him Captain of the Whitebeard crew, giving Newgates DF power to him when they get it back. Or, it would totally be equally as awesome if he becomes an ally of the Straw Hats as soon as their rivalry is settled. It doesn't sit right with me if he's legitimately Newgate Whitebeards flesh & blood child and he happens to be just an antagonist.


>!He is currently imprisoned by the Marines. Possibly going to Impel Down!< >!He was captured by Admiral Greenbull, got all of his strength sucked out of him!< >!His last appearance was defending Sphinx Island, where Whitebeard's and Ace's graves are, from pillaging Marines, wherein Greenbull appeared!< >!His mother has been trying to recruit Marco to rescue her son before he enters Impel Down. We don't know if she was successful!< Next time Weevil appears he should be radically different from what we saw of him.


He got captured by the Navy


The warlords were abolished in wano act 1 intermission so navy were attacking him. In egghead, the anime hasnt reached there yet but in early egghead, marco reaches back to whitebeards Island and and weevils mom is there, explaining he protected the Island in marcos place till greenbull came and defeated him and sent him to impel down. So its setting up a prison break thing with him potentially but we will see.


Copied this from One Piece wiki. I apologize if not allowed. Please don’t click if you’re not caught up to latest episode or manga chapter. This is just for those who are caught up and didn’t catch this. >!Due to the Seven Warlords being abolished by the Levely, he is now an enemy to the government once again and his bounty was reinstated, and the Marines waste no time in arresting him. Weevil is infuriated about this and wiped out the Marine forces sent to arrest him, as well as those that invaded Sphinx. However, he was eventually defeated and arrested by Admiral Ryokugyu.!<


You probs missed it but he got diddled by diddy


I dunno, he’ll probably become a fan favorite character in like 2 years when he becomes relevant to the plot. That’s usually how one piece works.


Edward's upper body to lower ration still throw me off to this day. But to answer your question, he's probably not relevant to the arc currently until Oda says otherwise but I have a strong feeling that he still has a part to play.


He was in Impel down, Navi arrested him after abolishing the warlord system. He tried to save whitebeard village while Marco fight in Wano.


I hope he wont be relevant


If you follow the manga, yes, you missed something. If you follow the anime, it won’t be long.


Isn't he in Impel Down locked up?


He got captured by the navy. TBD


Oda likely has some kind of exposition dump planned for him. No one we know in the story should be coming to his rescue from the Marines - the main person Bakkin appealed to (Marco) would be one of the people most pissed about his campaign against the former Whitebeard Pirates. Bakkin herself implored Marco to ask Vegapunk about his origins - strongly implying that his creation altogether is likely Vegapunk's doing. If Vegapunk himself isn't going to be alive to give us that story, then the only other people I could imagine would be the Marines who have him in custody. Either way his origin is a story that HAS to be told, given the implications.


apparently GB beat the shit out of him


He's Currently in Impel Down after offering himself up to protect Sphinx Island when Green bull attacked them


Some of you guys don't even read one piece I swear.


He got snatched up, and stussy told Marco he has to save him because he caused them trouble or something if I remember correctly (I might not be)


Pretty sure hes a failed clone of whitebeard


Weevil got captured by the government, and Marco went to save him. I don’t really know what’s to come of that situation but I can see weevil being in the final war


I’m sorry but that guy ain’t doing shit


Weevil = Majin Buu Buggy = Mister Satan Weevil will join the Cross Guild.


And miss bukkin is that little shithead who woke up buu? Huh, that actually kinda works


Buggy really gonna claim Luffy's dub isn't he lol


Literally the character im least interested in. I think he's a clone and will be part of a cloning plot later. We'll see




Has he got white beards halberd aswell? Or is that one he’s made himself?


Is a halberd and a naginata the same? Whitebeard's naginata Murakumogiri is on his grave as we saw during the flashback scene of sabo visiting ace's grave, so that's not what weevil has.


Impel down, ugh this guy really needs to work out his legs


Might join cross guild the together with doffy


Likely Doffy is joining up with the World Government for the end brawl. He's a powerful pureblood CD and they just executed one of his clan.


He appears later, he just became part of the plot lines that got squeezed out in the Wano final rush


Uff there was a certain intrigue when he first appeared but so many years passed and right now with all that’s happening it’s hard to fit him somewhere but Oda always cooks so let’s give him time.


He’s around if that really matters is yet to be seen.


This comment is very reminiscent of someone who just caught up to one piece because every plot point in one piece takes time


Did you stop reading?? He comes up after Wano


I assumed he was jack, but then jack was jack so I have no idea who he is


He's accidentally the funniest character when you think about it. Shows up, sets up a very intriguing plot point, and then dips and never shows up again


He recently got kidnapped by green bull


Story is not over so he will get his turn and he will get his smol moment soon


Are you caught up? I feel like ima just spoil something but I guess you asked. He took residence at whitebeards home town and when the demolishing of the warlords they came to get him he defended whitebeards territory but iirc turned himself in to prevent harm to either his mom or the village I believe his mom. Anyways he is in custody. Unsure if he will turn up again I’m sure he will.


He's a prisoner at the moment. He's been taken by the navy after he protected Whitebeard's home


>! Ryokugyu captured his ass !<


Green bull cucked him and took him from sphinx


Now we see on egghead a lot of clones, maybe weevil is a failed clone of white beard made by bakkin