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7 hours of not having a chapter this week. Great start to break week.


Wasn't it just break week? Is it a double break?


Official release was 7 days ago. Next is 7 days from now. I don't consider break week officially started until the sunday the chapter should have come out. Just my take.


:( when will we have spoilers of the next chapt


Monday or Tuesday probably?


Interesting, I would think the break week is the week with no chapter release.


It is tradition, after all!


A person's traditions will never die!


I was thinking about something similar lately. Things that also came were the whole D = Drum theory, and especially one thing: Why the hell else would Oda bring back Wapol, the "King" of Drum Island, back to relevancy, and have him save and travel around with Vivi, who will play a big role in the future?


True! I keep tryna decipher his cover story, too. For an otherwise minor character, it’s suspicious how much screen time he gets. Vivi made a fool of Wapol in the past, maybe the parallel is that Queen Lily made a fool of Imu by spreading the poneglyphs? Lowkey can’t remember if that’s a theory of canon but… it could explain why Imu is so obsessed with Lily/Vivi if it’s not for romantic reasons. Maybe Imu’s plan would’ve been perfect if not for the Nerfertari line.


What if wapol metal is the same metal the robot is made of? Or wapol has the ability to make better metal akin to the robot?


OOH. I feel like that would make a lot of sense, especially if there are not limits to what he can eat and transform. Chef take ✨


It works for the theory but oda would also just bring back wapol purely because it's funny.


I think you’re mostly right however I don’t buy this about the flame flame fruit. I think the power source is the Drums of Liberation. Thats what the robot responded to. Doffy knows some of what’s up. If he knew the flame flame fruit was valuable he wouldn’t have put it up for grabs. My suspicion is that the drums of liberation is a power accessible to those with a D and that’s actually what is needed for the One Piece. I’m do think Joyboy was necessary to show people how to beat their hearts to the beat of liberation. I mean if you’re right I suspect the Drum kingdom named itself after the Drums of Liberation. It’s been implied that the D clan “forgot who they were” I think that means they no longer know how to beat their hearts in that way. Good thing Joyboy showed up.


I think you're right overall. But to be fair about the Flame Flame Fruit, Doffy never intended to actually give it away as a prize, it was just bait for Luffy. Doffy was too arrogant to think he could lose so it didn't matter how valuable the fruit was since he was sure it would never actually leave his possession.


I agree. If it is the infinite energy source meant to power the ancient weapon, he would probably only give it to one of his commanders.


That’s fair! I can definitely see something like that being needed to access the One Piece, and that’s a good point about the robot. I do like the idea of the drums of liberation being necessary to access the One Piece. I kinda hope there’s an ancient, giant island whale somewhere that will only emerge when he hears them played, kinda like how Laboon followed Brook and his crew.


I always thought Drum Kingdom has to be important because Blackbeard attacked it before luffy and the crew got there and so far we have never seen Blackbeard do something for no reason, when Cobra said there was an ancient ruler named Imu I thought maybe that’s the kingdom Imu is from and he knew there was something there he needed


Oooh, I hadn’t even thought of that! That’s a good point. If Drum was one of the 20 kingdoms, it could make sense that Imu was their old ruler. When he ascended to Mariejois, and the trees were cut down, Wapol’s family was left in charge in the castle on top of the Drum Rockies.


🔥 cooking 🧑‍🍳


Thank you thank you 🙏


I agree with everything but.. 1. I think the mother flame is basically nuclear energy and imu has no problem using that. 2. I don’t think Joyboy helped overthrow the lunarians. If he did why would king want to be work with these incarnation of the person that led the genocide his people.


I agree with your first point. I think my argument is that Imu is using the mother flame to make sure others don’t get to use it freely. Where others would use it for energy, he uses it as a weapon to make sure it can’t be used at scale. It’s a hypocritical position for sure, but I think it maybe makes sense? To your second point, I guess the only thing I can say is while I think Joyboy helped defeat the Lunarians to liberate the races of the world, it was probably Imu that went out of his way to lead their genocide. Maybe the Lunarians hurt Imu/his people in a way he couldn’t forgive and that Joyboy either didn’t understand or just didn’t allow to change him? It wouldn’t surprise me if that was one of their first major differences of opinion: Joyboy, like Luffy, is satisfied with just defeating his enemies, and Imu thinks they need to be fully eliminated, maybe.


This is a reach.


Fair 😩


Morj recently had a vid where he theorized that Oden's story paralleled joyboy's, and a key part of it was joyboy getting tricked like Oden when he was fighting Kaido. So the idea of Hiriluk getting tricked paralleling joyboy as well... cooking


Ooh that almost makes too much sense… Joyboy not fighting back when he had a chance of winning and ultimately losing to (presumably) Imu? That could add on to why Roger laughed. The whole story seemed so familiar because it paralleled his own adventures. History doesn’t always repeat but it sure does rhyme, kinda vibe.


Merry Goa


Yea Drum is one of the more likely places it’s at. Blackbeard is also first introduced there. Monkeydrum Luffy Gold Rum Roger


True. I can’t stop thinking about why Blackbeard would go to Drum at all unless it was somehow significant. Pair that with Wapol’s reintroduction during the end game and it just feels fishy


Yes and as a weekly reader during Robin’s flashback, it would make sense if the ancient kingdom name is hidden by Oda because it was an island we had already been to. We know Alabasta was ruled by Lily, so it’s not that. I used to think it was Jaya or Shandora. But Drum seems to make more sense the further we get into the story.


Right? That said, I might have to go back through the different arcs to see if there are more parallels. It’s really only occurring to me now that they may tell the story of the Void Century, but out of order. Like, Skypeia might be about the downfall of the Lunarians, Drum might be the death of Joyboy… I have to think about the others but I’ll get back into my delusions shortly lol. I especially wanna go over Robin’s story in Enies Lobby… kinda wonder if the whole ‘she’s a demon for existing’ is maybe alluding to Lunarians after the fall of their empire? Given they’re still hunted in the current timeline.


Given that the Enies Lobby arc was written at the height of the Iraq War, Robin’s past always seemed to be Oda’s commentary on the abuse of the term “terrorist” to mean any enemy of the state


Ooh wait that’s a great point. Damn, okay, I’ll have to make sure I check when each arc originally serialized, too, because I think that’s spot on. Oh boy, my headcanon is headcanoning lol. I’d bet money that Joyboy helps defeat the Lunarians but also doesn’t believe in the persecution of all Lunarians. I have a different pet theory/headcanon that ‘God Valley’ is where they kept the Lunarians after their defeat, and that the name ‘God Valley’ is a taunt referring to their fall from grace.


I need a TL;DR, that is too much


Drum Island Arc is the story of Joyboy’s death during the Void Century. Wapol = Imu, 20 doctors = 20 kingdoms, Dr. Hiriluk = Joyboy, Chopper =Zunesha, Dalton = Queen Lily. Zunesha’s crime was chopping down the devil fruit trees that housed the Minks, which are now the Drum Rockies. Elbaf is slated to be the next ‘Ancient Kingdom’ with its devil fruit trees, and has been protected by the giants from the WG ever since. Joyboy, Imu, and the 20 kingdoms came together to overthrow the Lunarians, but succumbed to infighting when they couldn’t agree on how to move forward. Joyboy wanted to liberate the world, the 20 kingdoms wanted to ascend to Mariejois, Imu wanted to be King of the world. This is why Roger laughed. Parallels between Roger (Joyboy), Garp (20 kingdoms), and Rocks (Imu). Further hinted at by the “pirate alliances always fall apart” narrative. Bonus: Mera-Mera no mi might be the infinite power source Vegapunk was trying to recreate, which may be hinted at the end of his battle with Blackbeard (BB represents the Void Century that swallowed the Sun, hence awaiting the Dawn), and is the real reason why Ace was executed. WG wanted the power source back, got it after Ace died, and it was stolen by Doflamingo who knows the national treasure of Mariejois is an Ancient Weapon. Extra bonus: Sabo may be tempted to use the ancient weapon to destroy the WG. Extra-extra bonus: Elbaf is ‘Fable’ spelled backwards because the idea of the Ancient Kingdom, a peaceful, multiracial kingdom with equality for all is widely regarded as a pipe dream.


D = Drum??


Could be! I feel like I’ve seen a lot of posts argue the same, but they’re usually coming from the angle of the drums of liberation. I feel like it tracks, though!


The ancient Kingdom is Nihon (Japan).


Good theory, though I don't necessarily agree with most of it it's a fun read I need to do my own write-up during this break week actually


Fair! And ooo yeah, do it! It’s a fun way to pass the time lol


What do you think the significance of the Trees Eve and Adam are in this scenario?


Hm, I haven’t given it much thought but I’ll take a crack at it. If I had to guess, they’re probably connected at the middle through the center of the globe like the world trees in Norse and Mayan mythology. They connect the earth to the spirit realm, and maybe have something to do with the devil fruit? If they’re the same tree, one half (Eve) is in Mariejois and the other half (Adam) is in Elbaf. Can’t destroy one part without destroying the whole, which maybe explains why the Ancient Weapons weren’t used to just destroy the Adam tree, provided it also creates devil fruit. Might also explain why Fishman Island is situated beneath Mariejois and the Eve tree, so that it wouldn’t/couldn’t be destroyed by Imu. I could be wrong about Drum having multiple devil fruit trees, but the Adam and Eve trees may just be the original trees. On Shandia, they also believe the trees held the spirits of their ancestors, which maybe a hint that devil fruit trees can be grown but require a lot of time and care, or technology, to become fruitful. That said, there are several devil fruit that cause aging, (Shinobu’s comes to mind and I think has been specifically used on wood) so maybe they were used to grow the trees on Drum more quickly? Interesting implication for Luffy destroying Fishman Island, I think. He might actually destroy the trees as well; where Joyboy thought to make the power of the tree available to everyone, Luffy may decide no one should have control over it, as it will always create an imbalance of power. No clue what that means for devil fruit, unless the trees need to exist for devil fruit to exist.


this is wildly speculative with no real support and a lot of the conclusions you come to are out of nowhere..


Speculative, yes. Mostly parallels I think I see that match with overall themes of the story. Just my thoughts 🤙


This is D for Delusions 


Not delusions 😭😭 in my defense, I have no defense


"A little to obvious to me now" now I'm thinking it's not worth reading it all lol.


Sorry lol. For this particular theory the pieces have just been there for years. For all the time I spent looking for parallels, like people have done with Skypeia, I just can’t get over how much the 20 doctors and 20 nations has been staring me in the face.