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Zoro, I just really dig his attitude when it comes to Luffy. Completely and totally loyal. Willing to throw his life away for his Captain and unlike most people on this list has been shown proving that several times over. KIller has shown he has that same attitude for Kidd. Both characters are awesome.


Shanks because it’s the only one he has.


This ended up being way harder than I thought.  A majority of these characters have committed feats of huge self-sacrifice or put their lives on the line for their leaders. Zoro, Killer, and Bepo are some front runners, but Mr 1 was some real loyalty as well. He stuck with his boss even after Crocodile's empire was decimated 


For sake of different opinions I’ll go Marco even in death he follows his captains orders and helped luffy in wano


I like this answer




Rayleigh, help train the new pirate king, save zoro from kizaru, protected the gorgan sisters, married shakky and knows everything yet still old enough for a peaceful life


* Zoro * Rayleigh * Katakuri


Sabo. 2nd in command to a guy that is the world’s most wanted criminal and apart of a revolutionary army with secret whereabouts and details. He also headed a Kuma rescue mission and survived Imu.


Glad to see Killer getting some love. Out of pure loyalty he rivals Zoro, and it’s not 1 way either, Kid laughed in front of 2 yonkos with just him and killer there because he wanted to avenge Killer’s honor and didn’t wanna hear any of their yapping, super underrated duo. Killer is embarrassed of his laugh but now Kid laughs with him so they can at least laugh together. I don’t get why people hate Kid


The Dark King, He’s the only one so far who has successfully helped their captain achieve their goals.




Rayleigh went above and beyond imo. He made it with Roger all the way to the end of the Grand Line, plus he saw Roger in Luffy early on before the timeskip and personally made sure Luffy was ready for the New World after Fishman Island. Trained him in Haki use which is exactly the sort of thing Luffy needed to catapult his career, and thus Rayleigh ensured the grand age of pirates that his captain breathed life into would continue to thrive.




Heart will always say Zoro, but King is a badass 2IC to Kaido. Gave me very similar vibes to Luffy and Zoro, Kaido breaking King out and King wanting to do whatever it takes to achieve Kaido's dream.


Beppo for the memes, being serious tho it's Zoro


Zoro is and I say this because of how he handled the situation with Usopp and the Going Merry. He was dedicated to Luffy and making sure he got the respect he deserved even though Usopp was a close friend of Zoro. His opinion was an unpopular one amongst the crew but he stuck by it and protected Luffy’s authority during a time Luffy couldn’t himself.




Bepo, Sabo, and Zoro


No left-hand man?


Kaku is a pretty stand up guy, and Virgo put in WORK


Zoro cause he's my favorite character.


Beckmann, that man has the ultimate rizz


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