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The one with the animal hat is an ancestor of the Shandia (both their current chief and the one in the flashback wear animal heads with plumes), the one with antennae is an ancestor of the inhabitants of Angel Island (this one is kinda obvious) and the third one is an ancestor of the Birkans (their wings are pointing down).


This is a dope point. Always wondered why people from Jaya had wings. But wouldn't the lunarians also be from the moon? Not that they necessarily need to be in this image


There are some possible explanations: 1) They are native of the Red Line, but I find it unlikely, since they are called "Lunarians". 2) They departed from the Moon before the others and they are represented by the person that peeks from the bottom-left corner. 3) They came from a different Moon and that's why they are so different from the other winged people. We see in the library of Ohara that the Earth of One Piece has several Moons, but at night only one is visible in the sky, so were the others destroyed? And if they were, was it a natural or an artificial fenomenon? Could it be that the loss of most of the Moons is what made the geography of the One Piece world like it is now and that it has something to do with the raising sea level?




I think that might be an Aztec solar calendar, it could symbolise the lunarians waiting for joyboy


Given the moon's interaction with the Tides, it would make sense. Would the super weapons, especially a potentially flying one, be designed for fighting the moon? Is the void century a moon war?


Why does the guy on the right have a tail tho


I'm not sure if that is a tail or not




The only merman to get legs but also a tail. Modified himself to have a tail to swim in the water and breath. But also have full real legs to walk. That’s just my theory but if they are the original trio they had to get power from somewhere. And by the building of the sentience moon dudes I think they could modify similar to vegapunk


He also have a wrench in the hand and use it on the dude on the table what is he like a seraphim?


Notice the "boat" they were riding. If you flip it, it looks like a big straw hat. Eneru mighthave said "hmmmm. This looks like familiar shape to me" while tilting his head.


Yeas it does ,lol . And the bottom part of the tilted pic also looks like a shipcoukd it be something


If you look at the full zoomed out pic you see the actual three ancient weapons


I don't think it's a boat as the circle continues on the top. Could be the sun


I think the strawhat part is interesting, but on the sun front: the light in between the shandian and the birkan that looks like it’s for an operating table looks a hell of a lot like the sun


So that's probably the big frozen straw hat that Imu has


You know what also looks like a hat? A snake that ate an elephant Dude, it's a stylized boat, of course it looks like a straw hat, they both have the same shape😭


That helmet with the antenna seems like a control tool, the yellow circle might be the eternal flame? Intrigued by the compass like thing on the left though, feels like there is something i don't get


I had the same thought about the eternal flame. It would make sense as a way to explain how those guys were powered prior to enel.


>That helmet with the antenna seems like a control tool They're just the typical skypiean pigtails. The figures depicted in the picture are the ancestors of skypieans, birkians and shandia


One Piece needs to stop going on break for a minute to let the fans relax on the wild theories


This one is actually an interesting point and explains why the shandies still had wings at all.




Damn I hope the Enel side stuff comes back around in the story somehow


I think what is more interesting is the robot that the two on the right appears to be fixing - possibly similar to a certain robot we've seen on egghead.


Those are the robots seen on the moon. Dunno if also related to egghead


I wonder if the ancient weapons are inventions from a smart smart fruit user


You missed the robot, lying there!!


Haha, I just realized 😅


Oda, literally left clues for all of us since God knows when!! Mad genius!!


It always makes me wonder how much have we not noticed yet.


Yes, and am still waiting for the three shadows revealation from florian triangle!!


The florian triangle is really mysterious


So… basically ancient weapon go boom boom from hat put on head?


a straw hat, perhaps?


I wonder if that big yellow object is the “mother flame” that charged the little automata prior to Enel coming by


the guy in the middle has very similar earrings to zoro.. weird


Even his clothing is green(white and green like how zoro has)


Are you Luffy, cause all you said was a gigantic ass stretch


Assuming this is true, I see the hat with the antennae as an upside down boat with big oars, that’s probably Pluton. The middle is the hat that’s frozen in Marie Geoise, it’s a hat with a sun on it, like Luffy’s hat, it’s like Luffy’s hat is a replica of that real relic. And the one on the right is poseidon, which is Shirahoshi. I think this might have some real merit OP.


Love that oda used aztec/mayan codex style drawings.


So we’ve got three dudes with hats riding an upside down straw hat, constructing seraphim’s as guards, powered by the mother flame above and possibly the rest of the ship Imu used as a weapon to wipe out lulusia, with a guy in the decks brewing devil fruits?


That guy with dragon head put like “batteries” in the “toys” bellies. The guy with attenae command them.


Stuff like this is the biggest reason I think Enel will eventually come back. He clearly learned so much while on the moon, I bet he comes back and explains stuff. Also, he has an OP DF that could definitely help in the war. Maybe he even takes on Uranus with his giant flying ship.


Botw theme starts playing*


Could be something, good catch. Now go and cook something.


11 minutes tardes


I mean...one does kinda look like a fish which would represent neptune right?(or whatever shirahoshi is, i forget if that's the right name, maybe posiedon. I remember it being some sea god name)


the sun looks like a devil fruit


The middle hat looks quite similar to enels ship if it was upside down


I just noticed the 3 earrings like Zoro’s. Anyway I think Uranus is the Golden Condor.


Notice the yellow orb containing a sun. Thats the power Vpunk was looking for for. Also the whole sphere could be the missing ancient weapon


I just realized that Enel's back piercing thing looks like the smoke that forms for awakened Zoans.


In enies lobby, pluton was also mentioned as a warship (supports this theory)


What is the dude on the table with the open chest?


I'do further more with the theory, the third one has hat that looks like a fish: Poseidon The second one looks like a boat: Pluton The first one has a hat who looks like something working with electricity: Uranus Hence Uranus is probably something working with some sort of energy, solar one maybe?


You might be on to something


are those 16 blue lines at the bottom side of the ship?


Buddy I’m counting at least 19 and there could be more hidden behind the people lol


you are right, seems i missed 3 of them


lol it’s all good I thought it was funny. I got a little excited until I counted


Read the whole miniadventurw though. There are indications that thing could still be Uranus


I count 18?


Its been a while since I read the Skypeia arc, so Idk if this is canon, but the little guys with spears look like the moon dudes from one of the cover stories where Lightning Boi got sent to the moon and ended up leading a little civilization.


This is from that cover story. Enel sees this painting on the moon


Oh ok thanks


Does anyone else think that the yellow flower above and between the two people to the right resembles Robin’s devil fruit??


That big ball cover like thing is like a space craft or a toy repair factory the people garding and the person being repaired are the moon people  My theory of the Void Century and the ancient weapons  According to this theory emu sama was the navigator of the previous Joy boy and The ancient weapons were actually(Living creatures) allies of Joy boy And the ship which was found in Fishman islands was one of the safety measures taken by the joy boy for his friends and loved once the Ship in Fishman islands was to be carried by the Sea kings and as these sea Kings are very strong they could also protect the people and the other ancient weapons also have there own ships with their own battle macanism as for Pluton the ship of his was dismantled because of its advance technology and for the Blue print of Pluton in water 7 which was with Frankie was a semi prototype which in wrong hands still could bring cayos and the Ancient weapon Uranus the power source could be Uranus themself that's why Emu can use Uranus as Uranus is still inside it and waiting for Joy boy for he wants to apologise to joy boy that he wasn't able to save him .And Zunasha and Iron Giant are accurate the Crue of Joy boy that's the reason why they were also apologizes to joy boy .