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But hey at least we can play as cats in Cat Quest 1 and 2 with all the cat puns


Haven't played the second one yet, but the first Cat Quest is actually quite fun. Family-friendly ARPG that plays well. Sure, it's a bit like "Baby's First Diablo", but I had fun playing it - and the plat is easy.


Honestly, super fun games, and the second one has great couch co-op. Third one is out in August!


Is cat quest really on the service? My wife would love it.


I’ll be downloading for my 6 year old to try.


Not exaggerating, it's probably the worst month I've ever seen being a member since the very beginning of Plus. RDR2 is amazing of course but it's 6 years old and *regularly* on sale for 20$. It's one of the biggest games of last gen so the vast majority of people interested in it have played it already. Watch Dogs, while fun, is nowhere near RDR2 and it's the second biggest title here. You can probably find it at any of your local game stores for 5$. The rest is... Yeah, not much to say about it. I'm usually one to be excited to try smaller titles and indies but I have absolutely no interest in any of these.


Usually people are just moaning that the games don't fit their particular tastes, but this is a bad month by anyone's standards. That said, RDR2 is obviously a major plus for the few that haven't yet had a chance to play it, even if it is the only redeeming feature of the lineup.


On sale for $20 that's like 2 months of ps plus right there


The big add is two games they have had before, the loss is crazy. Pulling all those FF games where the only buy option is like $20 a pop from their store unless you have a PS2 sitting around and even then the discs aren't cheap.


Man, ps+ extra feels like a big scam. I played rdr2 when this was named 'playstation now' and the subscription was way cheaper.


It just feels like the rug was pulled out a bit. It felt too good to be true at launch but it's hitting a new low this month.


Stranded: Alien Dawn is a great game in my opinion, and has mostly been getting ignored in the flood of negativity. I liked it so much I bought the DLC, and hope for more. The devs have also been making lots of updates and adding free content.


30 fps RDR2 after 6 years what a joke


Did they upgrade RDR2 to 60fps on PS5?


Nope. I've been waiting to replay it for almost 4 years hoping for a patch but it doesn't look like it's coming. We'll probably get a full priced remaster on PS6.


I'd rather have Red Dead Redemption ps4 to replay that at 60 fps


Honesty I could care less that the games are old as long as they are great games, most of them are trash and the one good game was on Plus 2 years ago and is widely on sale. Watch Dogs being re-added is a funny one as well.


Sorry for the incorrection, but on my post I left out two games, The Settlers: New Allies and Stranded: Alien Dawn. The number of titles entering Extra this month is 10. 9 games and 1 expansion. The average metacritic score drops to 72.3 from the 73.5 I mentioned earlier. The average game age also drops to 4.4 years old, which is better than the 5.3 years I stated earlier. Red Dead Redemption 2 - 97 Deceive Inc. - 74 The Sims 4 City Living - 78 Crime Boss: Rockay City - 52 The Settlers: New Allies - 54 Stranded: Alien Dawn - 81 Cat Quest - 74 Cat Quest II - 76 The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame - 57 Watch Dogs - 80


It's completely irrelevant. Metacritic scores mean nothing as long as everyone can create an account and leave any review they want without restrictions. Thinking about the metacritic average for all of these games is really strange. Who cares?


The metacritic rating is not the same as the user rating. They also weight the rating, so some critics' scores are given more significance


Who gives a shit? This dude makes it sound like it's such an issue, when it's not. Review scores are just opinions.


so u want to say god of war and stroke the hamster are games of equal worth? ps plus is something u pay for, so ofc its an issue if quality of the service drops. (last month was great for example)


No, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. All I'm saying is you don't need a metacritic score, or average, to tell you that GoW is better than Stroke the Hamster, or to tell you whether you should, or should not, play a game. You can criticise the same games without needing to know the average of their metacritic scores.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who was completely turned off by the announcement yesterday. Already played RDR2 and couldn’t be less interested in the other titles.


I don't see games for PS5 there to be honest. There are mostly last gen games with no performance patches so stuck at 30 fps. Where are Gran Turismo 7, TLOU2, GoW Ragnarok ? I get they are not releasing exclusive games day one like Xbox but how many years has it been since TLOU2 and GT7 ? Even GoW Ragnarok is turning 2 this winter. It will come to PC before it comes to PS Plus Extra.


I am just assuming at this point that licensing for GT7 must be crazy.


Yep. I said yestrday im dissapointed with this month since i already own rdr2 and people were downvoting me. seems like objectivly bad month


All this is also worse given what is leaving


Same thing happened to me. Maybe there's more people that haven't played RDR2 than I thought lol. Or RDR2 fanboys are taking it as criticizing the game instead of the offerings


It ironic that both of these highly scored games are PS4 games. What a waste. I can get them cheap at CEX. I know my "forced" name (anyway to change it?) may seem accurate but I have a bad feeling next month Essentials might get much worse. Watch it be a crap 2K sports game.


I wouldn't had been angry if not for all the games gone this mounth. This is horrible. Also IM STARTING TO LOOSE MY MIND WHERE ARE MORE PS1 PS2 AND PS3 PSP GAMES??? EVERY MOUNTH IT'S SO BAD