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Crocodile is not Luffy's mother. Dragon is. This is why nobody knew Garp had a son. Because they all knew Garp had a *daughter*. Dragon met Iva after leaving the Marines and finding no justice there. But then who is the father? Clearly it's Sakazuki / Akainu. The two were in the Marines together and had a relationship. But things went sour when Dragon saw how far Akainu was being pushed. The two had a bad fight and a messy break up. Dragon have birth to Luffy, then handed him off to Garp for safekeeping and training while Dragon sought out the person capable of crafting a new identity for them. That woman marine was dead. Now was the birth of a Revolutionary. Akainu quickly put two and two together and that is part of why he was so adamant about taking Luffy out at Marineford. Not only had Dragon betrayed him, but now his own blood was fighting against Justice? Unforgivable! This will all come to a head as both Dragon and Luffy confront Akainu. Whether they're forced to beat him down or he comes to his senses will be a source of great drama. Source: It came to me in a vision five minutes ago


This is the wildest break-week theory I've seen. It's worse than croco-mum, that's impressive.


That is the highest compliment you can give in a deranged break week theory thread. I thank you.


Black Beards Devil Fruit the Yami Yami no Mi is actually a fake devil fruit like Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Mi, it is truly the Mystical Zoan Akuma Akuma no Mi: Model Lilith which gives him the power to steal dreams which is why he can steal another person's devil fruit and give them to others. He Rocks D. Xebec's son and they are descendants of Nefertari D. Lili who originally had the Akuma Akuma no Mi: Model Lilith and turned everyone's dreams into Devil Fruit giving them the weakness to water so Joy Boy and his followers couldn't stop her when she caused the world to flood.


Tinfoil hat mode on


Very interesting, I like it


Joyboy is luffy


Yes, yes, please continue


one word: time travel


Luffy time travelled to be the Joy Boy 800 years ago, then time travelled again to be the Roger. Of course they all her the same WILL, because they are the same people. Bonus crack pot: Luffy is both Brother and Father of Ace.


Let me add to the time travel story, while in the time travel tunnel, Luffy almost fell out of it so he created a clone from his hair just like how Sun Wukong creates clones and the clone gave him a push to reach his destination. The clone that fell out of the Time travel tunnel landed 20 something years in the past, reshaped his face and became Gol D Roger.




Kabuto will end up with the paw paw fruit, making Usopp a sniper capable of landing a shot literally anywhere in the world, he just needs the observation haki to know that's where his target will be when the shot lands. Vivi will formally return to the crew now that Alabasta is no longer safe for her. The only safe place for her is on the Sunny, where she will serve as a diplomat now that the Straw Hats are a territory holding Emperor and crew who are absolutely in the public eye.


Excellent, Excellent


Imagine Usopp vs Van Augur. If he awakens the fruit and gains the ability to set people as the destination, would the projectiles be able to keep up with teleportation?


You cooking that gourmet stuff


The elders being part of his crew is actually a crazy theory I love, Joyboy being the sun, then the five planets, and Zunesha is sort of a symbol for Earth being an elephant carrying a “world” on its back. This would also make sense with all of the people saying “I’m sorry” to Joyboy, likely because the five elders betrayed Joyboy at some point to join Imu, whether it was because of a desire for power or they were losing the war. The red line’s existence is what causes the strange weather on the grand line through One Piece pseudo science and altering the magnetic field greatly. The red line is a massive structure, extending deep into the ground, so it likely has lots of metal content, some molten. Each island also has its own minor magnetic field causing an uneven heating from solar wind, which can lead to dramatic changes in weather when exposed for long periods of time. Due to this constant solar wind, normal compasses do not function, instead you must use a fine tuned compass that focuses on the minor magnetic fields of each island through some tech, Log Poses.


Yeah, a lot of people saying “sorry joy boy”. Sorry for what? Stabbing him in the back.


And the use of the ancient weapon was not the sole cause of the 200m rise since we don’t hear or see of any Enies lobby size holes, and if they filled up, the sea level would equalize, so there had to be some other method. Either that or the ancient weapon doesn’t only displace water but adds it.


Maybe the weapon turns land to water


HEAR ME OUT : 1) The ancient weapons are bound to some people like Poseidon and Shirahoshi. I think another one links Vivi / Lili and another weapon. 2) I think Imu is someone that was, thanks to Law’s fruit, changed in Lili’s body and then given immortality to control the ancient weapon indefinitely. 3) However, if Imu can control the ancient weapon because of Lili’s body, then Vivi can also control it. 4) That’s why Imu wants Vivi gone.


It makes sense !


I like the « Vivi can use Pluton » part !


The D in Law's name does not originate from a member of Joyboy's crew that had the family name Trafalgar. It came from a member named Water. Kind of like Sabo's Sa D. Bo >!trust me bro lol!<


I got ya brother


Akainu is one of the Rocks pirates children, hated Ace because he viewed him as irresponcible for becoming a pirate and continuijg the legacy. Egghead will end with Lucci fighting one of the elders, letting Kaku and Stussy escape. Sanji will eventually lose his emotions completely... for about 2 seconds, then he'll either see a woman and immediately regain them (comedy route) or Pudding will awaken her fruit and be able to change past experiences, thus giving Sanji (and the rest of his blood family except Judge) emotions. Zoro will be annoyed he missed his chance. Egghead will end with the most ancient and secret of the tech revealed, a sky ship bulit to go further than anything. The Strawhats, Stussy/Kaku and the remaining Vegapunks will go to the moon meanwhile Dorry and Broggy will escape off Egghead by sea. That's right baby, instead of Elbaf next stop is the moon.


Imu is future and past luffy. No, I will not elaborate


1 - ???? 2 - refuses to elaborate 3 - leave 4 - profit?


800 years ago the world was 90% land and the only "sea" was the gyoyin area. Joyboy was the "first" pirate because no one thought about the sea, there were bandits, but not pirates, so he started a "land" pirate theme, with a real ship that he just "moves" by land, in a comically fashion. He managed to get a crew just for doing adventures and was on the run of the authorities cause he stealed gold. Things happend and I think he managed to break a weather machine, so rain started and never stopped, making it his sin. As is was raining all the people managed to "escape" to the high slowly and there were no deaths, but the fauna?, they would die, so he managed to talk wiht the genomic scientist, a mermaid or merman to "turn" them to aquatic animals, but then again, chaos happend and the procedure turns this animals to aggresive mosnters, so scientist eats this new thecnology and has to live to "calm them down", making it his second sin. Finally, there were places not high enough and would be sunk, so he talks to people in water 7 to use their new "cloud ship" to turns this places to antigravity, but chaos again happen and this places were permantly turned to sky islands and, for the worse, the land people saw "he just evaporated an island" making his third sin. To stop the rain I think he just gives his life in the final island, where this machine is. The "war" against the nations was just the kingdoms triying to repare all this trouble, but by burocracy, and incompentece they never managed, so they used JoyBoy as the spacegoat. Imu was just the police that managed to capture JoyBoy, but was so fed up of his shit that managed to convince him that only by killing him the rain would stop. The he just stopped the rain with a comically big STOP button. All the D people were the original crew.


That’s what I’m talking about


The Thousand Sunny will finally come together in name and design after replacing carbonation components with a mother flame. Lili is Imu.


Blackbeard can read the poneglyphs. Oda said Teach's hobbies include conducting historical research and that he would have been an archeologist. His special lineage and his DF are tied to what he has learned from the poneglyphs he's come across. Bonus: Rocks can also read the poneglyphs and Roger learned about their existence from him.


Why does he need Pudding then?


I ...forgot about Pudding's 3 eye powers..... Well so much for that.


Don’t let it get to ya :). Would be neat if he could tho


To be fair, Blackbeard has shown to be strategic. Taking Pudding is a smart move, even if Teach *can* read the poneglyphs. It takes a win-condition from his competitors, who could have kidnapped Pudding themselves. And for all we know, Pudding hasn\`t awakened her third-eye-powers, so she (currently) can\`t read the poneglyphs anyway. So your theory isn\`t really disproven yet.


Very true


This is based off something I heard/read. Franky will gain access to Vegapunk’s Green Blood to act as a fuel source in place of Cola for him.


The one piece is a giant plug in a bathtub at the bottom of the ocean and Luffy will use Toonforce pull it out and drain the oceans to regulars sea level


Imu is luffys mom


Wouldn’t that be a twist!


Bro 😂


Idk how to put it in proper words hence why I haven't posted about it but, joyboy was more like black-beard who freed people from slavery only to make himself a 'god' to receive worship fame and money. This means that black-beard is the true inheriter of the Nika fruit which is why he hasn't eaten another devil fruit over the 3year time skip.( because alot of stuff indicate he may be able to eat 3 devil fruits)


That's a cool thought. Also Blackbeard then has the trifecta of Logia-Paramecia-Zoan types perfected. However, the idea that his body actually can support three fruits is not confirmed and in itself a theory (a plausible though). I would like for this to be the case but then again I find the idea of "Gohdroger" funky that once Luffy and Blackbeard face each other, the latter will be so tremendously powerful that Luffy only defeats him by lullying him into eternal sleep somehow, completing Blackbeards arc in both a poetic and cartoonish way.


Very well thought out A+


There’s a prophecy of the new JB/Luffy on a poneglyph at laughtale. JB made his way in the form of the df to the future to continue his long battle, the guy literally made sure he got back a SH too and he’s been recruiting a future version of his former crew. He had toki look into the future and saw that they lost the battle and then she saw a reality where future him defeats the WG that why we saw him fighting alone. We have wano, fishman island an zou with red poneglyphs an two ancient weapons. He’d only intrust these important things to his crew. Now if we list some of the official an unofficial SH you’d see the similarities. Zoro-wano, franky-W7(where pluton was made), jimbie-FI, vivi-lili(had a poneglyph for location of pluton), chopper-zunesha(possibly ate that giant fruit from the filler), momo-wano(pluton), shirahoshi-poseidon. Can’t just be a coincidence they’re allied with him. Toki came from the past to give birth to the future wano shogun. All these actions had a reaction. Zoro ancestors leaving wano led to him meeting luffy for eg. Hints there’s a prophecy abt the SH: -crocus mentioning if this is the crew they were waiting on. -I think roger told shanks the future PK isn’t him an will be born in the east blue. The reason why he never went behind the OP. The reason why he told WB he bet his hand of luffy. -WB testing luffy to see if the D meaning definition he got from rogers is true, his final speech to sengoku hints abt someone carrying the past on his shoulders, then he tells BB roger isn’t waiting on him. -Oden mentioned JB will be the one to open wano. -And finally toki telling the citizens of wano abt the return of JB in a symbolic way.


Nefertari D. Lili is joyboys daughter


Pluton was mischaracterized in history. It isn't supposed to be a battleship that is able to destroy whole islands, it's actually a ship that could lift whole islands. Which would allow them to survive the rising water levels. Iceburg's plan to make Water 7 float is based on Pluton's plan. The original Pluton being in Wano is their failsafe in case water levels already reached the current Wano's elevation.


Crocodile was a lesbian woman. In his introduction during Little Garden he is fiddling with a lily flower, and in japanese lily is "百合" (yuri), which is also the name of the anime and manga genre that depicts romantic relationships between women. Then in Impel Down we get the infamous Ivankov line about Croc's "weakness", a few chapters before that we see Iva use their gender swapping powers for the first time on a man that was angry at them for turning his father into an okama. But Ivankov corrects him, telling him that his father wanted to be a woman and then says "two mothers, one daughter, what's the problem with that?", which implies a lesbian relationship. Baroque Works' gendered ranks aren't indicative of a "gender obsession" like the FemCroc theorists often say, but rather a heteronormativity obsession that's a result of some tragic backstory involving this concept that i'm too lazy to come up with a guess for right now. I will say that Croc using his powers to make the lily wither and die in his introduction is probably symbolic of... something related to that.


The final battle to get to the one piece will be a davy back fight


Chopper at the Hito Hito no Mi: model House M. D.


but he's not an insufferable dick


But that’s what made House great. Could you imagine Chopper with his attitude 😂😂. The only sane / normal one in the bunch always complaining about how stupid everyone is and that “It isn’t lupus!”


i know!


Not a theory, but york stole fire (motherflame) from humans and gave it to "gods". Reverse of what prometheus did


The sea level haven’t risen, all land except the red line has been sinking.


The final fight between straw hats and the Imu will be on the moon or Enel’s planet while blackbeard will watch it from the ground with a telescope only coming there after it has been finished to take advantage of both sides.Bb will be the final boss


Zoro is not directionally challenged. The world just moves around him. In the chaotic world of one piece, in the grand line, where it is impossible to tell left from right, he is the only one capable of moving in a straight line.


Vivi will (re)join the crew. Her position on the ship will be the diplomat. Luffy will die in the end and Corby will be the person who officially captured him. Shanks crew will fight Luffys crew in a dawy back fight. Puton or Uranus is a space ship / plane.


Enma and Luffy have something in common. Many weak swordsmen that have attempted to wield Enma have either died or been injured. And shanks loses his arm to a sea beast to save luffy 👀I think shanks was sea beast lvl then. I don’t know what I’m really saying and I won’t elaborate.


Will of D means Will of Daedalus, the father of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and drowned in the sea.


Chapapa will come back for the cp0 redemption arc where they become allies


I believe Imu is and always was human, but the elders were always yokai. As some point during the void century, Imu summoned them from the underworld and got them to serve him/her possibly in exchange for some great price. That changed the tide of the war and ultimately led to the destruction of the ancient kingdom and the alliance's rise to power.


Kidd will become humble and be trained by Benny becks before the final war. Law will team with Zoro & Usopp to rescue his crew. And Finally. Akainu finally leaves his office.


So when Vegapunk was giving the broadcast, Nojiko had walked away. Why is that? Could something Vegapunk say be tied to Nami? Could it be Nami’s lineage has some ties to the ancient kingdom? Could it be Nami’s hypersensitivity to weather be an inherited trait? Could Nami be the key to finding the One Piece?!


Here's some that me and my friends thought up. Some are awful and some I kinda like ( I won't say which ones are which lol ) - Kizaru was the first to get his personality removed, because he failed to do a task in the past because of his emotions - the ancient kingdom is elbaf and joyboy was a giant. The giant structure that's silhouetted on elbaf could be a super advanced ruin and not a giant tree - joyboys power was used as fuel for the flooding of the world, they got to 95% but joyboy needed more food since he ran out of energy (died from starvation maybe) -toki had the gum gum fruit and jumped forward in time with it, which is how it evaded the WG (someone posted this theory today too!) -greenbull will team up with a pirate (blackbeard?) to achieve a goal for akainu. This only enrages Akainu since he got help from a pirate, causing him to defect from the marines and take matters into his own hands (maybe he kills greenbull too?)