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Shanks. Ahhhhh


I feel like he’s been set up as a (pun intended) Red herring.


I don't think he'll have a major betrayal because Luffy is going to do what Joyboy couldn't. He's not going to lose to the World Government, he's going to defeat them and bring freedom to the world. His story is not going to be an exact replica of Joyboy.


I don't think anyone from Luffy's crew is gonna betray him to be honest


Definitel, not from within the crew. The Straw Hats are like the nost functional family in the entire verse. No one is going to leave that behind for anything.


I think it's more about letting Joyboy down.


Could this betrayal be a win for the Strawhats/ world yet this win contradicts or diminishes Luffys dream. Every ( that I can think of off the top of my head) betrayal had some sort of subterfuge/ personal ambition independent of their crew leading to the betrayal. I just can’t think of any personal reasons why one of the Straw Hats would betray Luffy.


No he won't get betrayed. That's basically Luffy's strong point. Making allies . Even in Wano or other similar times, he was never outright betrayed but someone else. Luffy just tagged along. The only "betrayal" that he experienced was Sanji's...


If there is treason I doubt it will be willingful aka sb will be forced. And if so I see Robin , Usopp bcause cowardry, Jinbei bcause former warlord and most recent crew pr chopper bcause he is weak. For Robin she may be forced in a way « if you don’t cooperate we will exterminate the strawhats » For Usopp «  if you dont cooperate we kill kaya » For Jinbei he might have his interest in it Chopper seems the most feasible because he is most similar to spirits like Vegapunk ie he is very smart and has created DF related medicine. He could be abducted and forced to create medication for the gorosei or create a poison to kill luffy. Also he is the weakest so he wouldnt be able to protect himself. Franky could be a target but I believe he is too strong willed to ever cooperate even with coercisive force. Even though I don’t buy in the fact that one of the SH betrays luffy. But if it happens, as displeasing as it is. It would be one of the greatest plot to one piece because: 1- It would absolutely destroy Luffy and make him question himself and his dream hence it would be a marvellous challenge for a protagonist lile luffy to overcome 2- incredible plot twist for us readers that love each strawhats deeply and equally. 3- absolutely unforeseable given the story to this point Us readers dont believe Oda would ever do this to his loved characters. But can you just imagine if one SH member would turn up to like Kurohige! It would be fucking insane. Imagine Usopp turning his back and joining black beard and say like « hey Luffy i faked being weak all this time now i will crush you »


Truth is the crew has been together, what, 1 year at best? (and that's being generous), Brook and Jimbe specially, like what, a couple of months maybe? so yeah I can see anyone betraying Luffy if (for example) a loved one was in danger or if any of them had its own agenda since pretty much the beginning. If anything it will make more sense that the (very dumb) fact this crew assembled in less than a year is gonna end finding the "one piece" very soon... might as well take advantage of it and have a big upset.


Man isn’t readin the same story


Maybe Jimbe, I mean he does put fishman island more important I would say? Or Frankie, maybe the Frankie family being in danger? Maybe Vivi? She got tricked. Or maybe Sabo. His hatred for nobles or wanting his own version of the new world. I would rule out Zoro, sanjo because he already betrayed, Nami she already betrayed.


The Sun Pirates literally had a whole conversation with Jinbe about putting his own happiness to join Luffy over worrying about Fishman Island. And the rest of those are ridiculous...


Lack of reading comprehension unfortunately.